Beyond Greens vs. Athletic Greens: A Healthy Dive (2024)

Beyond Greens vs. Athletic Greens: A Healthy Dive (1)

Are you someone who’s looking to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet but can’t seem to find the right ones?

You’re not alone, as supplement manufacturers have taken note of this habit and have created a plethora of greens powder products for anyone looking for an easy vitamin and mineral boost or simply wanting to improve their immune and digestive health.

If you’re already aware of this product, you’re one step ahead, but which one do you choose?

Vitamin shops carry an assortment of greens powders, and two of the most prominent ones are Beyond Greens and Athletic Greens.

Even though you could scourge over the nutrition label and try to decipher some of the ingredients, we’ve taken the guesswork out of it and have made your decision even easier.

This guide serves to answer one question: in the battle between Beyond Greens vs. Athletic Greens, which one is better?

Beyond Greens vs. Athletic Greens: A Quick Comparison

In this guide, you’ll be able to get a comprehensive look at Beyond Greens vs. Athletic Greens based on a variety of factors including featured ingredients, benefits claims, customer feedback, and price points for their most popular products. The table below is a summary of some of our findings:

Beyond GreensAthletic Greens
Featured Ingredients– Milk Thistle
– Echinacea
– Matcha
– Chlorella
– Reishi Mushroom
– Lactospore (probiotic)
– FOS/XOS blend
– Spirulina
– Chlorella
– Grape Seed Extract
– Antioxidant Extract
– Reishi Mushroom
– Bark Powder
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Benefits Claims– Energy
– DetoxImmunity Support
– Energy
– Digestive Health
– Immunity Support
– Nervous System
– Support
Customer Feedback– 4.8/5 (website)
– 4.4/5 (Amazon)
– Pros: Mixes well, great for smoothies, good energy
– Cons: Taste needs improvement
– 4.5/5 (website)
– 4.6/5 (Amazon)
– Pros: Plenty of daily energy, helps with digestion
– Cons: Average taste, ingredients need to be considered
Price Points$39.99– The Pouch: $99
– Travel Packs: $109

Beyond Greens Overview

Beyond Greens vs. Athletic Greens: A Healthy Dive (2)

The first in our list may be a more recent edition of the green powder products in stores, but it has certainly made a name for itself on its website and across Amazon.


Beyond Greens is produced by Live Conscious (formerly LiveWell), a supplement and wellness company that was founded in 2014.

As mentioned on their website, their focus is “Traditional Wisdom Meets Contemporary Science,” which is definitely shown through their products like Beyond Greens.

They pride themselves on having ingredients that are traditionally and naturally sourced and focus their efforts on sustainability, including their pledge with the Eden Reforestation Project to plant one million trees.

Live Conscious is also a US-based company and touts being third-party tested for its products. Visitors to their website can expect a 10% discount on products like Beyond Greens by signing up for their newsletter.


Live Conscious has a variety of supplements on its website ranging from heart support to collagen production to eye health and more.

However, they have only one Beyond Greens product. Their signature green powder comes in one size: a thirty-serving container with 3.8 grams per serving.


Live Conscious (and by proxy Beyond Greens) markets itself on being transparent with its ingredients and methodology.

This product appears to have naturally acquired ingredients that our finely ground together into its powder blend.

Among some of its most popular ingredients are the antioxidant-rich milk thistle, rhodiola, rosea, echinacea, matcha, chlorella, ceylon cinnamon, and acacia.

These ingredients vary in their uses but are mostly related to liver and immune support.

As you can see, Beyond Greens is predominantly vegetable-based. It also features a mushroom blend including the sought-after reishi mushroom.

For those looking for bloating and digestive relief, this product has the probiotic Lactospore (Bacillus coagulans) and a prebiotic blend with FOS and XOS to enhance the Lactospore’s actions.

It’s interesting to note that the nutrition label for Beyond Greens does not list macronutrients (fat, proteins, and carbohydrates) nor does it list vitamins and minerals, meaning most of your information will be based on the individual ingredients.

