The man in the wood mask - ShinyMetalAssKnight (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Chapter Text Chapter 2: Resurrection Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 3: The birth of the Blue Spirit Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 4: The prisoner Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 5: The woman of the Southern Water Tribe Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: The trip to the South Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: The vigilante Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 8: Spirit of Vengeance, Spirit of Mercy Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 9: The myth of the Blue Spirit Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: The Southern Squadron Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: Tribesmen Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: Out of balance Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: The slave ring Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: Cornered Chapter Text Chapter 15: Awake Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: You've got a friend in me Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: A farmer's life Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: New face Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Darkness Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: Against the ropes Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 21: The bounty hunter Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: Praying to the spirits Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 23: Bitter work Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 24: The Sourthen Air Temple Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: One of them Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: Kyoshi Island Part 1 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: Kyoshi Island Part 2 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: The daily lives at Kyoshi island Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: War for Kyoshi Island Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: The princess of the Sun and the King of Omashu Chapter Text Chapter 31: Prisoners Chapter Text Chapter 32: I'll save you from the pirates Chapter Text Chapter 33: The spirit world Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 34: Avatar Roku Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: The Crescent Island Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 36: The storm Chapter Text Chapter 37: The fortress Chapter Text Chapter 38: The Freedom Fighters Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 39: Fighter vs Spirit Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 40: The division Chapter Text Chapter 41: The hermit Chapter Text Chapter 42: Our fortunes together Chapter Text Chapter 43: Uncle Bato Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 44: The Sun Warrior Princess Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 45: Hakoda of the Water Tribe Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 46: The Fire Bending Master Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 47: The Northern Air Temple Chapter Text Chapter 48: War for the temple Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 49: The Princess of the Northern Tribe Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 50: Katara, Master Water Bender Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 51: Battle for the North part 1: The black snow Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 52: Battle for the North part 2: The Spirits Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 53: Battle for the North part 3: The Blue Spirit final stand Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 54: The living spirits Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 55: The Prince's speech Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 56: The last day on the Northern Water Tribe Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 57: The cave Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 58: Setting free Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 59: Return to Omashu Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 60: The walled city Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 61: Chasing a dream Chapter Text Chapter 62: Illusions Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 63: Gaoling Chapter Text Chapter 64: Blind sided Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 65: The kidnapping of the Avatar and the Blind Bandit Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 66: H(a)unted Notes: Chapter Text Notes:

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Ozai decides to not only exile Zuko after burning him but to imprison him inside the Boiling rock, only for a great storm to break loose and

Please father, I only have the nation’s best interests at heart. I’m sorry I spoke out of turn!” Zuko yelled as he kneeled in the square. His heart was beating faster than it had ever been. He was ready to face the old fragile general. But face his father? That was something he wasn’t prepared for.

“You will fight for your honor” His father said with a powerful booming voice

“I meant no disrespect” He pleaded “I am your loyal son” He was on the verge of tears. He was scared. He had seen his father burn servants that dropped a plate, a cup or even if they sneezed whenever he was making a speech. He wanted to crawl back to his room and wake up in his bed thinking that this is a complete nightmare. That he had never entered the war council and never spoke out of turn.

“Rise and fight prince Zuko!” His father once again spat as he approached the bowing figure of his son.

“I won’t fight you” Zuko said. Certain that his father could see the error of his ways and leave him only with a scolding. That he would send him to his room with a form of punishment.

“You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher” His father told him. Zuko looked up. His tears already rolling down his cheeks. The last thing he remembers was his father’s hand moving towards his face. Then pain.


Zuko’s face was burning. He wanted to touch were his injury was but his hands were chained on a metal chain that was nailed to the roof. His new “bedroom” was a 2 meters by 2 meters cell. The door was a set of thick metal bars that gave view of an empty and cold metal hallway. He could see the edges of two guards’ shoulders. He could feel his entire body aching.

He didn’t remembered how he got there. Only flashes of his father barking orders. Of strong arms dragging him around. Of someone changing his bandage. He drifted into an exhausted sleep.

The grinding of the bar cells woke him up. He saw face to face with a sneering man who looked down at the 13 year old boy. Zuko’s only good eye looked at the man.

“I see that you’re awake Zuko” The man said

“I am the prince of this Nation, you should respect my position” Zuko’s broken voice fought back.

“You are nothing but a prisoner. By the orders of Fire Lord Ozai” The man said as he unrolled a scroll. “Prisoner Zuko must be kept in The Boiling Rock for the remainder of his life. He must be kept away from any prisoner to avoid his revolutionary ideas make a revolution with the prisoners. Prisoner Zuko must be fed twice a day and if necessary punished if he attempts to do his pitiful fire bending. Prisoner Zuko must be thought the error of his ways by being once a week punished with fifty whips on his bare back, said punishment must start as soon as this scroll is read” The guard said with a sick grin. “Orders are orders”

“Strip him of his shirt” The guard ordered as Zuko saw how the man took a leather whip. He gulpedThe man begun flogging Zuko’s bare back making the teen cry and retort in pain. He could feel his entire back begin to bleed profusely with each whip on it.

Zuko was not a spiritual person. He knew that he should pray to Agni all the time. To feel the sun was an Agni’s blessing. But he could feel Agni had abandoned him. The movement of the horizon that he could see on his small window told him he was in the middle of the ocean and by the orange skies he knew the sun was already setting.

He knew he would never see that beautiful sight ever again. He would be imprisoned in the worst prison of his Nation. Locked down forever. He cried angry tears and desperation tears. He pleaded to anyone listening. To send a miracle.

But the universe seemed to like to punish him. The ship begun rocking violently. Soldiers and guards screamed in panic. Rustling noises were heard as well as the violent crashing of the ocean waves on the ship’s side.

“HELP ME!!! UNCHAIN ME!!!! PLEASE!!!!!” Zuko yelled at the top of his lungs but his voice was tired and his throat was raspy from the earlier screams. No one was going to save him. He knew this was definitely the end. His small window was filling the cell’s floor with its cold salt water. He smirked. At least he wasn’t going to spend the rest of his life caged like an animal.

He took a last deep breath when the salt water finally covered the entirety of his cell. He closed his one good eye and everything became darkness.


Fire Lord Ozai was having a pleasant meal. It had been three days since his disappointing son had been punished and exiled. He had been cast out and would receive torture for the rest of his meaningless days. He could finally focus on his perfect tool Azula. If not only for his brother’s meddling he hadn’t been able to spend as much time as he wanted preparing her for taking the throne.

His servants were presenting the next plate when a messenger arrived carrying a small scroll. Ozai glared at the man.

“I’m sorry your highness. But this is the status of the prison ship” The out of breath man said

“Read it” Ozai acknowledge. He wasn’t interesting but he needed to know if they had reached its destination and if they had punished the prisoner.

“Admiral Jyang… Status reports… We arrived at the crash site… No survivors were found” The messenger said to the Fire Lord who looked unimpressed as he took a sip from his wine glass.

“Dismiss” Ozai said to the man who quickly bowed and left the room.

Ozai was disappointed. He wanted for his prisoner to feel the extent of his disappointed. Zuko needed to learn about respect through the glorious fire of pain. Such a shame that he had died like a coward in the middle of the ocean.


The sun burned on his skin. But most impressively he felt renewed. He felt alive.

Chapter 2: Resurrection


Zuko awakens in the beach and begins his wandering road to nowhere


Just to clarify: Zuko woke up the following morning of the storm. Ozai did not receive news of the shipwreck until two days had passed.

Chapter Text

The sun burned on his skin. But most impressively he felt renewed. He felt alive. Zuko assed his surroundings.

He was alone. He was certain of that.

He was on a beach. At least the sand was soft.

His face was still scarred. The skin still felt the marred and tender. No wonder that as soon as the wound heal it will become roughed.

He could only see with his right eye. No doubt the burnt damaged his left eye creating a complete blindness in said eye.

Luckily his left ear, though mangled, could still hear things. That was a good thing.

As he stood up he noticed the burning feeling in his back. The wounds in his back still fresh and sore. Another set of scars he should thank Ozai for.

“When did I started to think of father as Ozai? Not like he was much of a father in this thirteen years I’ve been alive” He noticed that the only piece of clothing he had was the pants he had on the cell. Prisoner pants. Dark and common that only peasants’ wore.

“I guess I am a peasant now” Zuko said. He could see the remnants of the ship. The storm must throw it right into the sharp rocks. The vessel was completely destroyed. Zuko limped towards the mangled ship. He could find some bandages and clothing.

As he approached the stranded ship he saw the light movements of one of the guards. He recognized it as one of the men who dragged him to the cell. A sick pleasure in his face as he tossed a broken teen into a cold metal cell. The man was still breathing. Slowly but definitely alive. Zuko tried to take the dual broad swords from the guard when this one opened his eyes. Feeling an adrenaline rush. Zuko put his hands on the man’s throat and began to exert as much pressure his body could muster. The man trashed and scrape trying to take the thirteen boy from him but it was clear the man’s strength was fading. After a few moments had passed the light faded from the man’s eyes.

Zuko had taken a life.

He looked at his hands in disbelief. He wanted to run away from the place. But he still needed supplies for his trek towards nowhere. He still didn’t know where he was but he was sure he needed to leave as quickly as he could. Patrols were always near the coasts and if he was found he would likely be tossed once again into prison.

He entered the prison ship. It was smaller than the war ships but bigger than the personnel ships. He saw the drowned bodies of the guards, soldiers, he even found the captain’s body. The man had a flotation device tied to his hip. It was clearly that he was a coward who wanted to run away.

Zuko found the cell he had been kept. He remembered how the chain snapped and the cell door snapped from its sockets allowing him to wander through the aisles. Two soldiers tried to race towards him but Zuko managed to duck into a pipeline and crawl into the ventilation ducts. He arrived on deck and jumped to freedom swimming away as the men aboard screamed and fight between themselves.

Zuko returned to the present and filled a bag with clothes. All of them in dark colors. He did not wanted to be associated with Fire Nation, not anymore at least. He could pass as a colony peasant who had been attacked or something. No, the scar would be definitely a giveaway. He found a hood and a cape. That would serve him for a while at least.

The medicine cabinet was luckily air tight which meant that the ointments, medicine and bandages were completely dried. He thanked the spirits of his good luck.

The food was completely useless. Only some fruits and fishes laid scattered in the kitchen’s floor. He could not be picky. After all he didn’t even know where he was. He actually found some gold coins inside a hidden cabinet in the captain’s quarters. It would serve him for some time.

With that he set himself away. The exiled prisoner prince. Without family. Without home. Without destiny.


The first town he encountered had looked like a poor Earth Kingdom village, too small to be considered town actually. He counted only twelve small “houses” no big business nor fancy hotels. He found an elderly blacksmith who sold him an old dagger. It wasn’t the best material but it would serve for now. He could not risked himself being exposed as a Firebender.

That night he slept on the edge of the village. When dawn broke the morning sky he continued with his trek. According to a fruit vendor the next village was two or three days away and it was bigger than this one. Zuko could not complain but still that gave him a form of time to heal his injuries. He also decided to cut his hair so that the injury over his left eye would not get infected.

The road ahead was lonely but he had to endure. He would not be broken so easily.


Iroh was fuming.

When word got out that his brother had actually sent Zuko towards The Boiling Rock he couldn’t believe it. He spend the entire day trying to convince Ozai to send Zuko back home. That he could be safer in the Capital’s prison. But his younger brother was not convinced.

He then heard the ship had been caught in a storm and got marooned in the shores of the Earth Kingdom and no one aboard had survived. Only a few bodies from the crew was found. The others most likely lost at sea. Zuko amongst them.

He was silently praying to Agni to guide Zuko to the eternal peace. And that he as well as his son, Lu Ten, could reunite with them in the afterlife.

“What are you doing uncle?” Azula said with a disinterested tone. But the fact that she was hear spoke louder than any statement she made.

“Praying for the souls of those we lost at sea” Iroh said. “Will you join me?” He gently asked his niece. She was the last hope he had to save their family’s bloodied history. If only she proved, if only she show a small window that she wasn’t like her father. Then there could be hope.

“Who are you praying for now?” The eleven year old asked him.

“I am praying for Zuko” Iroh said and he managed to glimpse a small doubt on Azula’s eyes. A twitch but it was a reaction. She wasn’t beyond saving.


When Zuko reached the big town he noticed the impoverishment on the streets. Kids begging for money. Some of them his age or Azula’s age doing other things to earn a single coin. Elderly people, sickly and decayed extending their hands, begging for a coin or for a swift end of their misery.

Zuko’s stomach steeled as he moved past them, he couldn’t help them. He was a prince and he could not show the sack of golden coins he had. Wait what was he thinking? He was no longer a prince. He was a peasant now. A nationless nomad cursed to find his way in this world. He wasn’t better than this people. Hell they were on the same situation than him. If it weren’t for his scavenging he would probably be in the same conditions than them. He would find a way to help this people.

He heard the tinkling of a coin dropping and he saw a traveler leaving a copper coin into one the elderly’s hat. But the generous man was quickly swarmed by beggars asking for a coin as well. “Giving coins wasn’t the solution” Zuko thought. Then he saw the Fire Nation post and an idea popped into his head.

“Rob the rich and give the poor”

Chapter 3: The birth of the Blue Spirit


Dark chapters ahead. Honestly when I first conceived this fic I thought on a more lighter side spirits send Zuko on a journey for self discovery. But I realized that it would be so similar to my other fic "Zuko, the child Fire Lord" that I decided to scrap that idea completely. So now we have a dark and grittier story of Zuko being a vengeful vigilante trying to right the wrongs in the world. Hope you like it

Chapter Text

Zuko sprinted through the many rooftops of the village he was in. He wasn’t doing this for the glory of the Fire Nation, nor for his honor nor for those soldiers that he failed to defend when that sick f*cker of a general chose them to be cattle for the Earth Kingdom troops. No he was doing this for the kids of his age who were on the same situation like his, or worst.

He had already seen in his four days as a beggar the awfulness of the living conditions, if he could call that way of life a living. He had seen soldiers taking other beggar children and returning them the following day used. He had seen fathers selling or offering their daughters in exchange for food. He had seen kids younger than him offering services. He hated that town and pictured that other towns would be most likely the same.

No more. He had stayed in that town for four days waiting for his wound to somewhat properly heal. Yes he still couldn’t see and figured he would never recover his left eye sight but at least he could take the bandage from time to time without worrying about an infection.

With some coins he bought a small kitchen knife, it wasn’t a weapon per se but no one, not even the vendor, gave him a second glance. He was only a beggar trying to get something to eat or cook his food.

So that same night Zuko decided to dress entirely in black. He took the small knife and decided to venture in the middle of the night hoping to give the children of the town a better way of life.

As he perched in the town’s tower he cursed at his own forgetfulness for not taking any weapons from the shipwreck. He was almost a master swordsman, according to Master Piandao, so his dao swords would have been useful in breaking and entering.

He entered the first home he had already marked during his stay on this dreaded town. It was the home of the food vendor, a man who more often than not gave good looking young women free food only if they joined him in the back store. The man was as corrupt as it would get.

Zuko took his knife and used it to lock pick the window. He opened it as slowly as he could and entered the store. He was as light as he could. Luckily the floor boards had not crunched nor squealed as he stepped on them. He took a few small bags of rice, some fruit and dried meat. That should be enough for at least a couple of days.

He stepped outside and closed the window behind him. Once outside he went to the alley were the many children slept and without waking the children he placed the bags in the middle alongside a note for them to Share it between them

The following morning Zuko could see the children in a better mood. Yes some people still took them with them or beat them for even daring to beg for a spare coin. The scarred prince felt righteous anger.

He was trying to buy a loaf of bread and split it with some of the children when he stumbled with a back. The crash had send the bread onto the ground where an ostrich-horse stepped on it. Zuko looked in disappointment and wanted to cry. Yes he still had some golden coins but he did not wanted to spill his money every day especially in a town like this one. He was taken out of his stupor when a voice yelled.

“YOU STUPID USELESS KID! WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING!!” The voice said and before Zuko could see with whom he had clash he felt the back of a hand hitting his injury. Zuko screamed in pain as he fell once again to the ground. Squirming in pain for his sensitive eye. He only managed to open his good eye to see it was the store owner. He would need to pay him a visit.


The night was perfect for the lone figure clad in black. Zuko once again snuck past the store’s window and begun filling his bags with food. This time he would be making a bigger withdrawal. As he was filling it he noticed a blue mask on a perch. It was clearly for decoration and it looked similar to the ones used in Fire Nation plays about evil Water Tribe Spirits who brought nothing but chaos and mayhem to the “good” Fire Nation people. Well he certainly felt that way.

He ignored the mask and continued with his task. He was so focused that he failed to hear the light footsteps behind him. He drew his knife and grabbed someone from the shoulder pushing it against the wall. In the dark of the night he could not see quite well but he noticed that it was a smaller than he expected.

“Who are you?” Zuko asked.

“I-I’m Jin, I-I’m a beggar l-like, like you. I saw you enter and and remember the food that appeared today. I wanted to help” The girl said. He remembered hearing someone calling that named these past few days and he remembered a green eyed Earth Kingdom girl about his age who was taken a full day by some soldiers and the following day by the bastard that owned this store.

“Just shut up and take this bag. It has money and food. Then leave this town, find somewhere better to be” Zuko said and he saw the girl’s silhouette nodding. But then the last thing he wanted to hear was heard.

“WHO IS THERE?!?!” The owner yelled as he descended the stairs.

“Run! I’ll distract him!” Zuko hushed at the girl who nodded taking the bag with her. Zuko tried to hide in the shadows but the man clearly saw him.

“YOU! STOP RIGHT THERE!” The man said as he threw a chair at Zuko’s legs causing him to fall into the wood floors. The dizziness disoriented Zuko who only reacted when the man turned him over.

“I know you! You are that beggar! Who crashed with me this morning” The man said as he recognized Zuko’s facial features. “The soldiers will eat you alive. They don’t like thieves like you” the man said as he picked Zuko up dragging him by the collar of his shirt dragging him forward to the door.

As the man begun unlocking his door. Zuko panicked. He was going to be found out. He was going to be taken prisoner once again and being tortured to death. He couldn’t let it happen. So he struggled free and wrestled with the man. And just like with the soldier from the ship he begun to choke the man. But this one was not only taller than Zuko, he was also fatter. The man begun trying to take Zuko’s hands from his neck but Zuko’s determination and rage were bigger. He picture girls like Jin, sweet and innocent being corrupted by this kind of people. He thought of his friends Mai or Ty Lee and her sisters who had never set a foot outside the Capital. He thought of his sister, perfect and powerful Azula finding herself powerless in the back of that store. Being taken advantage by bastards like him. So he begun to squeeze tighter. He could see the man’s sclera and pupils beginning to widen in shock. But it wasn’t until the man punched his scarred eye that Zuko let him go.

The man tumbled into the ground as Zuko protected his injured eye. Then the entire room began glowing. Zuko’s good eye saw that the fat man was a fire bender. The closeness of the fire brought him back to that afternoon. The fire, the smell of burnt flesh. Everything he couldn’t picture himself being in close quarters with a fire bender. Not when the last one he had being closer to had branded him like cattle.

Zuko coiled back to a wall trying to escape the angry fire bender. The blue mask that he saw before had fallen into his lap. The white eyes and grin made him remember the small knife he had. So he threw it at the man. But this one, despite his size, managed to avoid the small projectile. But they say that the spirits work in mysterious ways. He might have missed his target but he managed to cut a rope that was holding an oil chandelier.

The chandelier fell into the owner’s head splattering him with the flammable liquid that in the immediate contact with the fire in his hands begun burning him alive.

Zuko quickly grabbed the mask, a bag of fruits and leaped through the widow. The broken glasses had definitely cut him but he didn’t care. He needed to escape as quickly as it was possible. The darkness of the night would cover for him and the burning building would definitely grab everyone’s attention.

As he reached his camp in the middle of the woods he finally saw with detail the blue mask. It was wood. It was sturdy and most definitely would protect his scarred eye. And without a second thought he placed the mask on his face.

Chapter 4: The prisoner


I believe this is one of the longest chapters of this fic. Hope you like it!
Warning: Reference to rape and sexual slavery

Chapter Text

Zuko decided to train in the mountains. Yes he was still unsure of where in Agni’s land he was in. Only that it was near the coasts of the Earth Kingdom. He did not know if it was an island, archipelago or main land but still he needed to train. The last thing he wanted was to be so close to be killed on by people like that fat bastard.

The first thing he needed to focus on was in his mind. He was still scared and last night he had been terrified when he saw the man’s flames. He took some dried twigs from a tree and made a small campfire in a flat stone. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing.

Uncle always said that a firebender’s power came from breathing not from the muscles. He tried to focus solely on the breathing but when he opened his eyes he saw the flame burning the twigs and he got scared.

He hug his knees close to his chest and begun sobbing. He couldn’t even face a small flame on some stupid twigs. Let alone a fire bender. Every time he looked at the fire he saw his face. He saw his hand reaching towards his left eye. After what it felt like an hour of sobbing he decided to return to his training. But this time he wasn’t going to sit in front of a flame.

He broke two branches, they were roughly the same size. And he began doing his repetitions. He moved silently, quickly and deadly. He imagined soldiers, criminals, anyone who took advantage of those in need. He didn’t know where this rage for justice came from but if the Fire Nation brought this awful state into the world he would definitely do the best he could to punish those kind of people.

When he finished his “sword” sets he began his training for his hearing. There was nothing he could do for his eyesight. His left eye was clearly there just for decoration. No longer useful. But his left ear was in somewhat good conditions. So he focused on what Master Piandao once taught him.

He has younger and agile, he would hone his skills to maximize his agility and sneakiness

He would use his terrain to his advantage. The dark clothes he wore would make him invisible to the criminals. After all the mask he had was a demon’s mask. Southern Water Tribe if he was correct. He would stir fear into those criminals if they only saw a floating mask in the darkness.

He still remembered Master Piandao’s lesson of resourcefulness by blinding himself with a piece of cloth covering his right eye. He focused his hearing into the sounds of the trees. The animals in the woods. He opened his arms and felt the air rushing through the woods.

When he felt it was enough he took the blindfold off and took a break. He was hungry. As he ate he looked into the Blue mask. He finished his meal. Took the mask and put it onto his face. As he tied the knot on the back of his head he felt like if the mask had been created for him. Maybe it was a sign that he was never meant to be a pampered prince but a vengeful renegade destroying those who brought pain into this world.

He saw the children of the alley, children like Jin whose days changed thanks to his actions of stealing food for them. Preventing them from being abused by people who should protect them and people from his nation who abuse of other nations. How could he had been so blind and not realized that everything was black or white?

Only pain had showed him the way. Pain in his face. Pain in his back. Desperation for survival. Horror. Need. Vengeance. Justice.

He spent five days enhancing his senses. Five days of arduous training. Five days in which the mask was only off only for sleep and eat. Five days of meditation. Of practice. And when the time came he traveled to the southeast harbor town. He felt ready.


He decided to assess the town as a vagabond. Nobody would look twice to a scarred vagabond of thirteen years old. He could hear the type of town gossip he wanted to hear. Most of them were innocent enough. That someone was being deployed to the front. That crops had been swarmed by rat-locusts. That apparently the Earth Kingdom soldiers had managed to slaughter a whole platoon of Fire Nation soldiers only for it to be a distraction and another platoon of Fire Nationers had killed the Earth Kingdom soldiers.

“They actually went ahead with that plan” He thought in devastation. “Those soldiers love and defend our nation, how can you betray them?” Zuko remembered the thing he was scarred for. He had stood up for novice soldiers. Weak soldiers who were sent to die. He silently prayed for the souls of those soldiers.

It was almost dusk and he was sat in the darkness of an alley when he heard that gossip. A gossip about him. He crouch beneath the wood window the voices were gossiping. What would the capital be saying about him? Apparently nothing good.

“I heard he died like a bitch after he refused to fight an Agni Kai. Burnt to a crisp on the spot” One gruff voice of a man said

“I heard that it was an old general the one who ended his miserable life” Another one, this one female, added.

“I hope the other princess is better suited for the post” Another voice said

“Yeah! They say she is as ruthless as her old man. Hopefully we will have another great hundred years of pillage to do” The gruff voice of the beginning said.

“I drink to that!” The female voice said and Zuko heard the clashing of the wood mugs of mead.

Then he heard that someone had called one of the members of the group. Then he heard a chair moving back and the voice said.

“I’ll see you in the morning” The man said

“Morning? HA! You will be spent in fifteen minutes” The gruff voice said

“I don’t get why you want to spend your gold in whor* like that when in the ship we have a nice and ready bitch you can disappoint for free” The female voice said in laughter. Zuko’s attention and rage flared up. He knew and heard about the stories. Soldiers who either had taken prisoners or had actually imprisoned a weaker soldier and turned them into their sex slaves.

“He is wasting his money” The gruff voice said.

“Yeah, well come one, I want that bitch to be sucking on my puss* before the others have a turn on her” The female voice said. And Zuko heard the chairs moving. He approached the entrance. He still remained in the shadows.

He saw two soldiers moving out of the building. Apparently a bar/brothel. And yes they were as he pictured them. A lanky looking woman with dark hair and golden eyes, her skin was slightly tanned no doubt of the time at sea. The other was a big man, his skin was paler but with a hint of tan on his face. Tattoos in his arms. A sea raven and a sea serpent. “The Southern Raiders” Zuko hated them. They were the lowest of the low in the Fire Nation ranks.

I need to save whatever soul is enslaved in their ship. He returned to the woods. He discarded his hood and placed the wood mask on his face. He tied it tightly. Thank the spirits that tonight was a New Moon, they would be blind as him. But first he need a weapon. Apparently the other drunkards were not lying. The man who had gone upstairs and the prostitute had already claim her money and left while the man had his uniform laying on the floor.

The masked young man entered the room and scanned. And he found what he was looking for. A pair of broad swords in a very nice state. “This man is a non-bender, good” Zuko thought as he grabbed of the pillows that laid tossed on the floor and applied strength over the man’s face. The man’s body trashed but Zuko had been knelt over the man using his legs to prevent the man’s arms could topple him.

It wasn’t too long before the man stopped his trashing and when Zuko took the pillow away the man had passed from being alive to being a past tense.

“An honorless death, for an honorless man” He thought as he strapped the swords to his back and retired as quietly as he entered.


The masked young man went to the port moving through the shadows and saw what he was looking. A Fire Nation ship with a sea raven in its flags. He was scanning and saw that it only had two sentinels.

“Good” He was hoping he would enter and exited as quickly as he could but if he needed to fight he was going to give them a hell of a fight.

The masked young man managed to climb aboard and went to the sentinel in the upper floor. If his memory served right the Southern Raiders always traveled in less than thirty squadrons. He could pick them up one by one. And hope none of them fire bend at him.

He silently approached the sentinel and with a swift motion of the broad sword he cut the man’s neck. Zuko hold the man as he bled out, his hand was covering the man’s mouth preventing from any sound to come out. Then he laid the man gently on the floor. Not that he deserved it but because it would be counterproductive to simply toss him and make the noisiest of sounds with his armor clashing on the floor.

Then he went to the next sentinel and proceeded to do the same thing. He entered the boat and went to check every compartment. Whenever he found someone sleeping he would close the door and burn the handle. He was still not comfortable with fire but this was merely heat melting still to a point in which it would be no longer useful. Entrapping whatever soul was in it.

If he found a soldier walking around. He would sneak behind it and cut its throat. In one of those occasions he found the gruff man from before. He was in one of the lower levels of the ship. Looking angry as he was waiting for the door to open.

“COME ON RYA! STOP HOARDING THE BITCH’S TIME AND HAND HER OVER!” The man yelled at someone inside the room.

Zuko took advantage of it and rushed to cut the man’s head clean off. As he stopped the body from falling. The door opened and a half dressed woman appeared in front of the masked young man.

“Can’t a woman being sexually pleasured without being hurried?” The woman was saying before she saw a masked man holding the body of her friend.

“GUARDS!!!” She yelled before she got her throat slash as well.

Zuko quickly entered the cell and he saw a naked woman in front of him. His heart churned as he saw her state. She could be of his mother’s age. Her dark skin, if healthy, would be beautiful. And the bluest eyes he had ever seen looked so broken. He would free this woman, even if it cost him his life.

Chapter 5: The woman of the Southern Water Tribe


Zuko begins to know the woman that was held captive


Before the chapter begins I want to give a shoutout to Njord-Kráken who comments on every chapter. My friend, you give me motivation to continue writing this fic. All of your comments are always so insightful and appreciated. I send you a big hug from the bottom of my heart

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Zuko quickly entered the cell and he saw a naked woman in front of him. His heart churned as he saw her state. She could be of his mother’s age. Her dark skin, if healthy, would be beautiful. And the bluest eyes he had ever seen looked so broken. He would free this woman, even if it cost him his life.

The woman was naked except for the chain around her neck. A chain on her neck. Like if she was an animal. If Zuko had a rightful sense of justice he was livid and full of vengeful rage for this. The Fire Nation was better than this. There was no honor in this. This was a complete crime. He would not let any of these monsters live to see another day.

He approached the woman and she coiled in fear. He walked gently towards her showing his swords in a non-threatening way. The woman seemed to understand what he meant by that. He slowly searched one of the guard’s bodies and found a key.

He approached and quickly unchained the naked woman. He gave her the discarded blanket that apparently was the only thing the poor woman could have to keep her warm. It was a miracle she hasn’t died of hypothermia by this point.

Zuko used a small form of fire bending, a technic his uncle once taught him to warm a cold silk robe. Only this time he was warming the rough blanket for her to feel comfortable. He was smiling underneath his mask and wanted to reassure the woman but several steps were heard from outside.

The guards were awake. The non-trapped ones.

Zuko stood up and drew his swords, he looked over his right shoulder at the frightened woman and he said. “Wait here. I’ll be back” And after doing that he sprinted forward closing the door behind him.

If someone was paying attention they could hear the clash of metal inside the ship. Could smell the burning of flesh. The screams of anger and pain as well as the last breaths of men and women.

After an intense battle a blood covered masked man reentered the cell the woman had been caged in. She looked in horror as the black of the robes he used were covered in crimson red. Curiously the blue and white of the mask were untouched.

“I brought you this” Zuko said as he knelt in front of the woman presenting clean robes. “I’ll give you privacy” He said turning around. He heard the shuffling of clothes and then a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and the woman already wearing clean clothes. She looked uncomfortable in Fire Nation red clothes but apparently she couldn’t complain of wearing something.

She followed him and for the first time she saw something that wasn’t the confinements of her prison cell. She saw multiple bodies scattered on the hall, whoever was this man was a fierce warrior. Many of them had missing limbs, missing heads, missing faces or completely cut in half either from up and down or sideways.

The duo walked in silence towards the forest not before the masked man had light a fuse which made an explosion on the ship, sinking it. Screams for help were heard from the sinking ship. Screams of terror of those soldiers Zuko had caged in their sleeping compartments. Though Zuko wanted to retreat to the safety of the woods he could not move as the woman he had just save looked to the sinking ship. Wordlessly he understood. She needed to see this.


The Water Tribe woman kept looking at the fire. Zuko understood what she must been going through. Silence was the best, for now. He did not wanted to make her feel threaten by his presence. Especially after everything she went through. He could only picture the horrors she must have endured. And he was relieved at the same time that she did not had to see the violence he inflicted onto the Raiders. The adrenaline was still palpable on him. She only assimilated when he had taken his mask off but she did not commented on that either.

He was cooking a pig-sheep leg he had bought earlier in the day. Yes it tasted dull since he did not bought salt or pepper or any seasoning. He still boiled some potatoes with a pot he had bought as well. The woman was still silent and focused solely on the fire. “Does she thinks I’m going to poison her?” Zuko thought as he stirred the potatoes and turned over the meat over the fire.

When the meal was cooked? At least he hoped it was, well the meat looked cook on the outside but he wasn’t completely sure if it was cooked on the inside and the potatoes might had been a little overcooked but he still gave her his only plate. He would eat directly from the sword.

They ate in silence. It wasn’t until she finished that she muttered a faint “Thank you”

Zuko stared at her and nodded. “You should rest” He told her, not as an order but as a suggestion. She looked at him trying to avoid his gaze and silently nodded.

It was a chilly night so he gave her his only blanket, as a firebender he should be able to protect himself from the cold winds specially if he kept the fire on. He heard a rustling in the middle of the night and opened his eyes to see that the woman was trying to find a path in the darkness. Though darkness roamed the woods he could see that her legs were wobbly and she collapsed not long after taken a few steps.

“Where are you going?” He asked her as he crouched in front of her.

“I have to go. My children need me” The woman said

“Please, you need to rest. You won’t find a clear path, or someone to help you, at this time of night. And you can’t help your children if you are in this weaken state” Zuko pleaded at the woman. He mentally laughed at the irony. The Fire Nation Prince pleading to a peasant woman. His forefathers would scorn him for that, not that he care what those maggot food thought.

“It’s just, it’s been so long” She said on the verge of tears.

“I know, but focus on yourself first” Zuko said and for the first time he hugged the woman who simply begun sobbing on his arms. He didn’t cared that his outer robe was damp, she needed a comfort after what she had been through for Agni knows how long. It didn’t take a long time before the gentle snoring of the woman in his arms indicated him that she had fallen asleep.

He gently scooped her and took her to her sleeping place. He covered in the blanket one more time and he fell asleep as well.


The following morning the people of the harbor were confused as to why the Southern Raiders ship had sunk. The town’s chief had to send a messenger hawk to the communications tower. The Fire Nation would not be happy if it was found out this had been an attack.

Meanwhile in the woods the woman woke up when Zuko gently shook her awake. The woman at first panicked but then she understood what was happening and remembered everything that happened last night.

“Eat, is fruit” Zuko gently said as he gave her a small bowl of chopped food. She once again thanked him but then she said something that he did not understood.

“I’m sorry?” He asked her

“Kya, my name is Kya” She answered.

“Kya, that’s a pretty name. I’m Zuko” He told her. He didn’t know why he did that but she needed some sort of kindness after the hell she been through.

“Where are you from?” Zuko asked her after a silence. After all its not like they had anything else to do but to talk and focus on her getting her health back

“I’m from the Southern Water Tribe” She quietly commented.

“Then I know where we are going once you get your full health back” Zuko said as he stood up.

“Are you serious?” Kya asked him

“Yes, I saved you because you didn’t deserved that treatment, no one deserves that” Zuko said.

He still remembered one day when the imperial circus performed in the palace. He was seven. His mother was still with him and his cousin Lu Ten was still alive. It was good times. The performers were gracious. The acrobats magnificent. The jesters were funny. But the thing he hated the most was seeing the Tigerdillo being caged or the Platypus-Bear being whipped with a fire whip so it could jump a flaming ring. He did not liked that. And only because his mother noticed his distress did the performers stopped said practices but did not freed the animals.

“And you are expecting a special service for this?” She asked with a venom in her voice. Zuko couldn’t blame her though. As far as he knew the only contact she had with the Fire Nation were those rapists

“No, I’m only thirteen, why would I take advantage of a woman that could be my mother?” He asked in confusion.

“If only you knew” Kya said with a sadness and deception that made Zuko’s stomach drop. He now realized that death had been a punishment too lightly for them.

“Just for how long did they held you captive?” Zuko asked

“I lost track of time in there, but if I remember correctly they held “anniversary parties” inside my cell” Kya said and Zuko’s blood boiled in rage. It was the same type of treatment he was going to get if he remained inside the ship that would take him towards the Boiling Rock. “Hmm, perhaps I should visit that prison and release the prisoners, I’m sure Ozai would love that”

“Why were you captured?” Zuko asked

“Because I’m a water bender” She replied quickly which surprised Zuko of her openness. Still something was off but he wasn’t going to call her out in his stupid instincts.

“I’m sorry. For all of this” Zuko apologized. After all his family was the one who wiped out the Air Nomads and he heard they were taking Water Benders as well. He worried if they would try to come after the Earth benders as well.

Given that none of them knew how to continue the talk he stood up, grabbed his swords and begun to train.

Yes he was glad to get new weapons but this broad swords were different than the ones he used. This ones were heavier, rougher, he was luckily the tired state of the Raiders work in his favor or else he would have been dead by now.

With every swift motion he felt his arms grow tired

With every slash his voice screamed

With every cut his soul exclaimed for justice.

He was drenched in sweat once the sunset arrived. Unknown to him Kya had been looking at his training all day.

And as he go to clean himself he found out that the Southern woman had cooked a small stew.

“Sorry, we don’t have any bowls” She said

“That’s ok. We can eat directly from the pot” He said as he approached the nice looking stew. “It smells delicious” He said

“Thank you, I still remember how to cook” Kya said. It panged in Zuko’s heart how she said it. How she had a wishful thinking. How things should’ve been different for her. He knew he had promised her to return her home. But now it was a complete mission he was not going to fail at. She would be returning home with her children.


So that's it for this week. Next week episode will be titled: Trip to the Southern Water Tribe

Chapter 6: The trip to the South


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Zuko and Kya were traveling in silence. They had decided that the best course of action to get to the South Pole was to travel to the next harbor town and from there buy a small sail boat. He had yet to use his mask ever since they had left the security of the forest but he knew that it would work to his benefit.

No one would look twice at two travelers following the main roads. And if someone tried to rob them or hurt them Zuko was more than welcome to send them towards Agni or whatever spirits they pray.

It was during one of the nights they shared around a small campfire that Kya mused at the situation she found herself in.

“Is something funny?” Zuko asked her. He could have snapped at her thinking she was laughing at his face or she was delusional but the curiosity got the better of him.

“Oh nothing. It’s just I found it amusing that you continue to try to hide the fact that you are a Fire Bender from me.” Zuko was shocked to hear that. He had been trying to mimic the use of stones to get the spark but every time he got frustrated that made a small flame to ignite the wood for their fire.

“I-I didn’t wanted to frighten you” Zuko said

“Zuko, look at me” She said with a tenderness only a mother could make. He was glad she had still that compassion. Glad that the thing that made her human wasn’t lost because of some rapists. He looked at her. His golden eye saw her blue eyes. Blue eyes that with each passing day. Each meal. Each step taken. Made her eyes shine brighter and brighter.

“You saved me. A woman of a different nation. An unknown woman. A woman you could have been killed for. You would have never frighten me” Kya said to him and he believed in her words. It was like if his mother, Agni have her in his glory, was telling him those things. He began to cry. And before he knew it he was getting embraced by her. Her hands were soothing the back of his head while she hummed a small song he didn’t recognized.

“You know another reason why I wasn’t afraid of you?” Kya asked him and she heard a muffled “Why?” from her rescuer’s lips.

“Because there is a legend of many centuries amongst the Southern Tribes. The elders called it Wairua Kahurangi, others called it Mizuchi Kurayami, but with time we come to know it as The Blue Spirit. You see, the Blue Spirit, is a protector. According to the legend those times in the South was a dangerous place. You had to be weary of the weather, of the wild animals and what was worst of the criminals. In the legends the say that the Blue Spirit was a regular man. A talented blacksmith and craftsman whose family was killed by a criminal that tried to steal some of his gold and his weapons. His entire family lost, for a few coins.” Kya continued soothing Zuko and she knew the boy was listening to her with rapt attention.

“During his anger he took two blades he had recently made for the Village’s chief and went to hunt the killer. It took him only one day to find the killer and when he did find him, a moonless night, mercy was the last thing on his mind. The Tribe’s guards found the corpse in multiple pieces. His head, arms and legs chopped off. According to the legend the killer’s screams could be heard for all the village. Many of the legends claim that the killer’s screams were of “Have mercy” only to be followed by a blunt sound. The blacksmith had no mercy in him. The guards followed the footprints of the blacksmith towards the shore. There they found the blacksmith, kneeling staring at the ocean. The only clothes he had were his blue robes and his swords were on his hands. The parka had been left on the snow”

“He wanted to die” Zuko said looking up at her.

“Yes. In the South the nights are harsher than the days. The guards tried to move the body but it did not bulged. The blacksmith had been death for hypothermia and on his blood covered face was a grin. A satisfactory grin. With the passage of time the legend spread out. And whenever an injustice occurred in the Village the people would clamored or pray for the blacksmith to come to their aid. No one knows who. But sometimes you could see a black clad shadow moving in the village’s streets. The people couldn’t fathom the idea of a man doing this so they began spreading the story that a spirit, the blacksmith’s spirit was doing this to protect the people he loved, his people. When I saw your mask painted blue and with a grin in it. I knew my prayers had been answered, that Tui and La had showed the Blue Spirit the path to my liberation. You have given this old woman hope” Kya said and kissed Zuko’s forehead. Now the two of them were on tears.

“I promise you that I will take you to your village. You will see the snow once again” Zuko said with a resolution. That night they ate in brighter spirits than the nights before. Though the meal had burnt a little it was still edible.

That night Kya decided to sleep embracing Zuko, her savior, a boy of her son’s age tossed into this world like if he was trash, she didn’t know who had hurt him but she hoped that whoever had done this to him would be punished severely.


In the Fire Nation Palace…

Colonel Mongke walked the halls of the palace. His smug attitude could be felt by anyone that encounter the man. He wasn’t even sure why he was there but he had been called by the Fire Lord itself so he wasn’t going to reject his open invitation.

As the guards open the doors for him he entered the Throne room and saw the sillouthe of the Fire Lord Ozai sitting in the Fire Throne. He quickly knelt in front of the most powerful fire bender alive.

“Milord” He said bowing his head.

“Colonel Mongke. A few days ago someone blasted of one of the Southern Raiders ships. The crew is dead. I need you to investigate this and bring me the culprit to me. If it resists you have my permission to inflict as much pain as humanly possible before you deliver it” Ozai ordered the man.

