Incandescent vs LED Light Bulbs: What is the difference? (2024)

Comparing incandescent vs LED light bulbs can easily confuse both businesses and consumers, making it hard to grasp the benefits of each. This uncertainty leads to poor decisions, driving up energy use and costs.

As a result, many end up with outdated, power-hungry incandescent bulbs, unknowingly causing high bills and environmental harm.

But fear not, as our guide will help you make wise lighting choices.

By illuminating the complexities of these technologies, we aim ensure your space is not just brilliantly lit but also energy-efficient and budget-friendly.

What is the difference between incandescent and LED lights?

The main difference between LED and incandescent lights lies in their fundamental technology and energy efficiency. Incandescent lights use a filament that heats up to produce light, while LED lights operate by passing an electric current through a microchip, illuminating tiny sources called LEDs.

Incandescent vs LED lights comparison chart

To simplify your decision-making process, we have curated a comprehensive incandescent vs LED lights comparison chart.

This chart provides an in-depth analysis of LED compared to incandescent bulbs, highlighting the essential factors you shoul0d compare before making your decision:

Brightness60-watt delivers about 800 lumens8 to 12-watt produces 800 lumensLED
Light qualityWarm, soft glow, ideal for ambient settingsAesthetic ambianceTie
LifespanApprox. 1,000 hours25,000 to 50,000 hours, or even moreLED
Initial outlayLower upfront costHigher initial investment. Cost-effective in the long-runTie (but LED with us!)
Efficiency10-20% efficiency80-90% efficiencyLED
SafetyProduces a significant amount of heatEmits very little heatLED
Cold conditionsStruggles in low temperaturesCan perform well on cold climatesLED
Design flexibilityLimitedVersatileLED
Warm-upRequires a warm-up before reaching maximum brightnessLights up instantlyLED
ColorsLimited options for different huesAvailable in a diverse range of colorsLED
Overall winnerLED

Incandescent vs LED brightness

Incandescent bulbs traditionally produce a warm, yellowish light, measured in watts. For example, a 60-watt incandescent light bulb delivers about 800 lumens, which is the standard measure of brightness.

LEDs, on the other hand, achieve the same brightness with significantly fewer watts. A typical 8 to 12-watt LED bulb produces 800 lumens, making them around 5 to 6 times more energy-efficient than incandescents.

Winner: LED

LED lights can achieve similar or higher brightness levels compared to incandescent bulbs while consuming significantly less energy. This energy efficiency makes LEDs the more practical and environmentally friendly choice.

LED vs incandescent light quality

LED and incandescent bulbs provide unique lighting experiences. Incandescents emit a warm, soft glow, ideal for ambient settings. LEDs have advanced to replicate this warmth, offering options like "soft white," providing a similar aesthetic ambiance. Both options cater to diverse preferences, balancing functionality and aesthetics in modern lighting solutions.

Winner: LED

Incandescent bulbs emit a warm, soft glow, but LEDs have come a long way in replicating this warmth. If you're debating between LED vs incandescent lighting for light quality, LED is the top choice. It provides the same warm ambiance as incandescent bulbs but at a lower cost and with far greater energy efficiency.

Incandescent light bulb vs LED lifespan

Incandescent bulbs have a relatively short lifespan, typically around 1,000 hours.

In contrast, LED bulbs are exceptionally durable, with a lifespan ranging from 25,000 to 50,000 hours or even more.

In terms of longevity, incandescent bulbs need frequent replacements, while LEDs can endure for decades under normal usage.

Winner: LED

LEDs' extended lifespan not only reduces maintenance hassles but also significantly cuts down on the number of bulbs discarded.

Initial outlay of incandescent bulbs vs LED

Incandescents have a lower upfront cost, making them the best option for budget-conscious consumers.

However, despite the higher initial investment, LED bulbs prove to be more cost-effective in the long run.

Winner: Tie

The decision hinges on whether the consumer prioritizes immediate savings or is willing to invest in LEDs for greater long-term benefits.

However, with an LED lighting upgrade with FES, there's no initial outlay.

Incandescent vs LED Light Bulbs: What is the difference? (1)

Efficiency of LED vs incandescent bulbs

The contrast in LED efficiency vs incandescent bulbs becomes evident when examining their energy use.

LEDs operate at an impressive 80-90% efficiency, emitting light and generating minimal heat, showcasing the superiority of LED vs incandescent energy use.

In contrast, incandescents lose 80-90% of their energy as heat, making them only 10-20% efficient.

Winner: LEDs

LED bulbs emerge as the clear winner due to their impressive efficiency rate of 80-90%. Despite the fact that LED has lower lumens per watt as compared to incandescent lamps, LED technology excels in converting energy into light while minimizing heat wastage.

Incandescent vs LED Light Bulbs: What is the difference? (2)

Additional reading: lumens to watts guide

Are LED lights safer than incandescent?