As a result, further research may be needed to ensure that this product can sufficiently add to your daily values.


Beyond Greens is promoted for “Energy, Detox, & Immunity” along with other claims such as immune system support and gut health.

When analyzing this product, it’s important to look at it as the sum of its parts rather than the whole, meaning that a lot of the research will be based on individual ingredients.

Reishi mushrooms, for example, are touted as being beneficial for immune health by supposedly improving white blood cell count, but studies are split on this aspect.

Milk thistle is another ingredient that is popular among supplement fans due to its apparent benefits for liver function, but its connection to improved liver diseases like cirrhosis is tentative at best.

There are ingredients that have grounded research to support the benefits suggested, but the amount in each serving of Beyond Greens might not be enough.

For example, acacia gum is said to help with cholesterol management with suggestions of 3,000mg to 15 grams a day (research varies on the exact amount). In this product, however, acacia gum only clocks in at 190 mg, well below the threshold.

On the plus side, Beyond Greens contains an acceptable amount of echinacea for immunity support. In addition, matcha is a known energy source and Beyond Greens features that in safe doses.

Overall, Beyond Greens may not be an overnight sensation for your health, but it does have some perks.


On the Live Conscious website, they feature Beyond Greens with a 4.8 out of 5 rating based on 435 reviews.

A few of these reviews may be carried over from its listing on Amazon, which has a 4.4 out of 5 rating with 3,026 reviews as of this writing. As a result, both sets of feedback will be considered.

Fans of this product have remarked that it mixes well and is “great for smoothies.” Others point to the cost per container and the subscription plan compared to other green powder products on the market.

A common praise for Beyond Greens is its sustained energy when taken early in the day with a few customers remarking that it has helped wean them off of coffee.

However, it does have its critics as well. The most common critique from customers is the taste of the product.

Some are not fond of its “earthy flavor” while others have found that it is better suited as an extra ingredient in main shakes rather than taken by itself.

The tempered ingredients per serving have also led customers to remark that the benefits are not felt sooner, though this is more anecdotal.


Beyond Green’s main website has a very detailed pricing plan for its product to accommodate those new to green powder and those who see longevity in it.

A one-time purchase of a single jar is $39.99, two jars are $36.99 each and four jars are $31.99 each.

One of its better selling points is the subscription model which adds even more flexibility.

Customers can receive one jar a month for $31.99, two jars per two months for $28.99 each, and four jars per four months for $24.99 each.

In fact, Live Conscious touts this last subscription as its best value.

Beyond Greens is reasonably priced, popular with customers, and features an assortment of ingredients with some level of validity all backed by a company based on sustainability and wellness.

Athletic Greens Overview

Beyond Greens vs. Athletic Greens: A Healthy Dive (3)

The debate of Athletic Greens vs. Beyond Greens now turns into a product with a significant marketing campaign and professional notoriety.


Founded in 2009, Athletic Greens is the titular company for this green powder.

Their mission is to “bring comprehensive and convenient daily nutrition to just about everybody” despite the appearance of being geared towards athletes.

This New Zealand-based company operates out of a Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) registered facility. They are also National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) certified, adding more credence to their place as a premier supplement company.

Like Live Conscious, Athletic Greens (rebranded now to AG1), is devoted to sustainability. They are Climate Neutral Certified and utilize smart labeling on their products to educate customers on proper recycling for their containers.


Prior to their rebranding to AG1, Athletic Greens had a host of products that ranged from comprehensive greens powders to D3+K2 drops to omega-3 fish oil pills.

These products are still found on Amazon but the transition to AG1 has led to two main products from their company.

They offer a singular pouch with thirty servings (called The Pouch) and a collection of thirty individual serving-size packs (called Travel Packs). Each serving in either product is 12 grams.


One of the highest selling points of AG1 is that it contains “75 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.” This is a significant amount of nutrition packed into each serving, especially compared to other green powders.