“Yes milord, but out of curiosity, why alive? It would be better if you let me execute it right where it stands” Mongke said to the Fire Lord.

“No, the Southern Raiders are still Fire Nation Navy Force, if someone dares to attack us they need to be made into an example. I think a public burning would be suffice to send a message. But for that I need a culprit. Understood?” Ozai dared the man and though Mongke couldn’t look at the man into his eyes he could feel his stare burning on his head.

“It will be done milord” Mongke said before standing up and leaving the throne room. His Rhinos and him were going to hunt.


Once they had secured a boat, it was more raft than boat but it would do the job, they embarked into the open waters towards the South Pole. It would be five non-stopping days of ocean travel and they had plenty of food to compensate.

Kya also had bought a Pai Sho board game to pass the time. It was during one of this times that Zuko asked her.

“You told me you had children, what are their names?” He felt like he knew the woman and if she dared to ask him something personal he would answer truthfully, depending of the question.

“I have two, Sokka who is my funny one, he is always making pranks and blurting jokes, I don’t know anyone with a spirit as cheerful as him. And then there’s Katara she is my caring one. She can’t see a penguin-otter being hurt without trying to comfort it. I, I do not how old are they. Or if they remember me.” Kya’s expression changed as tears begun rolling from her cheeks.

“It’s ok” Zuko said as he embraced her the same way she had done to him nights before. “Nobody could ever forget you” He told her.

“How can you be so sure?” Kya asked between sobs

“Because I haven’t forget about my mom either” Zuko said and saw Kya looking at him.

“My mom was a beautiful woman. Kind hearted like you. Her patience and love was beyond anyone I had ever met. She loved the opera and the theater and loved playing with me. Then one night she simply was gone. I worry every night if it was because I did something wrong” Zuko said and he felt Kya’s hands tightening around his back in a strong but loving embrace.

“You are not responsible of the actions parents do. If she vanish is probably because she wanted to protect you, I know that because I did that for my daughter” Kya said as she embraced the boy. And there they held their embrace for a long time. A boy without a mother and a mother away from her children.


They were near the South when Kya was doing the navigation. Women were not often taught how to sail a boat but she was a fisherman’s daughter and had learned watching her father and brother work around whenever they needed an extra hand.

“You know you could stay in the village. You don’t have to go back to main land” “To the war” She thought to herself.

“I appreciate you offer but I made up my mind. There are people in prisons. Good people that are alone and whose prayers need to be answered.” Zuko said as he contemplated to closing of the icy tundra.

“It is not you job to answer those prayers” Kya said

“I know, but someone has to” Zuko said. And before Kya could reply the icy mist that surrounded the village, well it look more like a small tribe now, smaller than she remembered, cleared out and she saw the tribe, her tribe.

She knew this was insane but she jumped on the water and luckily it was low tide because only her feet were damp. She begun to scream in ecstasy.

“HAKODA, KATARA, SOKKA! I’M HOME!!!” Though Zuko did not followed her he could hear the emotions on her voice. He had quickly put his mask, the Blue Spirit mask, on his face, he did not wanted the people of her tribe see a Fire nationer bringing her back. He changed course and steer away from the village. The last he saw was two blue dressed people rushing towards her tackling her in a loving embrace.

He smiled underneath his mask. Someday he would find his mother if she was alive. But for now, for now the Blue Spirit had another mission.

On the shores of the icy tundra a girl was shedding tears of joy dampening her cheeks while a boy’s snots fell from his nose as he cried as well.

“MOM! I CAN’T BELIEVE IT’S YOU!” The girl said hugging her tightly, neither of the cared about the ice cold feeling in their bodies, they only cared about being reunited.

“Mom who brought you back?” Kya’s daughter asked her mother. The blue eyes from the older woman looked at her daughter and said

“A Spirit”


The word Wairua Kahurangi comes from the Maori language. And Mizuchi Kurayami comes from Japanese and the user Njorn-Kráken who has been writing beautiful poetry in every comment it leaves.
Also sorry if someone wanted for Zuko to stay in the South Pole, but the Blue Spirit legend needs to happen before the Avatar arrives

Chapter 7: The vigilante


Zuko reaches mainland.

Chapter Text

Now that he was alone he began thinking of his actions so far. He was bathing on the sun’s rays has his boat moved towards mainland. Two days ago he had left the iceberg infested ocean and Kya, the woman that in the space of a few days had been close to him as his mother, was reunited with her family. He just prayed that history did not repeat itself and she could find peace with her people.

He reached a small island that was close to the mainland. He knew that Kyoshi was closer and that a Fire Nation port was close as well but he knew that the port wasn’t an option, he couldn’t risk being noticed and revealed to everyone. And Kyoshi, well he wasn’t interested in being Unagi’s food.

The island was enough for him to buy more supplies. The locals did not cared for a scarred traveler. As long as he paid for the things they would let him to his own devices. He wanted to take a rest in a close hostel but he couldn’t risk getting the boat stolen. So he just went in and out of the town as fast as he could. His boat was still there. He would get rid of it once he reached mainland but for now he couldn’t risk losing it.

It took him three long days to reach mainland. And it was almost sunset when he arrived. Once he did he collapsed in the beach. He was so damn tired. He decided to make a small campfire in that same beach and roast some of the meat he had bought. He still didn’t know how to cook that well but Kya had taught him how to know when the meat was well cook and not raw.

When the meat was done, at least edible enough, he ate his dinner as he ponder over the map he had. He wasn’t that sure where exactly he was but the stars were going to be his guide and take him towards wherever his destiny take him.

After he finished his meal he sat watching the endless movement of the waves. Their crashing sounds relaxed him. The moon was full and bright making reflections in the ocean. His uncle always told him of the legends of Tui and La, the Ocean and Moon Spirits, who danced forever around each other in a push and pull movement. He closed his eye, and he was sure he closed his scarred one as well.

He begun to meditate of his current situation. A masked person, a vigilante. How whenever he slip the mask on he transformed into this character, this creature. A creature whose sole purpose was to protect the innocent by whatever means necessary. How this creature could kill without caring. How this creature could simply walk between the good and the bad. How it didn't care if someone was Fire, Earth or Water nation, only if that person was guilty of inflicting pain in their fellow people. The vigilante known as The Blue Spirit. It even had a catchy name.


Meanwhile in a port town in the Earth Kingdom…

Five Komodo-Rhinos arrived at the sunken remains of the Southern Riders’ boat. Colonel Mongke descended from his Komodo and begun to notice the area of the ship. He nod at his men who dismounted as well and begun to track and search every clue in the area. Two Fire Nation soldiers were standing there, guarding it.

“What do you know?” Mongke asked the men.

“We only heard the explosion, we saw no one coming out from here” One of the guards said.

“No one tried to jump ashore?” Mongke asked

“No sir, we only heard a few screams from the inside of the ship, but no one came out” The other one, a woman, answered.

“And then? You didn’t tried to help?” Mongke asked

“We did sir, but the fire was too intense to snuff it with only buckets” The woman answered.

“And then?”

“The screams subsided sir, it was until the ship sunk that we brought hooks and machinery to pull it out from the water and recover the bodies” The male guard responded.

“What can you tell me about the bodies?” Mongke said as he looked at the destroyed ship.

“That some of them had burns. But others, others sir were missing pieces” The female guard answered.

“Tiger-sharks or koi-whale?” Mongke asked them turning to see them.

“No sir, this missing pieces had been cut by, well I don’t know sir but they seem to have been cut with something sharp rather than ripped apart or bitten off.” The male said

“What else?”

“We heard stories sir, about, they are mostly local legends that someone set fire to a local store, and the owner had been killed as well” The female answered

“What about those stories?”

“They said that a shadowy figure killed the owner. That it was a vengeful spirit”

“A spirit?” Mongke asked with an unamused expression. He wasn’t as fool as Zhao to dismiss or take the spirits lightly. No, if the spirits took the matters into their hands, then it was something necessary. Still this didn’t smell like a spirits work. The spirits did not set things ablaze. They made a spectacle. This felt like human made. And if it had been a human he would find it.

Chapter 8: Spirit of Vengeance, Spirit of Mercy


WARNING: Child murder in this episode as well as rape. Also the killers met a hideous end so consider yourself warned.
Also I do not own any of this characters. I'm only a big fan of the show and wanted to give it a twist

Chapter Text

Fire Nation Palace…

“Well done Azula” Iroh applauded as his niece finished a set of basic Fire bending forms.

“Uncle, I’ve seen basic drills all week, when are we going to pass onto the heavier stuff? I want more advance material. You know I’m a prodigy.” Azula complained. She thought that when her uncle took the role of her mentor that she would be doing more powerful sets and forms, but they so far were doing sets that babies did.

“Azula, a bender should always know the basics. I know you think that I’m trying to cap your potential but it is the other way around.” Iroh said as he poured some chamomile tea into a cup and gave it to her.

“A Fire Bender needs to have control over the element.” He picked one of the apples in the fruit plate next to them. “Imagine that this apple is the world. You burn a side and is still edible right?” He said as he burned a small fraction of the apple and he bit said part. “You can still eat it right?” Azula nodded “What happens now is a fire grows out of control?”

“The apple burns.” Azula said as she saw the apple turn into a black ashy ball.

“Try to eat it” Iroh said

“Ew no” Azula said making Iroh laugh at her reaction.

“Exactly Azula, if we continue a path of not understanding the dangers of the Fire we will let the fire consume everything uncheck and unhinged. Basics remind us of the control we must have” Iroh said to her and Azula nodded in understanding.

“Now let us do that one more time and then I’ll teach you something more advance” Iroh said


Zuko was beginning to feel his feet sore. It had been a long walk from the previous village to the next one. He was still hiding and sleeping in the woods but he was definitely going to pay for a room tonight. He sat in a nearby fountain. Women of all ages were washing their clothes on said fountain so he wouldn’t be able to rest that much or else they would get angry at him.

He took his boots and begun to massage his right feet. He really needed that. During his trek to this town he had fell and got a splinter on his boot that penetrated his flesh, it wasn’t as bad as it was but it was still uncomfortable to walk. As he changed position and massaged his left foot he heard a sweet voice asking.

“Did it hurt?” He looked up and saw a girl with pale skin and green eyes, of about seven or eight years looking at him.

“A little” He answered her.

“I hope it doesn’t hurt anymore” She replied.

“No it doesn’t” Zuko replied. Then a new voice was heard.

“There you are!” He looked and saw a pale looking woman with golden eyes rushing towards the girl. “How many times have I told you to not ran away, it’s dangerous to go alone” The woman, clearly her mother, said to the girl

“I’m sorry” The girl look down

“It’s ok, let’s find papa” She stood up and looked at Zuko’s direction. “I’m sorry if my daughter made you feel bad” She said

“It’s ok, children’s curiosity” Zuko shrugged.


Zuko got a room with a view, it wasn’t that much of a view but it was a room on the third floor that was looking at the forest. The green terrains would be ideal for a run in case someone was chasing him. Obviously no one was doing that but one could never be too sure.

He had ate a nice meal and by sunset he was finally resting in a bed, it wasn’t the nicest one but it was better than the dirt or grass. His back would surely thank him for this.

It was high in the night when he heard a scream. He sprang into action and took his head out of the window. He atone his hearing and he heard distant struggle. Quickly he took his broad swords, his daggers and the mask was put in his face. He jumped through the window and realized his fatal mistake. His right foot resented the harsh impact. Still he decided to rush inside the forest and help whatever poor soul was in danger.

As he got closer to the struggle he heard a male voice say. “You have to taste this Fire Nation bitch, he mouth says no, but her puss* says yes” One of the mocking voices said and the other responded. “She better behave or will kill her husband and we will have fun with her little girl” The other one answered.

“Colonist bitch” The first man said and Zuko wanted to run faster, to ignore his own pain to help that family. He hated that the forest was as empty of life at this time of night that the voices could be heard with better clarity.

“Kill the girl!” The first voice ordered and then a muffled “NO” was heard followed by deep cries and a muffle voice yelling “I’LL KILL YOU ALL FOR THIS!”

Finally he saw a glint of a campfire, those bastards had been there far too long. Deciding to be a spirit he snuff the fire to confuse those f*ckers.

Zuko’s right eye was used to darkness so in the darkness he saw two men, one standing with a sword pointing at a man whose legs had been amputated and the other was raping a woman who was on the ground crying while the man’s hand was covering her mouth. The sick bastard clearly enjoying doing this to innocent people.

“Who did that?” They were confused yet they were not going to walk away. He let them boil in their fear and in the right moment he would attack. He took one of his daggers and quickly sent it to the rapist, cutting his dick in the process. His aim had been improving so he knew that despite the close quarters between the rapist and the woman she would be unharmed. Despite the darkness he saw a dangling mass roll away from the rapist. He then acted quickly and cut his head off.

The other man couldn’t believe his eyes he only saw his partner a few moments ago and now there was a complete darkness that had killed him. He took his sword from the man’s neck and took a defensive pose. As if the spirits were against him the moon was covered by a passing cloud covering any form of light that could have been present.

“Show yourself!” The man said and before he knew it the campfire ignited again and standing in front of him was an evil Spirit, his immovable grin send chills into his spine and the darkness in his eyes made it look completely inhuman. He let his sword fall and rushed towards the forest, hopefully he would lose him in the trees

But he did not went too far. He felt something piercing his left ankle. Zuko had seen the bloodied dismembered man and the body of the little girl, he now realized that it was the cute girl that he saw earlier in the town. He exhaled and threw his second dagger towards the running man. He heard when the man fell onto the ground clearly in pain. He began slowly walking towards said cowering man. The man tried to drag his sorry mangled body to safety but Zuko’s dagger had clearly stabbed his ankle.

“Please, please have mercy” The man did what Zuko hated the most. Claim for mercy. The man who had killed an innocent child. Who watched how his partner raped her mother. Who tortured her father. This man was begging for forgiveness. The Blue Spirit knew nothing of such thing for wicked people like him.

If someone was paying attention they could see the fumes coming down the mask’s nostrils. Zuko felt them so he, for the first time donning this persona, took his mask in front of an enemy.

The man wet himself as he saw the face of a scarred boy. His short hair standing wickedly and his only good eyed looked at him with a piercing and murderous stare. The breathing of the boy in front of him made the killer realize that there would be no mercy towards him. He closed his eyes hoping that his blade was swift and precise to grant him a quick and painless death.

Then he heard the clanging of the swords hitting the ground.

The killer opened his eyes, hoping that for some miracle someone had arrived and had killed this f*cker or that the spirits had interceded. But no. This guy was still standing in front of him. The man’s swords were disregarded next to him. The killer thought that perhaps the man was going to strangle him. But no.

“Are those flames?” The killer thought before he was met with the full force of a fire stream coming from the man’s mouth. The killer trashed and tried to stand up and run but it was useless, the injury in his leg prevented from doing so. The killer scream as his skin begun to burn. His clothes transformed into ash. His hair was blazing in flames as his scalp begun to melt. Burnt flesh could be smell everywhere in the forest and it would attract dangerous animals. The killer was still alive as he felt the fire reaching his bones. It was in that moment that death finally claimed him. But it wasn’t over for the person burning him.

No, the Blue Spirit constant fire was still burning with righteous fury and anger. He did not stopped until he was out of breath and the killer was more than death.

“AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Zuko yelled at the high heavens for this injustice that occurred to an innocent family. When he was finally sure that his rage for this incident had somewhat passed and that the killer was finally dead he turned to the campfire and checked on the man with the missing legs. He was no doctor but he knew that the man could survive if he rush and took him back to town.

“You, you are going to be fine sir, I can take you to a doctor” Zuko said to him. He could still save him and his wife. The man’s eyes, green in color, looked at him with a broken stare

“P-please sir. We just want to be with our daughter” The broken man pleaded at Zuko.

“I’m sorry sir, your daughter is dead” Then it dawned on Zuko, he realized what the men silently asked. In his eyes were an infinite sadness he had never seen before, except once, it was the same sadness he had seen in his Uncle when he returned from Ba Sing Se after Lu Ten’s death. The look of someone who had lost everything, even his will to live.

Zuko turned to the broken man and noticed that the woman had dragged herself to were her daughter was, and he saw how the same look in her and how they were begging for the same thing. A swift and quick death to end with their suffering. He nodded at them and stood up. He took the bloodied dagger that had castrated the rapist and clean it with the rapist’s robe. He even spat at his beheaded body

He went towards the woman, the poor bruised and broken woman who was still trying to hug and comb the hair of her daughter, for a moment Zuko could think that the girl was simply sleeping, it was on closer inspection that he could see the gnarly cut in her throat. A single cut that severed her short life.

“Rinzo, I love you” The woman’s broken voice called to her husband who tried to drag himself to where she was.

“I love you Jen-Ho, until my last breath” The man replied. Tears falling like waterfalls in his cheeks

Zuko hugged the woman and hold her in his arms until his dagger punctured her heart. He didn’t care if his clothes stain with the many blood pouring into it. He simply continue the embrace until the woman, as her child, laid lifeless in his arms. He wanted to cry, to scream and curse onto the four elements. To curse to the Spirits for allowing for this to happen. But he still had something else to do.

“Thank you for doing this” The man, Rinzo, said to him.

“It’s my fault this happened. I wasn’t fast enough” Zuko said to the man.

“None of this is your fault young man. War is cruel. I just hoped that my daughter would have lived to grow old” Rinzo said

“What was your daughter’s name?” Zuko asked him.

“Izumi” He said.

“It is a pretty name” Zuko said

“It means Spring, the season she was born” The man said. His face begun to crunch and twist in sadness as tears reappeared in his eyes.

Zuko embraced him and said “I’m sorry, but you will reunite with them soon. May Agni bless you in the afterlife” Zuko said before stabbing the man’s heart. He felt the man’s hands tightening in his back and then relax until it let go of him. Zuko gently put the man on the ground.

He wanted to give the family a proper Fire Nation funeral, burning the bodies so their ashes could feed the land. But given that they were in the middle of a forest it wasn’t the best option. He decided to bury them together. One family, one grave.

It was almost dawning when Zuko had finished. As he left the spot it could only be seen two things, one, the body of the rapist with his genitals cut and missing his head as well as the scorched body of Izumi’s killer. And two, a grave freshly made with a dagger stabbing a piece of paper that told tonight’s events. The story finishing with the phrase that read:

“Vengeance has been served, Mercy has been given, and Justice has been done. Signed The Blue Spirit”

Chapter 9: The myth of the Blue Spirit


Different POVs of people the Blue Spirit has touched


Shorter chapter but don't worry I will give you plenty of action in the next one, titled: The Sourthern Squadron

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Southern Water Tribe…

Another cold day breeze touched her cheeks. She was cold yet she was deep in her prayers. He father had sailed away a month ago and no news had reached them. She found herself praying for his safety and his quick return. After all if the spirits had returned her mother to her perhaps they listen to her prayers and make this war to be over so her father returns.

Well technically her mother wasn’t brought back by any common spirit, it was by THE Blue Spirit. Her mother day and night told them about the impressiveness of his power. A non-bender spirit fighting for justice. That had inspired both Sokka and she. Sokka decided to train harder to be a strong warrior just like him.

Katara on the other hand was curious about the person behind the Blue Spirit mask. Yes her mother told them that it was a true spirit, and she would never doubt her mother’s word as anything but the truth, but she had to admit that it fit better if there was someone posing as a spirit to inflict justice in those who had been wronged by the evil Fire Nation. Perhaps the man was someone who had been wronged as well and decided that enough was enough. A one man army ready to spring into action when the prayers called for his blade to defend the helpless.

So that’s where Kya found her, on her knees with her hands close to her chest and her eyes closed in a silent prayer. She smiled fondly at her daughter, she had grown up so much in this few years she missed. It filled her with joy but sadness that she never saw her turn into this beautiful young woman. She embraced her interrupting her praying to kiss her on the nose.

“Come little one, you’ll get sick if you remain here” Kya said nudging her daughter towards the village where Gran-Gran was making sea prune stew.

Kyoshi Island…

“Good work girls! Tamira excellent forms. Rhoi well done and Jin your forms have been improving, Jin even though you claim no prior experience of fighting before you have shown great advances these past few months.” A girl of her age with auburn hair congratulated Jin by patting her shoulder. She felt right at home.

When she first came into this island she was frightened. If it weren’t for that nice fisherman’s family she would have been Unagi’s food. She had never worked on a fishing boat before but the family were patient with her and explained how to sew the nets and open the cages. She was also glad that the family never insinuated or try to take advantage of her. She was sick and tired of everyone always trying to get their payment one way or another. Well almost everyone. She still remembered her guardian angel. The bandit. The bandit who knew nothing about them but only that they were being abused. The bandit who took action and inflicted justice onto that bastard.

The bandit that taught her to not be a helpless little child. If she wanted to survive in this war world she would become a warrior herself.

Caldera City…

The paper burned in his hands. Three months, three months since someone dared to make a terrorist attack towards one of his fleet and no one had manage to catch the bastard responsible for it.

He couldn’t believe the balls someone could have to do something like that. And specially since it showed the world that his fleets were flawed and weak. He had ordered every single of his soldiers to kill whoever tried to spread rumors about the Fire Nation’s weakness.

He sat on his fire throne, why was everyone so incompetent?

On another part of the Palace two figures silently meditated in front of each other. The dragon of the west General Iroh and his niece Princess Azula sat in a lotus position controlling their breaths moving the candles in front of them.

At first Azula thought this was all rubbish but she had to believe her uncle’s word, he had been an amazing general and the last man to ever kill a dragon in combat. If she wanted to be the most powerful bender in the world she would need to learn from the best. Despite the fact that she hated tea. Though to be honest with herself it wasn’t as bad. She could see herself warming to its taste.

“Ugh I just made a tea related pun, what is uncle doing to me?” She thought to herself as she continued with her meditation.

Pu Hai City…

Colonel Mongke was tired. Three months since the attack on the Southern Raiders and nothing. Only whispers that went on and on about the shadow spirit who killed whoever did wrong. The note they found in the woods next to a makeshift grave alongside the remains of two apparent killers denoted that this had been done by human hand. The spirits never left notes, they only punished.

Still his elusive prey was still at large. He could burn village after village until that freak showed up, that the “spirit” knew that this was their world, that they had the power and the means to wipe out everything and everyone they deemed unworthy of soiling the Agni’s blessed earth with their filthiness. Hell even the whor*s in this place had nothing against the beautiful geishas on the capitol’s best brothels.

Still, not a single sighting of that so called Blue Spirit. He thought what he had gathered about the man, or woman, he didn’t care its gender, an enemy was an enemy and a prey was his prey.

The Spirit was well versed in the art of sword fighting

He could disappear in the night, probably military training for espionage

The rumors told him that the Blue Spirit never made a sound, probably a mute.

And the most damning of all, the Blue Mask, only Water Tribes clansmen wore that color and knew of that legend.

And luck was on his side. Because in the next village, one set near a big and wide river. He found his target

“Southern warriors” Mongke smiled at himself.


So in this timeline Suki is yet to take the mantle of Captain of the Kyoshi warriors, don't worry she will get her position by the time the Gaang appears.
Please leave your thoughts in the comments below, I love reading them

Chapter 10: The Southern Squadron


Hello everyone, I know that I always post the updates on Monday but in my country is a holiday and I was planning to spend the day with my family, so I rushed to finish this chapter so I could take a small vacation. Hope you like it and we will read soon

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Hakoda could hardly breathe. In one moment he and his warriors were grilling their meal, the next the fire had come alive and five Fire Nationers appeared from the woods. He had miscalculated the ferocity of those ashmakers.

His men had been ambushed at the first break of dawn. Those sneaky bastards had actually attack them without provocation and before all of them were full awake. Sadly Tiako and Shuku had been the first casualties, one of the men attacking them had sent a powerful explosive device towards the duo when they were recollecting water for breakfast. The explosion and the grunts of pain woke everyone in the camp, sadly there wasn’t anything they could do to help the injured men as the battle started soon enough.

Hakoda realized that despite having the upper numbers they were clearly outmatched by the ferocity of the men attacking them. His squadron was full of valiant warrior all of them being non-benders and their attackers had the element of the surprise.

One of the attackers was a Yuyan archer. He had never encountered in the battlefield but he knew of their legendary marksmanship and deadly accuracy. Sadly some of his men got to meet their demise as the arrows pierced their hearts or foreheads.

The ones that could be contained better where the ones who decided to fight one on one against his men so at least they got a fraction of a moment by focusing the fight into other members rather than risk the injured further. Hakoda managed to cut the neck of one of the squadron members. Unfortunately it wasn’t the one with the bombs. That man was armored from head to toe without an opening in his armor.

Hakoda could see how the bodies kept piling up. He knew well the men fighting beside him. They were thirty men over the age of sixteen, the age when a man prove its worth by ice dodging. When he was a child and passed through that rite he earned the mark of the wise. That mark had lead his entire life. Had make the men and women of the Tribe to look up at him. To ask for his advice and council in times of need. Had followed him to the heart of the polar bear-dog when he decided to fight the Fire Nation instead of the ashmakers to bring the war to them and take more than just one person.

He fight to protect those who needed protection. Luckily he wasn’t entirely alone. His best friend and brother in arms, Bato, was right beside him. The duo met when they were children and when Bato’s parents died during a storm Hakoda’s family took him in. Transforming the already best friends into brothers.

“Let’s take the leader, if we kill him the others will stop the fight” Bato told him. Though it was a suicide since they hadn’t seen the man with the Mohawk do anything during the fight, so they didn’t know what to expect from his abilities. Bato was right, Fire nationers would not fight if their leader was compromised.

The duo charged forward with two whale spears in each hand. Their attack was inspired during their Caribou-Moose huntings. One man would attack forward distracting the prey while the other would jump high into the air using the first man as a platform to deliver the killing blow.

Bato having the longer legs was the one who would serve as the platform with Hakoda pushing himself up in the air to attack the leader. As he saw was about to attack the man threw a ball of fire towards him. Hakoda was shocked but he was still hit with the fire in his chest. He rolled on the sand trying to put out the fire.

Bato meanwhile tried to fight the fire bender but the man decided to burn him with a stream of fire. Hakoda could only hear the desperate cries of his brother as his body was involved in a fiery tomb.


The Blue Spirit had been traveling down the coast and part of the mainland for this past months. He knew that he was being followed by the Roughed Rhinos, one of Ozai’s favorite killers, so he would do justice while trying to contain the small group into someplace near water. They wouldn’t be able to bend as good if they were near the ocean or lakes and the destruction would be at minimum if water could be brought as quickly to put out the fires.

The night had come and he noticed a group of Water Tribe warriors camping nearby. He wondered if they were from the South and wanted to join with them to know if Kya was alright. But no, Spirits did not mingle with people. It was best to leave them be.

He climbed a tall tree and decided to sleep in there. He wasn’t hungry so he thought that a good night’s rest was the best option before continuing his journey.

He was finishing his breakfast, some lychee and dried fruit when the sound of an explosion came to him. Then the following screams and clashing of a nearby battle.

He rushed to where he had seen the Water Tribe warriors last night and saw them fighting and loosing against the Roughed Rhinos.

“So they attacked at dawn to gain the upper hand. Well too bad for them, for I rise with the sun as well” The Blue Spirit thought to himself as he raced towards the fighting.


Colonel Mongke loved the many sounds a burning person could make. He felt a twisted satisfaction burning a man, woman or children until there was nothing left. And that’s what he was planning to do with the savage in front of him. Burn him for daring to attack him with one of his primitive weapons.

But then the man stopped moving.

“Looks like he wasn’t as though” Mongke mocked the man but it wasn’t that the man stopped squealing from his death. It was simply that the fire stopped burning him.

“What in Agni’s name?” Mongke stare in disbelief. But then he saw it. His prey. His prize. The Blue Spirit in person was standing in front of him. His mocking expression staring back at him and his two swords were pointing at him.

Before Mongke could attack the Blue Spirit sprinted, not towards him. But towards his archer. The disgraced Yuyan archer fired arrow after arrow towards the coming figure. But for each arrow the archer send a swift movement cut them in the air. The archer had no time to react when the Spirit leaped over him and with a swift motion of his two swords cut the man’s head and bow.

The Blue Spirit moved like hell on the earth, his movements were too fast and precise. And with the act he just performed into the group’s archer he was a monster. The other Rhinos followed their comrade into the gates of Agni. The explosive one was killed alongside his Komodo-Rhino when the Blue Spirit ignited some of his bombs. The man never got the chance to take the belt away or go to the water when several bombs exploded destroying his body and spreading guts and blood everywhere.

The other two deaths weren’t as pretty. One was cut in half from side to side while the other one was cut in half from head to toe.

In the end only Mongke remained standing tall. He was the only surviving member of the Roughed Rhinos. He had stared in shock unable to help his team by the sheer brutality of the Blue Spirit’s attack. The Mohawk haired man glared at the vigilante who was looking at him. The black holes in the man’s mask felt like endless voids deprived of all life. Perhaps this man was truly a spirit.

The Blue Spirit decided to put his swords back in the sheath. He made a mocking gesture with his hand telling Mongke to come to him. They would settle this mano a mano.

The next brawl was intense. Though Mongke was taller the Blue Spirit was a very good opponent. Easily deflecting and punching Mongke when he saw the opportunity.

“This man is good, I could use someone like him. But with those colors he might be a filthy peasant trying to bring hope and justice to his filthy people. Let’s destroy that hope” Mongke thought as he head-butted the Blue Spirit mask. It hurt Mongke as well but he just needed a distraction to gain the upper hand and bring the Blue Spirit into submission. Fire Lord Ozai wanted this man alive to be able to punish him himself.

Mongke tried to grab the Spirit by the throat but The Blue Spirit got a hold of Mongke’s hands and the two of them where in a brawling match, strength against strength. Only the will to survive will decide who lives to fight another day. Sadly for the Blue Spirit he was still a thirteen year old boy and despite his warrior spirit his arms begun to weaken. His left knee touched the ground as the stronger man was towering over him. His wrists hurt and his fingers were getting crushed in the man’s bigger hands.

He had no options. That was until the sun reflected the man’s nose ring. If only he could reach it.

“The mask’s fangs!” The Blue Spirit thought as he turned his face to his left and with an impressive accuracy hooked the nose ring into the mask’s white fang. Mongke’s eyes opened wide realizing what was about to happen. “No” Mongke pleaded but it was too late the Blue Spirit pull his head back with an impressive strength ripping the metal ring from his nose, blood begun to gush from the injury.

“AGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Colonel Mongke’s scream could be heard far and wide.

The colonel was bleeding profusely. In his shock and pained state he had released the Blue Spirit’s hands as his tried fruitlessly to stop the bleeding of his destroyed nose. But his pain was cut short when the tip of a broadsword entered this stomach. Mongke couldn’t screamed in pain since the sword was jammed in his diaphragm and before he knew it the broadsword split into two sending his guts flying away.

“Ah” Was the last thing Colonel Mongke said as his body fell onto the rough terrain. With the entire squadron dead The Blue Spirit was able to rest. The Water Tribe men would gather their injured and their dead but he couldn’t do much to help them he wasn’t as healer after all. Only a spirit of vengeance and justice.

He sat there uninterrupted and unmoving. He could feel the stares of the men but they never approached him. Only nodding at him in silent thanks. Many if not all of them would’ve died today if it weren’t for his intervention.

Hakoda was the most grateful. His brother was alive. Deeply burned but alive. He was about to check on the others when he saw the Blue Spirit stand up from his sitting position. He quickly rushed to the man who looked at him with a tired expression, was that even possible if the man was wearing a mask? Who knew but fighting like that wasn’t easy for everyone.

“Before you leave. I want to say thank you.” Hakoda said as he stretched his arm. And though the Blue Spirit hesitated he grabbed the man’s hand only for his hand to pull towards the man’s forearm.

“This is how we greet and say goodbye on the Water Tribe. You have done a great service to us and we will be forever in your debt. Thank you” Hakoda said. He saw the Blue Spirit nod before rushing towards the woods disappearing entirely.

“Now I understand what you were talking about Kya” Hakoda smirked impressed of the warrior


Yes Zuko used fire bending to save Bato, though his injuries are going to be severe and will take him a LOT of time to fully recover, perhaps two years of recovery at the hands of nice perfume making nuns will help him recover.

Also The Blue Spirit’s movements destroying the arrows I imagined would be what King Memnon did on the movie The Scorpion King with Dwayne Johnson.

Chapter 11: Tribesmen


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Blue Spirit decided to stay with the Southern warriors for a couple of hours. He, more than anyone else, knew how to treat severe burnings in the human body. He checked those who could be saved and those who were beyond saving, well, he silently asked for the Chief’s permission to give them a peaceful death. He would grabbed them, hug them and stab them in their gut or swiftly pierce their heart while they exhaled their last breath.

When every life had been saved and every dying man had been peacefully taken care of he decided to meditate in front of the body of water, the small ripples on the water could not compare to those in the ocean but still brought him peace despite the tumultuous day they just had. He was knelt in the sand thinking of why he had this abilities to bring death just as easily. He did not liked nor enjoy killing people but sometimes it was necessary to avoid more suffering. If he didn’t stopped the Rough Rhinos they would have burn these men. They would have kill them, torturing them first, and then painfully execute it. If he didn’t stop them he would have failed himself and would have failed the justice he serves. He was deep in his thoughts when he was approached by the Chief, the man was in his middle thirties for what the Blue Spirit could see and his cuts and bruises had been treated by the healer in their group. Luckily the man had survive almost unscarred.

“Please come with me” The Chief said to the Blue Spirit. The vigilante was confused as he followed the man to the biggest tent of the tribe. He saw the man’s shoulders slump. Clearly he was using a façade to appear stronger to his men than to himself. But his body betrayed him. He was exhausted and devastated. He had lost so many men today.

It was that with what he started.

“I must thank you, Blue Spirit, if you had not intervened my men all would’ve been dead and I with them. An honorable death but not one that we deserve, not when there’s still a war to be fought. I’m glad to say that Kya, my wife, was right about you, Zuko” The man said and the Blue Spirit was at a loss of words. He wanted to flee but he was stopped by the man’s voice.

“Wait, please, don’t go. I want to talk to you, man to man” The Chief pleaded at the young vigilante. The Blue Spirit nodded and walked forward stepping away from the tent’s entrance.

“First of all let me tell you that no one of my people know that you’re a Fire Nationer, or that you used fire bending to save Bato, I saw that” He said with a smile on his face which somewhat appeased Zuko. “Second but no less important you saved my wife from the terrible prison she was in, and what’s more important is that you brought her safe and sound, I’m not saying that other people wouldn’t have done the same. But most of them would have ask her for something in return which would’ve taint the sweetness of her return. And thirdly you saved me from a deep hole I was in. When my wife was taken away I felt a deep depression inside of me. My soulmate had been ripped apart from my side, my children lost their mother, my mother-in-law lost her daughter and the tribe lost someone as brave and caring as her. I wanted to fight in the war not because it was right but because I wanted to die, I wanted revenge no matter the cost. When Kya returned my hope was regained and I no longer wanted to fight the Fire Nation out of hate but because I wanted to protect what little I had left and what I had received once again. I don’t care if you are Fire Nation” Hakoda cut one of the braids in his hair. “Because you became a member of the Southern Water Tribe” Hakoda said as he tied the braid into the mask’s knot.

“My brother, the man you saved from the fire, is in a pretty bad shape, according to my map there’s a abbey up river that can heal him from his burn wounds. I would like you to accompany us. From there you can decide if you want to continue with us or travel by yourself. No one is going to hold you against your will. Would you like that?” The chief asked and got his response in a form of a simple nod from the masked young man.

“Excellent, we’ll leave at dawn” He replied.


The Blue Spirit did not know what to think of the situation he was facing. These men had fought bravely and almost perished today but right know they were celebrating they were alive. No one in the Fire Nation celebrated that they had lived unless it was a victorious general or commander.

The men were clearly drinking with moderation but they were still feeling the effects of the alcoholic beverage they were drinking. Not enough to be completely drunk by morning but just enough to be happy and celebrate another day of living. The Blue Spirit watch them from afar and decided to eat in silence. And whenever he needed to sip on the sea prune dish they made, which was a little sour for his taste but edible nonetheless, he would tilt the mask over just a little to uncover his mouth and be able to eat without revealing his scarred face.


The following morning came swiftly for the Blue Spirit. He had slept one the river’s shore. The sound of the running water was relaxing for him so he had quickly fallen asleep, but still when the first ray of sun came up he woke up.

He awoke his body with a set of morning katas with his swords, he knew that he had time before any of the warriors woke up. So his training would be uninterrupted. He was moving his swords on waves, the double broadswords allowed him to make a waving motion alongside the river’s flow. It wasn’t the first time he did this, after all his training often revolve in doing it in the woods. But being in the presence of his opposite element brought peace to his soul.

During this training he often mediated of the many souls he had sent to their makers. He prayed for a peaceful slumber for those who were innocent and prayed for punishment for those who were wicked.

“Nice forms kid” The Blue Spirit was startled and stopped his movements. As he turned he saw Chief Hakoda looking at him with proudness. “Tell me young man, are you blind from your left eye?”

The masked vigilante quietly nod. He wasn’t sure to trust fully on the Chief but he woke up this morning alive so the man did not spilled his identity.

“I can tell, you try to over correct with your left arm but in doing so you leave your right side wide open, if you continue working like that you will get injured or worse” The Chief said and the Blue Spirit moved his head in a manner that said “What else am I supposed to do?”

“Let’s spar young man. In that way I’ll be able to correct your form” Hakoda said as he grabbed his machete and his club to be equal to the masked young man. Hakoda could not see it but beneath the wooden mask there was a hint on the user’s lips.

The pair spar for a long time, none of them actually wanting to hurt the other but they were still fierce warriors. And just as Hakoda had said The Blue Spirit’s right side had been left open which the chief took advantage of and strike him on his ribs knocking the wind out of the vigilante’s body.

Hakoda stood over the hunched young man and stretched his hand towards him. When the masked man took it he was pulled up in front of the man. “You have heart Zuko, but with your impairment you need to not only protect your left side, you need to protect your whole body. It is necessary that you train both sides, both defenses so you can be unstoppable” Hakoda said. “Now let’s have some breakfast” The man left a heartfelt laugh as he put his arm over the boy’s shoulder.

What Hakoda was not telling was how much he missed his family. He had been away for a month now and it was dumb to leave them after Kya returned but it was necessary to protect them. He missed his son Sokka, and thought he knew Zuko would never replace the son at home, he knew that this boy was someone who was lost. Perhaps he would like to stay with them after leaving the injuries in the abbey. Who knows? One can only hope.

A couple of hours later the men were ready to set sail towards the abbey. Many of the men were in a down mood, it was a complete contrast to last night’s celebration. Perhaps the mood simply shifted as they learned that some of the injured did not survived the night.

One of the lucky few to have survived despite his injuries was the Chief’s brother Bato, who despite the pain he was in and the level of his burns he still tried to joke about it in an attempt to light the mood.

The trip to the abbey was of a certain level of concern for The Blue Spirit, he had yet to climb aboard a vessel since that fateful day in the storm. Still he compared the differences.

-He was in a Water Tribe ship, not a Fire Nation prison vessel

-He was surrounded by camaraderie, not by guards who looked at him with disdain

-The ship was made from wood and leather, not by cold steel.

-And while his father had exiled him, this man had embraced him as one of his own.

He could get used to this.


The abbey was something that brought him many memories. Perhaps it was the many perfumes that reminded him of his mother. The ample spaces that took him to where he used to play with his cousin and Azula. Or the scent of the tea that reminded him of uncle. Yes this place was full of memories for Zuko even though he had never been here.

The Blue Spirit could see the Chief talking with the head nun and for the expressions and body language he could see that the elderly woman looked concerned and frightened. But at the same time she was understanding and apparently allowed for Bato and the other men to be treated inside the abbey.

He felt relieved that the nuns took them in. The warriors would get proper medical attention and they would live to fight another day. Chief Hakoda would be happy that his brother would be alright. And in some way Zuko felt happiness as well. There had been too much blood spilled yesterday that they needed to wash it with some good news.

Yet still there was a nagging feeling inside his chest. A voice telling him that though Chief Hakoda could be trusted there was no guarantee that it would be the same with the other men. So when the Chief finished the talk with the matron and went to the young vigilante he simply said his goodbyes. Perhaps not in a verbal way but Chief Hakoda understood.

And so he went, on his long and winding road, all by himself once again. Not belonging to anywhere nor anyplace nor with anyone.


Sorry to let you down on a sour note, but Zuko won't find a home until a certain Water Bender arrives heeh sorry not sorry

Chapter 12: Out of balance


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The Blue Spirit walked aimlessly through the forest path. Had he done a mistake not taking Chief Hakoda’s offer?

No, he had taken the right call, someday, somehow they would have found his heritage and he would be cast out, or worse.

They would be fine together. While he was meant to be alone.

It was almost dusk when he set his camp in the middle of the woods, according to his map he would be not too far from the Si Wong Desert, he should be careful not to enter too deeply in it or else he would be lost and his whole crusade would be over.

He knelt in front of the fire he had set to cook his dinner when the words of Master Piandao came to him.

“When you feel life out of focus, always return to basic of life” The voice said and he joined the palm of his hands in a praying position, he inhaled deeply with his nose, the night breeze filling his lungs, and exhaled just as deep with his mouth. He did this several times before he begun to eat his meal.

He would follow a new path tomorrow.