LED lights are generally considered safer than incandescent bulbs due to their lower operating temperature. Incandescents produce a significant amount of heat, posing a fire risk if they come into contact with flammable materials.

In contrast, LEDs emit very little heat, reducing the risk of burns or fire hazards. Additionally, LED bulbs do not contain hazardous materials like mercury, which is present in some types of incandescent bulbs.

Winner: LED

LED lights vs incandescent in cold conditions

Incandescent bulbs struggle in low temperatures, causing delays in reaching full brightness and reducing their overall efficiency.

LEDs operate efficiently even in freezing temperatures. They start instantly and maintain their brightness.

Winner: LED

LED lights are the top choice for cold climates. Whether it's enduring frigid winters or lighting up cold storage spaces, LED lights consistently perform well in low temperatures, making them the preferred option for various cold scenarios.

Incandescent lights vs LED design flexibility

LEDs come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, allowing for creative and versatile lighting designs. They can be integrated into sleek furniture, used for intricate lighting setups, or even shaped into innovative designs.

In contrast, incandescents are limited in their flexibility due to their larger size and limited color options.

Winner: LED

The compact size and customizable nature of LEDs give you the freedom to experiment with lighting schemes, making them the preferred choice for projects.

LED bulb vs incandescent warm-up

LEDs light up instantly, providing full brightness the moment you switch it on.

Incandescent light bulbs, on the other hand, require a brief warm-up period before reaching their maximum brightness. This delay is due to the time it takes for the filament inside the bulb to heat up and emit light.

Winner: LED

Incandescent bulb vs LED colors

Incandescents emit a warm, yellowish light, limiting options for different hues.

In contrast, LEDs are available in a diverse range of colors, including cool whites, warm whites, and vibrant shades across the spectrum.

Winner: LED

LED light vs incandescent savings

Choosing LED lights over incandescent translates into substantial savings in the long run.

Below is a comparative table illustrating the cost per month for both incandescent and LED lights, as well as the savings associated with opting for LED technology:

Brightness (Lumens)Incandescent cost/monthLED cost/monthSavings/month with LED

Additional reading: cost of LED lights

Winner: LED

LEDs stand out for their exceptional energy efficiency, converting more electricity into light and minimizing energy wastage as heat. This efficiency translates into significant monthly savings, making LEDs the practical and cost-effective choice for mindful consumers.

If you want to accurately measure your savings, consider using our LED vs incandescent calculator to assess the long-term savings of upgrading to LED technology.

Incandescent vs LED Light Bulbs: What is the difference? (3)

How to tell if a light bulb is LED or incandescent

Firstly, check the label or packaging: LED bulbs are clearly marked as such.

Additionally, observe the bulb's appearance while off. LEDs typically have a cluster of small diodes, whereas incandescents have a visible filament.

When lit, LEDs emit an instant, bright light, while incandescents often have a warm-up time and a softer glow.

Lastly, consider the heat emitted during use: LEDs remain cool, while incandescents can become hot.

Which is better, incandescent or LED? Final points

So, is LED better than incandescent? Pretty much, yes... the choice boils down to individual needs and priorities.

For those with budget constraints and a preference for immediate savings, incandescent bulbs might seem tempting due to their lower upfront costs. However, when considering the long-term financial impact and energy efficiency, LEDs clearly emerge as the superior choice.

Having said that, if you upgrade to LED with us here at FES, there's no upfront costs.

Incandescent vs LED Light Bulbs: What is the difference? (4)

LEDs' significantly lower energy consumption translates into substantial savings on electricity bills, making them a prudent investment over time. Moreover, their durability and longevity mean fewer replacements, reducing both hassle and environmental impact.

While incandescents might still find relevance in specific contexts, such as creating a specific ambiance, overall, LED is better than incandescent due to its energy efficiency, longevity, and environmental friendliness, aligning with the modern emphasis on sustainability and cost-effectiveness.

LED vs regular light bulbs: upgrade your business to the clear winner!

One surefire way to enhance your operational efficiency and cut down costs is by transitioning from traditional incandescent bulbs to energy-efficient LED lights.

When comparing LED lights vs regular lights, LEDs emerge as the superior choice.

They offer brilliant illumination while significantly slashing energy bills, giving your business a competitive edge in terms of both savings and environmental responsibility.

Ready to upgrade?

If you're considering this transition, Future Energy Solutions can help. Our energy auditing checklist is tailored to assess your specific needs to ensure a seamless LED upgrade for your business.

Take the first step towards a brigher and more energy-efficient future. Contact us today!

Incandescent vs LED Light Bulbs: What is the difference? (5)


Is incandescent the same as LED?

No, incandescent and LED are different lighting technologies. Incandescent bulbs use a wire filament heated to a high temperature to produce light, while LEDs (light-emitting diodes) use semiconductor diodes to emit light when an electric current passes through them. LEDs are more energy-efficient and longer-lasting than incandescents.