Each batch is tested and verified based on NSF and TGA standards, ensuring a quality product along the way. In fact, AG1 claims that they have revised their products 52 times as of this writing.

Along with alkaline, AG1 powder products contain a Nutrient-Dense Superfood Complex including spirulina, chlorella powder, broccoli powder, pineapple fruit concentrate, grape seed extract, and bark powder.

Like Beyond Greens, it has herb and antioxidant extracts and reishi mushrooms (though AG1 also has shiitake mushroom powder as a part of its Digestive Enzyme & Super Mushroom Complex).

If you’re looking for a probiotic-filled green powder, you’re in luck as AG1 has the probiotic strains Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum for better gut health.

Unlike Beyond Greens, it does feature a nutrition label describing the macronutrients. Per serving, AG1 has 50 calories, 6 grams of total carbohydrates, and 2 grams of protein.


AG1 is marketed broadly for athletes but is also said to be suitable for more casual use.

It’s also promoting its ability to help with sustained energy throughout the day, immune support, digestive health, and blood sugar control among many health claims.

As a whole, AG1 is not clinically tested as of this writing beyond its TGA and NSF production standards.

However, when looking at some of the key ingredients you find mild to strong support for some of their supposed benefits.

With alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and various B vitamins that offer well beyond the recommended daily value, this claim has validity.

However, just like Beyond Greens, many of the ingredients (including those that the previous green powder shares) found in AG1 are not at the amounts required to have the demonstrable effects that they propose.

Chlorella, for example, has some small sample research backing up claims of helping with non-fatty liver disease and blood sugar, yet the debate is still ongoing regarding the exact amount needed per day.

On the other hand, the probiotic blend has enough research backing for its claims of better gut health, bloating relief, and good bacteria sustenance following antibiotic use.

A word of caution: with such a high amount of ingredients found in Athletic Greens it’s important to review it with a physician to see if there are any possible reactions to medications like blood thinners or if you have certain food allergies.


AG1 is proud of its product, which is why it boasts an impressive 4.5 out of 5 rating on its website based on over 20,000 reviews.

However, the previous incarnations of the product in the original packaging are also on Amazon with a 4.6 out of 5 for the Travel Packs and 4.5 out of 5 for The Pouch.

Given the rebrand and potential change in ingredients/production, the reviews will be based on what’s on the website.

Customers are absolutely thrilled about the energy it provides with the high amount of B vitamins.

Others have pointed to the well-rounded vitamin and mineral count and how it fully complements their diet in areas that they believe are lacking (especially with vegetable and fruit intake).

Although anecdotal, some customers have even reported a lower cholesterol count, though whether it’s attributed solely to AG1 or correlated to it is unknown.

This green powder does not come without its detractors. The most common criticism for AG1 is the taste, ranging from average to “not good” by one of its harsher customers. A few patients have also said that they have not seen results as fast as they would have preferred.

Finally, as mentioned previously, the high ingredient amount has made some customers weary about buying it without consulting their doctor or allergist first.


With two product styles each with the same serving size, AG1 provides an abundance of purchasing options.

For The Pouch, you can purchase one bag for $99 or take advantage of their monthly subscription plan for $79 for one or two per month for $149.

As for the Travel Packs, they come in slightly higher at $109 for a one-time purchase, $89 for one set per month, or $169 for two sets per month.

Athletic Greens vs. Beyond Greens: Comparing the Things That Matter

After reviewing the summary chart and this comprehensive guide, you’re well on your way to answering the AG1 vs. Beyond Greens debate. When looking at the entire scope of the comparison, it essentially boils down to three areas: ingredients, reviews, and price.

1. Ingredients

Beyond Greens may have fewer ingredients than Athletic Greens, but they are featured heavily on the packaging and marketing for ease of consumer research, including echinacea for immune support and the probiotic blend.