Fire Nation…

Ozai was fuming. Not only had he received news that Mongke and his men had been killed. They had apparently been completely annihilated by someone or something. He hated not knowing who this mysterious enemy was. How can he send for his head if he didn’t know even if it was a him.

The man passed his hand through his long hair. If word got out that a squadron of his best assassins got killed he would lose support from his advisors and generals. Not that he cared, he could killed them with a flick of his wrist but still he needed to be fully in control.

Then the doors of the throne room opened and from it walked towards him his brother.

“Iroh, to what do I owe this surprise visit? How is my daughter handling her training under your tutelage?” Ozai asked, his venomous voice trying to conceal the anger he had in this moments.

“That’s what I wanted to talk about my dear brother. Azula has accomplish every single one of the exercises I have for her with flying colors” Iroh said praising the evolution of his niece’s training.

“I knew she was a prodigy. She will be a fine addition to my council” Ozai said already having plans to turn his daughter into a power weapon in his arsenal.

“Oh I’m afraid not Ozai” Iroh said calmly, yet his eyes were still on Ozai’s. Both brothers knew that of the two of them Ozai had the power but Iroh was the strongest.

“You are denying your Fire Lord?” Ozai asked

“Of course not Ozai, but while Azula has finish the training here, there are several places I want to take her to transform her into the most powerful fire bender in existence” Iroh said

“What are you talking about Iroh?” Ozai asked in confussion and curiosity. He needed to be careful or else Azula could strike him down and he would be powerless to stop her.

“Azula has demonstrated that she is able to turn her fire blue, she just lacks the proper tools to get it permanently” Iroh said. He was still amazed when Azula showcased her blue fire during one of the morning exercises.

“And your suggestion is?” Ozai’s patience was thinning, his brother always rambled on not getting to the point.

“I want to take her on a spiritual journey. One that will unlock her full potential” Iroh calmly said. If he had brought a cup of tea he would have taken a sip for dramatic purposes. Since he lacked said item he continued. “You of all people know that after Lu Ten died” He inhaled a little remembering his fallen son “I had given up on everything and everyone, yet I found illumination when I reached the bottom. I believe that Azula is focusing more and more in her training to deal with the loss of her only brother.”

“She should not feel anything for that worthless worm. She should be glad that now that Zuko is out of the picture she is the crown princess” Ozai sneered at the mention of his dead worthless son.

“She is still a child and she needs to process what is happening. So this trip would be beneficial for her mental health and emotional stability” Iroh said.

Ozai’s mind was turning. There were multiple pros and cons of this decision. He could take Azula from Iroh but there were no good teachers to teach her. Jeong Jeong was a deserter. General Yin was a freak. General Ziam was a coward. Lieutenant Zhao had initiative but his daughter would not be taught by someone who is not a general or a noble.

Iroh, meanwhile, had another plan for Azula. He had noticed that even though he was making progress in her doing and behaving like a regular eleven year old, she still had trouble relating to others and sometimes her comments could be a little insensitive. Yet there were times when she could see her laugh and even make a good natured remark that made him let out an earnest laughter. Yes there was still hope for his niece, hope that the horrors Ozai did to her and Zuko, may Agni have him in its glory, can be reversed.

He knew Azula had not only the heritage of the Fire Nation Royals but the Avatar’s as well. She was the great granddaughter of Avatar Roku and she had Ursa’s gentle soul. He could bring that soul, that spirit, out and bring it to the light. To show his niece that fire was more than power but life itself.

“Fine” Ozai said to his brother. “A royal vessel will be at your service. But be warned that every movement will be reported to me. I don’t want my daughter in savage lands” Ozai said

“Worry not my brother. But I must tell you that the meditation sessions should be private. A girl’s mind and thoughts should be private” Iroh claimed in defense of his niece’s mental being.

“Very well” Ozai said “Be careful” But it wasn’t a well-wishing farewell it was more of a threat. Iroh knew very well to never turn his back on his brother or even if he was facing him face to face he should be expecting an archer or an assassin to jump at the first change it got. Ozai would never stain his fine silk robes with the blood of a lesser being.

Iroh bowed before leaving the throne room. His eyes never letting his brother’s sight. After all he just won a mayor battle of wits. But more importantly he had gained the tools to save his niece’s soul.


It took him five days to reach the legendary Misty Palm Oasis, though legendary was an exaggeration since the iceberg that was supposed to be its main attraction was smaller than six feet. Not that impressive to say the least.

He had decided to hide his mask, but not his swords, to avoid attraction. He had cover his face with a dark brown scarf he had bought in a nearby town and a small turban to protect his head from the harsh sun. Yes his hair was longer yet it was pitch black so it would not be a good idea unless he wanted a heatstroke. This weather was completely opposite to the ones he had in Caldera or in the woods he had passed.

The first thing he notice was an inn, he wanted to rest but more than anything and he wanted something cold, even that pathetic iceberg looked good. He entered the inn and he quickly went towards a small wood bar where a tall bald man was chopping fruit making them a fruit juice.

He ordered one without speaking and wrote the question “Are there any available rooms?” Zuko asked the man.

“Yes, upstairs. Five silver coins. If you want I can send you some fun” The man said giving Zuko a knowing look.

The Blue Spirit in disguise knew what the man was offering. The Spirit’s mind begun to think, this could be a possibility to serve some justice. He nodded at the man.

“Excellent” The man said with a grin. “What do you want? Let me guess. You like young right? I have the perfect one for you” The man added with an evil grin that made the Spirit’s blood boil with rage. He wanted to turn that sad*stic grin into an ear to ear one. But he contained his reaction and kept his emotions at bay. The time of justice will be close for this wretched man.


The next chapter The Blue Spirit will be facing his biggest challenge and the most important mission yet: Dismantle a slave ring

Chapter 13: The slave ring


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The unmasked young man waited in his room for at least ten minutes before a soft knock came from the outside of his room. He opened the door thanking that the door open from right to left so he could hide his scarred side on the shadows.

He saw a young girl about his age, she had brown hair and the biggest eyes he had ever seen, if it weren’t for the facts that she was dressed in those rags she would look beautifuly. “I’ve seen a monkey-poodle wear more clothes than this girl” He invited the girl to his room and as he closed the door he saw the girl begin to strip from her prostitute clothes.

The scarred boy quickly covered her with the sheet of his bed. The girl looked confused.

“You don’t like me?” The girl asked in a hurtful tone. She couldn’t believe that this scarred man was rejecting her. I mean she thought that he was better looking than most of her clients. Though he looked younger, almost her age. That got her thinking. Was she growing up too old? She heard the bartender said that they were going to get fresh meat in a couple of weeks. Was she going to be replaced?

Meanwhile The Blue Spirit wanted to kill all of the people who had hurt this girl. He shook his head and proceed to give her the message he had previously wrote.

The girl took it with a confused stare, yet it wasn’t the first time a client gave her a list of his or hers demands. She began reading the note.

“Please do not be alarmed. I’m here to help. I am the Blue Spirit. If you want to get out of this situation just tell me and I’ll deal with those who put you on this job. If you don’t I can send you your way with your usual fee so that you won’t get scold. Either way is up to you. I won’t push you to do what you don’t want to do” The girl finished reading the letter and then turned to face her client who already had a blue mask on alongside black fitting clothes.

“sh*t, this guy is insane, but it could be of help” The girl thought but then she went to the door. She opened. Took a glance at both sides of the aisle and then changed the door’s number so that the back of the number was pointing inward. It was a code for “Do not disturb”

“OK, sit down, I need to tell you something” The girl said to the masked vigilante. The Blue Spirit nodded and sat at the edge of the bed.

“My name is Beeja, I was from a town at the East from here. I lived with my father and brother, my mother died when I was born” Beeja gulped down remembering that tragedy. “My father was a farmer and my brother was a few years older than me so he helped him as much as he could. I still remembered that they worked their hardest to send me to a small school that was in town. Then one night when I was eight someone entered our home. They took me in the middle of the night while my father yelled in anger. The assailants killed my father and brother right there. They made me watch before their laughing faces took me away.” The girl’s tears were spurring from her eyes falling on her cheeks. “Next thing I remember is that I was in an underground base. Don’t know where but I wasn’t the only one. Many women, young like me and no older than twenty as well, they often came and took us away. I. I never saw the broad daylight until they “trained me”, it hurt as much as it could but with time I started to become numb and stopped crying every time they did that. When they thought I was “properly trained” they sold me to the bartender. I have been here since then. That was, like, I don’t know, five or six years ago” Beeja finished as the Blue Spirit cleaned her cheeks. He embraced her as close and gentle as he could. He wanted to make her feel loved.

The embrace dragged for several minutes, not that he minded. He was going to have a “talk” with the bartender soon, he could embrace her longer just so she felt a small fragment of happiness.

When he felt he was ready he stood up. He took a small bag of coins he had set aside for her and with signs he told her to “Stay here” which she understood. As The Blue Spirit was going to climb over the window he was stopped by the girl. She took his face on her hands and kissed the black part of the mask where his lips should be. “For good luck and for being the first human I’ve met during this years” She said shyly. He nodded before leaping out the window.


The bartender was counting his earnings of the day. Once again it had been rough since he was in the middle of the desert. If it weren’t for the Sand Bandits he would have gone bankrupt years ago. Thankfully his business was good thanks to those pretty little girls working their ass off. “Better them that I” He chuckled as he counted the many silver coins.

He was merrily humming for himself until the door was blasted open. “Damn sandstorms” He said as he went to check and close the door. When he arrived, ready to slam the door shut, he was met with a set of feet that kicked him in the chest. The bartender fell on one of his tables. The unclaimed glasses and plates breaking underneath him.

“Agh!” He screamed as he felt multiple lacerations in his back. “What the f*ck?!” He yelled as he stood up. The menacing presence of the mask assailant took him back. The man in front of him was wielding two sharp swords for spirit’s sake.

“TAKE THE MONEY! JUST DON’T HURT ME!” The man said as he retreat to a wall. He thought he could reach the exit door while the man was filling his pockets. It would be a loss but he could earn more money later down the line.

But instead of being tempted by money the mask man walked towards him. If there was a table in its way it was swiftly cut, just like a knife through butter. The bartender gulped hard.

“WHAT DO YOU WA--!!!!” The bartender felt the sword piercing his right arm’s flesh. His scream could be heard in all of the Oasis, but the people living there knew that they should never help anyone screaming. They wouldn’t mess someone else’s business.

The sword retreat making the flow of blood begin to drip from the wound. “Tell me… What do you want?” The bartender asked before the other sword pierced his left leg making him stumble as it retreat.

The man was looking at the floor when a note floated down in front of him. He read it and it said “Information” The man looked up and saw the void in the masked man eyes. He knew that he would never rest until he got the entire information out of him. No matter how much pain he had to inflict on his person.


The next morning the patrons and the girls woke up to find out that the bartender had been tortured till death. He arms and legs had deep wounds and even his groin had a pool of blood in it. It was a gory image that they would never forget. And in its head. Stabbing a note and his forehead was a note.

“Killed for being a sex trafficker, money is yours, you are free. Signed The Blue Spirit”


Meanwhile inside a room Beeja had the first peaceful sleep ever. No one was touching her, no one was making her feel less of herself. She was free. But to make sure this would never happen to her ever again she took a chair and smashed the mirror on the wall. Countless of times she had been forced to look at her reflection while they took advantage of her. Well no more. She took a sharp broken glass and begun to cut her long brown hair. Once it was short enough she grabbed a bed sheet and wrapped her small breasts with it. She went outside and saw a drunk client. She took him inside the room and took his clothes off as well as a small knife he had with himself. They stank but it was better than the rags she possessed. When she was done she saw her reflection in the window. The same one the Blue Spirit had disappeared last night. She no longer saw herself, a young prostitute, but she saw a young male warrior ready for action. This was a new page in her life, a second chance and she was going to take it.


The scarred young man took his ostrich-horse towards the place the bartender said. He stopped in a dune before to assess the situation. Two guards were standing in a decrepit building. According to the bartender it was just the façade, there were several cages and inside the bunker.

Using the rising sun as his advantage, and the fact that he felt stronger thanks to Agni’s warm presence he decided to attack. The mask was on and the swords had been drawn out. Quickly and swiftly he cut the guards necks. He checked them and saw two set of keys in their belts. He took them.

He hide the bodies beneath the sand and proceed to enter the building. Luckily it was dark enough that he could blend in with the shadows.

No one was around, either they were too confident that they operation was so hidden or they were co*cky enough to think that whoever tried to rescue this people was a complete idiot. The Blue Spirit might be many things but idiot is not one of them.

He followed a set of stairs that lead him to a second floor. He needed to be sure he was alone. He found a guard sleeping in a chair. He used his hand to hit him in the throat then he stabbed his crossed legs with a single sword. The man tried to scream but couldn’t.

He showed the man a note that said “How many prisoners do you have?” The man panicked at the sight of the blue mask began to ramble with what could be a guttural whisper. But the Blue Spirit heard that they had at least twenty people downstairs.

He stood up and then cut the man’s neck. Those lowlifes had no excuse to be living under Agni’s light.

He took another set of keys and went downstairs. There was a long dark tunnel ahead. He decided to make a torch with a chair’s leg and a piece of cloth.

“This is too easy, it makes me feel uneasy” He thought to himself. They were definitely cages in here. Just like Beeja had said, young girls and women no older than twenty, were being kept in here. He started to work, he opened the first cell but the women did not come out running away. Instead they were just staring at the infinite. Their eyelids revealing that they were still alive, but the rest of their bodies were unresponsive.

He thought about it for a second. Their near catatonic state could be a reflection of torture or pain. He once read that many soldiers returned in this state, only something could bring them out of their state.


He waved his torch in front one brunette woman who screamed until he placed a finger in her lips. She didn’t know why but she trusted this masked man. She saw that he begun to remove the shackles from her ankles. It was a little over the top to chain catatonic women but the guards were no humans after all.

“Please. Give me the keys. I’ll take the shackles off of them, but you have to help my brother” The woman pleaded

“He was taken somewhere else, he is an Earthbender!” She said. Despite the sadness and tiredness in her eyes there was still a shimmer of hope in them. The silent vigilante nodded at her and proceeded to cut the other chains so the exhausted woman did not had a lot of work. He also waved his torch in front of them to wake them up. Then he stood up and made a sign that read “Be quiet, I’ll be back” The women understood and decided to clutch together to keep their frail bodies warm.

He raced through every room and found nothing. Except in the last room where a weird metal ring with a candle could be seen surrounding a chair.

“Well, well, well, it is an honor to meet you Mr. Blue Spirit” A voice could be hear. It was a set up.


Sorry for the cliffhanger but I just wanted to leave some suspense before the big showdown muahahaha.

Chapter 14: Cornered

Chapter Text

“Well, well, well, it is an honor to meet you Mr. Blue Spirit” A voice could be hear. It was a set up.

He turned around to see a forty something man with a mustache and a goatee looking at him. The man was wearing expensive black and green robes and his hands were behind his back.

“I have followed your exploits since one of my informants told me about the explosion in the Southern Raiders ship. Tell me, why did you do it?” The man asked him. The Blue Spirit only looked at him with disdain.

“I’m simply curious, they were after all quite good at capturing their prey. I heard they had captured the last water bender and kept her as a toy. They say that the Water Tribe women are the most beautiful in the world. I have tried to get myself one to play with but you see, in the middle of the desert is difficult to get a good vessel.” The man said making The Blue Spirit’s blood boil

He wanted to kill this bastard but he saw four guards on his right so he assumed there were four on his blind side. The odds were against him. But he could be the odds. He survived a hurricane after all. So he raised his swords and launched himself forward


Azula was exhausted. They had left the ship two days ago and had walked uphill since then. They even had to camp in the middle of the woods. Who does that? Her uncle was crazy. Especially since she had no idea where they were going. He only kept repeating.

“We are going to see a friend” He could be so annoying.

Finally by next afternoon they arrive to a small intricate gate with a nice lotus in it.

“We are here” Her uncle said.

“Finally” The eleven year old said. “I can’t feel my feet” She said in annoyance.

The doors opened and she saw a man a little younger than her uncle, though he was leaner and had a goatee rather than a full beard.

“Good afternoon General Iroh, princess Azula, I am Master Piandao”


In a desolated path a single Ostrich-Horse silently walk. The sun is high and the heat in unbearable yet the loyal animal has only one goal. To take her owner to a close town. Said owner was currently passed out on her back. The soft grumbles were the only signal that he was still alive.


It took him a week to get to the nearest Sand Bandits post but once he managed it he got his injury treated. Then another week and a half to reach Ba Sing Se. He had not reported his return to the king, not that he cared about that bumbling idiot, he went to the Lake and went to talk to his inferior Captain Yao.

“Sir, we got word that the outpost 39 was destroyed. Are you alright?” The man in the dark green robes asked his superior.

“I am fine, my leg was treated and is currently healing. I’m sad to say that the next batch of Jo Dees is going to take longer than expected” The man with the goatee said.

“Do you have other plans sir?” The man asked

“Yes, but this ones are going to be taken directly into the king” The man said before leaving.

He had walked the palace halls day after day for as long as he could remembered. He had manage to raise through ranks until he reach his goal of King’s advisor. Yes he wasn’t the monarch himself but he acted like if he was. He just needed to wait and seize the perfect opportunity.

“Good morning King” The man said as he bowed in front of him.

“Good morning Long Feng, I expected you yesterday afternoon” The king asked in an inquiry tone.

“Yes, sadly I was attacked during my travel here” That shocked the monarch “I am alright but my leg got injured and needed rest” The man said to the king.

“Understandable, do you know the bandits who attacked you?” The king asked.

“Yes, it was one. He wore a blue and white mask. He named himself The Blue Spirit”


A few days ago…

The odds where against him. But he could be the odds. He survived a hurricane after all.

“I’m not locked in here with them. They are locked in here with me”

So he raised his swords and launched himself forward. He was met with a rock wall yet he was quick with his feet propelled himself in the air using the wall as launching platform.

Time moved slowly as he was midair giving him enough time to process the next movements. He saw two guards pointing their hands at him so he had to take them out first. He sent two knives at their throats. The first one died instantly, the second one had managed to dodge it out of the way.

“1 down, 8 to go” He thought to himself. He landed on his feet before launching himself backwards as he felt the ground moving underneath him. All of them were Earth benders. He would not resort into his bending unless it was entirely necessary.

He begun fighting against one guard but then he felt a strong punch into his left side of his stomach that took the wind out of him. He immediately threw another knife into the attacker hitting him right in the fore head.

“2 down, 7 to go, make that 6” He thought as he stabbed the man in the chest. He could hear the bones breaking as his sword made its way into his chest cavity.

Another strong punch of one of those rocks connected with the left side of his mask. He heard a crack. He did not know if it was jaw or the mask but he could still fight.

Battle was far from over.

He kept fighting, he was exhausted yet one by one he found an opening and managed to kill the guards. He was still fighting a guard and the leader. The guard was his biggest threat. Of all the other guards he seemed to be the most skilled. The leader, while also an earth bender, had only attacked him when he saw the opportunity, not on a direct confrontation as this guard was doing.

He respected that. He had found that he enjoyed more a direct confrontation rather than as coward who tried to sneak away during a fight.

But then the man begun to gain the upper hand and the vigilante’s exhausted body begun to show its weakness. So he during one of the many collisions between his steel swords and the rock hands the man had he sent his last knife directly into the leader’s body.

Surprisingly, despite his older age, the man was quick on his reflexes and moved out of the way yet still the knife embed itself on the man’s knee. The vigilante’s smirk could be seen through the missing part on his mask.

The guard hearing the pained yelp his master did quickly took him and rushed outside. The battle was over. The vigilante finally was able to breath.

He took his mask off and analyzed the damage. It had been several rock punches what his mask had suffered. The fangs were missing, the mouth had been cracked and it missed a chunk of it. Even the top of it contained several cracks and scratches. It was useless try to repair this mask. Perhaps he could later do another one, or buy another one. No, make one would be better, that way the vendors would never know he had bought an exact one. Perhaps his new mask could be less threatening? He would have to check that later. He decided to take the Water tribe bead Chief Hakoda had gifted him as well as the cloth that helped him tied the mask, and using his fire bending he burned the mask until ashes remained. Better to leave no traces of his exploits here.

He weakly walked outside. The sun had finally set and he went to find his Ostrich-Horse. His injuries hurt like hell itself. He really needed to rest. And with that he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep over his Ostrich-Horse. He never named her, perhaps when he awakes he can name her.

Chapter 15: Awake


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Azula woke up from her slumber, she was currently on day three of her training under sword master Piandao and so far she was not impressed by the man. His current method of training was unorthodox to say the least. He had taken her through long walks uphill for then put her to paint a landscape she had only gotten a glimpse of. He made her study and practice calligraphy, even though her writing was more than perfect. And made her practice with a wood sword against his servant a fat guy curiously named Fat.

She hoped that they would start soon with real training or else she couldn’t see the point of doing all of these things.

“Good morning Azula, how is my favorite niece this morning?” Her uncle greeted her once she went downstairs to have breakfast, he was peeling an apple as he greeted her and as a teapot was slowly boiling.

She was internally rolling her eyes at her uncle’s comment, it was cheesy yet she was kind of glad he was doing this with and for her. To be honest with herself she was glad to be away from the palace. Being there she couldn’t ignore the ghosts of the people she lost. Her mother, her cousin, Zuko, every hallway, every chamber and garden were reminders of what she lost, what she missed.

“Here you go Azula” Iroh said to his niece giving her the peeled fruit.

“Thank you uncle” Azula said as she took a bite of the fresh fruit.

“How is your training going?” Iroh inquired. Azula wanted to keep it for herself but she sensed genuine interest on her uncle’s tone.

“It’s alright, I must say that it is not what I was expecting” Azula said

“What do you mean?” Her uncle asked as he pour tea on two teacups.

“Well, all of this stuff of calligraphy and painting, I’m not entirely sure what they have to do with sword fighting” Azula said. He chuckled because that’s the same answer Lu Ten and Zuko told him when he took them here.

As he finished his chuckled he passed one teacup to his niece and spoke “My niece, for someone so young you are so intelligent, you are analytical and a tactician like no other, but sometimes you’re seeing the small dent in a bigger picture. But if by the end of the week, you feel like you have learned nothing of value, we can move on to the next adventure” Iroh said

Azula’s eyes grew bigger, was her uncle for real? Well she was going to hold onto that promise when the week was over. “You’re on” Azula smirked.

“Very well, now let’s enjoy this nice breakfast before we start our routine day.” Iroh said as he took a sip of his perfect tea. He was completely sure that they would be staying more than a week.


Kyoshi Island…

Jin cleaned the sweat coming from her forehead. She had been pushing herself to become stronger. So far she had beaten three of the four girls she was training with. All of them sparring sessions that never surpassed a bruised arm or leg. They fought to be warriors who trusted their comrades, not ruthless killers who could not trust in one or another.

As she was packing her gear to go home she noticed Hyun standing on the door frame of the Dojo. The boy was of her age and though a little shy he got excited, in the good sense, by many things. She had noticed that he often looked at her, well not her specifically but the entire Kyoshi warriors as they trained.

“H-hi Jin, c-can I talk to you?” The brown haired boy asked her.

“Sure, what is it Hyun?” She asked him.

“C-can I-I w-walkyoutoyourhome?” The boy said in rapid succession confusing her

“I’m sorry I did not understand you” She said

The boy took a gulp of air and spoke more calmly “Can I walk you to your home?”

“Ohhh I see, yes please” Jin said to him which illuminated the boy’s face.

“I’ll take your gear!” The boy said enthusiastically as he struggled but succeded to carry her wood sword, practice fans and patted breastplate. She was lucky they hadn’t given her a real armor or else the sweet boy would have trouble carrying it for her.

As they slowly walked towards her cabin she got into a somewhat awkward silence with Hyun, the boy side eying her as if he was attempting to say something to her. When they finally reach her cabin she took the gear from his shaking hands.

“Thank you Hyung, you’re so sweet” Jin said to the boy.

“WAIT!” The boy said in a yell which scared the warrior in training. “S-sorry. It’s just. I. I wanted. I wanted to know if youwantedtocomewithmetothefestivalthisweekend?” The boy said in rapid succession which once again confused Jin.

“I’m sorry I did not understand” She said with a smile on her face.

“Would you like to come with me, to the festival, this weekend?” He said

“Ow that is so sweet. Sure I’ll go with you! Come pick me up before sunset” Jin said

“I-I will! I will!” The boy said squealing in excitement.

“Alright, see you later” Jin said before deciding to kiss the boy’s cheek before closing her door. The boy that was already excited got into a total frenzy as he had received that kiss that made his mouth begin to produce foam to the point that he fainted. Before his consciousness was lost he was thinking that life was good.


Southern Water Tribe…

Currently Sokka was the only man on his tribe, so he was the one needed to help do the chores that demanded strength. Yes he was strong, he was a man after all. So he went from tent to tent asking if they needed a man to help them. After all the majority of the town was composed of women, children and elderly. So him being the only young man around it was his duty to prove his worth.

His duties now included carrying baskets of dirty laundry. Carrying baskets of fish. Fishing. Hunt small animals to feed the people and last but not least make sure his sister did not get into any kind of trouble. Yes mom had returned but sometimes she looked at the ocean with longing eyes. He did not understood if she prayed for dad to come home or if was hoping that the invaders did not returned.

Whatever the reason he would be here for her as well. His father once told him that being a man was not defined only by one’s strength of muscles but by the strength of one’s heart. A true man would help those in need and those he closed dear to his heart. Sokka knew his father talked from experience so he was going to follow his example and become a true man.


In the middle of the Earth Kingdom plains…

His entire body hurt. He did not know where he was, nor how long had time passed. He only knew that he was sore and in pain. He slowly opened his right eye, if his left opened as well he couldn’t tell since it was a useless eye. He inspected the room he was in. it was a simple wooden bedroom, only a small shelf and night stand could be seen. He noticed a figured coming to him. It was a boy, perhaps of his age with dark brown hair and tan skin. He saw him and rushed out of the room.

“Mom, dad, he is awake!” The boy’s voice could be heard. Was he in trouble?


Hopefully you liked this week's chapter, I know is short but our poor guy Zuko needs some rest
Yes Jin is going to have a date with Foaming Mouth Guy, which in canon he has no name so I took his creator's name and gave it to him.

Chapter 16: You've got a friend in me


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Mom, dad, he is awake!” The boy’s voice could be heard. Was he in trouble? His good eye scanned over the people that had recently arrived to this small bedroom. They were a couple of regular looking peasants dressed in muddy brown with toned down greens. They looked tired despite their somewhat young appearance.

He still was too tired and fell back to sleep once again. Before he lost consciousness he clearly heard. “Well at least we know he is alive” He did not understood who said that, he only wanted to rest.


South Pole…

Katara was a water bender, she knew it and her family knew, for reasons unknown to her she was told that her bending should be kept a secret. She did not understood what that meant since her tribe had always talked about the bravery of their Water Bender Warriors, men and women who bravely fought and defended the pole against Fire invaders. It was such a mark on their bravery that the council of elders, the wisest of them all, had decided to leave a wretched Fire Nation ship that was encased on ice almost fifty years ago.

It was in this very same place where Katara spent her afternoons training. Yes she was still inexperienced on water bending but once she shed the heavy parka she would train her eleven year old body to be faster, and to be able to recognize every hallway, stair and room of the old vessel. Why would she do that? She did not know, but she felt like if the need arise she would need to know every exit and patter in this ships. They probably did not change the blueprints all this time. And her father always taught her to understand the enemy will bring you knowledge you don’t know of. Well that last part he told it to Sokka but she was listening as well.

Anyways right know she was running through the metal aisles and platforms. She jumped and leaped and swing from chains and columns moving faster and bolder as the decks and floors became something of the past on her wake. She had been inspired by the myth her mother told her. Of how the Blue Spirit could move from branch to branch, from rope to rope, from rooftop to rooftop with ease and elegance, Katara was sure that the Blue Spirit was really a spirit or perhaps a long lost air bender, after all the elders always claimed that the Nomads could literally walk on air, perhaps he truly is an Air Bender descendant ready to partake in ending this war.

Katara knew that if she was lucky she would never have to put her training to test, but if situation arise she would run faster and more agile than a snow moose-leopard.

As she reached her end goal she contemplated the vast ocean in front of her. She had reached the top of the main tower of the vessel. She was panting but by the spirits she felt amazing. This was by far the fastest she had run through the ship and she was resting over the tower’s roof. She felt like she needed to take the Fire Nation flag and throw it to the ocean, but something prevented it. Could be anger or could be curiosity but there was something striking on the deep red flag. Something that was pulling her to simply touch it. Something that was calling her.

As her fingertips almost touched the flag she giggled, she felt like a silly little girl, no, she was an almost teenager, she should focus on her training more and more.

And with that she cautiously leap to the closest platform, then to the next one, she might be fast but she was still having trouble with her jumping prowess. Perhaps another time.


Fire Nation Palace…

Ozai was fuming. Not only did he not had the Blue Spirit’s head on his wall but he had lost track of his movements. That f*cking masked vigilante last sightseen had been on some oasis in the middle of nowhere. That lunatic must have found some soldiers and now he was on his way to Ba Sing Se, helping the earth sc*ms to execute better plans.

He thought for a moment but realized that an attack to any Earth Kingdom caravan would cost him money and resources only to hunt down one f*cker. No, he would need a better plan to capture that blue masked freak.


Earth Kingdom Palace…

Long Feng was “calmly” meditating. A week had passed and no one had seen the Blue Spirit, not even the sand benders. Had he been captured by a bounty hunter? After all they thrive in that area. No that was impossible, he would have heard something yet no one had claimed the bounty on that vigilante bastard. Did the Fire Nation capture him? If that was true then he had been robbed of his victory. Only he could get his revenge on that masked fool. No one could stood in the way to his ultimate victory.


Three days had passed since he had awaken. Three days and it only seemed like yesterday when he had fully stood from the bed.

Three days ago…

The scarred teen begun to slowly rise from the bed. The boy who had seen him was sleeping in the bed next to him. Zuko looked everywhere, it was dark outside but the first morning sunrays were breaking the horizon.

He scanned the entire room once again. Hoping to find his stuff, mainly his swords and his money pouch.

But as he stood up the wooden floors creaked beneath his feet and the boy next bed slowly woke up.

“Are you trying to escape?” The boy asked

Zuko gently nod.

“It’s useless, you are in no condition to travel. Mom knows about healing and she said you had bruised ribs and what might be a contusion. She said you needed to rest. So please, just do that” The boy said returning to his previous sleeping position.

Zuko could make a run for it, but he still lacked his equipment and had no idea where he was, so he decided to rest once again.

It was noon when he felt a poking on his ribs, it was somewhat painful and he wanted to punch whoever was doing that but as he opened his right eye he saw a five or six year old boy looking at him with interest, the wild mane he had for hair was adorable.

“LEE!!! I TOLD YOU NOT TO POKE HIM ON THE RIBS!!!” A woman’s voice was heard and he saw the woman from the other day rush to him as the boy ran away giggling. “I’m sorry about that, he is very curious about strangers” She said, a coat of sweat was on her forehead and she looked exhausted yet her smile was genuine. “I’m Sela, you are in our family farm. Do you have a name? How are you feeling?” The woman, Sela, asked him with true interest and concern.

Zuko smiled a little, yes his entire body felt sore but the pain he had from days ago had left. He simply said in a low voice. “My name is also Lee”

The woman stared at him and then let out a chuckle. “By the spirits! There’s too many Lees. I’ll bring you vegetable soup” She said as she stood up.

Moments later she brought a small bowl with a steamy soup. It tasted glorious. This was probably what they fed him with since the scent was too familiar.

“Smells wonderful” Zuko said.

“Thank you sweetheart. After you have your meal will you be kind enough to answer some questions?” She asked him out of concern and he knew she meant no ill intent towards him, but he knew that Earth Kingdom people will not take kindly to Fire Nationers. So he started to work on a story in his head.

After he finished the woman returned and the questions begun.

“So Lee, please tell me about yourself. How did you ended up in the middle of the Earth Kingdom plains?” Sela asked him

“I was attacked by some bandits. My uncle and I got separated. I need to find if he is ok” Zuko said to the woman, he had decided to go for Uncle as his traveling companion rather than Azula or Ozai.

“Oh I’m so sorry to hear that. Hopefull he is looking for you just as you’re for him.”

“Thank you” Zuko replied.

“Can I ask you about your scar?” The woman asked and noticing the panicked look on the boy’s face she knew better not to push the subject. Luckily her husband and eldest son arrived.

“We are done with the sales today. Luckily we managed to sell two piglets to old Shin” Her husband’s voice could be heard from the entrance, after all their house wasn’t that big. Just big enough to fit four, well five with their guest.

“He is awake” The husband said as he entered the bedroom. “Nice to meet you young man, I’m Gansu, I see you already met my wife and youngest.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Lee”

“HA! I told you he had a face of a Lee!” The man said chuckling. Zuko did not know if to feel annoyed or thankful for that remark.

“Anyways. Look kid, we have a farm. And despite of our generosity we could use an extra pair of hands. Consider it a payment for the meals and services and for taking care of your Ostrich-Horse” Gansu said and he earned a glare from his wife but Zuko’s eye grew large, his Ostrich-Horse was alive.

“Gansu! In this house we do not ask labor from a boy who has been unconscious for days” Sela stood up defiantly. She was ready to have a verbal argument against her husband if he continued with that way of thinking.

“It’s alright. I don’t mind working a few days” The quiet voice of the young man said. “It’s only fair”

“Atta boy” Gansu said. “We’ll start tomorrow morning. Get some rest Lee. You as well Sensu” The man said to the boy and to his son.

Sleep elude Zuko for the entire night. He was worried that using his voice will let them know of his past. He hoped that with at least a week worth of work they will think the debt was settled and he could continue with his travels.

He stood up and this time he avoided the crooked floor. He silently walked to the door and as quietly as possible he opened. He needed to check on his Ostrich-Horse. The feathered horse that had saved his life. He was definitely looking for naming her, or him, he wasn’t remotely sure if it was a mare or a stallion.

“Hey there” He said to the bird like horse. The animal quickly understood who was it and came to him. It nuzzled on his face making him laugh.

“I guess I should thank you for saving my life” Zuko said. “Good bird”

“She is a feisty one” Another voice cut their interaction. “Sorry, I wasn’t formally introduced. I’m Sensu. I found your horse and you walking aimlessly through the plains” The boy said.

“I guess I should thank you” Zuko said to the boy who smiled

“Don’t worry about it. It’s what everyone would’ve done” Zuko found reassuring the boy’s words. Yes he would have done the same. Hell he went as far as to kill an entire crew just to liberate one prisoner.

“”Thank you”

“Don’t mention it, that’s what friends are for, if you want to be my friend” The other boy said as he extended his hand. Zuko saw it and smiled as he shook it. A genuine smile. Ever since he started this exile he thought he was going to be alone for the rest of his days. Yes he had met people like Hakoda and Kya, and from time to time he thought of Jin and Beeja, of Azula and Lu Ten, they did not count since they were his relatives, and Mai and Ty Lee were Azula’s friends. But here talking with Sensu he finally felt like he had found a true friend, his first friend, it was too early of course, but he heard that friendships happened in a matter of moments. He might be gone by the end of the week but his spirits were renewed knowing that he had a friend right here.


It was time for Zuko to have a friend right?!
What did you think of Katara doing parkour on the Fire Nation Ship?

Chapter 17: A farmer's life


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It had been a week since Zuko/Lee had started working on the farm of Sensu’s family. He had eaten with them, work with them, heck he even took care of the five year old Lee whenever his family were too busy to play with him.

Yes life was turning good for Zuko. It was during one sunny afternoon that he accompanied Sela and little Lee that he saw a man carving on a piece of wood with only a knife. He approached the man.

“Good evening” Zuko said.

“Evening young man, what can I do for you?” The man, no older than fifty with callused hands, asked him.

“I was wondering, how do you do that?” Zuko said pointing at the piece of wood in the man’s hands. He knew almost nothing of wood carving

“This? Oh its really simple young man, you only need a sharp knife and a clear idea of what you want to do, then your hands will do the rest” The man said with a genuine smile on his face

“That simple?” Zuko asked

“Yeap, nothing beats the boredom than to work in something so relaxing as wood carving. I even sell some of this small works I make, if you like one” The man said. This past week Zuko had noticed that the small town it was not frequently visited by tourists, merchants or let alone caravans of travelers, so the money in this town was as scarce as a shade to sleep under.

“How much for that platypus-bear figurine?” Zuko asked as he pointed at a dark wood one.

“That one? Give me a silver coin and it’s yours” The man said with a friendly smile, yes he thought it was a little overpriced but the man had clearly worked in this his whole life to make this art. He had to handle to him, the money would be beneficial to the man’s family.

“Deal” Zuko replied as he took a coin from his belt, he was not going to carry his entire coin pouch in this unknown village. And as the man received the silver coin someone else’s hand snatched it from the man’s fingers.

“Thanks for your contribution. The army appreciates your support” A gruff voice said to the man and the young teen.

“HEY!” The man said but after the other man raised his eyebrow and with his left hand grabbed the handle of one of his two maces strapped to his belt the older man quieted his protest. Zuko scowl at this clear display of intimidation.

“Don’t interfere scarface if you know what is good for you, the payment for your stay is deeper than what you can afford” The man said as he left.

“Those soldiers are supposed to protect us from the Fire Nation, but they’re just a bunch of thugs” The man said as the thug left with three other “soldiers”. Meanwhile Zuko’s scowl grew deeper.

“Looks like peace is only temporary” He got a new resolve. He helped Sela to load the wood wagon with the crates of vegetables and seeds bags and return to the farm.

He avoided talking about the old man who got his coin stolen. But in his mind he was already working on something to get even with those soldiers.


Azula had kept her promise of continue her training under Master Piandao, curiously she kind of began to enjoy the training, yes it was mostly painting and breathing exercises but there was something on those repetitions, in those sets, that made her drawn to what was the next step in the training.

The weapon choosing.

According to Piandao’s philosophy one does not choose their weapon, it was our very own soul what made the decision for us.

“Is that why Zuko used double broadswords?” Azula asked him as the master was giving her a speech.

“Yes princess Azula, when I trained your brother I realized that his soul was fragmented, he was in conflict with himself. In one hand he wanted to be the perfect son for your father, a prince worthy of the crown, on the other one, he wanted to be free, to fly as high as any bird in the sky and forge his own destiny. That’s why I chose the double broadsword for him.

“Wait… you just said that our soul chooses for us, why Zuko’s soul did not choose for him?” The princess asked which amused the master

“Because, when a warrior is as young as he was, or as you are, the masters can choose for them. Would you like me to choose for you?” Piandao asked

Azula pondered for a moment, she wanted to pick some swords and begin her training for real this time, but at the same time she wanted to see what her sifu had for her.

“You choose for me please” Azula said.

“Very well princess Azula” The master walked towards a beautiful carved dark wood box that he had in one of his shelves and picked it. Azula noticed it had golden accents in it as well.

Piandao walked towards his apprentice and presented the box to the girl. He then said.

“I always believed the finest weapon, if wielded by someone who is not worthy, then is nothing more than a trophy to put on display.” Piandao said.

“What do you mean sifu?” Azula asked

“I was not worthy of this weapons I have here, so please accept them” Piandao said as he begun to open the box.

“Weapons?” Azula asked and then she saw that inside the box there was a pair of weird forks

The sword is not your weapon. Nos I have taken the liberty yo choose what would be the most adequate weapons.

He presented what he had behind his back a stick and a weird fork with a long wood handle.

“This weapons used to belong to Princess Taiyang of the fifth dynasty, it was way before this colony became part of the Fire Nation, before your great grandfather was even born. Princess Azula. You're creative and you're fierce. The sai is a weapon of defense. it's main purpose is not to kill the target but to block and disable their weapons. Princess Taiyang’s sai could combine turning into a spear or a bo staff. It’s this function that plays on your creativity. It might be a simple weapon, but in the hands of someone as creative as you is the strongest of them all” Piandao said as the young princess took the weapons in her hands. They felt familiar and right in her hands.

“When do we start?” Azula said as she got a good grip on both weapons.


Zuko had begun carving a piece of wood the family had in the barn. He had a basic idea of how start.

“What you have there Lee?” Sensu asked him as he approached with two apples. Offering one to the other boy.

“Wood” Zuko replied.

“I know that, but what are you trying to make?”

“Don’t know, just felt like doing some carving” Zuko replied. He did not wanted to the boy know that he was making a new mask to cover his face and resume his vigilante crusade for justice.

“I realize you don’t talk too much, man you know is boring in here right?!” Sensu said. Zuko felt kind of bad for the kid so he stopped carving and looked at the boy sitting on his right.

“What do you want to talk?” Zuko asked as he took a bite from his apple

“I don’t know, where are you from? I know you told us about one colony but that can’t be just that, you must miss someone, anyone”

“My uncle” Zuko said after a moment, then he added “My sister, the Fire Nation, they split us up” Zuko confessed, what he wouldn’t give just to hear a sneer comment from Azula or a proverb from Uncle

“I see, I didn’t realize it was a sore subject, I’m sorry”

“It’s ok, you didn’t know” Zuko said to the boy. “Anything else you want to know?”

“I hope I’m not stepping over boundaries, but you did you get that scar?” Zuko’s eye grew large and the other boy noticed that.

“A fire bender did it, before I was taken away from my family” Zuko said. It was, after all, technically true.