What is incandescent light?

Incandescent light is produced by a wire filament inside a bulb that glows white-hot when an electric current passes through it. This high temperature causes the filament to emit visible light. Incandescent bulbs have been a traditional source of lighting, widely used in households for decades.

Incandescent vs LED Light Bulbs: What is the difference? (2024)


Incandescent vs LED Light Bulbs: What is the difference? ›

LEDs typically have a cluster of small diodes, whereas incandescents have a visible filament

small thin wire part of incandescent light bulbs that produces light. An incandescent light bulb has a small, thin wire with two bigger wires holding it up. This wire is called a filament. The filament is the part of the light bulb that produces light. › wiki › Electrical_filament
. When lit, LEDs emit an instant, bright light, while incandescents often have a warm-up time and a softer glow. Lastly, consider the heat emitted during use: LEDs remain cool, while incandescents can become hot.

What is the difference between incandescent and LED bulbs? ›

Difference Between LED and Incandescent

Incandescent is your classic bulb as they rely on electricity to heat a wire that eventually generates light. LEDs contain semi-conductive material that allows a current to pass through electrodes, emitting visible light.

Can I use an LED bulb in an incandescent fixture? ›

It is absolutely safe to use an LED bulb in a regular fixture, as long as it has the right base and enough space to dissipate heat effectively.

Can you use LED bulbs in old lamps? ›

Will I need new or special light fixtures? You do not need specialist or new light fittings to enjoy the benefits of LED energy saving light bulbs. Retrofit like-for-like LED bulb replacements are available for many existing light fittings. Simply decide which style of light bulb you require and plug them in!

Is a 60 watt LED bulb brighter than a 60 watt incandescent bulb? ›

The more watts, the brighter the bulb. That rule doesn't apply to LED bulbs, though. An LED that uses 60 watts is in no way comparable to an incandescent bulb that uses 60 watts. In fact, a 60-watt LED just may blind you.

Is LED or incandescent better for your eyes? ›

LED Lights

These innovative bulbs are less likely to cause eye strain than traditional incandescent light bulbs as they produce less heat and do not contain mercury. LEDs are regarded as a safer option for many who have dry eyes, glaucoma or other eye ailments.

What is the healthiest light bulb? ›

We suggest using incandescent or halogen bulbs throughout the day + night if you're after a greater sense of well-being. Also - unlike most harshly flickering LED or fluorescent bulbs - incandescents (and color-correct halogens like Chromalux®) will also be the healthiest type of light for your eyes!

Where should you not use LED bulbs? ›

Enclosed fixtures protect the bulb from dust, moisture or other debris. Unfortunately, this enclosed designed isn't always compatible with LED light bulbs and can lead to overheating.

Can you put an LED light bulb in a regular light socket? ›

As long as the mounting base (socket) is the same size and type, you can use an LED bulb in an existing fixture. If the mounting base isn't the same size and type, the LED bulb will not fit the socket. You should never use a bulb with a higher wattage than what is recommended for the fixture.

What happens if I put a 75 watt LED bulb in a 60 watt? ›

Therefore, as long as the LED lamp's actual wattage and heat released is less than the socket or fixture rating, you should not encounter any issues.

What happens if I use a 60W LED bulb in a 40w lamp? ›

I'm an electrician, you are worrying too much. If you light fitting can take a 40w lamp, then anything lower or equivelent will be fine. LEDs may be more sensitive to heat, but the heat they produce is minimal.

Do LED bulbs get hot? ›

However, LED lights don't create warm in the same way incandescent bulbs do. In fact, you can easily unscrew a LED bulb which has been on for days! You won't get burned. When the electricity goes through the semiconductor, there is barely some heat produced so it's even hard to feel that minuscule “warm”.

Can you still buy incandescent light bulbs? ›

Is there an incandescent bulb ban? The short answer: yes. Most incandescent and halogen products were phased out in 2023.

Can I replace incandescent string light bulbs with LED? ›

For example with string lights, a 25 watt incandescent bulb can be replaced by a 1 to 2 watt LED bulb. That lower wattage means lower energy usage which has a direct correlation with energy costs, particularly with multiple bulbs.

Which light is brighter LED or incandescent? ›

LED light bulbs use a light-emitting diode (LED). This is a solid-state semiconductor that emits light when a current passes through it. These high-efficiency bulbs emit more lumens per watt and last 20 times longer than incandescent bulbs. A 10W LED bulb produces as much light as a 60W incandescent bulb.

Should I replace incandescent bulbs with LED? ›

Saving energy and conserving resources are larger environmental goals of waste prevention, whether accomplished through recycling or extending product life. Since discarding an incandescent bulb early and replacing it with an LED saves so much electricity, these factors also favor early replacement.

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.