By comparison, AG1 has a sizable list that may require customers to take a deeper dive in order to prevent any adverse medical or allergic side effects, but it makes it easier to round out your nutritional needs.

Both products have ingredients that need further review to verify their individual health benefits or are simply not at an adequate level per serving to make a difference.

With that said, AG1 does edge out Beyond Greens by having more ingredients that are backed by research to provide ample energy and general wellness.

Despite some possible consumer caution, Athletic Greens is arguably more impressive with its ingredients than Beyond Greens.

2. Reviews

If you’re looking solely at the scores on their respective websites, Beyond Greens has the advantage by being scored at a 4.8 out of 5 compared to AG1’s 4.5 rating.

Yet even that metric could be skewed; Beyond Greens has a lower aggregated review amount with 435 reviews as opposed to AG1’s 20,000 count, so that may not be the most appropriate comparison.

Using Amazon reviews is also tricky because of AG1’s rebranding and subsequent ingredient change, so it may be better to look at the quality of reviews over quantity.

Customers love both Beyond Greens and Athletic Greens, that’s a given. Both have fans of how well they mix in water or as part of larger smoothies, both enjoy the probiotic blends that help with digestion and bloating, and both provide energy with either matcha or B vitamins.

Where the product reviews begin to differ is in the drawbacks.

Even though Beyond Greens and Athletic Greens have received lukewarm feedback for their tastes, Athletic Greens has, for the most part, been the recipient of more neutral or apathetic reviews in this regard compared to more pointed criticisms of Beyond Greens.

It’s also gotten more acclaim for its health benefits ranging from customers to full testimonials from athletes and public figures. While that could just be the efforts of an effective marketing campaign, it does imply stronger longevity with results.

Beyond Greens may be a popular product on its website and Amazon, but Athletic Greens once again takes this category.

3. Price

Looking at ingredients and reviews may be a good strategy, but customers are usually drawn to one thing when shopping online: the price. And when it comes to AG1 vs. Beyond Greens, the difference is apparent.

Live Conscious has only one version of their Beyond Greens product on the market, pricing it at $39.99 for one 30-serving container with 3.8 grams per serving.

AG1, on the other hand, has two types of packaging for its green powder with 12 grams per serving with 30 servings with pricing ranging from $99 to $109. On the surface, it looks like Beyond Greens is the better option financially because it’s cheaper, right?

Not exactly, as Beyond Greens’ serving size extrapolated to Athletic Greens’ serving size puts it at approximately $119.97, which is above its highest single-purchase offering.

There’s also the argument to be made that a higher price point could indicate higher quality ingredients and production, and given what’s shown from customer feedback and the nutrition label it’s hard to negate that.

Beyond Greens does have a more expansive pricing plan for both one-time and subscription-based purchases, something that AG1 adequately does between The Pouch and the Travel Packs.

Depending on whether you’re looking for inexpensive green powder access or a premier product at a higher cost you may find both Beyond Greens and Athletic Greens acceptable.

Beyond Greens vs. Athletic Greens: The Verdict

Based on a thorough look at the products, ingredients, benefits, and customer feedback, the superior greens powder between these two behemoths is arguably Athletic Greens.

Despite having a higher price point and an abundance of ingredients that may require deeper sifting if you have certain pre-existing conditions, the product has stronger research behind a few of its key ingredients.

Furthermore, having wholesale or travel-sized options makes Athletic Greens a more convenient product to have based on your lifestyle.

That said, Beyond Greens is not a poor product. On the contrary, it’s a fantastic product to have on your shelf if you’re looking for a cost-effective healthy add-on to your daily diet.

It offers a clean energy source without having to rely on coffee or energy drinks. Their subscription rates also make for a great way to get the greens you need on a consistent basis.

No matter how the comparison of AG1 vs. Beyond Greens goes, your new routine should include either of these in the morning, afternoon, or evening.

Beyond Greens vs. Athletic Greens: A Healthy Dive (2024)
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