“I’m sorry, didn’t want to make you relieve painful memories” Sensu said as he finished his apple. “Do you have a girlfriend?” The boy asked clearly this personal question was to ease the tension the latter one left them.

“No, though my family wanted me to marry this other girl from the colony. Her name is Mai” Zuko said

“And what happened to her?” Sensu asked him

“To be honest I don’t know, though I have to admit we did share our first kiss” Zuko smiled.

“That’s great. Though I might not be promised to anyone there’s a girl that already catched my eye. She works in the fruit stand and I hope someday I can ask her to go out with me” Sensu said

“Then what are you waiting for?” Zuko asked him.

“I don’t know, I’m not that brave, though I can’t wait to have sixteen to join the Earth Kingdom army and face those Fire Nation bullies” Sensu said with a proudness in his voice. And Zuko knew that this boy was truly what an Earth Kingdom citizen should be and what a true soldier should be.

“War is difficult but hopefully your dream will come true Sensu” Zuko said

“Thank you Lee” The boy said.

The family had gather together around the table with the food that Zuko/Lee and Sela had made. Gansu held placed his hands together as he did every evening and blessed Agni for the food and crops.

“Mr. Gansu, why do you always pray and thank Agni? Isn’t he a Fire Nation deity?” Zuko asked which made the other man chuckle.

“Young Lee, Agni is the embodiment of the Sun, he does not belong to a single nation, the sun shines for everyone, and farmers like me will always be thankful for that.

Zuko smiled at his response. Though now a nagging feeling in the back of his head that if he demonstrated that he was one of Agni’s children then they would not see it as a good thing.

It was early next day when he heard shouting. He quickly stood up and peaked from a hole the barn he called bedroom had. He saw Gansu arguing with the soldier from yesterday. Thanks to his enhance hearing he could hear easily the conflict

“What you are asking us is complete extortion!” Gansu said

“No it is not, it is a payment for protection” The soldier, a commander for his clothes, said

“Protection? From what?! Bandits and thugs? You are the ones that leave them with nothing to steal” Gansu accuse them. “And the Fire Nation would never step into this plains”

“Oh I wouldn’t be so sure about that Gansu” The commander said “After all we saw a brigade of Fire Nation soldiers walking through this plains, I’d hate if, for your stubbornness, your farm, your animals and your house, burns down because an ash maker was ready to make an example out of you” The commander said and Zuko clearly saw that one of the soldiers had spark rocks in his hands

Gansu looked deflated. He went to his porch and lifted one piece of the wood on the floor. From it he took out a coin pouch.

“This is all we have” The poor farmer said.

“Keep the bronze ones” The commander said as he discarded the coins onto the ground leaving the farmer to pick them up in the dirt.

Zuko’s blood was boiling. He agreed with the wood carver, this soldiers were nothing but thugs and they needed to be taught a lesson. A painful one.


So there you have it! What are your thought on this week's chapter?
Next chapter will be the battle for the town's safety

Chapter 18: New face


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It took Zuko two days to finally carve a new mask, and the results were, well, less than satisfactory.

Zuko admired with total embarrassment his new mask. While the other one was painted in a deep blue that turned almost black during the nights where the moon was not shining above them that sent chills to every single of his enemies believing he was a true spirit that had appeared to inflict them justice in the name of those who had been wronged by their actions.

This mask was none of those things. The fangs were crooked and uneven. The white slits for the eyes were bugged out making it look like one of those awful plays his mother used to take him, Love Amongst the Dragons on Ember Island popped into his head, heck he couldn’t even get the color right, he had painted the mask in an almost vibrant blue courtesy of an almost independent Lee who liked to paint in all the colors of the rainbow with a powder based painting.

“This should work, at least temporarily” Zuko said as he blew on the mask to dry the remaining of the fresh paint.

During these past few days he had studied the thugs’ schedule. They would often go to the town, extortion and blackmail some villagers and then return to their camp where they would gloat about the coins they stole to the village. During this time Zuko noticed that they never counted the money after they had stored it inside a wood cage. Zuko was going to steal said cage and let it in the water tower for all town to see.

So he was arming himself with his new mask, his newest, yet temporarily new face, alongside his swords. He dashed out of the barn as soon as the moon was at its peak. He might be a Fire Bender but the Moon always brought a sense of calm. Just as the Ocean and the large bodies of Water gave him new life.


Somewhere in the Earth Kingdom…

To call this establishment a shady bar was an understatement. Yes it was an inn with a huge bar yet the stench in the air could make the rats to drop dead. He wondered why the heck was he in but he remembered that he was on a mission from his boss. He hoped that this woman was worth it.

As he entered the bar he could hear multiple cheering and whistles and as he approached the main show he saw a woman with long black hair, she must have been in her mid-twenties, and a coiled snake tattoo in each of her shoulders was arm wrestling against a larger man.

He was confused how could she, a smaller and leaner woman than the large and brutish opponent, could hold her own. He had to admit he was impressed. Perhaps Long Feng was right, she was the right woman for the job.


In another place of the Earth Kingdom…

Beeja was tired. Her feet hurt and this f*cking clothes stank more than ever. She had shed the first ones she had stolen some days ago yet this new ones, a pair of pants and boy’s robes, were stinking already. But she knew that if she could reach the woods she would be safe from everyone and live as a hermit. She was done caring for people who would never be there and definitely tired of being treated as an object.

She was mubbling her way inside the wood path when the rustling of some branches and leaves caught her attention. She immediately took her knife and placed herself in a defensive position. If she was going to die she would die fighting. Why had she decided to continue her journey in the middle of the night instead of camping?

“Hey easy there” A voice came from behind her as she felt steel connecting on her neck. She tried not to gulp. “What’s a smelly boy like you doing here?” The voice said.

“Good at least my killer thinks I’m a boy” Beeja thought to herself.

“I’m fleeing from the Fire Nation and the Earth Nation, I don’t belong anywhere” She said.

“Well what a curious coincidence I don’t belong anywhere either” The swords freed her neck. She noticed this ones where hooked swords and she reminisced about the other dual wielding man.

“What is your name?” The boy asked her. She took noticed that he must be her age given his boyish looks and his untamed hair style.

“I’m Bee” She said. If he already thought she was a boy there was no reason to correct him. Especially since she did not trusted him

“Alright… Smellerbee” He said after he sniffed her. “My name is Jet”


The camp was empty. The Blue Spirit could see two of the guards knocked down in drunkenness. The Blue Spirit shook his head as he slipped unnoticed. He had seen that the number of so called “soldiers” were exactly seven. Nothing too big for the Blue Spirit. He also learned that only the main thug was the only bender amongst themselves.

He felt at ease. To use a mask and slip into the enemy territory was so satisfactory. He enter the tent he had already known to have the treasure of stolen goods. The Blue Spirit’s good eye grew large as he saw that it wasn’t only coins what the thugs had stolen from the people in the village. They had taken family belongings, urns and vases that looked antique and were definitely antiquities passed on from generation to the next one.

“This people is sick” The Blue Spirit thought to himself but then he made a mistake. He stood in one place for too long.

The ground cracked opened beneath his feet and he was sucked in. Only his shoulders and head could move “freely” he thought of using his fire breath but that would seal his fate even further since they could simply sunk him deeper and that would be it.

“Idiot!” He scold himself.

“Sometimes vigilantes can be so predictable. I knew from the moment you stepped into this village that you were going to be an annoyance on my side” The main thug said to the trapped vigilante.

“Don’t you think I noticed your staring and your gazes, I knew you would try to do something like this, Lee of the Gansu farm” The thug said as he ripped The Blue Spirit’s mask from his face. Zuko’s scowl was as deep as ever.

“Don’t worry, you will be made an example, an example for all of them to see” The captain said as kicked Zuko’s face knocking him unconscious.


Somewhere in the Fire Nation…

This was beyond stupid. How could a meeting with a bounty hunter could occur in the middle of the night in the patio of a deserted factory.

He should be the one chasing him yet here he was, like an errand boy following orders from the Fire Lord himself.

The sound of steam and cogs unnerved him yet he needed to be true to his word, the bounty hunter should be close or else this was a waste of time.

Then a metal thud gained his attention. He turned around and saw a tall and muscular man looking at him. The man had a mechanical leg and in his bald head he had an eye tattoo in the middle of the forehead. Perhaps he could do the Fire Lord’s task.


The midday sun was at its fullest and many people had noticed the tied body of someone with a Blue Spirit mask tied from his arms and legs from the water tower. No one had said anything and even if they tried the two soldiers guarding the Blue Spirit would prevent such attempt.

The Blue Spirit moved his head. His good eye checking and surrounding every place he was in. his face hurt from the impact of the thug’s boot and his mouth was as dry as this desert he was in.

The wheels of a wood wagon made him turn towards his right. He saw Gansu and his family aboard the wagon. They were being escorted by the main thug. This wasn’t good.

“Gansu and your family there it is, in front of all of you, the so called “Blue Spirit”!” The thug began saying with a mocking tone. Zuko realized that he being capture painted in a bad light towards the family he had been staying with.

“I don’t understand” Gansu said. Whether he was protecting his family or simply not understanding Zuko did not know.

“THIS!” The thug said as he once again ripped Zuko’s mask from his face exposing the bruised scarred face from theh young boy. “Now tell me why did you were harboring a wanted fugitive and a known killer and thief in your farm?!” The thug said as he screamed at the family. Little Lee began to sob.

“We didn’t know!” Sela said in her family’s defense.

“Ignorance is not innocence Sela! You should’ve seen the signs that something was wrong with this boy!”

“HE COULD’VE BEEN AN ORPHAN JUST LIKE ALMOST EVERYONE HERE!” Sensu, to everyone’s surprise and shock, yelled at the taller soldier.

“YOU SHUT UP BOY OR YOU WILL BE TIED ALONGSIDE YOUR FRIEND!” The thug said as he shoved Sensu to the ground.

“LEAVE THEM ALONE!” Zuko’s voice ranged loud and clear and everyone in the town could see that despite his state his body was in his spirit was at full strength.

“Your fight is with me, not with them, they didn’t know anything” Zuko said.

“Look who decided to talk. I was beginning to think that I had kicked your tongue so deep inside your mouth that you forgot how to make a sound” The thug said making his soldiers to chuckle in malice.

“You’re nothing but a bunch of thugs that take advantage of the families in this town. Even now you try to take advantage of your position”

“You are one to talk. You are a cold blooded killer” The thug said

“No, I kill because justice needs to be served. And people like you don’t deserve to breathe the same air as the good people in the world” As he was saying that he was burning his ropes with one of his fingers. He would need to act fast because his legs would still be tied.

“A murder is a murder and it is paid with blood. Bring me his swords” The main thug commanded and a soldier brought them to him. “Killed by his own swords would be poetic. But I don’t like poetry” He said and with a vicious grin he threw them onto the ground and with a hit from his mace, and a coordinated Earth bending movement that lifted the swords in two points, he broke the swords shattering them into three irreparable pieces

As the soldier’s attention was on the shattered sword no one was seeing the prisoner’s movements. Finally the rope snapped and he immediately placed his hands in the soldier’s heads and smashed them together knocking them down. He took the spear the one on the right had and he cut the final rope.

Zuko stood defiantly at the main thug. The man growled at the teen.

“KILL HIM!” He barked his orders to the other thugs but before they reached him a wall of rock was formed in front of the scarred team. Zuko turned and he saw that Sensu had earth bended to protect his friend. The other boy nodded at him and both teens decided to fight together.

“SENSU NO!” Sela scream as the soldiers rounded the wall and were pointing their spears at both teens.

Zuko took his spear and broke several tips as Sensu began to earth bend and grabbed the men’s feet and kicked them or threw a rock at them knocking a few of them at the cheers of the villagers. But the battle was far from over.

As Zuko saw his friend his left side blindness prevented him from seeing the coming metal hammer aimed at his direction. If it wasn’t because of Sensu’s tackle he would have received that hit square in the chest.

Still a cracking noise was heard.

Both teens fell to the ground. One of them breathing with difficulty.

“Sensu?” Zuko said as he rolled his friend on his back. The other boy looked fine yet he started to check him and as his fingers touched the right side of the ribcage he felt it. Several broken ribs.

“Sensu no” Zuko said. He knew that if one of those ribs punctured the lungs or worse the heart. Then there was nothing to be done for his friend. Sensu’s family raced towards the pair.

“I’m a hero” Sensu said.

“Yes you are, you saved me” Zuko said with tears already forming in his eyes.

“I saved you ugly face, now go kick his ass” Sensu said as he began to close his eyes.

Zuko held the dying boy in his arms. The poor farmer boy who wanted more in life than just crop harvesting was dying in here. The same town that he wanted to escape away from. Zuko’s tears blurred his vision. Sela’s screams were palpable and pained. Her eldest was dying and nothing could be done. Nothing except to kill his killer.

Zuko stood up from where the family was knelt from. He was angry, angrier than ever. The killer was grinning. A thirsty smile that Zuko couldn’t wait to erase from his face.

But what the man had in malice, Zuko had in anger. So as the teen slowly walked towards the spears that had been disregarded. Moving from harm’s way the grieving family. His right eye never left the killer.

Their eyes met each other. This was going to be either men’s final fight. And Zuko had much more to live. He sprinted forwards as the man used his only hammer available to create rocks and send them back at the assaulting teenager. Zuko noticed that by throwing his hammer at Sensu and him he had created an unbalance notion that Zuko was going to exploit.

The distance was shortening and the killer looked concerned. But the attack did not came from the front. Zuko leaped as hard and as tall as he could and as the man was looking up, following the unmasked vigilante’s movements he saw the tip of one spear rush down towards him. His eyes grew larger than ever as the metal point of the spear stabbed him in his mouth. Zuko landed and saw the standing corpse of the killer.

He approached the soldiers and tied them with the rope they used on him. He saw the old man he had talked a few days ago and said. “I leave them at your disposal. Justice has been served. Zuko saw the remaining of his swords and grabbed them. He had also grabbed the killer’s maces, the one from his cooling hand and the one that was disregarded next to Sensu’s body.

“These maces that took life out of greed, will be transformed into weapons of justice” He thought for himself.

“I’m truly sorry” Zuko said as he knelt besides the family but he was met with a hard push from Gansu’s left arm.

“You caused this. My son would be alive right now if you hadn’t intervened!” The man said with a mix of anger and sadness. So this is what Uncle must have felt when Lu Ten died. What he must have felt when the news of his own “death” had reach their ears.

“I will be going then” Zuko said. His heart was broken. His only one true friend had died to protect him. Once again the spirits mocked him.

As he was taking his Ostrich-Horse from the stables he decided to leave some gold coins on the entrance. And as he climbed aboard her petted the feathers of the animal’s head as he finally settled for a name for the animal. “Let’s go Masayoshi”


No, I did not forget that Combustion Man had a prosthetic arm

According to Google Translate Masayoshi means Justice in Japanese.

Chapter 19: Darkness


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

I had a dream, which was not all a dream.

The bright sun was extinguish’d, and the stars

Did wander darkling in the eternal space,

Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth

Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air;

Morn came and went—and came, and brought no day …

As he opened his eyes he saw that darkness surrounded him. It asked for nothing back nor did it took something in return. Darkness was like him. Undisturbed, unbothered, solitaire. Only the soft snores of Masayoshi could accompany him during this sleepless night.

Once again he found himself camping near a river in the middle of the woods. The previous day events still replying on his mind. How he couldn’t save Sensu, the heartbroken faces of his family, the sad look on the people in town and the righteous justice he inflicted upon the murderous thug. Yet that justice did not brought him peace.

He glanced at the resting hammers on Masayoshi’s saddle. The weapons used by a murderer. Then he noticed the broken pieces of his sword. The weapons of a vigilante. But was he truly different that the other man? After all he had killed before.

No, he wasn’t the same as the other man. He had killed yes but only those who do evil to others, killers, rapists, traffickers. He never had taken advantage of some poor soul who scream for help only for the world to turn its back on them. He was never going to be like those that had died by his blade.

He took a glance at the maces. Their handle was different from the handles of his swords, but the steel it was definitely something else. It had a nice Damascus pattern on it. The blacksmith that had crafted it was truly gifted. Still he felt a pain of guilt for what was going to happen next.

He tossed the maces to the fire of his bonfire. Given the density and weight it would take a couple of hours to properly heat them to the malleable state they should be in order to transform them into his new set of swords.


Azula sneaked around Master Piandao’s villa. She had no mission other than to know the terrain. Her master told her how a warrior should know the terrain it fought in. He never stated that it should be a quick glance, nor did he forbid a warrior to make a full ground recognition of the area.

In her time here she had checked the outer gardens. The main patio. The east wing and upper floor. She decided that tonight she was going to know what was on the basem*nt. With the luck of how boring master Piandao was it was going to be an endless collection of parchment and scrolls of his old battles.

She used the pin from her princess crown to open the lock in the hard wood door that was blocking her path. She had seen the door plenty of times but the master told her she wasn’t ready to see the contents of the basem*nt. Yet she had felt it was enough.

As she heard the click in the lock she licked her lips to see what was behind it.

Sometimes she forgot her master was a warrior.

She used her flames to illuminate the room. She was in awe. In the walls were displayed different weapons. A lance. A spear. A long sword. Throwing knives. Throwing axes. A shield with a metal point. Two silver looking arm bracelets. A pair of dao broadswords and in the middle of all was an old armor. But this one wasn’t like the other ones. It was delicate yet it looked sturdy. By the looks of it it was a female armor. If she was a little taller and a little bustier she could easily slip inside that armor.

The golden accents and intricate pattern in it draw her attention. This was no regular soldier armor, this one was made by someone with an endless creativity and passion. She was about to touch it when a cough took her mind out of it

“Patience is a virtue my student. But sometimes the biggest victories are not won by quick and reckless attacks. But by playing the long game. They are tedious sometimes but the victory remains the same.” The voice of her master made her realize that he was aware of her intentions to coming down to what was definitely a trophy room.

“I’m sorry Master Piandao, but curiosity got the better of me” Azula said as she bowed in front of her master. The master dismissed it and said.

“Come, you should have seen this a long time ago but I wanted to prove how long could the temptation of the restricted called for you” He said with an amused smirk as Azula glared at him.

“This ones are the biggest trophies of my students. Each and every one of them made the weapons you see in those glass cases” The master explained as he pointed at one of the lances.

“So every weapon is from a former student?” Azula asked

“Yes, sadly the ones displayed here were brought by the families of my students after their passing” Master Piandao said as he looked in sadness. Azula finally saw with clearity how each weapon had at least one part of them missing, dented or scratch.

“They all died in battle” Azula stated.

“Yes, except for two” Piandao said to which Azula looked at him in confusion.

The Master pointed at the armor in the middle of the room and the pair of broadswords.

“What happened to the person who forged this armor?” Azula asked noticing the beautiful armor once again

“This particular student was one of the most creative ones. She was more of a dancer, an actress if you want to say, her movements were as fast as they were deadlier. She told me that she wanted to make something that protected her from all angles while at the same time make her enemy think of her as a dancing dragon, deadly yet graceful. She manage this on her own. I only intervened when she needed guidance for a certain pattern or shape. She was the best non bender I ever teach.” Piandao said.

“What was her name?” Azula asked

“My student” The master turned to see his eleven year old student. “Her name was Ursa, she was your mother” Azula felt like if she had gotten the air knocked out of her lungs. Her mother had been Piandao’s student? She began to hyperventilate. Her mother was a delicate former actress, she would’ve never fight let alone being considerate one of the best.

“This can’t be true” Azula said

“But it is. Each of my students leave their signatures in their creations. Your mother wrote her name here, in the left shoulder plate. You can check if you want” Piandao gestured and the little princess walked towards it. She still was hoping this was all a prank, a sick joke. But then as she raised the left shoulder she saw it. In her distinctive neat handwriting. Ursa.

“So this is true” Azula said

“Yes my student. When you finish your training you will create a beautiful piece like these ones. I know you will” Piandao said. “It is late, so we better have some rest” He said as he gently pushed his student upstairs. He hoped that this revelation hadn’t change anything on her.

Azula’s mind was a in a turmoil. Her mother was a warrior. No, she was a fierce warrior that fought tooth and nail. Then if her armor ended up in here then it means she really did died. She got bummed out by that. She hoped to see her again and ask her why she abandoned Zuko and she.

“Hehe, poor Zu-Zu, he most have already joined mother in the loving embrace of Agni. She hoped she could really see them soon. Not that she would admit it out loud but she did missed them.” Her mind kept racing until she began to question who the other swords belong to? Master Piandao never said it. It would have to wait for the next morning because she was already exhausted.

Meanwhile inside of the glass case, in the right pommel, a somewhat readable name could be read. The name was Zuko.


It took roughly two hours for the bonfire fire to finally heat at the right temperature the by now dawn was almost coming, he could feel it. So he grabbed the hammer and the tweezers and began to hammer down the mace. Sparks flew around and a deafening sound resounded around the woods. It made Masayoshi to wake up but it didn’t matter, he needed to forge new swords

He hit and turned and twisted and worked so hard that by noon he had two decent looking broadswords. He had even accomplished to change the handles of the maces for the previous swords. He contemplated his work and instead of cooling down the steel with water he decided to use a different method.

Heat bending.

He had heard it was one of the most complicated forms of bending imaginable, only experienced Fire Benders and some Air Benders could do it. Well he really, really needed to prove he could do it.

He closed his eyes and began to concentrate. He felt the swords, the body heat they had, how the water or oil treatment allowed the metal to harden. How he wanted to absorb the heat as fast as the liquids could. He prayed to Agni to help him in this new task he wanted to do.

He grabbed the swords by their flaming cores and he felt pain. He began to scream. His palms were burning but only for a few seconds because then the pain was no more. He quickly rushed to the river and dipped his hands in the cool water.

“What a stupid thing to do!” Zuko yelled at himself. As he check the newest set of scars on his hands he checked the swords that laid on the ground. He inspected them and noticed that they were completely cooled but at the same time completely hardened. They only needed to be sharpened and would be as deadlier as ever.

He was going for his stone, and something to eat, so far only Masayoshi had been the only one fed, when a growl came from the trees. He took a defensive stance ready for anything. When a beautiful woman mounting a brown beast appeared from the tree line.

“Don’t mind me, you were so caught up on your work that I did not wanted to be rude” The woman smirked at him. This was just perfect.


The first thoughts of Zuko/Blue Spirit on this chapter is a poem from Lord Byron called Darkness, I checked on Google poems that dealt with mourning, solitude and loss and that one resonated me the most. I’m open for suggestions for the following chapters.

Chapter 20: Against the ropes


Sorry if this chapter is short, but it is simply the appetizer before the big main event, The Blue Spirit vs The Combustion Man

Chapter Text

“Don’t mind me, you were so caught up on your work that I did not wanted to be rude” The woman smirked at him. This was just perfect.

The woman said “Nayla, attack!” And just then the enormous beast launch itself forward. His good eye opened in shock and he rushed to the left to avoid the incoming threat.

The giant beast crashed onto the ground startling Masayoshi who pooped itself of the scare.

“You’re fast, but not as fast as her tongue!” The woman said as the beast opened its mouth and sent a red point tongue towards her prey. The unmasked vigilante avoided it once again.

“I’m in no position to face that beast. But if I attack from the air” He thought as he saw the trees surrounding the camping site. With his next move decided he began to climb as fast as he could. The sun was setting so if he just waited a few more moments the darkness of the night would cover the entire woods and he’d be able to jump and defeat this bounty hunter.

“Don’t fight back. This should be quick!” The woman said to her fleeing prey.

The vigilante jumped from tree branch to tree branch. He hoped that with the confusion the bounty hunter would turn her back on him and he’d be able to strike. But as he reach a vantage point he heard the woman said.

“Nyla, smell” And the beast began to point its nose into the air and began to sniff around.

“sh*t” The vigilante thought to himself as the beast smelled in his direction.

“Nyla attack!” The beast attacked at his position with the vigilante barely jumping down and taking cover behind another tree. His heart was racing. And he felt like his breath was missing. He could hear the beast approaching.

“What can I do?” He was thinking. “Running? Perhaps” He jumped down and rolled in the ground to gain momentum to begin his sprinting. If his swords had a sharpness then the battle would’ve been over but he only had some dull blades that could not cut anything.

He would get any idea, hopefully, before the woman captured him. Thanks to his trained ear he could hear whenever a whip or a tongue approached him yet he was getting tired of running. “Stupid sniffing beast” He mumbled in his thoughts. “That’s it! His nose!” He did a harsh left and returned to his camp. The beast meanwhile stumbled a little but it recovered quickly before continuing the pursuit of its prey.

The unmasked vigilante had only a few moments to enact his plan before the beast came for him. He ran as fast as he could to were Masayoshi was standing, and without a doubt nor hesitation he picked the fresh feces of the ostrich-horse.

The smell of them was awful that it nearly made him throw up but they were necessary. Hopefully, and with a large amount of soap, he would get the odor from his hands. He stood in the middle of the clear area with his hands behind his back. He had only one shot and the beast and the bounty hunter were closing in on him.

“I see you accepted your fate! This will be quick” The woman gloated and the vigilante saw the beast opening her mouth to throw the tongue forward. But as the beast did that the vigilante leaped in the air. As the beast’s mouth was open he aimed his fetid projectile towards the beast’s nostrils.

It impacted right into it. The beast growled at stood in its back legs making the bounty hunter to leap from the saddle in front of her target.

“You! What did you did to my Nyla?” She asked the vigilante. He simply smiled and showed his dirty hands. “That is disgusting! I can’t believe you threw poop at my girl’s nose. You’re going to pay for that” The woman said and her target simply made a gesture with his palm that said “Come for me”

The woman rushed forward and began to exchange blows with her target. The vigilante was impressed. He had faced against benders so far but a non-bender with actual skills? Now this was interesting.

Whenever she threw a punch he deflected or intercepted it. Whenever she threw a kick he catch it or moved out of the way. He had to admit, this woman was packing a lot of strength. He wasn’t playing and neither did she. One wanted to survive the other wanted to prove her worth.

It wasn’t long before she threw a punch right into his thorax which left him breathless. He moved back several steps before she whipped her whip out and tied him. The dagger in the whip’s tip pierced his left side, serving as a hook to prevent his escape. He could feel the whip tightening as the blade pierced and cut his tender flesh.

“FINALLY!” The woman exclaimed. “I’m going to ask for a bigger pay now that you soiled my poor Nyla” The woman said but before she could drag him towards the beast that continued to try to clean its nose. The vigilante managed to cut the whip with a knife he had hidden in his boot. Once free he dislodged the whip’s blade from his injury side and was ready for another battle.

“You truly are stubborn. Well, that makes my victory more satisfying.” The woman said as she raced forward once again. The battle resumed in the same fashion as before. Except that this time the vigilante applied her movement to the thorax before her. The woman stumbled back missing her breath. “Y-you” She wheezed.

“I learned your fight style” Her target said, and for the first time tonight she couldn’t see his face. As if the night belonged to him and helped him darken his features.

“Who are you?” She asked.

“I’m the Blue Spirit” And before she knew it her world was cover in darkness.


Earth kingdom coasts…

The Earth Kingdom, since the war started, had multiple ships, vessels and boats coming from the Fire Nation arriving at its shores. The citizens did not like that but as long as the Fire Nationers did not messed with their crops or families they would not be hostile against them, at least hostile to begin a battle against them.

Yet this night it wasn’t like any other night. The boat that arrived had only one passenger. A tall burly bald man with a metal leg and a tattoo on his forehead.

Chapter 21: The bounty hunter


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The first ray of sun woke her up. She felt drowsy and tired, and for some reason she was tied, not that this was the first time, though this was the first time she had her clothes on. She only remembered to fight against her target, the masked vigilante and then nothing. As she looked at her surroundings she saw her hands were tied to Nyla’s reigns and a not pinned on the saddle.

“What the?” She thought to herself. It was a simple knot that she easily untangled. She reached for the note and unfolded it.

“You’re not a bad person, but I can’t let you capture me. I left you some meat on the fire and cleaned your pet’s nose. Don’t follow me. –The Blue Spirit”

June the Bounty Hunter examined the note for a moment. She pondered her options and the shrugged. “There will be other targets” She said as she climbed down her sleeping beast and approached the fire where a piece of meat was slowly roasting.

“It does smell good, and I don’t think he went through all that trouble to poison me” She said and after her meal was done she climbed aboard her pet and follow her own path.


Meanwhile a lone figure moved on his ostrich-horse, he had a good night’s rest and was continuing his path nowhere. He had checked the contents of the bounty hunter’s bag and had seen the apprehension order from Long Feng,

“Whoever he is he’s got money to hire a bounty hunter to go after me, her bag was full of gold coins” The wandering man thought as he had counted twenty gold coins on the bounty hunter’s pouch, none of which he touch, he wanted to avoid an unnecessary conflict with her in a near future. Still his mind kept pondering over the next move. He was pissing people with his exploits as a vigilante, he should be more aware of bounty hunters everywhere he goes.


Piandao’s residence…

Metal clashing could be heard. The noise was deafening but it was tolerable. In the middle of the garden two warriors fought. One old, one young. A master and his apprentice. Sword against staff. Youth versus experience. Speed versus stamina.

Azula was impressed that her master could be as youthful as her in terms of energy. None of her former fire bending teachers had actually match her, and yet this man past his prime was able to be even on her skill. She was, for lack of a better word, impressed.

She had finished forging her staff/sai and had at first trouble adjusting to its weight and balance but once she had mastered, quite quick and perfect as she was, she was ready to face her final challenge. Face against her master. But curiously she felt no fear. She knew that despite his reputation of a killing machine he was one of the most honorable combatants the Fire Nation had ever seen.

That’s why this morning she was currently battling against him. She at first had attacked with her sais, believing that she would gain the upper hand since she had two while Piandao had only one sword, how wrong she was. It didn’t take long for Azula to join the sais and transform them into the staff version of her weapon. Yet it was still difficult to fight him.

And worse, she was getting tired.

As she continued spinning and thrusting the staff forwards and around her she realized that the environment had changed, they we no longer on the garden. They were already on the mountain side outside the cottage.

“A true warrior continues the battle despite its surroundings” Her master said as he continued swinging his sword.

“And a true warrior knows its environment” Azula said as she decided to slide down the mountain to take Piandao into a slope. “Great now I’m here, I’m like Zuko I did not think this through” She scolded herself when she saw pebbles roll down announcing the coming of her master who’s eyes had never left her out of his sight.

“Interesting choice of battleground” He said as he kicked a pebble to the river. “You should take advantage of everything nature has to offer” He said as he continued his attack onto his student. Azula’s eyes were as big as they could.

“If only I had a second to breath” Azula said, but in a battle there would no escape until either opponent was dead or yielded. And her pride was too much to yield at her teacher. But her body was just so damn tired.

“AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” She screamed confusing her master and then she stabbed the ground with her staff as she fell on her knees. She was panting and sweating profusely. “I… I… I give up” Tears were swelling on her eyes. She just couldn’t keep up. She expected a scolding but she was rather met with a clapping from her master.

“Well done my student, well done” He said with a genuine smile on his face.

“But I… I didn’t defeated you” Azula said in panic which only made him laugh, a good natured one.

“My dear student the purpose of this battle wasn’t for defeating me, it was for defeating your own pride” Piandao said which confused her so he continued his explanation. “Pride is more often than not the source of our own shame. You’re so used to be the perfect princess, the perfect daughter, the perfect Fire bender that you forgot what failure really is. The best of teachers. When we fail we learn. In your particular case you had been so fed up with perfection that if you continued in this path you ego and pride would be your own downfall. You’re a kid who has her entire life to make mistakes. Learn from them and your life will be richer than ever. Now let’s go. It’s time to refresh ourselves and have a feast on your failure, tomorrow your uncle will take you with your next masters” He said and though Azula was weary of the word failure she knew he didn’t meant it as an insult like her father or her former teachers would use it. Speaking of which what kind of masters would she get next?


Earth kingdom plains…

The wandering vigilante ride through some plains that thankfully had some trees that could serve as a place to rest. As he was looking for a good place to set camp a blast caught him by surprise making him fly from where he and Masayoshi were walking. Speaking of which he immediately sought for his traveling companion. His disorientation was palpable and his focus was nowhere to be quite right but his one good eye manage to see the feather covered body laying on the ground.

“Masayoshi!” He said as he crawled towards the unmoving body of his ostrich-horse. Her bright black eye conveyed fear and sadness. The young vigilante hugged her head and began to sob. Both knew this was going to be their last goodbye. No more riding together. She would be gone and he would remain alone. He cried until he couldn’t see and when he parted from the hug his friend, the animal that had saved his life was no longer with him.

His attention was caught somewhere else when he heard a noisy thud coming towards him. He looked for the source of the noise and saw a towering man with a metal leg coming towards him. His scowl was noticeable but his forehead tattoo was what got the weeping boy’s attention.

The mark of a combustion bender.


Sorry sorry sorry for killing his horse but this was necessary to shape him more, next chapter will be his battle and the end of this timeline, for a time skip is necessary.

Chapter 22: Praying to the spirits


Warning too much violence for our poor protagonist

Chapter Text

A huge man-beast of boundless savagery.

He names himself the Night and oftener Death,

And wears a helmet mounted with a skull,

And bears a skeleton figured on his arms,

To show that who may slay or scape the three,

Slain by himself, shall enter endless night.

-Alfred Lord Tyron

Masayoshi was dead. Killed by the bastard that was walking towards him. This had turned to be a personal business. He didn’t care who this man was. The vigilante wanted to kill him. Rip his f*cking head off in the most painful of ways. He deserved to die. The Blue Spirit will have his vengeance.

The battle began shortly after with the vigilante jumping into action. His sprint and the position of his swords denoting the murderous anger he felt towards his assailant. The two newly forged weapons swing at the bounty hunter. Their sharpness cutting through air making a whistle as they passed. Sadly this bounty hunter was good.

Too good.

After several stressful moments of fruitless attacks the vigilante reasoned that he should attack in a different angle. Something different. He decided to combine his onslaught with a series of kicks to his midsection. Unfortunately they were easily blocked and in one opportunity the man grabbed his foot and twisted it until a snap was heard. The vigilante screamed in pain. He was already used to being an enemy of the nations but this man was clearly too much for him. His stature, his built and his power was way too much for him.

As the vigilante tried to crawl away he was grabbed by his leg and then swing by the man and slammed into a nearby tree. The pain he felt was too much for him as several splinters stabbed his back and droplets of blood spurt from the injuries. The man threw him onto the ground and let him crawl again. Only to grab him by the neck and waist and toss him away like if he was a sack of potatoes.

Pain, nothing but pain he felt. Perhaps he should’ve run before trying to get revenge for Masayoshi.

The man stood above him and violentely grabbed him by his neck. The man’s knees were over his legs and his left arm held his onto the ground. His entire body was pinned down onto the ground. His swords discarded so far away from his grip that any attempt to reach for them would be useless. The man would probably claim them after their battle, either as a spoil of war or to be kept as a trophy, or to be sold to the highest bidder. The swords of the Blue Spirit. The defeated vigilante who failed at everything he set his mind into. This time there was no chandelier that could save him from the man’s clutches.

The man picked him up once again only to slam him onto the ground with an enormous force. The vigilante’s painful grunts could be heard through all the forest they were currently in. The Blue Spirit had faced against sad*sts, killers and other evils but this man, this brute man, showcased no emotion, nor glee nor delight in inflict him pain. He only seem to do it for the sake of it. As the man choked him the Vigilante was picked up again and slammed onto the ground once again. By this point the back of his head was bleeding yet his consciousness was complete, though the world was beginning to spin around.

Perhaps this was for the better. Perhaps his destiny wasn’t to be the world’s savior. Perhaps he was only a faceless prisoner. Just like Ozai wanted.


South Pole…

Katara was currently sleeping, this time of the year it was very difficult to keep track at the day and night cycles since the sun’s activity kept getting shorter due to the worlds’ changing seasons. She was trying to close her eyes, focus on thinking on jumping otter-penguins. She was focused on that when a tug in her heart could be felt.

She sat up in her bed pelts, she looked around and saw that Sokka was in a deep sleep as drool flow through his mouth, her mother and grandmother peacefully sleeping in the next ones. Could her father be in danger? She closed her eyes and prayed to Tui and La for the protection of her father.

Unknown to the eleven year old, her mother had also felt the tug and had been silently praying for the safety of someone in the world.


Kyoshi Island…

Jin was returning from her date with her boyfriend Hyun, he was… nice, but she could have nice, at least he had not been trying to force her to do something she didn’t wanted to. So he was a breath of fresh air. Yet she felt like something was missing. As she laid on her bed that night a nagging feeling that something was wrong in the world moved her heart.

She stood up and looked at the stars. “What is this feeling?” She asked herself. Whatever it was she couldn’t identify but she prayed to Kyoshi that whatever soul in need of help can find the help and the courage and strength they needed.


Earth Kingdom forest…

Deep in the heart of the forest, hidden by the thick foliage of the trees, lived a revolutionary community. There their leader, Jet, made plans for his multiples attempts at taking down the Fire Nation. Still his mind wasn’t on his plans. No, his mind was focused on the girl he had bouncing in his legs. At first he thought that Smellerbee was a boy, but when he realized that he was instead a she, well he used his charms to talk with the girl his age. A leader should have a good company by his side. And she wasn’t complaining. She did it willingly after all.

As his climax arrived he left the tent. He had plans to make. Meanwhile the girl laid on the soft sheets of the “bed” she felt numb. Yes she thought that Jet was going to be different but he was exactly like any other customer she had attended. They were only concerned about their own pleasure. At least he hadn’t beat her or anything. Still, like with any other customer, she had to resort into seeking pleasure by herself.

She was laying on the bed, fingers deep in her nether regions, when a tug in her heart shook her to the core. This wasn’t an org*sm, this was something else. She wasn’t the type of person to pray to any spirits, but there was one that came to her mind. And she prayed to anyone listening to protect him.


Earth Kingdom waters…

Hakoda felt a heartache. He was too young to feel a heart attack but this was similar. Something was wrong in the world. He knew that. He felt this way when Kya had been taken away from him. He felt this way when Sokka was born earlier than expected. He felt this way when his father was killed by a polar dog-bear. He felt this way when his mother suffered a deadly illness. Yes this was the same feeling.

So just like with those times he knelt on the ground and got his hands together and prayed for whatever soul connected to his find the strength to fight whatever evil he was facing.


Back with the vigilante…

His eyes were closing. He had lost how many times he had been choked and slammed onto the ground. How the violence over his mangle body was already taking its toll. His legs by this point were numb. The pressure over them had been too much that they were strained, probably fractured as well. His mask had been ripped away from his face and laid on the ground. His right arm had been dislocated by the man. Only his left one had a small sense of fight in it.

He was near to giving up when he felt his energies renewed. Like if multiple voices were chanting his name. Chanting it to give him strength. To give him protection. His fighting spirit was back.

He knew what to do next. His left hand had touched a stone three slamming’s ago. He looked for it. His hand touched the ground looking for said stone. It shouldn’t be that far. And when it did he smirked.

For he stabbed the man’s elbow with the sharp stone. For the first time since this fight started the man’s face showed his feelings.

Anger and pain. Yet he wouldn’t free the vigilante’s neck. So he continued his onslaught stabbing more and more the stone into the elbow until blood began to pour over the teen’s face. Luckily only fell onto his useless left eye. But the man’s right hand loosed its grip on the teen’s neck so he was able to awkwardly stand up. Yes his legs were too numb and one of them was broken but he still stood up. This was his chance to escape.

He went for his bag and grabbed his swords and mask. Unfortunately the man had ripped part of his shirt to wrap his damaged arm with it. And he was menacingly walking towards the teen. The vigilante saw that the man was readying himself to attack him with a combustion ray. So he took one of his knives and threw it to the man’s forehead.

But instead of stabbing the man with it the knife had spin on the air and only hit the man’s forehead with its pommel. The man looked enraged by this. But when he tried to use his combustion attack it backfired making several small explosions throwing the man onto his back. If he was dead or unconscious the vigilante did not know. Only that he would take that chance to run away. The only downside is that he couldn’t give Masayoshi a proper burial. So he lumped away as fast as his mangled body allowed it. Tears coming from his good eye as he remembered what he loosed and what he almost loses.

It would take some time but he would heal. He was a survivor after all.


Sun Island…

It took their ship three days to finally arrive at their destiny and when they did disembark the ship sailed away without them.

“Don’t worry my niece they’ll be back when your training ends.” Iroh said

“But when that will be?” Azula asked

“That is a mystery. Now let’s go, it’s time for you to meet your masters” Iroh said as he began to walk forwards into the deep forest of this ancient island.

Azula was impressed that a place like this one had endured the passage of time. She was marveled at the constructions, too different of the current Fire Nation palaces and homes yet one could see the similarities.

“Uncle, why are we here? Ruins can’t teach me anything” Azula said sounding like a petulant child. Yet she should have known better than never judge Uncle’s reasoning. As from out of nowhere a man as old as Uncle appeared walking with a man and a women with hair reminiscing of the phoenix tail hairstyle.

“Chief Api, so good to see you” Iroh said as the two men embraced in a friendly hug. Azula was surprised, not by the appearance of the man but the fact that Uncle knew of him and hugged him as a longtime friend.

“Dragon of the West Iroh. It is an honor to have you back. Though I suspect that you did not came here just to chat” The chief said

“No Chief Api, though I did bring several of my finest teas” At that the Chief smiled. “I brought my niece, Princess Azula, heir to the Fire throne, to be tested by the masters” Iroh said and an intrigued looked passed on the Chief’s face. It had been several years before someone hand face the masters’ judgement. Perhaps this girl could have a hidden potential that the masters would bring into the light. He couldn’t wait to see what Ran and Shaw had to say about her.

Chapter 23: Bitter work


This is IT, finally after 22 chapters we arrive at the time skip. At first I wanted two separate chapters but I think it worked better if they were combined. Hopefully is of your liking

Chapter Text

Day 1

“Stupid chief, stupid uncle. Making her climb this stupid mountain to deliver a stupid flame to some stupid masters. What can they teach her she doesn’t already know?” Azula was thinking as she made use of the path towards the mountain while maintaining the flame at a constant volume to avoid it snuffing itself out.

By late afternoon she had managed to reach a stone square where at least twenty people stood in a circle, drums and horns could be seen, probably as a form of instruments.

“Azula you made it!” Her uncle said as he gleefully saw her.

“Yeah Uncle I made it, you could have told me of the shortcut” She said

“The masters don’t take shortcuts, the true spirit of a Fire Bender is patience and will. Humility and you’ll manage to make the most impossible of tasks and feats.” Her uncle said speaking with a riddle

“The masters await for you in the middle of the bridge. Present the fire to them and you’ll receive your judgment” The chief spoke and Azula nodded holding her head high as she walk upstairs to the bridge between two caverns. They looked really big. Perhaps inside the masters had a mansion like Master Piandao.

“Master Piandao, his weapons would be of great use if those masters tried anything against her” She thought. She was so immerse in her thoughts that she ignored what the Chief was saying, it wasn’t until a big horn was blown that the earth shook. Birds flew away and from the caverns a pair of yellow eyes appeared. Azula took a big gulp as she saw two dragons, one blue, one red, emerge from the caverns and began to fly around the bridge.

“This was bad” Azula was in awe as he dragons flew around her. She simply stayed there mesmerized by their size and majesty. Then she remembered the fire. She presented it and stood there. Motionless. Waiting for something to happen.

Then after what felt for hours she opened her eyes. The dragons were looking at her. The red one growled and closed its eyes. The blue one meanwhile was simply staring at her.

Then it growled at her and flew away. Both dragons moving simultaneously to enter the caverns once again leaving Azula completely baffled by their reaction.

As Azula descended the stairs she was met by a worried look from her Uncle.

“Uncle I… I don’t understand. They didn’t ate me but they didn’t showed me something that could help me become stronger. Did I do something wrong?” She asked and Iroh noticed that her voice sounded so broken and almost child-like, like the true twelve year old she was.

“The masters had come to an impasse” The Chief said

“What does that means?” The princess asked.

“It means that while one of the masters think of you as worthless” At that Azula looked conflicted “The other one sees potential in you. But he thinks you’re not ready yet for that.” The chief said

“Then what do I do?!” She asked

“Be patient. In time they will see your true nature and the kindness in your heart Princess Azula” Her uncle said. She wanted to be mad at him for bringing her here. But she couldn’t. She knew he meant well and wanted the best for her. Just like with Master Piandao.

She took a deep calming breath before she said “Alright. What’s next?”


His leg hurt like heck. It would take too long for him to regain mobility. If he ever healed properly. After his escape from the bounty hunter he had found a hidden cavern behind a waterfall that should serve as a proper settlement until his strength returned.

The pain he felt as he made a makeshift cast for his broken leg was too much for him. He was crying and in pain. But overall he was lonely. He had lost even his traveling companion. Masayoshi who had saved him from adversities was no longer with him. And the worst part it was that he couldn’t even avenge her. He was a failure.

He saw his swords. The sharp steel that had ended countless lives. What was another one to take? It was a simple waving motion or just a simple stab and his pain would be over. No more living like a runaway. No more suffering nor loss in his life. Everything would end in a swift motion. He thought as the sharp edge closed in his neck. Just one movement.


He wouldn’t end like this. His uncle had told him to never give up without a fight. He wouldn’t take the coward’s way. No. He would become stronger and the man who took her away from him would pay.

Day 20

Her uncle had told her that to appease the dragons she should be more humble. How? By doing chores like everyone in the village.

Ugh. She hated doing chores, it was so beneath her. She had to clean the temples. Sweep the square. Scrub the stairs. Deal with any pesky weed in the gardens. She felt like a servant rather than a princess.

It was nearly three weeks and she couldn’t bare it anymore!

She was the Princess of the Throne of the Fire Nation. She was the great grandaughter of the greatest Fire Lord ever. Fire Lord Sozin. She shouldn’t be doing this. Not anymore!

Day 21

She was in a shocking mood. After she confronted her Uncle about doing this chores her Uncle dropped her a bomb. A bomb that shattered her complete views of her life and ancestry.

She was the great granddaughter of Avatar Roku

Day 50

She made friends. Today as she did some chores in the Town Square some kids around her age invited to play what they called Fire ball. Apparently they had to pass a ball in flames through some hoops in the middle of a tall wall. It was difficult at first but she managed to score at least a point.

Yes her team lost in the end but curiously, she didn’t felt angry nor disappointed, she thought it was, well for the lack of a better word, fun.

Day 73

His mask had been finally ready. With a nice paint coat and a nice coat of varnish his mask would endure a fight. Any scratch, hit or even dampness wouldn’t affect it. This new mask was combat ready. But most importantly this would be his new face. He wouldn’t show his face no longer. That only brought him nothing but trouble. Anyone he interacted with ended up death so he would be a messenger of death, a bringer of justice, a ghost, a true wandering spirit that moved without being seen, that people would only heard of but never been too sure if they had witness his wrath.

A true Blue Spirit.

Only that with his stupid leg needing more time to heal he couldn’t use it. Meanwhile he had been working his upper torso. Lifting heavy rocks inside the cavern. Doing pull-ups on tree branches. Climbing the waterfall using his arms only. By this point his arms had doubled the muscle size they had before and his abdomen was more sculpted. He felt stronger than ever. Once he took his cast off he would be able to train his legs as well.

Day 100

His leg was finally free. For the past few days he had been doing light exercises to help the recovery of his leg. Nothing too hard at first. The hardest was to try to regain his balance. Once he did he began flexing his leg. Once he did that he began taking walks. Then jogs. Then he began to run.

Day 130

“Gather around everyone for I have a story for you” A Fire Circus performer said to the masses in the town square of a colonized village. “The tales of the Blue Spirit. It is said that this man, this wandering spirit once was a handsome prince whose face was scarred by an evil warmonger. Him seeking for revenge and justice for the people the warmonger had wronged our prince looked for the dark spirit Koh” At that many people in the audience cowered hearing the name of a spirit so frightening that haunt the people’s dreams “And offered his scarred face, a rare treasure for the face stealer and his soul, for the power to defeat the evil man. The Spirit accepted and as he took the prince’s face he gave him a new face. A mask of a dark spirit that once had fought against the Face Stealer and lost. This would grant him Spirit powers, like the capabilities to move between shadows and inhuman strength. But everything has a price. After the prince, now dubbed the Blue Spirit, had killed the warmonger Koh returned this time to claim the whole soul of the prince. Given that the Face Stealer could only seal one’s fate by showing his face, the prince refused. Promising to wear the Blue Spirit mask to end with every injustice in this world and that he would”

Day 200

Her Uncle brought her some good news. He would teach her a very important and difficult task. A skill not many knew how to do it.

How to produce a lightning bolt.

Day 299

“Gather around boys and girls, gather around for tonight I bring you the story of the Blue Spirit…” An old man in the middle of a town square began to say. Many people gathered around him mainly due to the curiosity of what the man might say.

“Long ago lived an Earth Kingdom Noble, who’s heart was as pure as the gold on his robes. Then one day his family was taken away.

Day 365

A full year, a full year and she couldn’t dominate that simple stupid movement! It wasn’t that HARD! Uncle did it like it was nothing. How could she did not make a lightning bolt?!

Day 400

“Uncle, I think I’m ready to face the Masters’ judgment once again” Azula said to her uncle as he played Pai sho against the Chief.

“Are you sure Princess Azula?” He asked her.

“Yes. I think I’m ready” She responded.

“Well then. It is time for you to learn a secret technique every Sun Warrior must know before facing the Masters.” Iroh said

“What is it?” A secret technique? Why he didn’t told me in the first place. No, no Azula, patience and humbleness, the true ways of a Fire Bender.” She thought to herself.

“Yes, an ancient technique called. The Dragon dance.” Iroh said.

Day 430

The Blue Spirit was back at his full glory. He had stopped three burglars who had robbed a nobleman’s home. It wasn’t too bad of a crime but the fact that they had threatened the man’s family had been too much for the Blue Spirit who left them hanging from a crane. The Earth Kingdom Soldiers would deal with them as he returned the stolen goods to the family. It wasn’t until he touched what seemed to be a wood medallion that flashes of someplace flew into his mind. He didn’t know why but he pocketed the medallion into his belt.

Day 450

She did it! She finally did it!!! That stupid, that wonderful dance. It had been the most difficult task for her. Zuko and their mother were the artistic ones, not her. And yet she had managed it to perfection, to dance along the flying dragons until they were satisfied with her performance. Once the masters had agreed. They let out the biggest flames she had ever witness. But their flames weren’t red or orange. Not theirs were a show.

Oh how they showed her plenty of colors. All types of colors that not even the most beautiful of sunsets nor the brightest of rainbows could compare to the fire of the masters Ran and Shaw. They were wonderful.

Green, orange, yellow, blue, red, pink. Every color was present. But the one that stood out the most for her it was purple. Something about it made her heart react. Like if it was the color of her soul.

Day 490

It took him days and days on foot, but he was finally here.

The Southern Air Temple.

He didn’t know what he would find but his vision showed him he was supposed to be there. Perhaps he would find a reason if he rested there for a few days

Day 500

South Pole…

Kya always worried when her children were away for their fishing trips. The waters were treacherous and the icebergs where never as solid as they seemed to be. So she prayed every time they set sail in their little canoe. But something in the wind told her that this day would be different than the others. That the world would change after today.

Chapter 24: The Sourthen Air Temple


Hey everyone, I'm on my vacation so I'm having trouble with the internet that's why I had to get this chance to publish this chapter. Hope you'll like it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It took him almost an entire day for him to climb the mountain. And when he reach the top he felt two things.


And repulsion. Countless of skeletons scattered through the snowy plains of the temple. Scorch marks in many places. And what was worse, skeletons too small to be from an adult.

“They killed the children as well” The Blue Spirit demanded justice. That why his work throwing the remains of those murderers was an easy task. He didn’t care if they were following orders, there’s a line between duty and morality, and they had passed that line by participating in this genocide. That’s why the gracious fire of Agni would not shine for them. They would be forgotten why he worked on trying to salvage the remains of the multiple children and monks

It wasn’t an easy task as it took him several days to dispose of said skeletons, it was the least he could do. And as he cleaned the temple he felt watched. But who could be in this abandoned place? Whoever it was it hadn’t attacked him. So he ignored it and continued with his task.

On one of those days in the Temple he found a ruined tent. In it the remains of at least 12 or 15 soldiers laid dead at the feet of one single monk. His one good eye opened wide at the scene in front of him. This one Airbender had shown the true power of air at the cost of his life.

He muttered “Your death won’t be in vain” He said as he approached the man’s remains. He carefully took it on a long piece of cloth and placed it there. He had been digging a whole grave for all of the monks. He thought that it was a proper way of rendering tribute to those who had been slaughtered. He thought that setting their remains ablaze, the way his former country did it, wasn’t the way of doing it.

He saw the big hole on the ground he had dug, it already had plenty of skeletons in there, he was going to add the last one. So just as he did with the others, he gently took the skeleton and lowered onto the ground as if it was the most precious porcelain vase in the world.

As he finished he prayed to Agni to take this people’s souls to their eternal rest for the crimes committed against them by Fire Nation’s hands. He felt sicken that the history of his country meant the destruction of another.

As he finished his prayer he took a look at the covered tomb and then placed the collar he had taken from the nobleman’s home. The collar that had brought him here. And hang it on a sturdy branch he had found.

As he did that he still felt that something was looking at him. Yet whoever it was hadn’t tried anything against him so he didn’t attacked it.

It wasn’t until next morning that he found himself in front of a big pair of green eyes looking at him and a small bat-lemur perched over his chest. Apparently the creature had been curious of this visitor that it had followed him this past few days.

The Blue Spirit wanted to leave the Temple having finished his task. That was until something big landed in the temple.


Two days ago…

“Are you sure it was wise to leave the tribe? Won’t that man take his wrath in them?” Aang asked as the group fly away from the Southern Pole.

“They’re going to be fine, that guy Zhao saw you as the Avatar, plus he saw Katara do her magic water, believe me he is more interested in capturing you two than to attack a harmless tribe” Sokka said as he sharpen his whale bone spear. He was well packed, besides his spear he had packed his trusty boomerang and his machete, yeah nobody was going to mess with him. Katara simply rolled her eyes at her brother’s antics, at least she was looking at other scenery instead of only snow.


The following morning

The sun had barely broken dawn near a lake when a young bald tattooed head monk was working on securing the ropes on his air bison’s horn.

“Wait till you see it Katara, the Air Temple is amongst the most beautiful places in the world” Aang said to Katara, his grey eyes were full of hope as he saw at the girl he had a crush on. She on the other hand looked down at him with worry.

“Aang, I know you’re excited, but it’s been a hundred years since you’ve been home” She said only to be interrupted by the young monk

“That’s why I’m so excited” He replied.

“A lot can change around that time” She said.

“I’ll have to see it for myself” He replied jumping down from the bison’s head. He walked towards the snoring Sokka who was all bundled up in his sleeping bag.

“Come on Sokka, Air Temple here we go” He said and the teen boy only grumbled.

“Sleep now, temple later” He said as he rolled over to continue his snoring. Aang got an idea, he took a branch and began slithering on the boy’s sleeping bag.

“Sokka, there’s a weasel-snake in your sleeping bag” He said in a dramatic tone.

“AGGGHHHH! GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!!!” He began to prance around in a comical manner until he stumbled falling face first onto the ground. Katara and Aang began chuckling at his misfortune.

“Well, time to go” Aang said much to the other boy’s misfortune.


They were finally here! Aang was so excited! He felt hope that, well, he felt something almost like hope, that someone knew of Gyatso, if a hundred years had passed then it meant that Gyatso, his mentor, his master, his friend, had died a long time ago, and he would always fill guilty for running away, would he know what he meant for him? How he was the father he never knew?

He shook those feelings away. He was home and probably some of the kids he played with would be old masters by now. Would they recognize him? He was hoping for it. As they landed Appa let out a loud growl just as Aang said

“HELLO!” To which Sokka promptly shushed.

“We don’t know if there are enemies around us!” He said to the young monk.

“Come on Sokka, I don’t think the Fire Nation has reached this place” Aang said much to the worry of Katara and Sokka.

Unknown to them a masked man was looking at them hidden from behind a tree. He decided to follow them for the next minutes, after all he had eaten his breakfast, a fresh banana and mango, and decided to follow them with a bat-lemur over his shoulder.

It wasn’t that difficult the young bald monk was so focused on giving them a tour and show off to the girl that was with them. His good eye rolled inside his mask at the boy’s antics, he looked like he had never interacted with a girl before. Which he had to admit, the girl was quite beautiful, but he would never do something nor take a romantic interest in her. He loses everything close to his heart.

Still it was amusing to see the group interactions, apparently the oldest one was hungry and kept trying to find food or complain that he hadn’t eaten anything yet. His sneakiness proved to be successful since it was more than an hour since he decided to follow them that they haven’t take notice of his presence.

As the group finished “playing” a game the young monk called Air Ball he saw something that he hadn’t noticed before.

He had missed disposing of a Fire Nation helmet.

His eye went wide but not for his mistake, but for the fact that the pretty girl bended some snow to cover the helmet.

Then he put the pieces together. He remembered more than two years ago that Kya once told him that his daughter was a Water Bender, that she had lied to the Southern Raiders’ Captain telling him that she was the Water Bender, which was the reason of her enslavement. Besides the girl look just like her mom. He always thought that Kya was beautiful, but on a motherly way, this girl made his heart race. He shook his head once again. He had to convince his heart that he didn’t want her.

After that the Blue Spirit followed them to a vault type of structure where the young monk showed his impressive air bending skills to open it. The bat-lemur in his shoulder went behind them.

The Blue Spirit did not followed but he didn’t had to. In less than a minute the monk and the boy raced after the bat-lemur, the boy was yelling “FOOD!”

Seeing that the girl had been left alone he decided to make a run out before they came back for her. He was about to when a brick in which he was standing got loose and made some loose gravel roll down.

“Is anyone there?” The girl asked as she walked out of the vault. The Blue Spirit thought that if he wasn’t scarred he would approached her and talk to her. But that wouldn’t work. He would definitely scare her. Deciding to retreat he stood from his crouching position.

Unluckily, or luckily depending on one’s perception, a small stone from where he was positioned came off, making noise that got the girl’s attention. Before he could hide away his eyes through the mask made contact with the girl’s pure blue eyes.

It only took a split second but it was enough for him to be transported to the deepest of the seas, the wildest of the rivers and the most untamed of the ocean waves. It was weird yet he wanted to embrace that weird feeling.

The girl was still there. Speechless.

Sadly their movement was interrupted when the monk’s voice came back.

“Katara, come look at this!” And just at the moment the girl turned to see her friend the Blue Spirit disappeared.

“Did I imagined that?” Katara asked herself. Had she actually seen the Blue Spirit? Anyways her attention came to Aang who came rushing.

“Katara, I was following the bat-lemur and I found something. I think something bad happened here.” Aang said with a worried look in his eyes.

Katara sensing her friend was in distress she decided to rush behind him. The many stairs seemed eternal for her but the impending feeling of dread was something she just couldn’t shake off.

They finally got to where Aang was going. A tent could be seen. A bigger feeling of terror crept over her spine when she saw the scorch marks on the tent and the logs used to give it support. Aang’s eyes grew worried.

“I think the Fire Nation did reach them” Aang said as he showed Katara a belt buckle with the Fire Nation emblem. Katara’s stomach turned as she saw the sadness in her friend’s eyes. The young monk then fell onto his knees.

His tears began rolling onto the snowy ground.

“Aang… I’m so sorry” Katara said but then the strangest of things started to happen.

His tattoos started to glow.

The strongest of winds began to blow. Katara shielded her eyes with her hand.

“AANG! LISTEN TO ME!” She began to yell.


The Blue Spirit had returned to where he had seen the girl, the doors to the vault was still open. He entered and saw multiple statues. He immediately recognized Avatar Roku and Kyoshi. He then saw that Kuruk and Yangchen were there as well. He started walking recognizing most of the Fire Nation Avatars. He had always being an adept student and history always intrigued him so it was easy for him. This was like the palace library brought to life. He was still seeing the statues when the statues’ eyes began to glow.

“What is happening?” He thought to himself. “The monk!” He got to the conclusion as he rushed to where he had seen the girl and the boy running.

It didn’t take a lot of time for his long legs to reach where a small tornado was being created.

He was watching the scene. The girl was trying to reach for the monk but the strong winds prevented her from advancing that far. But him, standing at top of a roof, he could reach him.

So he leaped. It was mostly a leap of fate but he was hoping that it work. The winds where strong but his momentum was stronger. As he reached his target he tackled the boy onto the ground. He didn’t know what happened but in that moment the boy snapped. His glowing eyes started to fade showing his grey eyes. His tattoos as well faded away.

“W-what is happening? W-who are you?” The boy asked.

“AANG!” Katara said as she reached him and hugged him. The boy immediately melted in her embrace. She turned to see the man who had taken her friend out of his state. She was impressed. She knew he really was there. “Thank you” She said to him. “Aang, meet the Blue Spirit” She said to him.

The masked man shyly nodded at the duo and extended his hand to help the boy stand up. “I guess thank you Mr. Blue Spirit, I’m Aang, and she is my friend Katara” The young monk said. As he stood up he noticed that he barely reached the man’s torso and that his arms were at least twice or thrice the size of his. The Blue Spirit noticed that the word friend was something the boy wasn’t that sure to say it.

“KATARA!” A voice made them turn around. The trio saw the eldest of the group rushing with a spear.

Sokka always considered himself a brave boy. He should be being the only man in the tribe close of age to be considered a warrior. He was entrusted to be the tribe’s protection. So, thinking his sister and friend were in trouble, the brave young soldier charged at the masked man with his whale bone spear. Before Sokka saw it the masked man took his swords out and swiftly cut one piece from the spear, then another and then, seeing that the boy wasn’t that much of a threat he simply pushed him with a small hit on his head making the boy fell onto his butt.

“Sokka, this is the Blue Spirit, Mr. Blue Spirit, this is Sokka, my brother” Katara introduced them. Meanwhile inside the masked man’s head confusion grew had they simple adopted him in their group?


Sun Warrior Island…

Azula was meditating in the temple alongside her friends Nochipa, Neli and Itzmin. She felt like she could be her true self around them and they would never judge her. And she didn’t even had to force them to do her bidding or get her way like she used to do with Mai and Ty Lee or Zu-Zu. No, they actually liked her for her. She was grateful for them.

As her eyes were closed she could embrace the darkness and quietness that came from this meditation session. But then the strangest thing happened. The eyes of the Avatar K’iin started to glow.


Azula’s friends’ names are from Nahuatl, Nochipa means Forever, Neli means True and Itzmin means Thunder. They are girl, girl and boy respectively. The word K’iin means Sun in Mayan.

Chapter 25: One of them


Short chapter everyone, sorry about that. More on that in the notes below

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After the proper introductions were made, and after Sokka ate some of the meat the kind masked man offered, the trio of friends asked the man.

“How did you get here?” Katara asked, mainly fascinated to meet the legend her mother told her this two years and a half. She was mostly in awe at meeting such a fierce warrior, and looking at his built and complexion. He could definetly beat an entire fleet with his bare hands.

The man responded her question in a manner they did not expect. He made sign language. Aang and Sokka were on the other hand intrigued. Mainly because they tried to decipher the message he was trying to tell them.

“Ooohh you came from outerspace!” Sokka said

“No Sokka, he is saying he comes from the Spirit World” Aang replied

“Nah, he came from a shooting star, one that probably killed thousands of Fire Nation soldiers!” Sokka said with a grin. Meanwhile in the vigilante’s head.

“This is going to be harder than I thought, why did I chose to make a vow of silence?” He wanted so desperately to smack himself at that.

“I think he is saying that he had a vision” Katara said to which the vigilante pointed and nodded.

“Ohhhhhhh, like the Spirits talked to you and told you to come here?” Aang said to which the masked man nodded.

“I thought you were a spirit” Sokka asked looking at him suspisciouly, luckily the bat-lemur they called Momo chirped at the boy as it took away a peach he had in his hand.

“HEY! THAT WAS MINE!” He yelled at the bat-lemur as he threaten him about cooking him someday which made Aang leap in defense of one of the only living creatures of the Air Nomad culture. Meanwhile the vigilante groaned while Katara simply massaged her temples.

“And what did you do here?” Katara asked him ignoring the fight between her brother and Aang.

“Follow me” He motioned her. She knew what her mother told him, that he was an honorable man, still she had to be weary. “Aang, Sokka, hurry up, leave Momo alone!” She yelled at them. Geesh sometimes she treated them like children.

The other two stopped their argument and follow the pair who was already several steps in front of them.

“What are we doing here?” Aang asked, he recognized the place, in his time this was one of the most beautiful of the gardens, where his friends and he liked to feed the bat-lemurs, now, though it was in good conditions the beauty that was there had faded over time and several of the fountains laid crumbled on the ground. Statues of the monks were destroyed as well. A deep sadness covered the boy but then the masked man they had just met an hour ago pointed at something.

There, on the shadows of the biggest tree the temple had, where he used to meditate alongside Gyatso, was a pile of dirt, in the middle of it there was a wood post with a necklace wrapped around it. Then he realized.

It was a grave.

Aang immediately knelt in front of the makeshift grave. When he had come out of the trance, or whatever happened back there, which he was thankful for Katara’s words and The Blue Spirit’s actions, which his presence was actually troubling, yet the young monk focused on his praying.

He felt thankful though, not many would have taken the time to bury skeletons of a foreign nation. Yes the Air Nomads had the tradition to cremate their death and then go into the tallest mountain available, they would put the ashes of their loved ones and make a small tornado to send their remains to the four winds. It was the purest way in which someone could be one with the air.

He knelt there for over an hour, praying for the souls of his fallen friends, masters and loved ones.


The Blue Spirit looked how the trio started to pack their camping stuff. He was glad they were going. He needs his loneliness. But then the bald monk, Aang, asked him.

“Aren’t you coming?” He asked. He felt weird, they never asked him to follow them they are simply assuming and yet offering at the same time. Should he follow them? Was he ready to be part of something? As his inner turmoil was growing up he felt a small hand gently holding his gloved one.

“Do you want to come with us?” She asked him. Her deep blue eyes were sparkling. He could feel the ocean in those eyes, the calm yet powerful ocean. He would follow said eyes anyplace in the world if she let him.

He nodded and her smile shined a bright light into the deepest parts of his broken soul.

“Alright, bring your equipment so we can be good to go” She said with a smile. After half an hour they were ready to leave the temple with Aang giving his home one last goodbye to it.

“Alright Aang, were to next?” Sokka asked

“Kyoshi Island, there’s a big fish I want to ride” The bald monk said with a glee


“Chief Api, Chief Api!” Nochipa said as she and the others raced to the main temple.

“What happened my granddaughter?” He asked the girl.

“Avatar K’iin’s eyes glowed!” She said in astonishment. Her grandfather’s eyes grew large.

“Thank Agni, our prayers have been heard” The Chief said to the skies.

“What does that mean Chief?” Azula asked with respect and curiosity.

“It means the Avatar has returned. Finally, the embodiment of spirits and humans has returned” The Chief said.

“That’s great news!” Itzmin said while Neli yelled “The war is over!” but Azula kept quiet. She had read the story of how it was her great grandfather the one who sent Avatar Roku to his doom. As she repeated the story in her head she heard the Chief calling her name.

“Princess Azula, tomorrow, you and your uncle will leave this island” The Chief said which confused the girl, did they no longer want her with them?

“W-what?” She asked, in this past years she had learned to never question the Chief’s wisdom but this hurt her.

“You need to find the Avatar, and help him or her end this war” The Chief said with a booming voice.

Could she do it? Help the Avatar in ending this war? But what about her father, he wanted to continue it. What if, what if just like her great grandfather she was destined to kill the Avatar?


Coming up the next chapter called: Kyoshi Island, is going to be a blast, we will have the group first interaction with the Kyoshi warriors.
Jin will see her savior for the first time since their fateful meeting.
Katara and the Gaang will see the power their newest friend has.
Also if you want to follow me on Instagram my username is @brucebartonoficial and hopefully by tomorrow I'll be able to post a fanart I made of Zuko/Blue Spirit

Chapter 26: Kyoshi Island Part 1


The Blue Spirit will have dialog in here, when you see the text turn into cursive it means he is trying to explain with his hands and movements.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“You saved my mom” Katara said to the masked man sitted on the far back of Appa’s saddle. They had been travelling for over an hour before she decided the silence was too unbearable, it was ridiculous honestly, they had invited him to travel with them, why couldn’t they talk with him?

He turned and acknowledge her question with a silent nod.

“She said that you fought against an entire squadron to save her, is it true?” Katara had heard, plenty of times, of her mother’s rescue. How she had been held captive in a small cage never seeing the sun and only receiving mockery from her captors. She couldn’t imagine the loneliness she must have felt during those years imprisoned.

He waved his hand in manner that explained “More or less”

“How so?” She asked. So he began to explain

“I… used… explosives… to set the ship on fire” He explained. It was hard to articulate with only his hands but she looked like she understood.

“REALLY? That’s impressive” She said in awe. If it weren’t for the mask she would see his deep blush in his cheeks.

“Just out of curiosity, how old are you? Because mom never told me. And by your complexion I could assume you’re in your twenties or thirties, am I right?” Katara said.

He was about to respond making a 1 and a 6 but then Aang shouted. “LOOK EVERYONE! That seems like a nice spot to camp for the night!” He said as he made Appa to descend. Both Katara and the Blue Spirit grabbed the saddle to brace themselves for the landing. Katara was already getting used to Appa’s landings, but Blue? Well he was new at this.


The campsite was perfect. It was near a river and had plenty of space for Appa to rest, the trees had many apples and lychees they could grab before they flew away in the morning. The Blue Spirit and Sokka helped unloading the sleeping bags and tent. As well as setting them up.

It was when Aang finally managed to start the fire for Katara to cook that he noticed that Sokka was casually chilling laying on the grass like if his job was done for the evening. It was in this moment that a towering shadow was cast over his head. He opened his eyes and saw the masked man that was now part of their group looking at him.

“Hey Blue, what’s the matter?” He asked the man who shook his head in disapproval. He then tossed the bag he was carrying to the boy who was startled by the action.

“HEY MAN WHAT THE HECK?!” He yelled as he grabbed the bag. It wasn’t that heavy but it did confused him.

“What do I do with this?” He then sniffed at the bag and covered his nose. “Ugh this smells awful. What’s in here?” He said as he opened the bag and saw his socks and underwear. A bar of soap fell over the bag. He dumbfounded took a glance at the man and saw him make a mannerism that said. “Wash them”

“I am a man, I don’t need to wash my clothes, that’s a woman’s job” He said pouting like a child. But a child needs a firm hand to guide it. So the Blue Spirit, who had lived alone for more than two years, was not going to let basic house chores to be insulted.

He wasn’t going to yell at him, but there were many ways in which he could force someone into do his bidding. Because he had something no one else had. An emotionless wood mask that never stopped staring.

Sokka was decided to not let himself being intimidated into doing his laundry. He knew that sooner or later Katara would do them for him, she always did. So he was going to wait.

“Blue, maybe…” He heard the voice of his sister but then it was cut short, he peeked and saw the towering man make a signal with his finger to tell her to wait, or to shut up, he wasn’t sure.

The Blue Spirit wasn’t moving. He just kept staring at the Water Tribe boy.

“I won’t do it” Sokka replied as he crossed his arms. He looked like a petulant child rather than a full grown teen wanting to play soldier.

And still the Blue Spirit wasn’t moving. He had trained in caves, training his mind for all the kills he would do. Focusing his mind and preventing his body from moving. He could easily beat him in a staring contest.

“Agh! FINE! I’M GOING TO WASH MY UNDERWEAR! ARE YOU HAPPY?!” Sokka said yelling as he grumbled his way to the river bank with the bag on his right hand and the bar of soap in the other one. The vigilante grinned inside his mask.

“Thank you” Katara muttered as he approached to help making dinner. As the sunset grew and darkness took over the group of four sat around the campfire to eat their dinner. A small piece of meat, courtesy of their newest member, and a vegetable soup cooked by Katara. To be honest everyone in the group was curious to look at their newest member’s face. And yet he never took his mask off. Whenever he approached his bowl of soup to his face he would lift the mask just enough for the bowl to make contact with his lips. The frustrating part for everyone was that with the darkness surrounding them his skin was less detailed and whatever glimpse they got was obscured by the natural lack of light.


By morning the group continued their journey after packing their stuff in Appa’s saddle. Sadly a day after their departure a Fire Nation ship stopped in the very same spot.

“Captain Zhao, you have to check this” One soldier said as he pointed at one of Appa’s footprints in the ground.

The sideburns sporting captain grinned maliciously. He might’ve lost them at the South Pole, but he wouldn’t let the Avatar escape from his clutches once again.


Jin loved being a Kyoshi Warrior

But she was falling in a monotony, she would either patrol the town, check the port in which the same regular fishermen or merchants arrived, or, in the case of today, would be in the tower, on monitor duty, checking the southern part of the island for possible Fire Nation ships. It was so damn boring since she knew they never came from the South, and the Earth Kingdom ships came from the East so she was bored to death. She hoped something exciting happened here! Her current pass time was bird watching. So far she had counted fifteen different birds, including those that were migrating, she had to do something to keep her mind active.

“Is that cloud moving?” She thought as she saw a particular weird shaped cloud moving through the South beach. “That’s no cloud!” She definitely needed to tell Suki.


The group finally landed on the beach. Aang was ready to take his clothes off and jump into the water when Katara stopped him.

“Aang, we first need to make sure this beach is safe, we don’t know if there’s any enemies near” She said to the boy who made a hurt puppy-penguin eyes.

“Yeah, they could be closing in on us by this mom--- aghhhhhh” He yelled that last part as a rope tied on his feet and dragged him upwards.

“SOKKA” Katara yelled but before she could summon some water her hands were tied and she was pulled forwards. Aang was trying to pull his pants up when a long rope tied him from head to toes. He fell flat on the ground after someone of the attackers gently pushed him.


As the group had landed the Blue Spirit saw Aang rush into the water. Sadly for the masked vigilante flying over a large body of water had taken his toll and he had to empy his bladder, so, without being seen by anyone he sneakily rushed to behind a tree where he let out a deep sigh as the contents of his bowels were being emptied.

He was washing his hands with a small soap and some of the snow on the ground when he heard a feminine scream. Followed by Katara’s voice and yell. They were in trouble. He grabbed his swords and went to check the landing area. A group of armored women were trying to subdue Appa. Momo had been already captured in a leather bag. The others would have to wait. Their furry companions needed him first.

He rushed as he knocked the first warrior with a well-timed kick on the back of her head. She would be out at least an hour. The next one he hit the armor on her stomach, he thought it was metal but metal did not bended that easily. The last one put more of a fight but she was thrown to the cold beach waters by a now free Appa whose tail served as a big fan. The vigilante took a quick glance at the giant bison and then rushed out following the footprints on the snow.


“Show yourselves cowards!” Sokka’s voice could be heard on the entire valley. He saw three girls looking at him. “Who are you?! Where are the men who ambushed us?!”

“There were no men, we ambushed you” The leader said. “Now tell us who are you and what” Her question was interrupted when Mingxia fell into the ground. A towering figure standing at the fallen warrior’s feet.

The two remaining warriors looked at each other. Suki was trying to keep her cool demeanor but she was frightened, in front of her there was this demonic spirit showcasing two swords. Meanwhile Jin smiled. She needed this.

Meanwhile the masked man made a motion that could be taken as “Do your worst”


in the series when the Kyoshi warriors are introduced there are five of them, given that Jin has already being part of the group they now consist of six. Mingxia is from the comics, according to them she abandoned the island to be part of the world. In this new canon she hasn’t abandoned her roots.

Also I'll be posting a picture of Jin in her Kyoshi Warrior Outfit tomorrow on my Instagram page @brucebartonoficial if you want to check it out

Chapter 27: Kyoshi Island Part 2


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The two remaining warriors looked at each other. Suki was trying to keep her cool demeanor but she was frightened, in front of her there was this demonic spirit showcasing two swords. Meanwhile Jin smiled. She needed this.

Meanwhile the masked man made a motion that could be taken as “Do your worst”

The two warriors launched themselves towards their adversary their katanas already drawn towards their enemy. Katara, Sokka and Aang gulped at seeing that their new friend was outnumbered, but what the two Kyoshi warriors did not know was that they were outmatched.

Metal clashed with metal, Suki on the Blue Spirit’s left with Jin on the right side, the warriors katanas clashing with his broadswords. Despite the fact that they were pushing with their entire bodies they had barely moved the masked man.

With only a move of his right leg he began to pushing them back. Suki was beginning to sweat, she tried to force him back but he continued his forceful path, before they realized they had been pushed back four feet back.

Jin was accepting the challenge, all of her training was being put into test, which she was yearning, a real battle.

“Jin, divide and conquer” Suki said to her second in command, the other girl nodded and both warriors leaped backwards to draw their shields and make a new fighting stance. As long as they remain in front of him he would be able to fight them. When they inevitably split he would have to wing it and improvise as well as rely on his hearing.

One of the warriors attacked his feet trying to unbalance him but he simply raised his left leg and with his shin stopped the incoming attack. If he weren’t using shin pads he would be injured by now. The other one tried to sneak attack at him but he dodged and used her momentum to throw her out of balance, snatching the katana from her hands and throw it directly to the space between Aang and Sokka.

“HEY!” They yelled. “THAT COULD’VE HIT US!” Sokka yelled angrily.

“Sokka, look!” Aang said as the ropes had been nipped by the katana’s sharp blade. The Blue Spirit smirked knowing that would help in their escape. Meanwhile the other warrior began its attack. This warrior had changed her katana for a golden fan and a shield. Interesting technique the Blue Spirit could see but it wasn’t flawless. Every time she used her fan she left an opening, a small one, but it was still an opening.

He took advantage of the opening he saw and connected a nice punch to the warrior’s side. She let out a long puff as the air was knocked out of her lungs. She took a couple of steps back and fell to one of her knees. The other warrior let out a war scream, ready to finish with the intruder.

He quickly made use of his smoke bombs, a gift from the time he visited an old friend in a circus, since he got them he had implemented them to his arsenal, it helped to bring a form of mysticism to his vigilante persona, mainly to scare the sh*t out of all the criminals. But in this battle it served more as a strategic advantage rather than a weapon to brandish.

“Jin! Cover your nose!” One of the warriors yelled and the Blue Spirit turned to see the one that was yelled at.

“Jin? Could it be?” He thought.

Jin’s eyes were trying to get used to the smoke coming from the pellets the masked man had thrown. As the smoke somewhat dissipated she saw two things, first that the intruder had not moved from his spot, his silhouette could be seen when the smoke began to fade. But the second thing she noticed was that said silhouette remained her of someone else she met a long time ago, the person who saved her life and brought her to a different path, a path away from the streets and the clutches of perverts.

“Could it be? The thief of the harbor” She recognized him. She noticed how he as well had stopped dead in his tracks “He recognizes me” Jin thought to herself. But their staring and awestruck reunion was cut short when a gust of wind began to drift them apart. She turned to see at the prisoners, mainly the bald kid who was controlling the air.

“JIN! HE IS AN AIRBENDER!” Suki’s voice was hardly understandable given the hard winds coming from the kid.

“WE ARE NOT YOUR ENEMIES!” The kid spoke as the winds stopped its movement. “We just wanted to come here, ride the Elephant-Koi fish and have fun” The boy explained. She saw that teen next to him smacked his face with the palm of his head and she swore she heard the warrior she was battling groan in embarrassment behind her.

“How can he be an airbender? The last airbender was the Avatar, and he disappeared a hundred years ago” Oyaji, the town’s leader, asked confused. He had seen the entire fight and was impressed with the bending display showcased by the boy with tattoos.

“Well… It’s because I am the Avatar” Aang replied with a little more joy in his voice.

“That’s a lie, throw the impostor to the Unagi!” Oyaji said, yes he might be impressed but this boy could still be a Fire Nation spy, after all why would he be traveling with a known criminal as the Blue Spirit?

“I am not, I truly am the Avatar and the Last Airbender” Aang said with a hint of sadness as it had been only yesterday that he found out he was the last of his people. But he perked up and said “Now check this out!” He took some marbles he had been toying with an made them spin in his hands with some air while grinning at the townsfolk who had gathered around.

“It’s true, he is the Avatar” Oyaji said impressed making the trio accompanying Aang feel even more embarrassed. “This only tip them off? Not the gusts of winds they witness before?” Katara thought to herself. But she said nothing, right now she didn’t know where they were standing on with these people.

She was more worried for her brother who apparently decided to open his misogynistic mouth and make a comment on how it was unmanly to ambush someone who wasn’t expecting it and take them prisoners.

“Well maybe you want to be Unagi’s food” The warrior leader said

“No, don’t hurt him! My brother is an idiot sometimes” Katara truly did not wanted her brother to die, mainly in a stupid situation he found himself in most of the times, like that time he got two hooks on his thumb.

She would’ve continued to be the neutral party between the two of them if it had not for the fact that she saw Blue talking (?) with the other warrior he was battling a moment ago. She didn’t know why but she was feeling so dumb. Of course he would notice this other girl. She was a warrior like him. She was just barely a teen girl who had never fought in her life.

Meanwhile with the two warriors…

“So here is where I have been this past few years. You truly inspired me to fend for myself. So thank you so much” Jin said as she hugged the taller teen. She just couldn’t help her excitement. The masked man didn’t really knew what to say, he, for one, was truly happy for her, she wasn’t going to be taken advantage from now on, and for two, he simply couldn’t believe that she was this happy for their reunion, after all they had barely even spoke and he was fighting against her less than five minutes ago. He really didn’t understood people.

He continue to listen to her rambling on and on about her training and how difficult it was at the beginning but how happy she was of finding her way. Other people would find it annoying her ramblings but to be honest, he was glad to find positive people, the world needed them now more than ever.


The group was invited to a feast in their honor.

Aang felt appreciated, this people apparently did were more impressed with the fact that the Avatar had returned rather than accuse him of missing for a full century leaving the world at war.

Katara felt, well weird, she couldn’t shake the stupid feeling every time she looked at Blue or at Aang who were talking with girls, not that she thought she was a buzzard-queen bee or something but it was a feeling she simply couldn’t place on.

Blue felt relaxed, Jin continued to talk to him during the feast and introduced her boyfriend, a skinnier and smaller guy that he had noticed fainted with foam in his mouth when it was revealed that Aang was the Avatar, in his opinion Jin could do so much better. Another thing he couldn’t shake off was that Katara and the Kyoshi Warriors Leader, Suki, sent off glances at him. From the latter he couldn’t blame her since he had beat all of her squadron, he would give her a proper apology rather than writing it. But from Katara, well it was odd, had he done something to upset her? Had his fighting skills scare her?

Sokka was IN HEAVEN. He had never seen so much food all place together. And for him! This definitely compensated that some girls had ambushed him. He would have to teach them a lesson or two later on how to be a true warrior.


Also I just posted a fanart on my Instagram @brucebartonoficial of Jin as a Kyoshi Warrior

Chapter 28: The daily lives at Kyoshi island


Warning, mild smut at the beginning of the chapter

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was the first night at Kyoshi island, the entire town was in a deep slumber, including the group traveling with the Avatar, the village chief had granted them a special hut that apparently was Kyoshi’s former house, they had already fell asleep but in the middle of the night a single Golden eye opened.

The Man who slept with a mask on, rose from the floor he was sleeping on, grabbed his swords, a small bag he carried with him and made a quick and silent escape. He saw that there was a patroller nearby but he was sneakier and almost invisible in the middle of the night with his dark clothes. He had reach the coast and entered amongst the rocks, that would protect him in case the Unagi creature they kept mentioning presented itself. Or in case someone had followed him.

He quickly, or as quickly as he could took his pants off, his robe was a little bit difficult to take off since he could feel a bruise in his ribs and in his shoulder. He might have to look at that in the morning and use some medicinal plants to heal the bruise faster.

As he was completely naked he checked his surroundings, he checked to his right, and turned his entire face to check the left side, he saw no one so he began to take away his wood face, as he began to undo the knot in the back of his head. He felt the night breeze touching his face and he scarred side had a sort of feeling, it was faint but it was there. He also took the black hood that prevented his hair from tangling inside the mask.

He felt his hair reach his shoulders and he grumbled at that. He began to wash in the ocean water, very gently when the soap passed on his scarred face. As he was finishing he grabbed his hair and placed it in a ponytail, then he took his knife and cut it leaving it short, except for a long lock of hair in which a Blue bead was hanging. He hated how difficult it was to tame his long hair so he found out he preferred to have it somewhat short.

He was about to dry himself using small heat in the palm of his hands when he felt the tension surging up. He just couldn’t deny it, he had never fought against two very attractive fighters. He felt unease, he tried to be the bigger man and be beyond the carnal lust that drove many of the criminals he dealt with but he was still a teenager and his hormones had been raising more and more. Until he inevitably had to release it

So he sat down and began working in a new form of scrubbing. He was no stranger to it, there were times where the moaning of a brothel or a pretty woman in the street had caught his attention but this time he had in mind one girl in specific, one that fought against him longer than the other one, whose dark brown hair in a bun was perfect for combat and yet showcased her beautiful round face. As he thought of the roundness of her face his mind betrayed him morphing Jin’s face into a caramel skinned girl whose blue eyes were as deep as the ocean. What was worse was that she was dressed in a scantly robe that would make anyone watching her blush at the beauty of her body.

He just couldn’t avoid it and his strokes on his member grew more intense at the thought of the Water bender teen travelling with him. He felt it coming as his respiration grew more and more until he erupted in the strongest climax he had ever had as he, breaking his vow, exclaimed “KATARA!”

After a small moment to recover from his org*sm he saw the smeared cum dripping on a rock and he felt disgusted, how could he think of Katara like that? He had met her not long ago and he had already defiled her in his mind. He shook his head as he dressed once again. He took a look at the mask, his face, and placed it on securing it with a tight knot.

He took his things and as quietly as he left he returned to the Kyoshi Hut, he placed his hand in the floor to avoid making a sound and to heat it a little before laying face up on the warm floor. He closed his eye and drifted to a peaceful sleep.


The following morning the Blue Spirit was being awkward, or at least that what Katara was perceiving from the mysterious man travelling with them. She simply shrugged it off, it wasn’t possible to know what kind of emotions someone had when their faces were hidden behind a piece of carved wood?

Still between him being all awkward, Aang having his entourage of village girls behind him and Sokka being all mopey it seemed like the group’s sole responsibilities fell onto her shoulders. She simply shrugged the feelings and began to do the supply shopping. During one visit to a store she found Blue as he explained that he wanted to help her, she knew he was a mute but this morning the silence was different, more palpable and full of awkwardness she didn’t know how to address. Still she was thankful that at least someone in the team had help her in such an important task.

Who knew when they would find another town with shops? They could be overrun by Fire Nation for all she knew, and the supplies and food were perishable and would not last long for several days between towns or cities. Mainly due to Aang’s erratic flight patterns.

Before noon arrived she had already packed several fruits, vegetables and dried meat, she had noticed that Blue, whenever he hunted something, he prayed before eating said meal. She would have to ask him about that as well.

But to be honest with herself, she truly didn’t know how to approach him, yes she had asked him already several questions but to ask what was wrong? That was something different altogether, especially since he wouldn’t be able to voice the thing that was troubling him. if only he wasn’t a mute. Oh! She could get him a parchment and some ink, he could write what he was feeling.

As she was gathering the supplies she needed a knock was heard and Blue answered. It was one of the warriors, Jin, who told him if he wanted to go on a hike and talk. At first Katara was side glancing the pair at the door frame, trying not to peek into their conversation but after a moment of hesitation he nodded and she simply huffed and started to peel potatoes as he took his swords and walked out.

“First Aang is with his whole groupie hoard trying to impress them, then Sokka training for Kyoshi Warrior and now Blue left with that girl instead of talking to me why was he awkward?! Ugh! Boys!” She said as she continued her task.


Sokka was feeling, well he didn’t know exactly what he felt. For one he felt embarrassed because he had been ambushed by female warriors, and captured by those same female warriors. Ever since he embarked on this quest he has been feeling inadequate to protect his sister and Aang, he was knocked unconscious by one of the Fire Nation men when they arrived at the coast, he got his ass handed to him by Blue when he met him and now this chicks made him look more than ridiculous when he tried to “teach them a lesson”. Perhaps he should swallow his pride and ask them for some classes, Blue seemed to be at peace with them.

Sokka smiled as he remembered how his new acquaintance had handle himself against two of those Kyoshi warriors.

He gulped as he saw one of the warriors training alone, this was going to be difficult but probably it would be entertaining, who knew maybe he learn something.

A few hours later and he was feeling exhausted, his training had been dreadful with Suki, the Kyoshi Warriors’ leader, having made him wear the whole gear, make up and dress, something he said Blue hadn’t been force to wear but she said that he was already a warrior, unlike him.

He would have to train harder if he wanted to show her that he was a true warrior.


Kyoshi Island was known for its snowy terrains and beautiful landscapes, when he was a child he had read about it on the Palace vast library, it wasn’t until he had managed to actually be there that he truly appreciated the beauty in said island. He was glad he had accompanied Jin in this walk. Yes he felt bad because he had left Katara alone in the hut but she simply scoffed at him as she continued to peel some potatoes. He could tell something was bothering her but he still felt awkward after his pleasuring session with her as the protagonist.

As the journey began he realized that Jin really talked too much, which was good since he wasn’t going to say anything. He could tell that she really was thankful for his intervention as she said her story and how she got there.

“So… after we met at the harbor town I told the other urchins to flee from there. Some of them listened to me, others decided against moving, anyways, I moved to the neighbor town, another harbor one, where I had hoped to hitch a ride to anywhere else.” Jin explained to her masked friend about how she reached Kyoshi. “I was eating a fruit I bought with some of the money you had given me when I heard them. It was two men, one of them saying that he was going to Kyoshi to sell some of his parcels and to try to catch an Elephant-Koi which was a delicatessen according to them. The other one said that he had heard rumors that the Kyoshi warriors were the finest and deadliest warriors. To what the other said: “The deadliest Female warriors” The other man simply listened in silence, then he bid farewell to the fisherman and left with his crates. I don’t know why or what pushed me to do it, but I went to the man and asked him about if he could take me there, that I had some money. He gave me a heartful chuckle and told me that he didn’t needed money, and to be honest I was worried that he might ask me for something else.” The way her eyes went to the ground and the vigilante was furious. But his demeanor changed when Jin continued. “But he told me, I need a pair of hands, if you can help my family and me with our nets I’ll take you to Kyoshi, free of charge” I accepted gladly of course, and the trip was a little more than four days but I felt safe, when we reached here I felt like I had found a second chance in life, a chance I wouldn’t let it go to waste.” Jin said as she smiled at the vigilante. “I will always be thankful for intervening on that town, I don’t know where would I be if you hadn’t face that man” Jin then went to hug the vigilante who at first was frozen in her arms but then awkwardly he patted her back with his hands.

Their small moment was interrupted when the ears of vigilante perked up. He turned around and saw one of the biggest Fire Nation ships he had ever seen coming towards the island. War had found Kyoshi Island.


Also, in my instagram page @brucebartonoficial I'll be posting a fanart of Kyoshi Warrior Jin, now in full color, if you want to check it out

Chapter 29: War for Kyoshi Island


To be honest I can’t wait for Katara to learn Waterbending properly because its so boring writing her as an almost helpless girl when she is this power house once she dominates her element, so forgive me for putting her here so useless.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“AGHHHH!” Jin screamed as the spear cut through her armor, lacerating her right side. She fell onto the ground and she saw the blood thirsty stare of the female soldier ready to take her life away. Flashes of Jin’s life passed right in front of her eyes, she closed them waiting for the inevitable end.

An end that never came.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw the soldier death at her feet, alongside three more laying on the ground in front. All of them with deep gushes from where the crimson liquid pour tainting the snowy terrain.

It all started an hour ago…

Suki had ordered all the girls to get to their vantage positions. They would ambush the invaders and kill them if necessary.

Sokka had decided to aid them on their fight and was right by Suki’s side while Jin was paired with the Blue Spirit, Avatar Aang would cover the air and Katara was going to help if needed, mainly to put out the fires.

The captain of the ship descended mounted on a Komodo-Rhino, behind him fifteen soldiers rode in similar beasts.

“Leave this Island alone or face the consequences!” Aang shouted as he had decended making a gust of wind that forced them to close or protect their eyes.

“Well this is my lucky day! I came to capture the Avatar and he presents himself in a silver platter, the Fire Lord is going to be so pleased with me, he might even promote me to General” The crazy captain said with a sick glee.

“You won’t capture me again” Aang said but the man simply smirked.

“MEN! BURN EVERYTHING! BRING THE AVATAR TO ME! THE REST IS EXPANDABLE” Zhao ordered making his soldiers let out a war cry as they began to charge forward the bald monk. It was then when some of them collapsed on the beach, literally, dead in their tracks.

Aang was shocked at that, having never witnessing death of someone else that close, but he had no moment to breathe as he saw his newest friend, whose face he had yet to see, leap from his hiding to begin a battle against two non-bender soldiers.

He was about to make a speech to Blue but he knew there was a battle calling for his full attention. And just like that a soldier sent a ball of fire against him. Aang managed to dissipate it with his glider but he knew he would have to fight them.

The Kyoshi Warriors took the killing of the soldiers as their moment to attack, nobody would force them out of their home without a fight. Suki was commanding her girls at the same time as she was fighting, thank the spirits that her fans could not catch on fire or else they would be in trouble. Suki, Megumi and Tian fought size by size, their katanas ready to cut and slash those soldiers. They were ready to take a life or die if it meant the protection of their village.

Sokka was having a hard time fighting, not only because he had only received a few lessons with Suki since they arrived here two days ago but because of this stupid dress he was wearing, yeah the make-up wasn’t as bad if he thought of it as a war paint, but the dress? No way, it was so difficult to move around on that thing. He would have to be careful, he did not wanted to die. He wasn’t the same boy they mocked a few days ago. He was in the path of becoming a warrior.

Katara felt useless, if only her waterbending was better she would be fighting alongside her friends, but no, she was here watching on the sidelines. Yes when she saw fire she would move the water near her to put it out but so far she wasn’t the fighter her father or brother were, hopefully she would change that soon when she got a proper waterbending master.

But she had to admit that seeing her friends and the warriors fend off against the invading forces was a great spectacle.


“So that’s the man who slaughtered the Rough Rhinos, hum, I’m impressed” Zhao said. He knew the Rhinos, their captain had served alongside him, a vicious and powerful bender, it was a shame that vigilante had ended his life.

“Bring him to me, mostly alive if you can” Zhao said to two of his soldiers.

Said two soldiers launched at the masked vigilante and started to battle against him. So far the man in black and blue mask had killed six soldiers, two benders and four non-benders, as the metal clashed between the spears the soldiers had and the swords the vigilante wielded they realized that the battle had been over before it had even started, for as they had attacked they had given up something the vigilante had in spare. Footing. They had rushed and were caught in the momentum by the vigilante who by stopping their spears had made their feet to dig into the beach’s sand. Then in a swift motion, and before they were able to reestablish their stance their necks were cut and blood began to spill in the sandy terrain.

He then heard a pained scream and saw Jin crawling back trying to escape a soldier while holding her injured side. He moved as quick as lighting and killed the soldier without much thought.

He picked her up and took her to where Katara was, he took her armor off and checked the wound. It wasn’t as deep as he thought. He probably could close it with his Fire bending, but the simple idea of Fire burning someone's skin, even though it could save her painfully long days or weeks of recovery, sent chills into his spine.

He tasked Katara to give him water to clean the wound and then took some leaves from the pouch in his belt, then he smashed them and applied them to the cut. Jin let out a heartfelt scream but it was necessary. She would feel numb that side and that’s what he wanted. As he then took some thread and needle. And began to stitch her back together. Jin would have scream louder if it weren’t because her injury had been already numb to the point of being painless. Katara wondered how he knew that would work, ignoring the fact that beneath the black shirt he was wearing there were multiple scars he had to patch and stitch by himself.


As the Blue Spirit and Katara were focused on treating Jin’s injury the soldiers had started to march the main road into the village. Their rampage was merciless, every house or hut they see they lighted up, every monument or crop they set it ablaze and if it weren’t because the villagers had fled before hand the casualties would’ve been too many. But there was two things they weren’t counting on.

One. The island was protected by a gigantic eel

And two. The Avatar had found a way to tame said serpent.

“WHAT IS THAT?!?!?!” Zhao screamed as he saw how the brown creature ate some of his men on the bridge. “ATTACK WITH EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!” Zhao ordered but before any catapult could be launched the beast forced a stream of water over every flaming rock and every soldier, dampening and calming their fires. The Avatar commanded the eel to destroy the catapults in that moment with a precise strike of its tail.

Zhao wanted more than anything to continue his onslaught but a quick glance at his men on the beach and at the state of his ship he realized that he had underestimated his enemy.

“Retreat!” He ordered.

“But sir, the men, on the beach!” One of the soldiers asked.

“If they can’t defend for themselves then they are not worthy of Agni’s fire.” Zhao coldly replied. The soldier took a glance at the beach and then repeated the order of retreat. There were friends of him in that beach, men and women who were his comrades and their captain was ordering a retreat, it felt wrong. Sadly orders are orders and they had to be carried out.


As the Unagi put out every fire and the last soldier had been either killed or apprehended the peace had somewhat returned to Kyoshi. Suki meanwhile checked on everyone, the one that worried her more was Megumi, who had taken a deep cut by one of the soldier’s spears. She approached Tian who had been trying to patch their friend but was met with sad faces from the rest of the squadron

“What happened?” Suki asked, trying not to think of the meaning behind those expressions, hoping and praying that they would tell her some sort of “good news”

“Megumi did not make it” Tian said to her captain as she closed the eyes of her fallen friend. Suki and her warriors shed tears for their fallen friend, a sister who gave her life trying to save their home. They silently wept for her. A masked figure meanwhile began to pray to Agni so that the noble sacrifice of this young soul was not in vain.

“We have to go, we already brought to much destruction to your home, I’m sorry, as the Avatar my duty, now more than ever is to end this war and stop the loss of life” Aang said with a seriousness worthy of a leader.

It was almost sunset when they finally flew away, the air was filled with loss and death. The only good things coming from their departure was that Sokka received a kiss on the cheek by Suki and Jin had kissed the vigilante’s mask, much to Katara’s “not jealousy”

Aang now more than ever wanted to stop the evilness of the Fire Nation, but first he needed to check if an old friend was still alive. And perhaps to slide down a mail system.


Meanwhile in the Fire ship Zhao was deep in thought, it might have been a defeat but he had learned one thing from this battle. Never underestimate a non-bender and the Avatar was more resourceful than he thought of.

“Send a message to the closest naval office, tell them to increase the bounty of the Blue Spirit, I want his stupid head on a pike and his mask in my trophy room”


So this is it for this week, worry not for here comes the funniest chapter I've wrote, at least the scenes I've done are, to my opinion, funny. Hope you like it. It will be titled... The Princess of the Sun and the King of the Earth

Chapter 30: The princess of the Sun and the King of Omashu

Chapter Text

Two weeks ago…

It was breaking dawn when the entire Sun Warriors had joined to say their farewells to the Royal Family that had come to live with them this past few years. Yes it had been a wonderful experience to have them around but it was still sad to see them leave.

“Azula, in the years you have spent with our people you have shown us the true spirit of a Fire bender, one that is not determined by anger and hate, but of will, honor and perseverance. Azula, with this, I mark you as an honorary tribe member” He said as he painted her face with red on her eyes and white underneath it. “This are the markings of a Chief, you may not be of this tribe, but you have your own you must return to. And when you do you will lead them to the bright future the masters saw in you.” The chief said as Azula beamed with pride.

“Raise Princess Azula, great granddaughter of Avatar Roku, Heir to the Fire Nation Throne, true descendant of the Sun Spirit Agni, a true chosen one.” The Chief looked at her with pride, something she could notice on her Uncle’s eyes as well. Her friends and the rest of the tribe applauded her and cheered, even Ham Ghao, one of the strictest members smiled at her.

As she stood tall she addressed the community. “Thank you for this honor, when I arrived in this island I was expecting some ruins and paintings, but I was wrong I found a living/breathing community that not only taught me so much of the uses of Fire bending but that I was accepted for who I was and I become, thank you” Azula said. She knew this was the moment of changing in her life, good things came in front of her and she was more than ready.

That was until a messenger hawk arrived at the ship.


How his life had come to this? Once in a lifetime ago he was a prince now he is being slowly encased in a rock. At least they didn’t touched his face.

It all started this morning. Their travel from Kyoshi had been uneventful. It had been three long days of camping and flying. What troubled him the most was that Katara seemed to be angry at him? What did he do?

Before they entered the city the vigilante took a different part with the rest of the group promising to join them inside. He used a sewer tube to enter the city, carefully avoiding to step on any of the crap laying there or floating in the water of the sewer system. He hoped that soon enough he would be able Omashu without the need to sneak in.

He should’ve guessed that the obvious way to enter the city was with a very obvious and definitely face beard and hair that Aang seemed too proud to show off. He simply rolled his eyes and followed them. He had to split from the group once again when the guards seemed to notice him and talked amongst themselves. That could carry a new set of adventures.

He should have stopped them when Aang told them to slide down a postal service cart. The levels of destruction were too much for him and mainly him the lives that could’ve been put at risked for their carelessness.

It wasn’t until they crashed that they saw themselves in an audience in front of the king while a man was yelling something about cabbage destruction.

The “punishment” given to them by the king was a feast, much to the cabbage man’s dismay. But it was during the feast that the king threw a sheep-chicken leg towards Aang who catched it with his airbending skills.

“Not only do we have an airbender with us, but I believe we have the Avatar in here.”

From there they had been locked up in what seemed to be the nicest prison available. It wasn’t that bad. The beds were comfy, they had their own private bathroom and they had been well fed on the feast, though Sokka, Aang and him had been stripped down of their weapons/glider. It wasn’t that bad, it beat the horrible cage he had been trapped in. besides the use of greens and yellow sand made it quite cozy.

He simply shrugged at their situation and laid in one of the beds they had put on for them, while Sokka fruitlessly tried to push Momo on an air vent, which was too narrow for the chubby lemur to go through. Katara seeing that it was of no use stopped worrying and followed his example, she made a comment on the coziness of said beds before drifting in a well deserve slumber.

He should’ve known not to lay his guard down. Before he knew it he had been hit with a dart, it made him so sleepy, not like he had been at his full senses but that’s exactly what they wanted, a tired opponent to handcuff him and hold him prisoner, like truly prisoner, not in this nice “prison”

Then everything turned into a bright green light. He was handcuffed with a very strong set of steel handcuffs in both his legs and his hands as well as a surrounding his neck. He turned and saw that Katara and Sokka were by his side with smaller chains around them. He would kill anyone who dared to touch Katara or tried to remove his face.

But instead the crazy king Bumi talked telling Aang that he was supposed to beat three deadly challenges. The masked vigilante hoped for Aang to be ready to whatever the crazy old man throw at him but the challenges were, let’s just say unorthodox. And yeah that was what Aang faced, three weird challenges, the first one being was Aang trying to reach for a key. Which honestly it was challenging enough since the key was hanging on a waterfall. It would’ve been funny if it wasn’t because Aang almost gets impaled by a stalagmite, though he had to give it to the boy, for someone who hasn’t started his waterbending lessons he managed to cut the water stream with some of his airbending skills.

The next one was a chase the pet challenge. Katara made a comment on how cute Flopsie looked like, and he had to agree, the long eared rabbit looked cute. Though their stares turned into horror when a big ass goat-gorilla appeared behind Aang and started to chase him. He truly wanted to help his friend but the chains and the rock already covering 50 percent of his body were too much even for his strength.

But then the strangest thing happened, Aang stopped running from the beast and called it “Flopsie” then before the group’s eyes the Goat-gorilla stopped in its tracks and allowed for Aang to pet it. Then the beast moved towards the king and it flipped to be rubbed in its belly.

Aang got exasperated and called for the third challenge to begin. Which was what happened. Aang was forced to choose between a heavy armored man, which for the Blue Spirit he reminded of him of the assassin who killed Masayoshi and the other one looked like a male version of June. Aang then did chose the “best” candidate to fight against. The king itself. But then the eccentric and “fragile” old man took started to crack his bones and as the robe covering his body he showed his well-trained body. It rivaled the Blue Spirit’s body. A fact that impressed the vigilante since the king must be over 90 years old.

The combat was though but somehow Aang manage to drive it into a standstill with his glider pointed at the king’s neck and the king holding an enormous rock over Aang’s head. The king laughed and told Aang that his last task was to tell him his name. What kind of task was that?! The group tried to think of a possible answer with Sokka suggesting the King’s name was Rocky. Katara simply told him it was a nice guess. But it wasn’t until Aang began to think about the king’s attitude and the tasks itself that it cause to think outside the box. Something he would do,

“I know his name!” Aang said and yeah it was a somewhat wild guess, but it did paid off. “Bumi, you’re a crazy genius” Aang said as he hugged the old man. He was more than happy to get one of his oldest friends to be alive. After the liberation of the three “prisoners”. Bumi and him did something they wanted to do for a hundred years, to slide in the postal services carts.

Chapter 31: Prisoners

Chapter Text

“I found some nuts, some rock shape nuts, and some rocks that might be very well be rocks” Sokka said as he presented his findings, it wasn’t definitely a good score to found, he hoped Katara, Aang and Blue had found something. Speaking of which “Where was that guy?” Sokka wondered.

Then as if he had materialized out of thin air he appeared with a monkey-rabbit carcass, the guy had hunted a good score, they would be able to eat very well today. Aang looked green seeing the dead animal in front of them. The Blue Spirit put a hand on the boy’s should and presented him with some dried fruit, they didn’t look that fresh but they definitely bit Sokka’s rocks.

“NICE! Katara I’ll start the fire so you can cook it” Sokka said. To which her sister huffed at and the Blue Spirit looked down at him.

“What?” Sokka asked but before they could argue against him a series of tremors took their attention from the possible argument.

“Let’s check it out!” Katara said distracting the group. “Or do you want Sokka’s rocks?” She said in a backhanded comment.

“HEY I WORKED HARD TO FIND THIS THINGS!” Sokka said but a chirp from Momo deflated his shoulders “Yeah I hate them too” He said looking down.

The group found an earthbender teen moving and piling rocks. Sokka wanted to proceed with caution which Blue agreed with. That was until Katara began to yell at the boy to tell him hello. The boy scared ran away and they noticed that since he appeared not to have an ostrich-horse or another way of transport that meant he lived close enough.


They walked for a short amount of time leaving the woods they were in and finding themselves at the edge of a medium size town. They would try to find a nice store. The only downside was that Blue began wearing a hood over his person, Katara wondered why he did that but just a quick glance at some WANTED posters that she saw the blue mask of their companion, apparently he was a wanted man, but she would read that in more detail later when there was time.

They should simply buy some groceries and leave as quick as possible. That was until they entered the grocery store and they saw the boy from before, the earthbender. Katara couldn’t contain her emotion and approached the boy.

“We saw you Earth bending, you were pretty impressive” She said to the teen of her age, she saw that he blushed but panicked at the same time, especially when his mother, a gray haired woman, scold him.

“Haru please tell me you did not earth bended again” She said as she massaged her temples.

“What?! No! They’re lying, I mean look how they are dressed” He pointed out to the team’s clothes which made them doubt if they looked ridiculous.

“HARU!” His mother replied in a stern tone.

The boy let out a sigh and said “I’m sorry mom, I know I shouldn’t bend”

“Shouldn’t bend? Why? He is terrific at it!” Katara said making the boy give her a small smile.

“It’s just that I don’t want to lose my son as I lost my husband” The woman said letting the tears roll into her cheeks, her son quickly hold her in a tight and loving embrace.

“You’re not going to lose me, I won’t bend again, I promise” Haru said

“You can’t ask him that” Katara said angry.

“Young woman if Haru bends the Fire Nation can take him away” She continued to cry. The boy looked at Katara and said.

“My father was, is, one of the strongest Earth benders around, when the soldiers came they began to take them away, some say to a special prison, others say that they execute them, I want to believe the first option. The problem is that everytime I bend I feel like I’m closer to him” He said and Katara could understand that feeling, for years she felt like the only times she was closer to her missing mother was to bend, to stare into the ocean hoping and praying that she returned, that she needed her.

She wanted to say something but then two loud knocks were heard at the front door.

“Fire Nation soldiers, act casual” Haru’s mother said to the group as she cleaned her tears and went to open the door. The group quickly scattered to “act casually”. As the soldiers entered they saw a blue robed boy showing a long haired green dressed boy some artifact, a girl dress in blue eating too many apples at the same time and a straw hat wearing boy smiling like a doofus while resting on a barrel that quickly broke making the boy to fall and hit himself as well as drenching in the water.

Katara meanwhile was worried that the soldiers noticed the vigilante with them, but in a quick glance she saw that he wasn’t with them. He simply turned invisible, how could a man that big could be that sneaky?

The soldiers took the woman’s savings and left and before Haru reacted in his justifiable anger the Blue Spirit and his mother stopped him. Katara was flabbergasted because he kept popping up from thin air. She knew he would like to battle the soldiers so she simply rested her hand on his right shoulder making him glance at her over his shoulder, and that glance was enough for him to nod at her and relax a little.

After some introductions Haru’s mother allowed them to stay in their farm, though she made it clear that she hoped the Blue Spirit to be gone by the next morning before the soldiers found him.


It was almost after dinner that the masked vigilante had exiled himself into the barn he, Aang and Appa would share, apparently the flying bison was a non-stop eating machine that could level the entire hay if not handled carefully.

The young monk meanwhile was chatting him about the many adventures he used to go in with his friends in the other nations. He was in the middle of talling him about his friend Princess Yia of the Northern Water Tribe when a deep yawn took hold of him and before he knew it the young monk fell into a deep sleep.

Sokka arrived not shortly after and simply fell onto his sleeping roll and began snoring. The Blue Spirit was smirking at this, so used to traveling alone he couldn’t comprehend how they could sleep in such conditions, one in the tail of a sky bison and the other in a sleep roll made of animal skin, he had to get used to sleep on the dirt or in a tree so he wasn’t one to critique others simply point that out.

He wondered where Katara had been, she had been quite chatty with Haru. Then when he went to check on outside he saw Katara sitting closer to the other teen, his heart skipped a bet that that, like if it was feeling quite heavy. Then when the pair closed in in what looked like a kiss his heart became frantic. The vigilante’s heart did not like this. Obviously she was going to be drawn to a teen their age, not a killer like him, he truly did not like she chose him, well not entirely, he did like Haru, he seemed like a really nice guy and he helped his mother on the farm, it was the type of guy Katara should feel attracted to, but why did it bothered him so much? He began to wonder as he laid his head on the hay watching at the wood beams on the barn.

Meanwhile outside…

Katara separated from Haru’s lips. She had just given her first kiss and to be honest it was… fine? Haru meanwhile was in paradise, he had kissed her and she did not only reciprocate but she held the kiss for at least five seconds. Though now he was confused of why they had break apart.

“Did you not liked it?” He asked her, doubt surging on his mind. Katara’s eyes went wide and she quickly answered.

“Oh don’t get me wrong, I did like it, and I do like you, you’re brave and a good person, you just saved an old man from a near death experience, it’s just that” Katara knew how complicated love was, if her grandmother’s stories were true, and how your partner, whenever he or she kissed you made your heart beat like a drummer, made you feel like everything was right in the world just by being in that kiss. And though her heart did beat faster when their lips touched it wasn’t anything like it, best to lay him down easy, so she took a deep breath and continue “I'm going to the North and it would be less painful to part as Friends than as something more, I’m sorry Haru I hope you understand” Katara finished saying. She could see the hurt in his eyes but he nodded.

“Though it sucks I get it. I like you too Katara and want to be your friend, if there’s a chance in the future maybe the stars realign and we could try to be something else?” Haru asked her

“Maybe, now I just wish to sleep, if you don’t mind” She said

“Oh I don’t, have a good night Katara”

“Thank you, Haru” She said as she give him a kiss on the cheek, best to avoid his lips to add more confusion.

As she drifted into a somewhat peaceful sleep she began to wonder about that night’s kiss, it had been fine, fine to be her first kiss but that was it, nothing big nor major happened, was she overthinking too much? Then she turned to her side and saw the masked man currently sleeping a few meters from her. “Does he have lips?” Agh why was she wondering about that?! There was a war and she needed to focus on mastering water bending.

Unbeknownst to them the old man Haru had saved brought the Fire Nation Soldiers to the house, taking Haru with them.


Sokka did not liked this, not one bit. Not only was his sister being taking prisoner for being an “Earth bender” but she was currently being shipped into a prison. And worst of all they had lost Blue! How could you lose a masked man?

After being dragged into the main patio where the Earth Benders were located, in the middle of a metal ring. If she wasn’t wearing shoes her feet would burn by the heat coming from the heated metal. She wondered how many blisters people sitting down already had.

She found Haru alongside his father, a tall and muscular man called Tyro, apparently the people in the prison saw him as the leader for many of them talked to him about the problems. They offered her a plate of something to eat. Her taste buds screamed in agony at the taste of the awful food but her heart break seeing the broken faces of the Earth benders. Her mother and grandmother told her about the strong spirits of this people, but seeing them so defeated broke her heart. She hoped she could do something.

Meanwhile someone was sneaking on the ship, he saw the guards’ rooms and the warden’s room, the masked vigilante saw plenty of gold that it was obvious wasn’t the guards’ pay. Perhaps he could take some of it to help the prisoners rebuild their homes.

The night came and Katara refused to leave so Sokka made a plan to use the mineral coal to give the Earthbenders a chance to fight. They would need a perfect opportunity.

As morning came and the Earthbenders were regaining their strength they acted. Aang blew the coal to the middle of the patio and Katara began her speech, telling every person that the Avatar had returned and that it was time for the Earth benders to reclaim what had been taken away from them. Only Haru stepped up but his father stopped him, it was best to avoid a fight when they had the chances to loose.

While Katara was making her rousing speech to elevate the Earthbender’s spirits another Spirit was making his way through the chambers. He had already checked the area and knew the brawl was coming so he decided to take advantage of the guards leaving their posts to steal all the golden coins he could get.

The battle started when Haru threw a pebble to the warden’s head. Which prompted every Earth Bender to fight alongside Tyro and his son. Fighting, punching and stomping every soldier and guard that tried to fight them.

Aang, Sokka and the Blue Spirit joined the fight as well. Despite some of the soldiers having imprisoned this people they were just following orders so the Blue Spirit tried not to kill many of them, though his blade did got stain with his enemies’ blood whenever they got too close to him or his friends.


In the end the Earthbenders won against their captors and know as the free prisoners they sailed away to their homes. Tyro was at first weary of the masked man but then he changed of mind when the vigilante gave him three big bags of gold coins, all of them “courtesy” of the Warden’s personal fund, the man laughed as he hadn’t laughed in months and gave a bag to the ships next to his. They would be alright.

“Wish you could stay with us” Haru said, he would honor whatever she chose to but he still held a shimmer of hope that she would choose him.

“I’d really like to help you, but my mission is to help Aang restoring the balance in the world.” Katara said.

“He really is the Avatar right?”

“Yes, he is, and he is bringing hope to this world” She said and in a manner of habit she reached to touch her mother’s necklace only to find out it isn’t there. Panic surged in her soul, she just couldn’t have missed something so dear to her and her mother. But then she saw the blue pendant dangling in front of her.

She turned around when a pair of hands touched her shoulders, she saw the Blue mask, despite the grin on his mask he seem like it was actually smiling at her. “Can you?” She asked him and turned around for him to put the necklace in its rightful place. She knew he had steady hands and was quite skillful with them, so why did his hands were shaking? Was he nervous? As the necklace was clasped together she turned around and gave him a thanks. She had actually forgotten she was talking with Haru.

Haru then realized that whatever happened between Katara and him would never be something more than just a moment shared between two teens, because she apparently had found someone else already.

Chapter 32: I'll save you from the pirates

Chapter Text

Zuko The Blue Spirit’s morning started as every other one, he would rise with the sun, a disadvantage of being a Firebender feeling the sun breaking dawn. He would take a quick bath, then start with his morning training. He still felt uncomfortable with doing fire exercises so he would simply meditate in front of a candle. He would then proceed to make basic repetitions with his swords and then with his fists. It was during this moment that a voice was heard behind him.

“Can you teach me how to defend myself?” Katara’s question had brought him out of his morning katas. He simply looked at the hopeful blue eyes and nodded. He had wanted to bring that but couldn’t know how to ask that.

She took the outer layers of her clothes or else she would began to cook in said clothes. The vigilante tried not to stare at her shapes and instead decided to focus on the task at hand. And so he began to teach her the basics, first how to throw a punch, he put his palms up and showed her the way her fist should be made and the thrust in her shoulder to give it enough strength to actually hurt the enemy. Every time she felt frustrated because she couldn’t do a form he would correct her by closing in the distance between them. His stomach could feel funny whenever he did that and uberknownst to him his breath breathing as close to the back of her head sent shivers down her spine and her entire body. She truly wanted to rip that mask off and know if her blossoming feelings were reciprocated.


Since he was a recognized bounty he decided to wait in the woods with Appa, the masked man decided to give the bison a bath. As he was so furry it was quite difficult to clean his white fur. He combed and even cut some of the bison’s curls that otherwise would interfere with the bison’s view.

After what seemed like hours Appa and him were resting by the shore with Appa resting as his fur began to dry and puff making the vigilante to laugh.


Meanwhile at the port…

Katara felt unease at the port. There were multiple factors to be counted at during this trip to the port. Mainly the presence of both Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom armada made the air tense since a single spark or pebble could start the conflict in this town.

For the second time Katara noticed another WANTED poster for Blue, but this one was different from the previous one. While the other one stated the capture of the criminal The Blue Spirit, this poster said he was a Mass Murderer and he was supposed to be delivered to a certain captain of the Earth Kingdom Army.

Katara was confused, why two nations were looking for her friend? Sadly her staring at the posters made Sokka to check what she was looking at which made him angry. He took two posters from there and walked to a nearby alley, practically dragging Katara and Aang.

“What are you doing Sokka?!” She asked her brother.

“I don’t know Katara, just I don’t know!!! I want to protect you! I told mom and dad that I would die before anything bad happened to you. But how can I do that if, in case you haven’t notice, we have been travelling with a mass murderer!!!” Sokka yelled as he showed the two different posters making both Katara anad Aang to shush him.

“Look we already saw Blue killing people, he killed on the beach at Kyoshi and at the Rink not long ago. But he hasn’t hurt us in any way. Besides they were enemies who tried to kill us if you remember.” Katara said defending her boyf friend.

She could see the desperation and conflict inside her brother. “Aang what do you think we should do?”

The monk stayed silent and began to pondering the options. “Well, he has killed people in front of us. And the monks taught me that every life is sacred. But, those people did not cared about the people in Kyoshi and when we were on the rink I saw him fighting and only injuring the soldiers and guards, so he is not that cold blooded, perhaps we should just talk to him before making any brash decision, what do you say Sokka?” Aang asked him. The other boy wasn’t convinced but he would give Blue the benefit of the doubt he hadn’t gave it to him since they met him.

They walked out of the alley and saw a very exotic boat, deciding to distract themselves they entered.


It was already night fall and everyone was sleeping peacefully. It had been an eventful day which included a fight against pirates at the port and then with Katara and Aang deciding to start practicing water bending with the scroll Katara had stolen from said pirates. The group, mainly Katara and Aang, had been so excited by the prospect of learning a new ability that they forgot what Sokka wanted to discuss with their resident vigilante.

But not everyone was asleep. The Blue Spirit was taking a nightly bath on the river when the distraught voice of Katara pleading for help took him by surprise. He quickly put his pants, grabbed his swords and tied his face over his scar. He made a mad dash towards the source of the sound when he could see Katara being tied to a tree by pirates.

“She is very pretty captain. What are we gonna do with her?” One of the voices said.

“Well, the scroll she stole was worth 30 gold pieces, I think we should make her pay the difference” The captain said as he approached with a knife at Katara, his lascivious smile sent shivers onto the teenager. She hoped that Aand and Sokka or Blue had listened to her screams.

And they did…

Since from nowhere there he was, in almost all his naked glory, The Blue Spirit had appeared and the captain that was so close to Katara had falled dead with a dagger in the back of his head.

Despite him being topless his mask still stayed on. The battle began with Blue not caring one bit about the pirates, he simply slashed through them like if they were made of paper. His main focus was to get to Katara and get her to safety, stupid pirates with theirs hooks and nets would not stop this spirit of vengeance and justice. He killed one by one with each of his swords, not stopping nor giving them ground. He would rescue her and there was nothing the pirates could do to slow him down.}

That was until one of them crashed a mace right into his mask. He stumbled back as his face fell into the ground. He would kill this one in the most painful way possible. The man swing his mace once again but before he could do anything his face was cut by one of the vigilante’s swords. And with that gory display the last of the pirates were dead.

The moon was coming closer to a full moon so they had a nice natural lighting, Katara hoped she could see his face but she was too far from a proper look and he had remain in the shadows, every time she tried to move to see his real face a cloud or the same nightly darkness prevented her from seeing him, how he managed that she would never know, but it was like if the shadows protected him.

Once he got his mask back on he went to untie her. They would have a story to tell to the others.


Azula was confused, not of why she was summon to the Fire throne, but to why her stomach was feeling so weird, it wasn’t the first time her father had summoned her but it the “invitation” had been sent almost at the same time her training with the Sun Warriors had ended. Would he be glad to see his only daughter after two and a half years of not seeing her? Would he ask for a demonstration of her new found skills?

Her friends and Uncle had stayed at the capital learning and checking everything that Caldera had to offer, they would meet on the ship by sundown since they assume Azula’s visit wasn’t going to be a long one.

Azula knelt in front of her father. She wasn’t wearing the Sun Warrior’s outfit since she had returned to her more royal armor, though her hair was still on the high phoenix tail Sun Warrior style, just to show how much respect and love she had to that culture.

“Father, to what Ihave been summoned?”

“Ah my dear Azula, my only heir, the Princess of the Fire Nation, and know, according to my sources you learned secrets of the ancient tribe right?” Ozai asked.

“Yes, but mainly because I read the hieroglyphs and the walls. Nothing too interesting to say to be honest.” Azula lied

“Ah I see, still this is not a social call” Ozai said as he stood from the throne.

“A few years ago we had a situation with a vigilante called the Blue spirit who killed the Southern Raiders fleet and the Rough Rhinos, now Captain Zhao told me of his encounter with the Blue Spirit two weeks ago. Azula, I need you to find the Blue Spirit, that vigilante has been a thorn on the side of the Fire Nation for too long.” Ozai said

“Do you want him dead or alive?” Azula asked him.


Chapter 33: The spirit world


Sorry for the short chapter but inspiration kept pushing me to the chapter after this one so, sorry hehe

Chapter Text

As Katara and Blue reached the campfire and they saw that Sokka and Aang had been fighting against some pirates, apparently the Captain had tried to tie them so they wouldn’t interfere. Sokka upon seeing his sister went to hug her. He quickly checked her for any punch or destroyed clothing but she looked rather fine.

“Thank you” Sokka said, he knew now that Blue was someone to be trusted. He killed yes, but only bad people, people who would have done unspeakable things to his little sister. So he would never doubt of Blue’s actions.

By the time morning came the group decided to leave the river, not before taking some items that belong to Water or Air culture, the soldiers would check the ship later and would determine what happen, but for now Aang and Katara could gain insight into the minds of their ancestors. Unknown to them Blue had hidden a scroll about Fire Bending, while Sokka chose to get some gold.

A couple of days later…

This was by far the weirdest place he had ever been in before…

It all started with the group seeing the devastation the Fire Nation was capable of. They saw an entire portion of the wood. Yes Aang had been bummed out but the monk had his spirit lifted when Katara showed him the acorns growing up in the ashy terrain. The woods would be saved.

But before they could celebrate a man approached them, a little reluclant when he saw the outlaw, the Blue Spirit, travelling with them but once Aang told him that the man was on their side, on Avatar’s honor, the man could rest a little. That was until he mentioned about spirit attacking his village and how it was Aang’s duty to deal with that.

And from there everything went turned into sh*t.

Aang was losing a battle

A kaiju sized monstrosity was tearing the village building by building, luckily ignoring the main one where everyone was huddled together.

Sokka had gone to “help” Aang and Blue leaped into action. It didn’t take a long time for the both non-benders to be grabbed by the kaiju beast, Aang tried to give chase but to no avail. The two teens approached the forest as the beast raced towards what it looked like a bear figure. As soon as they passed the bear-like statue they realized that no longer where they in the forest, but that a mist was surrounding them.

Inside the mist they could see many confused looking people, many of them which seemed to have a form of dementia

He felt confused what was that vision he had seen in the spirit world? How could that be real? He tried to turn to Sokka and tell him to remain by his side but the Water Tribe teen had already vanished due to the deep fog.

This was simply mind f*cking. He couldn’t comprehend how someone could be there one moment and disappear by the next one. He tried to walk but the fog blinded him, only a milky texture could be seen in front of him. That was until he stumble onto someone.

He thought it was Sokka but no, it was Azula, her eleven year old version, but his sister nonetheless.

“Zula?” He asked but the girl simply giggled and then disappeared in a ball of fire.

As he kept walking he saw fragments of people he had met. His uncle, Mai, Ty Lee, his mother, even his f*cking father had made an apparition telling him how disappointed he was of him.

That was until he saw someone familiar but different. Someone he never had seen before.

A man dressed in the finest silk, with white long hair and a regal crown in his head. He couldn’t believe he was in front of the Avatar Roku

Chapter 34: Avatar Roku


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

A man dressed in the finest silk, with white long hair and a regal crown in his head. He couldn’t believe he was in front of the Avatar Roku. The Blue Spirit had grown listening to the stories of the Avatar of the past century, and how he had done things that, although were against the crown of the Royal Family, were awesome things, he knew now that the Avatar was the good guy in the story against Sozin’s tyrannical rule.

“Hello Zuko, I’m so glad to finally meet you” The Avatar said with a prideful smile. He didn’t know why someone like him would like to talk with him but if the Avatar wanted to tell him something he would listen. He bowed in front of the spirit.

“Why are you talking to me?” Zuko thought, but he then realized that the Avatar spirit had actually listened to him.

“Oh my dear boy, I have been trying to talk to you for such a long time.” Roku said leaving the teen confused.

“How do you know me?” Zuko asked

“I have never stopped overseeing my descendants” Roku stated making the vigilante’s eyes to grow larger, was he really a descendant of the Avatar

“WHAT!” He yelled.

“This is the reason I need you to talk to you. It is time that you learn your full heritage. I’m going to tell you the story between your great grandfather Sozin and I, and how our friendship and later enmity forged the path that led to the world’s current state. It all began many years ago, when the times were happier, simpler…”


Katara was worried sick. Aang, Sokka and Blue had completely banished after fighting that monstruosity. Why couldn’t she be a stronger waterbender? She wasn’t a warrior, not yet and she was no master either, sometimes she felt like this world was just too big for her. Sometimes she wished she had stayed at the village.


She was not going to be defeated that easily, if she wasn’t a warrior and wasn’t a master yet then she wouldn’t stay idle. She stood up and grabbed some water from the well. This was going to be the start of her training. She unrolled the scroll and began to practice her forms, they seemed awkward at first but by the afternoon she moved as fluently as water, and what was best her dominion over the water was improving, if she arrived at the North with basic knowledge she would be a master in no time!

As she was walking towards the mainly building, she saw a figure coming towards the town, Momo immediately flew towards the figure and she knew that Aang had returned. His expression was one of defeat, apparently he had failed to save Blue and Sokka, but he had a plan to save them now.


In the spirit world…

The vigilante was flabbergasted, he had heard the story of how his great grandfather rose to prominence and how he had personally killed the previous Avatar. What surprised him the most was seeing some techniques employed during the battle against the volcano that he had never seen, like drawing the heat out of lava, that sounded so foreign and yet here he was seeing it with his good eye.

“Do you have other questions?” Roku asked as the vision came to a stop when Roku died and a baby was born, a baby he could guess was Aang.

“You fought many times against Sozin, did you ever regretted not killing him?”

“Sometimes I do think that killing him would’ve solved the entire issue, but sadly my feelings for the man I once considered my brother were too strong, I’m not saying that you should go and kill your father, but that if the moment comes and you see no other choice you will have to take that decision”

“Why me? Why not Aang?”

“Because you’re the re-“

The vigilante looked around and saw that he was no longer next to the Avatar Roku, but that he was next to Sokka and some villagers surrounded by bamboo.

He was confused until the pair heard a voice calling for them.

“SOKKA! BLUE!!! YOU’RE BACK” Katara said with tears in her eyes. She was so damn happy. Blue was as well but he was confused because now he would never know what Roku wanted to tell him.

Was it something important? Or was it something about himself? He needed answers, luckily Aang told them that he needed to talk to Roku during the solstice, inside his temple, in Crescent Island, in the Fire Nation. Life was never boring with that kid around.


Sorry for this chapter being so short, but I'm preparing the battle against Zhao during the siege so my inspiration wasn't fully focused in this week's chapter, sorry about that, but you will see that all is going to be worth it.

Chapter 35: The Crescent Island


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Blue was pretty absent minded, Katara could see that, he wasn’t “in the game” as Sokka would say. Whatever happened in the Spirit world had shook him up. Perhaps it was the fact that he had returned to a place that was too familiar for him? Who knows, Sokka said that he was kept in a mist filled place, nothing to see except the fog and to hear the sounds of screaming souls to accompany his solitude.

“Did he experienced that? Was the Spirit world that haunting that he became traumatized? Could he let her help him? Would he want that help? He hasn’t been as “chatty” as he has been, it’s like last night had turned him into someone else. Could he be changed by someone else?! What if some dark spirit took possession of his body and now they were traveling with someone who wasn’t their friend.” Katara began to eye more closely at the masked man but then she shrugged “Nah, he wasn’t changed, if he was I, I mean, we would have noticed. He must have meditated in the Spirit World, that must be it, he is just processing his new perspective, he is not Sokka who jokes around with every tragic and meandering thing that happens to him. When he wants to talk she was going to be there for him, in the meantime I’ll give him his space, he will open up when he is ready”


The sight of a Naval barricade was something that wasn’t encountered every day, that tipped off Azula that something was wrong. She could see that this ships were state of the art ships, the newest ones of them all, and yet many of them presented dents, charcoal stains in them and what was worse some of them seem like their catapults had been rendered useless.

She ordered the captain to approach one of those ships, as her royal vessel paired with the army one her ship was borded by a man in his late fifties, the captain obviously, and two soldiers behind him, though the uniforms hid their identities she knew they were man and woman, not that she cared, she simply amused herself with those details.

“What happened here?” Azula asked, behind her her own personal guard, her friends and most trustful advisors, her uncle and the Sun Warriors kids analyzed the interaction in silence.

She saw a flash of doubt in the man and a bead of sweat rolling down his temple, he gulped and he began to open and close his mouth, he was obviously nervous.

“Spit it out!” Azula, to her friends and uncle, was known to have her fiery temper, especially when someone wasted her time, yes she was funny and easygoing to a degree but her patience had a limit.

“I-it… it was the Blue Spirit Princess!” The captain said bringing everyone’s attention.


“Well it was standard procedure, as standard as making a barricade can be, it was all ordered by Commander Zhao, he ordered us to intercept the Avatar and any non-Fire Nation ship coming from this side of the border, anyway, we were doing just that when, and I kid you not, out of nowhere the Blue Spirit appeared on the deck.

No one, and I mean, no one, saw him, he simply materialized out of thin air! Then he began to slash his way through the ship, none of my soldiers were killed, only injured, apparently his main objective was the catapults since he began to cut the cables and chains, I’ve never seen a sword as sharp as that to cut metal like if it was nothing, and he had two!!!

After his mayhem was over he jumped out of the ship and disappeared in the cold waters, it was only moments later that the pained screams from the neighbor ship was heard that we knew he had appeared in the other ship, I-I don’t know how many ships were taken down Princess” The captain said as he finished her story, Azula meanwhile was thinking.

“You’re dismissed captain” Azula said with a movement of her wrist.

She approached her firned and said “It’s quite obvious that people simply do not materialize out of thin air as the captain said, no there must be a proper answer to that, the other thing is his objectives, it wasn’t to kill the soldiers, only to render the catapults useless and to stall as many ships as he could. HA. The “Blue Spirit” wasn’t alone, it could be that there were many men, or women, wearing the same outfit and jumping from ship to ship making it seem like he was teleporting from ship to ship. it was genius honestly.” Azula said “What do you think? Is it possible?” She added

“It could be” Itzmin said making the other two warriors nod.

“Though the person, or persons, should be very well coordinated to implement a plan like this one” Neli added.

“And there’s also the possibility that whoever is behind that mask is crazy strong, not even the strongest of Earth benders can manipulate metal to break it, let alone cut it, this is something else” Nochipa said with a concern, Azula put a reassuring hand in her shoulder and said.

“Hey don’t worry, as long as you got my back, I’ll have yours” She smiled and was hugged by her friend.

“We should continue” Itzmin said, he was more often than not too serious for his own good, but when it was time to relax he knew how to let his hair down, Azula chuckled at that, ugh she was definitely turning into uncle.


Crescent Moon Island…

The Royal vessel finally arrived at the Temple of Avatar Roku…

Or what was left of it.

She remembered a time so far away that seems like a lifetime ago, in which her mother brought her brother and she to this particular temple, she remembered how her mother told them of the power of the Avatar and the wisdom of Avatar Roku, the last Fire Nation Avatar in a century. Azula remembered that the temple had interesting coiling dragons in its columns as well as a beautiful hidden room that only opened every solstice, which had happened a few hours ago. Now she was looking at the destroyed remains of the temple, clearly having been destroyed by the active volcano it sit over.

She saw three ships, apparently they were on a rescue mission, or simply to cordon the area. Her vessel approached the biggest one and repeated the same protocol as before.

“What can you tell about what happened here?” Azula asked the soldiers.

“Well according to the Fire Sages, that we took prisoner by the way, Avatar Roku appeared in the flesh and destroyed the temple with his Avatar State.” The soldier said.

“Anything else?”

“Well, they said that before Avatar Roku appeared this kid that was apparently the current Avatar tried to enter the room, we don’t know exactly what happened in there since the Fire Sages’ stories began to mix together, some of them say that the kid did some weird Avatar magic and invoked Roku’s spirit, others that the spirit came down from the sun to destroy everything, we don’t know”

“Speaking of Spirits, did the Sages said if the Avatar was accompanied by the vigilante known as the Blue Spirit?”

“As a matter of fact yes” Another soldier answered.


“Yes Princess, the Sage said that the Blue Spirit was with the Avatar, helping him, like if they were friends or colleagues. I think the Avatar can bring Spirits into this world, that’s why Roku and that guy with the wood mask appeared” The soldiers voice was crackling.

“Soldier, I will tell you to take some vacations, you’re clearly too distressed to be useful, as soon as you reach port do that, I don’t like delirious people near me” Azula said making the soldier bow.

“Yes Princess, thank you, perhaps I’ve worked too long” The soldier said bowing in front of her.

Azula looked at the destruction of the island one more time and smiled, she have to handle it to the Avatar, he is a force to be reckoned with, she would have a hard time trying to capture the Blue Spirit if he was traveling with the Avatar.

But oh how much she loved a good challenge.


So this is it for this week's chapter, next up...

The Storm!!!

Chapter 36: The storm

Chapter Text

The group traveled towards a harbor town. It had been an uneasy trip for everyone since Blue kept thinking in what Roku told him in the Spirit World and Aang had a nightmare about what Roku told him during the solstice. The town was very lively at this time of the day. It was a nice change of pace for everyone after the forest town they had been in before. The smell of fish, the yelling and chats of the townsfolk filled the air. For Blue it was like the town he washed ashore many years ago. He unconsciously touched the left side of his face, but since Katara looked at him in curiosity he made the motion like if he was swatting away a mosquito-fly. The waterbender was confused but decided not to push him, he would talk to her when the time was right.

The vigilante had decided to use his cloak to cover his entire getup, it wasn’t that he wanted to be discovered, but he wanted to stretch his legs and do something other than just cleaning Appa. Perhaps he could buy some meat and make them a nice roast.

What he missed was that during his meat shopping Katara and Sokka had gotten into a fight with Sokka exclaiming that he was man enough to get a job and earning one almost immediately with an elderly fisherman who was going to set sail soon enough. Then the man attacked Aang by saying that the Avatar was at fault for missing this past hundred years. Something that wasn’t fair to Aang, he was just a kid, he must have a reason to run away from home

Aang took his glider and flew away not long after. Katara made a motion to go after him but Blue stopped her by placing his hand on her shoulder. She was needed here to be with Sokka, he would see Aang and made sure he was in no trouble. Katara could see he was being honest, despite her not entirely understanding his sign language but knowing he could be trusted.


As Katara waited in the town for Sokka’s safe return and for that rain to stop falling she sheltered herself in one of the few restaurants still open. It was run by an elderly woman and a young woman with an arm missing and some visible scars in her face and neck. Out of politeness she did not stared nor did she asked about her, but the other woman, the elderly one saw the intent and curiosity of Katara that she decided to approach as Katara was about to eat her noodles.

“I know what you’re thinking, and yes, she is no Earth Kingdom, but she is one of us now” The elderly woman said, noticing Katara’s confused and apologetic look she continued “She came three years ago, mostly stumbled into this town, she was so mangled that she was barely recognizable, barely alive as well”

“She was attacked?”

“Can be said that, but not by Fire Nation” The elderly woman said which confused Katara “She is a member of the Fire Nation army, or at least she was”

“Yes it can be confusing but I found her and despite her obvious nationality I just simply couldn’t let that poor girl to die. So I took her in and nurse her back to health, sadly nothing could be done about her arm, the Town’s healer had to amputate it. When she got better she decided to help me as a form of repayment, those Fire Nationers are all about honor apparently”

“So what was her story?” Katara asked as she took another slurp from her noodles.

“Apparently they sent her squadron to fight a much stronger opponent, they were a fresh batch of recruits in what was supposed to be a regular patrol, but they encountered a large settlement of Earth Kingdom soldiers who “demonstrated” the power of Earth. They savagely attacked her squadron, after what she told me I was sick with that display, I lost my sons to this war and I knew that experience soldiers, from both sides, kill without remorse, not caring the age of their opponent, they only see the flag they have in their shoulders.”

“Was there a reason for that? Because I don’t think her superiors sent her and her squadron on a route where they could be easily intercepted” Katara said

“Well, according to rumors that massacre was planned by the generals, they wanted a diversion so more ruthless soldiers could eliminate the Earth Kingdom ones.”

“That’s awful, someone should’ve spoken against it!” Katara said angry, it was like if her father sent her own people to die to fight on another front.

“Someone did. According to rumors the Fire Prince, a young child who chose to speak against said plan”

“I’m glad at least someone is not rotten in that country, sadly they didn’t listened to him” Katara said.

“It gets worse for the prince. According to rumors he was executed for speaking against said plan. Other rumors say that he was branded like a coward, his face showcasing a scar of shame, others say that he was sent into exile, many say that he was sent to the worst prison of the Fire Nation”

Katara’s heart churned at that to know that someone so young had been punished so harshly for trying to do the right thing, it was awful.

But she couldn’t dwell into those thoughts much longer as the fisherman’s wife appeared, apparently the storm had turned into dangerous waves and Sokka and the fisherman were at sea. She would need Aang’s and Blue’s help to save her stupid brother.

Chapter 37: The fortress

Chapter Text

Aang felt closer to his masked friend, during yesterday’s stormy night he had shared his deepest regret with the man. He was impressed that the man quietly made dinner for both of them while listening to his ramblings on how he felt like he had betrayed his friends in the Air Temple, but most importantly, how he had let Monk Gyatso down, the only one he had ever thought and considered a father figure, he had abandoned, left him with only a note.

When he said his deepest regret he was met with something he had never expected.

A hug.

He had been taken by surprise but somehow he felt at peace when the masked man’s arms hugged him tightly, like if he understood the loneliness, sorrow and regret he was feeling inside of him.

The moment of their bond was cut short when Katara rushed into the cave saying that Sokka had yet to return and the storm had grown too violent for the small fishing boat to survive it.

It took a great amount of strength to steer Appa and save Sokka and the old fisherman from the sea. Luckily Aang was not alone and had his friends with him, that gave him strength to pull whatever magic Avatar power he used. He would need to consult Roku once again about that.

Sadly it wasn’t a swift flight. The exposure to the storm had left Sokka with a deep cold and fever. And what was worse Katara began to show the first symptoms as well. Aang decided to race to a nearby healer, hopefully it will give him a way to cure his friends. Meanwhile Blue started to make a soup that would feed the sick siblings.


Aang questioned how in all the spirits he ended up in here?

It wasn’t a hard task, just run towards the academy, ask the healer for something to cure his friends, get some frozen frogs and give them to them. But now he was captured by Zhao! Here, chained up waiting for the moment to be transported to a more secure prison, because according to Zhao killing him would only make the Avatar Cycle to restart anew.

He just hoped his friends make it without him.

Aang began to cry, every fiber of his body told him not to but he just couldn’t avoid it. He was scared, he would never see Katara again, nor Appa, Momo, Sokka, or even

“BLUE!” He let out a suppressed squeal when he saw his masked friend standing in front of him. the man quickly spun around and cut the chains holding him prisoner. Aang was very impressed of his strength. The vigilante nudge him to follow him quietly when Aang decided to hug him. He felt the hug being reciprocated and the pair made their exit.

Unluckily they were spotted.

Unluckily for them they were outnumbered

Unluckily for them they were clearly outmatch

The battle inside the metal fortress was one of the most intense battles he had been in his short life. He kept trying to knock down or incapacitate the soldiers, though Blue seemed to have other plans as he slashed and killed, or injured most of the soldiers.

Sadly, despite their stronger power they were corned. It took one of Zhao’s taunts for Blue to press his swords against his neck.

Aang’s body went completely stiff as he felt the cold steel pressing against him. Zhao’s smirk turned into a frown, he knew very well that one could never trust a vigilante, let alone one that has killed without remorse for these past years.

“Open the gate” Zhao said while a deep scowl was cemented in his face.

Blue began to retreat as his swords kept its pressure in Aang’s neck, he had been reduced from a friend to a bargain chip, he didn’t know how to feel about that.

From the main tower the Commander Zhao could see the retreating figures of the Avatar and the vigilante he wanted to kill. So he approached on of the Yu Yan archers and whispered “Kill the Blue Spirit and I’ll make you Captain” The man simply aimed at the masked man and shot his arrow directly towards the vigilante’s head.

Aang was a little frightened as they moved towards the safety of the forest the pair heard a whistle. Aang’s eyes grew wide as he saw an arrow soaring through the air towards their direction. He closed his eyes waiting for the tip to hit him in the head but then there was nothing. No pain, no blood.

He opened his eyes and saw a gloved hand holding the arrow inches above and away from his head.

Blue had caught the arrow in the middle of the air!

Then he crushed the wood arrow and tossed it onto the ground. He put Aang over his shoulder and raced as he threw several smoke bombs onto the ground. Making their escape more easy and untraceable.

Zhao let out an angry scream. His biggest victory, or well, the victory over the Avatar had been taken away from him. Once again he had been bested by that bloody vigilante!

The pair of Avatar and vigilante arrived at the ruined temple where the shivering bodies of Katara and Sokka kept moving. Aang quickly gave Katara one of the frozen frogs, the girl immediately started sucking on it. Meanwhile Sokka did the same with the one Aang had placed on his lips. But then a hand touched his shoulders and Aang, much to his horror, he saw a frozen frog being presented in front of him. If this was a joke from Blue it wasn’t funny.

Except he wasn’t laughing as the masked man offered once again.

“I won’t it that” Aang said, how could he accept to put an animal in his mouth. He was going to reproach once again when the masked man shoved the frozen frog into Aang’s mouth, he was going to yelled at him when he saw the mask being tilted up and the vigilante began to suck the frog as well.

He was definitely a weird character but Aang could accepted. As long as he killed the bad guys he was fine with it

Chapter 38: The Freedom Fighters


WARNING!!! Jet makes an appearence.

Chapter Text

The group had been walking for various hours, they had decided to do so because after Aang’s brush with Zhao they didn’t wanted to be spotted flying on Appa. They had left the ruins the following morning after licking those disgusting frogs, Katara could still shiver remembering their taste once they were unfrozen, now, per Sokka’s bright idea they were walking through a deep Earth Kingdom forest. Katara had been teasing him nonstop, Aang had been complaining of how could people walk long distances as well as some comment of how having a flying bison was better, and Blue… well he didn’t say much, he chuckled at his own joke.

What’s worse was that he couldn’t even admit he was lost. He had dragged his sister and their friends to this weird and dry looking forest in the middle of the Earth Kingdom and got them lost, perhaps he should have been let Blue to guide them, or Aang to make them fly in Appa. But still he was determined to prove himself right, this was the easiest way to avoid the Fire Nation.


The universe liked to prove him wrong.

As they entered a small clear they saw at least twenty Fire Nation soldiers. Sokka was paralyzed, and so did the soldiers. But before the soldiers could attack them Aang sent a blast of air towards them pushing back some of the closest soldiers to them.

The unsheathing of two swords warned him that Blue was ready to fight which was good since if they tried to run they would be at a disadvantage. They would need to knock them out before trying to run away.

A quick battle ensued, Sokka couldn’t assessed the situation too much but he could swear that their numbers doubled. It wasn’t until he let out a battle cry to knock one of the soldiers down that he was interrupted by a messy haired guy.

He should’ve asked who the heck was this guy? But his mouth, and pride, said “Hey that was mine!” Just how dared he?!

“Should’ve gone for it then” The guy had the blasphemy to mock him STRAIGHT INTO HIS FACE!

Luckily for Sokka he wasn’t the only who noticed the new arrivals. Blue’s entire body might have been in the battle but Sokka could see that he was keeping tabs on the other sword wielding guy in the battlefield.

He noticed that Blue was trying to defeat every opponent by himself. He didn’t know if it was because he wanted to protect them. Or deal with the other guy first.

With Blue and that other guy trying to one up each other Sokka and the others had left pretty much nothing else to do. Aang basically took a lotus position on the ground while watching every soldier fighting against the two swordsmen, while Katara looked in awe the movements she was witnessing.

Sokka meanwhile analyzed the fighting styles, Blue seemed contained, he had seen his ally, they weren’t friends, he had yet to see that man's eyes to consider him as such. Something his father told him that you could judge a man's soul by their eyes, you have to know a man's soul to consider it a friend, that's why he reluctantly considered Aang a friend since his soul showed innocence, yeah he sometimes thought that the kid acted like a hyperactive lemur-monkey but he was a good kid, Blue on the other hand he was a mystery, not only has his eyes never been exposed to them but his actions were of someone who had seen the most brutal of horrors in war. If only he could talk he would ask him about those horrors, only to be informed of the evil the Fire Nation is capable of.

On the other hand the other guy’s style was much more rudimentary compared to Blue’s, Blue was all over the place but you could notice a certain pattern, one that focused on protecting his left side, perhaps he is left handed, he had seen him write with his left hand so that’s why is easier for him. But the other guy is sloppy, relying on his strength and his speed to do most of the work, improvising on the fly, that will get that guy’s killed.

At the end both swordsmen knocked unconscious the remaining two soldiers. While the unknown swordsman held a smirk on his face, Sokka could tell that Blue was weary of his presence. He had to handle it to the guy, he hadn’t killed any soldiers, only small injuries.

They should have left but Aang and Katara were in awe of the swordsman, despite the fact that he didn’t beat the soldiers alone, nor that he was by himself. Sokka saw Blue take a chest of gold but what got his attention was that the guy checked with way too much enthusiasm some explosive goo barrels.

The guy introduced himself as Jet and then he introduced his misfits, I mean his team, Longshot, Snears, The Duke, Pipskqueak and Smellerbee. Sokka realized that all of them were kids like them. After some introductions, and the promise of a feast, the team followed the other kids to their basecamp. Some sort of tree houses hidden by the immense foliage of the forest.

Sokka, and unbeknownst to him, Blue, clenched their fists and teeth when they saw Katara being embraced by the guy known as Jet as they were pulled by a rope towards the tree house. Neither teen liked the way Katara’s eyes were looking at the guy, something was fishy about him.

True to his word they did had a feast, and it was a pleasant one to say the least. Beside Jet’s team there were other children living in those tree houses. Many of them were younger than six, all of them orphans. Sokka was watching Aang perform an airbending move to impress the younger children but at the same time he was eying his sister and that guy who were way too close for his taste.

Blue had disappeared Spirits know where but he must be around.

By next morning Sokka and Blue joined Jet and his team to survey the path that tore through the forest, who knew when new soldiers would appear to cause mayhem.

Sokka used a technique learned by his father in which he stabbed a tree with a knife to hear the vibrations on the ground.

“Someone’s coming” Sokka alerted, he saw Blue, who was on Sokka’s left, readied his posture to grab his dual swords, but he eased when they saw an old man taking a stroll.

“False alarm, is only an old man” He informed the others, not that Jet had listened to him since he jumped in front of the old man’s path, startling it. Pipsqueak took the old man’s purse and began to check it out.

Sokka and Blue quickly jumped down as Jet was berating the man for the mere crime of being Fire Nation. The man who was clearly cowering in front of the angry teen was on his knees and crying. Not having enough to only scare him and yell at him Jet made his foot back, he was ready to kick the old man right in his face. Sokka’s eyes grew larger and he made a motion to grab his cub when a gloved hand beat him to it as it catch Jet’s ankle and threw him back.

The masked vigilante went towards the cowering old man and gently helped him stand up. He even dusted the man’s robes as he did so. Jet’s eyes were full of fury.

“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! HE IS FIRE NATION!” He spat the last words and the vigilante simply shrugged as he nudged the man to the path he had come through. The vigilante did not care for the “leader” and his anger, he only cared for what was right, and attacking an unarmed old man wasn’t right.

The old man continued expressing his thanks as the masked man accompanied him for the rest of his track back to his town, the man expressed his remorse that his morning walk had been interrupted that violently but he reassured the man beside him that he would be fine, it was only the scare of being ambushed what surprised him and frighten him.

“I was never a soldier you know” The old man said earning the glance of the masked man. “When I was a child I got into an accident while playing with my friends, that accident left a permanent injury in my right leg. When I was sixteen I tried to join the army, to serve the country that I love, but the commander told me that I would be useless in combat, so I served my country in a different way, I became an Scribe, I spent years writing official documents, but when I read one of my old friend’s name in the deceased ones I knew that I was lucky. I got to grow old, to marry and being father of children who now are parents themselves, I got a second chance. I don’t know who you are young man, but I can see that you are in your second chance as well, don’t let hatred get in the way as that crazy teen is, you can be better than that, and you’ve proven that.” The old man said with a genuine smile.

Before they reached the town, just as they were coming out of the woods the old man stopped, turned to see Blue and said. “Don’t take this the wrong way, I really appreciate what you have done for me, but in my town there are some soldiers and I do not wish to see you imprisoned, I don’t care if you are Earth, Water or Fire Nation, I can tell that you have a good soul. Thank you very much young man” And before he parted he gave the vigilante a big and strong, strong as his old arms allowed it, hug and he drew with his clean finger an Agni kanji on the vigilante’s mask, nobody would see it but the vigilante and the old man knew it would be there.

As the old man reached the town he noticed that in the bulletin board there were several WANTED poster, he took a glance and ripped the one portraying a man in a blue mask then he continued his way.


Sokka had informed everyone of Jet’s attack on the old man only for his version to be rebuked by everyone when Jet told them that the fragile old man was carrying a poison laced knife on his purse. Which was of course ridiculous. But still Katara and Aang believed Jet’s story. Like if the man’s nationality was the one who mattered the most for those two. Sokka wanted to punch something, or better yet, someone.

He fumed out and went to see Appa, perhaps he could play with Momo a little to ease his tensions away.

During the dinner the tensions were rising between Blue and Sokka and Jet and his crew. The misftis, except the one called Smellerbee, tried to impede Blue to climb up the tree house, it was only at Aang request they allowed it, still Sokka was weary of their intentions since they made it clear that Blue was “on the enemy side” only for protecting an old man.

Katara could see that Jet and Blue were angry, she had seen Blue help countless of innocents, but why is the fact that this “innocent” he protected was Fire Nation bothered her so much? Did he knew the old man was an assassin sent to kill Jet? How was Jet feeling about an attempt on his life? He seemed pretty much upset, not even looking up from his bowl of rice. She kept looking at him, half expecting to see those mischievous look on his face. To know that he was fine.

And then he looked at her. And her body felt his stare. Katara wasn’t sure what was exactly happening but it was very flattering, here he was, a boy her age looking at her. Something in his stare made her entire body squirm and her skin got goosebumps in a good and pleasant way.

His continue stare was only interrupted by his head pointing out towards something on the side. Katara did not understood what, the only things in that direction were some huts… “Oh” She realized what he meant. Perhaps he wanted to talk about what got him so upset and bothered.

While everyone, minus Sokka and Blue, were laughing at a story Pipsqueak and Duke were acting Jet stood up, and as he passed next to Katara he brushed his hand on her shoulder, making her follow him with her eyes. She saw him stand in the frame of his hut, he returned the glance she was sending him and he nudged his head, inviting her in.

Her stomach was a fluttering mess, they were going to talk, that was all, but why oh why were her nether regions were heating up. It was as if logic was being thrown out of the window, she excused herself and stood up following the Freedom Fighters’ leader path and checking her surroundings she enter the same hut as he.

Chapter 39: Fighter vs Spirit


Boi o' boi have I finally managed to post this one!
Warning: Jet is present in this chapter.
Also violence is present in this chapter as well as smut

Chapter Text


The Blue Spirit had gone to the woods as the moon had claimed the night sky. It was a nice moment for him to clear his mind, he had heard other kids talk about some river nearby so he decided to go there and meditate, and perhaps take a bath.

As he approached the river he saw a figure already taking a bath. He felt embarrassed to be there and seeing the back of one of the warriors, the one with the short hair, Smellerbee if he remembered correctly, taking a bath. He decided to leave his bath and meditation for another time when he stepped on a branch earning the attention of the warrior.

“Oh it’s you” The warrior said as it looked over the shoulder at the vigilante. He raised his hands with the palms open to show the other warrior that he came in peace. He then made some signs to tell the nude warrior that he could come back later.

“Please, don’t go, I’ve wanted to talk to you” The warrior said and without turning to be completely in front of the vigilante the warrior took a towel and wrapped its entire body with it. That was something that seemed odd for the vigilante but he paid no mind at that.

As the warrior approached he could see its shy demeanor, very differently at the fierce one he had seen in combat that same afternoon. The warrior looked at the holes in the mask and said

“You probably don’t remember me” Blue saw the warriors features, they were soft despite the tough aura it wanted to make. But then something in the warrior’s voice made a click in his mind, he had heard it before.

“Beeja” He thought and then nodded. The warrior’s, girl’s, eyes grew large and then proceeded to hug him very tight.

“I’m so glad you remember me!” She said as tears began to damp Blue’s shirt.

Smellerbee, Beeja, put her clean clothes when Blue’s eyes was turned and proceeded to tell him her story, how she managed to leave the brothel, how she decided to adopt a more tomboy appearance to avoid being taken advantage of, how she began to train for combat, how she met Jet and thought he was like Blue, only for him to be not the person she thought, how she was found out of being a girl and Jet decided to “court her”, how she handled his “needs” in order to prevent him “courting” the other girls in the camp and how overall she thought she was doing a good work defending the people of the Earth Kingdom from the Fire Nation machinations.

Blue knew there was something wrong with that guy but the way he treated Beeja was disgusting. Sensing his rage she placed a hand on his chest, she needed to stop him.

“You don’t get it, what Jet wants, Jet gets” She said with a pleading look in her eyes, but that only angered him more. “PLEASE! I can take it! But you and your friends can leave tomorrow, please don’t make a scene, is not worth it” Beeja said pleading. It truly pained him in his heart but he couldn’t go acting against her wishes, it felt wrong to leave a criminal like him roaming free but if she was on her own accord, despite the awful situation, then he couldn’t do sh*t about it, you can’t save someone who wishes not to be saved. But if he dared to lay a hand on Katara or hurt anyone from the team he would chop his head off. That was a promise to himself.



After he had left the old man in his village Blue had gone to do what he had missed last night, he went to meditate by the river bank. The night sky felt glorious but it was the movement of the river that allowed him to fall in his blank state. He didn’t know how long he had been there but when he returned he was denied of access to the tree house with Pipsqueak and Snears preventing him to do so. Only a word from Smellerbee allowed him to climb up the tree house.

Finally as he reached the main tree house he went to look for Katara, Sokka and Aang, the first one to be found was Sokka who was grooming Appa while muttering nonsense, he was clearly enraged by something. He decided to leave it at that. He found Aang next who was playing with The Duke and other children, apparently he was so engrossed in the game that he had failed to notice where Katara had gone to.

Blue felt panic as he went to the hut they slept the previous night only to find it empty. Only their few belongings resting there. He needed to find her soon.


Katara wanted to help Jet feel better, perhaps he just needed a confident to talk to, after all he was surrounded by boys, but the moment Katara had entered the hut Jet had pinned her on the wall, it felt strangely good, the moment their eyes met his lips were on hers, this was a kiss, it wasn’t as the shy peck she had shared with Haru, this was a full blown kiss. And yet she felt it was weird.

The moment his lips left hers she felt a weird emotion, like if she lacked and needed those lips on hers, but then his lips made contact with her skin once again as they begun to travel down her exposed neck, she knew this was enjoyable but it was wrong. She only wanted to know if he was alright.

The moment his hands tried to open her upper layer to kiss her collarbone she knew this was way wrong.

“I-I’m sorry Jet, I can’t do this” She pleaded, it was feeling way too good but she wasn’t ready to lose her virginity with someone she just had met. Yes her inner fire, as the tribe women called it, was a raging inferno right now, but she knew this just couldn’t be. “I-I h-have to go” She said the last part in a moan as Jet’s lips bit on her neck.

“Come on Katara, stay with me, I feel lonely” Jet said to the water tribe girl as his hands explored the corners of her body trying to find an entrance to the delicate skin beneath those layers of clothes. The moment he grabbed her waist with his left hand while his right hand tried to make its way to the inside of her pants it sent her to overdrive. Katara felt a tingle in her nether regions even the way Jet was purring in her neck as he kissed her delicate and tender skin felt so damn good but this wasn’t right. No, no, no, she cleared her mind in a moment when reason superseded the wetness she was feeling. Summoning the strength she could amass she pushed him away from her body and stood straight.

“No Jet! I don’t feel comfortable with this. I barely know you and I don’t feel like taking the next step” Katara replied to the earth nation boy “I will help you tomorrow with the building of the dam but that’s it”

Katara rushed out of Jet’s hut and the leader tried to rush behind her, he then saw the lurking figure watching. Jet turned his gaze to the man glaring at it. “What? Do you think you had a better shot than I did? You’re probably a disfigured son of a bitch underneath that mask. A coward hiding his true face to the world. You are nothing and you will never get a girl like her” Jet said as he returned to his hut. Blue was seeing red. He wanted to grab his swords but he contained himself. He would make him pay soon.

Meanwhile in a distant part of the woods. As far as she could get without reaching to a settlement or the river, because that’s the first place they would look for her, laid Katara on her back furiously moving her fingers in and out of her wet groin. Soft moans escaped from her lips as her breathing accelerated with each passing moment. She wasn’t one to masturbat* very often but she had to admit that Jet’s display had turned her on. Yet he wasn’t the one on her mind in this private moment of self-indulgence and debauchery. No, in her mind the one who was touching her, the one who was kissing her delicate skin and gently took her virginity was the man whose face she had never seen.

“BLUE!!!!!!” She yelled as she reached her most needed climax.


Neither Sokka nor Blue had a good night’s rest. One was still angry at his sister and friend for taking Jet’s side while the other one was only murderous at the man. Sadly they lowered their defenses and fell asleep. When they woke up neither Katara nor Aang were in the hut.

The pair exchanged a glance at the other one and made a dash out. They needed to find their friends and leave that place.

They stopped in one of the cliffs and saw, at the distance, that The Duke, Pipsqueak and Snears were loading the explosive goo they confiscated onto the dam. Then the realization of Katara’s talk yesterday dawned into him.

“Jet is not planning a counter measure against a Fire Nation plot, he wants to destroy the dam to drown the entire colony” Sokka said shocking the vigilante on his right.

“That’s not all” They turned around to see Beeja approaching them with her hands in the air, the teens eased up a little.

“What do you mean?” Sokka asked

“He plans to move the camp to another forest, one with a settlement close enough” Sokka and Blue were disgusted at that thought. How could they think so little of the lives of Fire Nationers that they could go casually plotting their genocide? Yes the country had killed and destroyed but there was innocent people living in there, children mainly.

“We have to stop them” Sokka said with determination voicing what Blue was thinking. They would have moved towards the forest to stop whatever plan Jet had but then Blue fell face front onto the ground with a dart on his left arm. Before Sokka or Beeja knew what hit them two darts hit them in succession.

They didn’t lost consciousness. They were just paralyzed. Sokka, whose face had fallen onto the side. Saw the missing Fighter approaching, the silent but deadly accurate Longshot. A few minutes later Jet approached, his smirk making him gloat over the sight in front of him.

“See, I told you he couldn’t see from his left side” Jet said as he approached Blue. Sokka couldn’t see the very well given that Blue’s masked face was behind him. All Sokka could see was Blue’s back head.

Then he saw that Jet grabbed Blue’s mask and ripped it off. Sokka couldn’t see his friend’s face but from his body’s reaction he was angry. He could see the body moving slightly, almost like if he was shaking. Shaking in anger.

“I knew you were an ugly bastard” Jet said with a mocking tone. “Go to your position, I’ll deal with this” He said to Longshot who nodded and left taking his bow and arrow with him.

“Now I should kill you, the spirits know it would be so easy to do so. But, I want you to see your failure when the river squashes the entire town. Then I’ll tell Katara and Aang that you were on the town and died. They’ll be sad but you’ll be martyrs.” Jet said. He knelt in front of Blue and put the mask in front of him, denying the vigilante his “face”, noting he had some blue beads on his hair. “Hmm, you never strike me as a Water Tribe, must be an albino one” Jet said as an off comment before he leave the trio there.

It took Blue a few minutes to use his rage, his training and his strength to overcome the paralyzing agent, it was like being under June’s grip once again. Sokka had never seen Blue as big before, from his point of view on the ground Blue rose like a sleeping giant. He only knelt to grab his mask and place it back on. He made a tight knot and turned to see Sokka and Beeja looking up at him.

He crouched in front of them and, to this day Sokka doesn’t know what technique he used, but their entire bodies immediately reacted. Like if Blue’s had magic that healed them instantly.

“We have to warn the town” Sokka said, but Blue shook his head. He pointed Sokka for the town, but Beeja was tasked with the dam while he pointed at himself and made a symbol of Jet’s hook swords. Sokka and Beeja understood immediately. The trio separated and went to their missions, hopefully they would be able to save the town.


Aang had been battling Jet on the tree tops, escape was the more appropriate term, the young monk and Katara had seen the explosives on the dam and had figured out Jet’s plan to blowing the dam they had been filling all morning. When Aang tried to stop the explosives he was attacked by Jet who appeared out of nowhere.

Aang, ever the pacifist, tried to reason with Jet but it was impossible, his mind was set on destroying the entire town. It was during one moment when Aang opened his glider that Jet made his move and broke one of the glider’s sails, rendering useless for the moment. Aang crashed onto the ground with Jet falling behind him.

“Jet please, there are innocent people down there” Aang pleaded

“They’re Fire Nation! They’re monsters” Jet screamed but then a blast of water crashed onto his body sending him backwards.

“No Jet, you’re are the monster” Katara said with a cold voice.

“You bitch” Jet said as Katara began to bend Jet with water, she was so hurt and angry that she wanted him de- hurt, he used them, he used her and she fell for it. She fell for his pretty words and the way his body made her feel. She let a silly little crush over someone “good” cloud her judgment.

“You are nothing Katara, you’ll always be a whor*, just like your mother” That shook Katara’s core. The water she was bending ready to freeze him into the tree behind him fell into the small river behind her.

“Oh didn’t you know? It only took me a moment to figure it out what she had to do in order to live, she offered herself for years at those ashmakers, offering her body to satisfy them, selling herself to save her pitiful life, I wouldn’t be surprised if you had an ashmaker sibling lost somewhere. And you’re just like her, you visited my hut, you knew what was going to happen and you only reeled me in. You’re no different from her.” As Katara stood there in shock at that revelation. What was worse was that the revelation actually made sense. She was taking out of her stupor when Aang and she heard a whistle, a whistle in front of them. Then it came an explosion and the trio saw the water rushing its course as it destroyed the entire town beneath it.

“They deserved it” Jet said, he was going to continue when a gloved hand punched him straight into his jaw. Katara and Aang saw Blue standing where Jet had been. Jet holding his hanging jaw. The impact had dislocated it.

His eyes grew in terror as the vigilante, the murderer of the Southern Raiders, the annihilator of the Roughed Rhinos, was coming towards him with his swords in full display. But Jet wasn’t going to go down without a fight. He brandished his swords towards the vigilante but even before he made a motion his arms stopped responding and an extreme pain raced through his body as he, and Katara and Aang, were witness of how his arms had been sliced off from his body. The arms fell limp onto the ground as Jet tried to make a cowardly retreat.

“Blue! Stop! You don’t have to do this!” Aang shouted at the lurking figure with the swords. But Blue could only see red, the coward in front of him had killed innocent people and had plans to kill more, he had to stop him, so he placed his swords on the other boy’s neck and pressed. A thin strip of blood already drawing in said neck running down on the Blue Spirit’s swords.

To the outsiders it was pretty obvious this fight was over. The villain that had flooded an innocent town had been beaten and was going to learn his lesson. But inside Zuko a turmoil was already in full wage from one side to the other. One wanted to spare him for Aang and Katara’s sake, they should never witness this kind of violence, they were pure. And he had already made a point by taking this monster’s arms off

The other one knew that people like Jet would never change. These kind of people would never stop with just this village. They were so caught up with their hatred towards Fire Nation people that they didn’t care if they were men or women, children or elderly, soldiers or families, to people like Jet the entirety of the Fire Nationers were evil beyond repair. Well for Zuko’s own mission he could do the action nobody had the guts to do. His soul was tainted with the blood of evil doers that one more would not make a difference as long as the world and the innocent were safe

He closed his swords in a scissor movement on the other boy’s neck. The face Jet did was one of shock. Aang looked horrified at what he had witness has he saw Jet’s head roll away detached from his body. Katara meanwhile was in shock. She knew what her brother had told her, what even her mother told her. The Blue Spirit was a killer. But not a cold blooded killer the Fire Nation or the Earth Kingdom wanted to paint him. But a killer for justice. It was a hard and thin line to define but it was a line the Blue Spirit was willing to cross at any time.

Aang immediately began to sob as he puked onto the ground. The monks taught him that all life was sacred and what Jet had done was borderline evil, but what Blue had done was no better. And what’s worse was that Blue could’ve just as easily cut his head off two days ago in the fortress.


Beeja had managed to arrive too late to stop the bombing but she managed to find her “friends” in the woods nearby, she needed to talk to them.


Sokka was riding Appa when he reached the battle ground. He had warned the village and thanks to the old man’s backing they had listened to him. He had saved a Fire Nation village, a village that was full of families, a few soldiers here and there but mainly innocent people who were just trying to make an honest living and ensure a good future for their children. He wanted to share the good news when he heard Aang’s disturbed voice.

“I DON’T WANT YOU HERE! YOU- YOU- YOU MURDERER!” Sokka climbed down from Appa’s back when he witness Blue being pushed onto the ground by a gust of air.

“Aang wait!” Katara had yelled as she tried to defuse the situation but when she reached the monk to calm him she had given her back to the fallen vigilante.

“If this is how they feel now that they saw this side of me perhaps is better they never see the real me” Blue thought and taking the opportunity presented at his feet he ran into the woods, he fought so hard to keep the tears at bay.

To Sokka’s eyes it was almost like magic, one second Blue was there on the ground the other he had vanished entirely. He would’ve demanded an explanation but then he saw the dismembered corpse of Jet and understood the whole thing. He might have saved a town, but Blue saved countless more.


Later that day the leaderless Fighters gathered around with Pipsqueak speaking loudly

“They killed Jet!” Pipsqueak said angry

“NO!” Beeja yelled. “Jet killed himself when he planned to attack a village”

“They were Fire Nation” He replied.

“Does that make them guilty? It is their nationality but it is not a crime, and they don’t deserved to be killed by his crazy paranoia” She yelled stating her point

“They were planning on burning the forest.” Snears commented.

“No they didn’t, they couldn’t give a crap about some kids playing soldiers in the woods” Beeja said making everyone stop to think.

“What do we do now?” The Duke asked, he was by far the most innocent of the group, as well as the youngest.

“We stick together and, I don’t know, we’ll figure something out” Beeja said as she gave a reassuring smile at the kid.

“That could work” Longshot commented earning a slight smile from her.


In the shores of a new formed river that carries the destroyed remains of a Fire Nation town the people see their belongings and houses destroyed, swept away by the water. A young girl rushes to the water and grabs her doll, she hugs it tightly as her clothes damp by the excess of water.

A gentle hand grabs her shoulder and says “Come on Kiyi, we need to go” The girl looks at her mother and smiles.

“Sure mommy”

Chapter 40: The division

Chapter Text

Sokka just couldn’t believe it! Blue had done something good and he had been punished for it. After he jumped down from Appa he went towards his sister and Aang, he was just so damn angry at the twelve year old.

“JUST WHAT THE f*ck IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Sokka said to the monk who cowered behind Katara who was too absentminded to notice Aang behind her.

“HE SAVES A f*ckING TOWN FROM A PSYCHOPATH AND YOU BANISH HIM?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!” Sokka said with rage. Just when he had started to trust that guy and see him as a true friend Aang just blasts him away. And what was worse was that for being angry he didn’t see where Blue had ran away.

Sokka did not spoke to Aang for two days after that. He was just too damn angry at the boy whose actions had drove away a member of their team who had a bounty on his head. Perhaps he would be fine, or perhaps he was in a dire situation he couldn’t know, but he just couldn’t leave Katara to search for his friend, that’s not what a good brother does.


Katara felt conflicted, she had yet to come to terms with what Jet said but also with the actions of Blue.

For one she had been pondering what Jet said about her mother. “Could mom had actually done that to save herself? Did she liked it? Was a trait that was passed to her?” She knew she had willingly gone to Jet’s hut that night but was her motives actually innocent? Or deep down she wanted to be ravished by him?

No, she shook her head, her mother must had been rape and she was a teenage girl who trusted the wrong man. She should have listen to her brain rather than her heart. But no more, she was going to learn from this experience and not give herself too easily and not be too trusting.


Aang felt guilty he got his temperament too high that he blasted against the one who least deserved it. Sokka was right, Blue had saved the town Katara and he had put in danger for trusting Jet. Ever since he woke up from his hundred year old slumber he had heard and seen the evils of the Fire Nation, his entire nation and culture being one of the many casualties of their acts, but he thought that the other nations were friendly.

Haru’s family and town, the people in the docks, the Kyoshi townsfolk, every place they visited they made new friends, and he thought that with Jet and the Freedom Fighters it would be the same story, how naïve he had been.

No matter how he twisted the story in his head he just simply couldn’t comprehend the pure hatred Jet had towards the Fire Nation that he was willing to kill innocents to make a point. And no matter how he saw it he just couldn’t see another possibility of what Blue did.

Yes killing is wrong and every life is a precious gift but Blue had understood that sometimes in war you can’t be going sparing everyone, he could see that his actions spoke louder than the words he never uses. He had seen Blue in combat countless of times now and he never killed anyone that was unarmed or that was already beaten.

He could see that Blue had his own set of rules regarding life and its importance.


One week later…

They simply couldn’t find Blue, he had vanished from Earth and Aang just couldn’t feel guiltier. The first few days they had travel low on Appa, hoping the vigilante could spot them so that Aang could apologize since it was his fault Blue had gone, but nothing.

With each passing day the tension in the group could feel growing. Aang had the idea to stop in the Great Divide, the Earth Kingdom’s largest canyon, there they could possibly relax a little contemplating the vastness of its folds and the power of nature.

But trouble always seems to find them.

And not long into their arrival at the canyon that they were being immerse into the dispute of two rival tribes. The Zhang and the Gan Jing. So despite their reservations, and the tensions between them, they decided to travel with the two tribes inside the canyon while Appa took their elderly and sick to the other side.

The travel had been a disaster, the guide, the only earthbender in the group, had been injured by the attack of some weird desert creatures. Then the tensions between the two tribes had been too much that they decided to split for the night and camp at opposite sides of the canyon.

As night fall in the canyon Aang looked at the two campfires were Sokka was with the Zhang while Katara with the Gan Jing. The hunger was killing him but it was a good time to think and meditate on what he had done.

The guide even hear his story and the old fella said to him. “I don’t think the monks taught you bad or wrong, it’s just that they lived in an era of peace were it was easier to know who was good and who was bad. Now it’s all muddle, young Avatar you have to think what is best to the world. To live using old teachings, or to adapt them to the new era you’re living in.”


The following morning the two tribes united in a fight against the creatures from before, the manage to sort of tame the creatures and climb their way out of the canyon. It was there that Aang had to follow the guide’s advice and took some of his old teachings and adapt them to the new era. He lied to the tribes of knowing their leaders and telling them that the main conflict was due to a child’s game, being convinced that the Avatar spoke with the truth the two tribes decided to travel together with the guide joining them as well.

Aang realized that he needed to apologize not only to Blue, but to Sokka and Katara as well. The siblings accepted his apologize but they still needed to find their masked friend, he was part of their family liked it or not. As they flew away they did not realized that someone was hidden in the shadows watching them, someone in a blue wooden mask.

Chapter 41: The hermit

Chapter Text

“I DON’T WANT YOU HERE! YOU- YOU- YOU MURDERER!” Sokka climbed down from Appa’s back when he witness Blue being pushed onto the ground by a gust of air.

“Aang wait!” Katara had yelled as she tried to defuse the situation but when she reached the monk to calm him she had given her back to the fallen vigilante.

“If this is how they feel now that they saw this side of me perhaps is better they never see the real me” Blue thought and taking the opportunity presented at his feet he ran into the woods, he fought so hard to keep the tears at bay.

The Blue Spirit ran as fast as his legs allowed it. He wanted to disappear. To simply vanish without a trace.

It took him two days of running aimlessly, of hiding in wagons to avoid being spotted by any Fire Nation patrol that he finally reached a quiet town. It was a nice little town with influences from both the Fire and Earth Kingdom, none ofthem seemed to be too angry at the other side and they simply had learned to coexist in the same space, perhaps this one was a paradise? A town where people of all nations be together? Where the war seemed nonexistent.

“Should I simply live here? Is this the place my destiny is leading me into?” He began to wonder about that, nobody said his life as a vigilante was forever, and after a little more than two years he was more than tired, he was exhausted beyond reason. He even touched the knot in the back of his head, the one that connected the only face he had known since that shipwreck, the hidden face of a disgraced prince who had to turn into a murderer, a thief, a traitor to his own country, who had traveled with the Avatar aand helped him kill Fire Nation soldiers, the exiled prince who was thought to be dead and who was being searched by his masked persona.


He left the knot right where it belonged. He shook his head and went into the forest, he needed a cleaer state of mind before making any decision, he needed to find a river or shore or lake, any place with a big body of water to meditate his next move.

He found one not too far from the town. By its increase size he thought that a small ship could sail or move through these waters. He closed his eyes, after checking that no one else was watching him. and began his meditation.

First a deep inhale, then he hold the air inside only to release it slowly. He repeated the process several times until he was relaxed enough to meditate. But for some reason he just couldn’t, no matter how many breathing exercises he made. How different he sat, nothing was of help, he was too troubled to meditate has it should be. It was then that he realized that he was no longer alone.

He turned to his left to be able to face the man next to him

“You seem lost young man” He said with a raspy voice, the man looked to be between his 60s or 70s. “And I’m not saying in a literal sense” The man said and as he turned to face him he could see better the two scars running on his right side of the face.

He simply stared at him, for some reason his face looked familiar.

“My name is Jeong Jeong, and I can help you” He said and suddenly he remembered. He was a deserter, the first man to desert the Fire Nation army and live to tell it. The man in front of him was a legend, well infamous to be honest but to someone like him, a vigilante, he was like a hero.

He nodded decided to follow him.

In a short distance they arrived to a hidden part of the woods where several huts laid on the dry grass.

“Come with me, I need to tell you something” Jeong Jeong said and the masked vigilante followed. He could feel some of the other people staring but he paid no mind to that, he was there to get some meditation, not to make some friends, especially since those last friends just pushed him aside, he shook his head, they weren’t like that, they were just confused. They had been sheltered for too long that they don’t know how to respond to extreme violence.

Blue notice that Jeong Jeong took some herbs and place them on a tea pot. He then used his firebending to heat the water to the proper temperature. As they drank the tea, which tasted like hot leaf juice in his opinion, Jeong Jeong started to explain why he had invited him to his camp.

Apparently Jeong Jeong had received a vision from the Spirits that he was going to train the strongest Fire Bender in the history, he didn’t believe it at first but the Spirits told him that the man he was going to train was going to be a man of no fear, a man whose expression was too frightening for the enemies to fight him, a man of royal descent that was far more deserving to be on the throne. According to the spirits he was that man.

Blue quickly stood up, he wanted nothing to do with Firebending or the Fire Nation anymore. But Jeong Jeong stood up and said.

“Give me a day and I’ll cure your fear of the fire.” That made him stop, he turned around and saw the true in Jeong Jeong’s eyes. Could it be?


Blue was walking again.


But not afraid

He could still feel his body recovering from the experience but it was better, he felt stronger, yes a part of him would always fear fire, but now, now he could deal with those soldiers by himself.

He didn’t know for how long had he walked but instinctively his feet moved him towards the north. It was a long shot to find his friends but he needed to know they were alright.

During one of those days of traveling he saved a caravan of people dressed in white from some bandits, the crimminals were too spook from his sudden appearance that they fled the scene almost immediately after the leader was knocked unconscious from a single punch.

The leader of the caravan, a man in his fifties with a long goatee thanked his services. “We are going towards the Great Divide, we could use a protector like yourself” The man offered but Blue simply and politely refused. The man nodded at him and offered him food they were carrying, to be honest with himself it had been an excellent egg tart.


He was going to leave in the opposite direction from where the Gan Jing, the caravan he had saved, when he heard some noises. He saw two Komodo-Rhinos moving through the area.

“Captain the caravan passed through here” One of the soldiers said

“I can see that, perhaps we will finally able to know the passage of the refugies. Imagine the promotion they’ll give us if we can show the general the way” The captain laughed and Blue knew he had to act.

He quickly dispatched the captain, but the other soldier, a young man barely twenty almost pissed his pants when he saw the imposing vigilante in front of him.

“I don’t want trouble, please!” The young man said as he made his komodo-rhino move away at full speed. Blue simply shook his head and took the unconscious body of the captain. He tied it up to the komodo-rhino and made the animal to begin trekking towards the place the had come, that should make the footprints too loose and superficial to be taken as indication of a hidden path.

He was going to continue his travel when he got a nagging feeling, did the Gan Jin actually reach their destination?


He had been following them all day and night. So far they hadn’t seen him. Just how oblivious they were not to notice him, even Momo had looked at his direction but was easily distracted by a co*ckroach-mouse. He knew he wanted to talk with them but he wasn’t ready at the same time, there would be a moment for that, besides they seemed fine without him. He would be their back up for the moment, yeah that was what he was going to be from now on, their watchful protector, a shadow

Chapter 42: Our fortunes together

Chapter Text

The group was camping near a river, Katara was moving the water practicing her waterbending moves, trying unsuccessfully to distract herself of the missing piece of their group, Aang was sitting with Momo perched on his back while Sokka was busy over Appa searching for something.

“Katara!” Sokka yelled from the top of the bison’s back. “Have you seen the new cord for my fishing rod?”

“No, are you sure you packed it?” Katara rolled her eyes as she stopped her movements

“Yes! It was white and new and I put it right here!” Sokka yelled and then Aang looked embarrassed.

“Oops, sorry Sokka, I took it” The monk said with a big grin.

“Alright give it back then, I need to catch the breakfast”

“I-I can’t, I made a bracelet for Katara!” Aang said as he showed the braided bracelet for the waterbender in their group.

“Oh Aang it looks lovely” She said as she took notice of the bracelet with a braided flower in it “I’ll wear it, thanks” She said as she tied it on her left hand.

“It looks lovely on you” Aang said shyly. Sokka rolled his eyes, since he met this boy he knew of the boy’s obvious crush on his sister. But he was so ridiculous sometimes at his attempted advances. He missed Blue, at least with another man in the group they could focus on the mission of reaching the North Pole instead of wasting his resources in making jewelry. He decided to tease them for it.

“Alright you two lovey doveys, break it off, we need to think of a new breakfast menu.” Sokka said interrupting their moment.

“Sokka! Don’t be rude, you know Aang is just a friend, besides you’re only sour because he used your fishing cord” Sokka couldn’t help but notice how the young monk deflated by his sister’s statement. He would have continue with his teasing but a growl earn their attention.

They rushed to see a platypus-bear tying to unsuccessfully swat someone, much to their surprise it wasn’t just someone. The man avoiding the platypus-bear’s wrath was none other than their masked friend, The Blue Spirit. Though they were impressed by his movements they were confused as to why he hadn’t used his swords, an animal like that could easily be killed by his swords. “Imagine all the meat we could eat if Blue kills it” Sokka thought as his mouth began to imagine the sweet taste of a nice roast, or ribs, or jerky. He licked his lips thinking of it but then he saw Appa fly in front of the platypus-bear and growl at it making it run towards the woods, not without laying an egg before making its escape.

Katara felt relieved of seeing him again, especially since they had been searching for him, and she had more often than not wondered if he was alright, and here he was fighting against a platypus-bear in the middle of a forest. She then saw how he went towards a man, none of them had realized was sitting on the ground, and helped him stand up. The man thanked him and gave him an umbrella before parting on his merry way. Blue patted Appa’s nose before making a motion of going to enter the woods when the teens yelled at him

“BLUE!” The three teens yelled, the masked vigilante turned to see them and made a motion to go for his stuff. Aang knew he must have still being upset with them so he made a whirlwind to launch himself in front of the vigilante that used to be their friend.

“Wait, please, I-I’d like to apologize” Aang said, he held his posture as high and far as he could in front of the towering vigilante. But still the twelve year old boy knew he had to come clean in front of his friend.

Aang looked at the ground beneath his feet. He had apologized before, to some monks or other kids back in his time, but those times he had never actually called someone a monster or a murderer. He simply didn’t know what words were the best in this type of situation.

So he decided to be honest with him, he deserved it.

“Blue… I’m sorry that I pushed you away from the group, the truth is that… I never wanted to believe that you kill so indiscriminately, yes I had seen you killing Fire Nation soldiers, but I always wanted to think, to convince myself that you only injury them, that their companions could save them. That’s what I thought, but then on the Puhai Stronghold you didn’t hesitate to point your swords on my neck, it made me bleed, and when you killed Jet I only thought that, well, that that could’ve been me. I could’ve been the one with his head detached from his body, that when Jet’s corpse hit the ground my mind thought “That could’ve been you” and I just got so scared of it. Not that I don’t trust you, but that you could kill any of us that easily” Aang looked down to the ground, he felt so remorseful since he had yelled and practically cast him out of their group. So he brace for an impact when he saw his shadow approach him.

But no impact nor punch ever came in his direction, only a gentle hand on his shoulder. Aang looked up, and despite his mask covering his facial features he felt his eyes looking at him tenderly. And with that Aang knew everything was fine between them. It wasn’t a surprise, though he was too surprise, that Katara and Sokka joined in to hug their missing friend. Katara had quite easily fit in his chest with her ear listening to the beating on his heart, his rhythm singing a lullaby just for her.

Though their embrace didn’t last as long as she would have wish since it started raining. Though Blue opened the umbrella the man gave him and then proceeded to guide them towards a nearby town.


According to some of the villagers the first place to visit it should be the house of Aunt Wu, a fortune teller, with an accuracy of 100%. Sokka, doubtful and skeptic, protested, but he was outnumbered by Aang and Katara who wanted to go and with Blue simply shrugging off not caring to visit or to avoiding it. So they followed the indications and arrived at the house, there they were greeted by a girl in pink name Meng who was instantly smitten by Aang, not that the young monk realized of that.

The first one to go was Katara, she was nervous of knowing of her future, after all she heard storied that fortunetellers could even predict one’s death, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear that.

After a few moments of palm reading which were pretty basic to be honest she asked the question she wanted to make, one that made her heart thump wildly.

“What about my love life?”

“Let me see” She took Katara’s right hand in hers, she began inspecting it and then she said. “Well this is interesting, the palm tells me that you already had two loves, quite recently, though none of them were meant for you” Aunt Wu said

“Yes, Haru was nice but I couldn’t see myself being with him for too long, and Jet, let’s not talk about him” Katara said and Aunt Wu nodded as she proceed with her reading

“Ah yes I see a great romance in your life” Aunt Wu said as she read Katara’s palm

“Really?” The water bender asked in intrigue.

“Yes, he is someone who has been forged by pain and loss.” Aunt Wu said as she looked deep into her palm. Katara’s eyes grew in expectation. She knew of two who fit that description, but hopefully the next prediction will clarify her future

“I see… I see that he is a powerful warrior” Aunt Wu continued. Katara’s heart was beating so hard. “Could it be?!” She thought to herself. She wanted to continue listen despite the turmoil in her heart.

“And I see that he has an immense talent and wonderful bending abilities” Katara’s heart and hopes shattered at that moment. “A bender?”

“But Bl- Are you sure it is a bender the one I’m destined to be with?” Katara asked

“The lines on the palm do not lie young girl, the man you’re destined to be with is going to change the world. His prowess are going to be legendary and his power knows no match” Katara deflated at that phrase, if Blue wasn’t her big love, then why did her heart felt like this when he was around her?


She returned to her seat with the group clearly deep in thought, she didn’t even notice Sokka’s scolding from Aunt Wu or Aang’s big smile and bright eyes he throw at her. The fortune teller called Aang and the Avatar followed her.

After a little shock from a bone shattering prediction, quite literally since the bone Aang took and placed on the flames had exploded in thousands of pieces. Seeing the distraught expression on the boy Aunt Wu decided to entertain the young Avatar, she took his hand and began to read his palm.

“You seek love, but love is not one to be found, it founds us, it’s like a crash, an impact that we do not expect, you seem to want to be with Katara, I do not need to be a fortuneteller to know that, but her destiny, and yours, though closer are not meant to be a love one, yes she loves you, but perhaps not in the way you want it” Aunt Wu said to Aang’s annoyance.

“Then who should I fall in love with? And who is she going to be with then? I heard you telling her that her one true love was a powerful bender, I’m the Avatar! Isn’t it always the Avatar the strongest one?” Aang said, Aunt Wu did not needed to raise the voice or something, she had three children, all of them now adults, and knew how to treat a tantrum.

“The power doesn’t always mean everything, and this person who you’re expecting, the one true love you’re destined to be with is yet to come into your life.” She stated calmly.

“But who? And how can I recognize her?” Aang had calmed and sat in front of the elder woman.

“Look into her eyes and you’ll know it, for her is a light that can brighten the darkest cave or the deepest hole, and she has a soul like any other, just have patience and everything will sort out itself” Aunt Wu said. Aang felt confused but he still wanted to pursue Katara, perhaps she could see him as something else.


They stayed until the next day, they even heard Aunt Wu’s prediction that the volcano wouldn’t destroy the village that year. Much to Sokka’s annoyance who told them that they shouldn’t push their luck on the predictions of a mad old woman and that someone should just go to check it out.

Still the villagers did not took his opinions and statements to heart and flat out ignored him. The only one willing to listen was Aang who asked him for advice in how to court a woman, he just couldn’t comprehend why his good and awesome advices earned a facepalm from Blue who seemed to groan at every pearl of wisdom he gave their younger friend.

It wasn’t until early afternoon that Aang returned with the idea of going to the volcano and pick a flower to give as a present. Sokka saw it as an opportunity to prove once and for all that Aunt Wu was a phony and a fraud.

But his gleeful demeanor changed when Blue, Aang and him watched the lava rising from the volcano.

“I guess Aunt Wu was wrong” Aang said and the trio decided to climb back on Appa and warn the town.


This was madness, the entire town was insane! Despite the warnings from everyone the townsfolk didn’t listened to any word they said. They blindly believed in Aunt Wu’s prediction. So if they didn’t believe them they would believe in Aunt Wu, thanks to Meng’s help they looked for a proper cloud shape to mold it into something of danger.

So now they were flying on Appa with Sokka guiding the bison as the benders on their team did their task. Katara moved with the clouds, she would’ve never imagine to be able to bend the clouds, it felt simply amazing and unique. She’d have to thank Aang and Sokka for this bright idea. Hopefully Aunt Wu, and the town, would be able to listen and do something about it.


After an emergency meeting with the town they came up with a plan of making a trench for the lava to flow away from the town, they benders, which weren’t too many of them, would do most of the heavy lifting while the rest of the town would help dig the ground.

They split into two groups, Aang and Katara were working to the West, while Sokka and Blue worked towards the East, hopefully the trenches would be enough to contain and divert the lava that would began to flow towards them in any minute.

Sokka’s team was composed of two Earthbenders, a boy of ten and a teen a little bit younger than them, they worked as fast as they could with Blue and he moving rocks or digging as fast as they could while the Earthbenders moved the ground, their joint effort was doing wonders, they would reach the outskirts of the town quite soon and they’ll be able to return to their friends and family in no time.

That was until an eruption sent several fireballs into the forest behind them, the forest that lead them towards the village. They were trapped. The lava was coming towards them and the fire in the woods had already blocked their path. Sokka embraced the children and the teen, they shouldn’t be terrified of the situation, perhaps Aang would glide or come with Appa and take them out of this conundrum.

With all the desperation he had missed seeing what his mask friend was doing. He had left his swords in their sheath and stretched his arms towards the fire. Sokka was confused but then he saw the flames start to dwindle.

“Firebender” Sokka thought but his thoughts were interrupted when Blue turned around and motion the three of them to follow him. they would talk about this later. Saving the children, and themselves, was the most important thing right now.

They moved through ash and smoke and finally reached the town. Katara’s arms hugged him and then proceeded to hug Blue as well.

“Where were you?”

“We were trapped but thanks to Blue we are fine” Sokka said as he nodded at his friend, the masked man nodded back clearly letting out a relief sigh. They saw how the trench was working but when it began to overflow Aang leaped into action sending a powerful blast of air that stopped some of the lava coming towards them. The rest of the lava flowed just as intended away from the town.

“Damn, sometimes I forget how powerful bender he is” “Or Blue on that matter, I’ve never seen someone diminish the fire, they always increase it” He thought that for himself, not realizing that his prior statement made his sister start questioning her view of things.


Iroh and Azula had taken a seat in her chambers, after her training and her bath it was time for uncle and niece to enjoy a calming cup of jasmine tea. Iroh was telling her one of his proverbs, that for some reason resonated with her the longer time she spent with her retired uncle, as he served the tea in a beautiful porcelain teacup.

Then the entire ship was shaken violently, if it wasn’t because of her steady hand and her quick reflexes she would have been drenched by the hot liquid.

“What was that?!” Azula asked. She knew her ship was anchored so they didn’t crashed into something.

“AZULA!” Neli opened the door to her chamber.

“What is it? Are we under attack?”

“Sort of” The smallest of the Sun Warriors said. “There’s a woman riding a beast damaging your ship”

Azula’s eyes began to glare. No one messed with her ship.

She followed Neli with Uncle not too distant. And right there in the lower deck she saw a beast, if her lessons from the academy were right the beast was a Shirshu, a powerful Jackal-Mole used to track different species even so far as to perceive the scent of their prey in a different continent. Any ounce of anger she had towards the bounty hunter woman quickly faded, for the princess had just gotten the perfect tool to get her target.

Chapter 43: Uncle Bato


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Blue was feeling anxious, they had left Aunt Wu’s village the day after stopping the volcano, the day he had been forced to stop the flames to save Sokka and two children. He thought it was a stupid thing to do but the fact that his friend and those innocent children were unharmed made it worth it. He would face any fallout of Sokka’s rage for hiding this secret, he only feared what Katara’s reaction would be, of knowing that she liked an ashmaker.

He was deep in his thoughts, focusing on sharpening his swords, when a distinctive voice got his attention.

“Hey man, got a sec” Sokka said to Blue, he gulped as he saw the Southern Water Tribe Teen, it was deep in the night as they were camping besides a lake and things were awkward between them, Sokka might not have said anything to the other two but the friendship had been shaken. Blue looked at the sleeping figures near Appa, both Katara and Aang had already fallen asleep a little long ago. So the vigilante nodded and followed the other teen, it was best that the other two did not accidentally overheard what they had to discuss.

Sokka looked uncomfortable, he began massaging the back of his neck when he inhaled and said “So… what you did the other day… with the fire, it means you’re a firebender right” He said and he noticed that Blue tensed at that, but after the initial shock the vigilante nodded.

“Then why are you on our side? No offense, no offense, just sheer curiosity” Sokka said, he wasn’t trying to make his friend feel judged or something he just needed to understand so he could fully trust him.

Blue looked down into the ground, he then looked at the boy in front of him and he made a small flame on his hand, Sokka was astonished to see it, it was small but it still shone brightly, illuminating the forest darkness that surrounded them.

Then he snuffed it out making his hand clench into a fist. He then pointed at the left side of his face with the very same hand that held the fire a few moments ago. Sokka then realized what he wanted to say.

“You were burned” He stated and Blue nodded. “Is that’s why fire bending is frightening to you?” Sokka asked, he hated the Fire Nation because they took his mom away from him, so he thought that it might be something similar to what Blue went through, it simply made sense to him to be afraid of the very same element that burnt his face.

Blue nodded once again. So Sokka took a step forwards and looked at the tall man in front of him. For some reason he even thought that he seemed smaller in this moment. “I’ve never asked you, how old are you?”

Blue simply made a motion of that said “16” Sokka’s eyes grew larger than ever.

“ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! ALL THIS TIME I’VE THOUGHT YOU WERE AN ADULT! HOW CAN YOU BE MY AGE?! NO, WAIT” His mind began thinking and processing everything “You- you saved my mom when you were only thirteen?” He asked and Blue nodded. “By the Spirits! Who would’ve thought! HA this is simply amazing! Unbelievable actually! Obviously I won’t tell anything to Katara or Aang, but can at least tell them your age? Is a small secret that should be outed.” Sokka said trying to ease the tension his friend felt. Blue simply shrugged about it.

“PERFECT! And don’t worry, I’ll find who burnt you and kill him myself, nobody messes with a Tribesman” Sokka said which confused Blue. Should he tell him that he had been already welcomed into the Southern Water Tribe? Nah, it was already too much information for a day, they needed their rest. That night Blue slept peacefully knowing that he got a friend who knew he could fire bend and did not care, it felt strangely reassuring.


The following morning the group decided to travel by foot, Appa had been tired of moving from place to place so they decided to give the big guy some well deserve rest without him carrying four people on his back. Sokka and Aang were at the front with Katara and Zuko behind keeping Appa company.

Aang and Sokka were messing around when Aang noticed something shining in the ground. “Hey Sokka look!” Aang said enthusiastically.

“Let me see” Sokka said as he snatched it from the young monk’s hands. He began to inspect it and realized it was the tip of a spear. “Check if there’s more of it” Sokka said as his entire demeanor transformed into something more serious. Aang nodded noticing his seriousness and began to search around, even Momo flew from his shoulder to offer aid.

“What are you doing?” Katara asked as Blue and she finally reached them.

“We found a tip of a weapon and Sokka wants to check if there’s more of it” Aang said smiling

“Look at this!” Sokka called over and the group followed his voice and saw him standing in a hidden path were there were multiple burn marks and disregarded equipment, either to burnt to be of use or simply broken beyond repair.

“There was a battle.” Sokka said as he checked the scene they were in. “Fire Nation soldiers, against” He said as he picked a burnt cloth “Water Tribesmen, they were outnumbered, but they pushed through, they fought until they reach… The shores!” Sokka said as the trails of the battle lead them to a beach were they saw a big wood ship standing ashore. The ship looked fine so they didn’t left it because it was useless. They left it there for someone else.

“Is this from dad?” Katara asked

“No, but it’s from his fleet. A tribesman must have been left behind after the battle.” Sokka added.

“Should we camp here? In case the owner returns?” Katara asked.

“I-I don’t know, it would delay our flight schedule” Sokka said but then Blue put a hand on his shoulder and nodded at him. It felt nice that he got a better understanding of the teen next to him. A true friend to count on.

It was already sunset when the group was about to start a campfire when a figure emerged from the woods near the beach. Blue and Sokka quickly drew their weapons while Katara approached the water from the sea and Aang readied his glider to fight off any threat. But as the figure grew closer the Water Tribe siblings stopped their defense and said in unison.

“Bato?” The siblings quickly rushed towards the man and hugged him. The man was a little taken aback from the force of the hug, especially since many bandages covered his body and neck

“What happened to you? Is dad with you? Where are the others?” The siblings began assaulting the man who laughed at being reunited with others of his tribe. Even Aang tried to introduce himself but the trio were so deep in their reunion that the words of the young monk fell on deaf ears.

“Let’s better talk inside, follow me, I’ll explain everything with a nice meal” Bato said which made Katara and Sokka follow him immediately with Aang follow behind a little deflated and Blue simply shrugging off as he did, he wondered if he was the man that he had saved from the Roughed Rhinos, who knew, perhaps it was another one and the battle Sokka describe was the reason of that man’s injuries.


Azula couldn’t believe she was going to enter a filthy Earth Kingdom tavern to locate the bounty hunter. Even despite Uncle and Itzmin’s words that those places were no place for a young lady like her she did not listened. She needed to speak with the bounty hunter, no matter the butts she had to kick and the pain she had to deliver to do it.

Still she was actually thankful that both men, and two soldiers, followed her inside. Her royal stomach quickly turned as she entered the tavern and her senses were assaulted by a loud and awful “music band”, the loud cheers of the drunken people and the brawls starting from table to table.

She moved searching for the person she needed. And she did find her quite immediately. The bounty hunter that had damaged her ship was casually drinking a beer with one arm while arm wrestling a man twice her size, and actually beating him.

She smiled to herself. Her price was within her grasp.


As they reached the abbey they were greeted by the Mother Superior who aknowledge Aang as the Avatar and made sure other Nuns to take Appa to a barn where he would be fed and rest. Bato showed the children his home which was a nice wing of the abbey with pelts and wood masks all decorated Southern Water Tribe style. Katara and Sokka immediately felt right at home with Aang feeling a little uncomfortable by the presence of “trophies” made out of animal skin.

The trio of Tribes folk were so engrossed in their dialogue, Blue didn’t mind that, it was nice for them to actually talk to someone from their past, but he could see that Aang tried to earn their attention only to be flat out ignored by them as they continued with their conversation with the older man.

“I’ve been in this abbey for the past two years and six months. The nuns have been taking care of my wounds, and your father sends me updates on his position”

“If you have been here for that long, why the bandages?” Sokka inquired. He felt bad to ask but he wanted to know

“This is just for comfort, my regular Tribe clothes are too rough on my skin so every morning I wrap myself in new soft bandages.” He explained. “Actually I have to thank your friend for saving me” Bato said and Aang perked up but only to be flatten immediately when the man pointed at Blue. “Hakoda told me that it was you who stopped the Rough Rhinos and that put out the fire, thank you”

“So he has used firebending before” Sokka thought but they saw that Blue simply shrugged.

“He is too humble to take praise” Katara teased then she turned to Bato and said. “Why haven’t you tried to reach the South? With your injuries you should be resting at home” Katara said but then she saw how Bato’s demeanor changed

“I’m afraid that my wife won’t love me when she sees me like this”

“Bato, is your heart the same?”

“Yes?” Bato was confused.

“Then she will accept you, if she truly loves you then she won’t care about you appearance, the scars do not affect us if we have a beautiful soul” Katara said to him making him smile, what she didn’t know was that someone scarred behind her perked up at that.

“You truly are your parents’ children, I see Kya’s kindness and Hakoda’s bravery in both of you” The siblings smiled at that “Let’s eat. I made sea prune stew” They eagerly sat in front of the casserole with Aang taking a bowl behind them, it didn’t sound so bad, but when they served him it looked and smelled worse than imagined. Blue simply took a bowl and lifted his mask a little and proceeded to slurp some of the stew, Aang grabbed the spoon and ate gagged as a reflex. The monk had been too distracted by the stew that he missed the conversation.

“I’m actually waiting for a missive from your father, a messenger arrives every two weeks with updates. I went to the boat to check if they had left something when I found you, I could take you with me if you wait for the message” Bato said and Sokka and Katara’s faces brighten at that.

“Sure we’d love to see dad” Sokka said and Aang simply stood up and left. Blue eyed him but decided to wait a little.

“But we have to take Aang to the North Pole to learn waterbending” Katara added. Bato nodded at that and Blue decided to stand up and excuse himself. When the trio looked at him they notice Aang’s absence.

“Where did Aang go?” Katara asked and Blue simply moved his hand to his stomach and made circles with it.

“Oh yeah, the stew can be quite the blow for someone not used to it” Bato chuckled. “That reminds me the time my wife began cooking…” Blue did not listened to the rest of the story as he went to look for Aang. He wasn’t with Appa so he decided to check on the boat.

He found it all curled up in the boat. He simply approached the young boy and stood beside him. After a few moments of silence the boy said.

“They’re going to leave me, why would they want to travel with me if they can see their father” Aang confessed making Blue huff in annoyance.

“He is family” Blue wrote in the sand with a staff he found in the boat.

“Yeah that's what i'm SO afraid of, they'll chose him over me” Aang said as he curled up even further.

Blue shook his head in exasperation and erased half of his message in the sand and wrote

“You're family”

Blue decided to sit down next to Aang. And wrapped with one arm the boy. The boy’s tense body began to relax. That was until they saw how an Earth Kingdom man riding an Ostrich Horse approached them. The man was weary of the Blue demon but approach with carefulness.

“Is this Bato of the Southern Tribe boat?” The man asked

“We know him” Aang chirped

“Give this message as soon as possible” The messanger said as he gave Aang a scroll before leaving the beach side glancing at the Blue Spirit.

“It’s a map of Katara and Sokka’s dad” Aang said, he felt conflicted, this was their ticket to their father, their ticket away from him. Should he give it to them? Should he hide it? He immediately crumpled it and pocket it into his robe though due to his conflict he had forgotten about his companion who simply smacked his head and grabbed his arm. Aang was confused at his change of demeanor as he was being dragged towards the abbey one more time. }

They reenter Bato’s wing as Blue “gently” tossed him inside.

Aang quickly regained his composure and said “Hey guys sorry for leaving-“

“We know, Blue told us you felt a stomachache, hopefully you’re alright son” Bato said and Aang looked at the masked man who shrug it and then nudge him to step forward.

“Well when I was out I… Can I serve myself some more of the stew?” Aang said with a fake interest making Blue do the equivalent of an eye roll with his entire head. So he decided to smack the monk’s head one more time.

“Will you stop smacking my head?!!” Aang said and Blue nudge his head one more time. “Alright! WhenIwasinthebeachamessengercameandhegavemeascrolltoyourfatherIwasgoingtobringittoyousoIputitinsidemyrobesIthinkitcrumpledalittle” Aang said so fast that almost none of the witness comprehend it but they still notice that he took a crumple

“The map to our dad?” Sokka said as he took the piece of paper from the monk’s hands. He straightened it as good as he could and said “It’s a little difficult but it can still be readable.” Sokka said as he passed it to Katara who then passed it to Bato.

“And it’s not far away” Katara said.

“We could leave Bato with them, see dad and continue our journey to the North” Sokka said which caught Aang by surprise.


“Yeah, did you think we would leave you alone for this trip?” Sokka added

“I want to see dad but I want to become a master waterbender as well” Katara added. Aang smiled and realized that Blue was right. He was family as well.


Sorry for those who wanted Zuko and Azula's battle, you'll have to wait till Christmas for that chapter haha. It will be worth it, trust me

Chapter 44: The Sun Warrior Princess


Hello everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR! Sorry for the delay, I was on vacation for the holidays, hopefully your holidays were filled with joy and good wishes.

Chapter Text

Bato still wasn’t sure what to make off this so called Blue Spirit, yes Hakoda had told him how he had singlehandedly saved them from those Rough Rhinos, but watching him interact with what were basically his niece and nephew was something to behold. Especially since the masked man was gravitating towards Katara, nothing too obvious but it was subtle.

They wanted to make the travel to leave Bato with their father but after a talk of how Sokka had never ice dodged before Bato offered to take him, with Katara, Aang and the Blue Spirit serving as the crew.

To say they made a mismatch crew was an understanding. But somehow they made it work. Sokka’s diligence lead them to success. The Blue Spirit’s strength keep them straight. Katara’s skill kept them safe and Aang’s power made them as light as feather’s.

When they returned to shore Bato couldn’t be more proud and he told them. He marked them with their respective marks. Bato approached it child and said.

“To Sokka, the mark of the wise. The same one your father got. Lead us to a better future.” Bato said as he put an arch and a point on the boy’s forehead, marking him as an adult on the eyes of the tribe, and what was more a true future leader.

“To Katara, the mark of the brave. Your courage inspires us. Your mother would be proud” He said knowing how close the girl was to her mother and how she was saved by her mother’s sacrifice. No man he had ever known was as brave as Kya.

“To the Blue Spirit, the mark of the strong. Your strength protects us” He said as he made a line and two dots on the mask’s forehead.

“To Aang, the mark of the trustful. Your heart is true with our family.” He said as he marked the Avatar’s forehead with an arch. “You two now are honorary members of the Sourthern Water Tribe.” Bato said and the children celebrated.


They were packing Bato’s stuff from the abbey when a commotion erupted on the main patio. The group and Bato approached to see many of the nuns running away from a woman in a Shirshu, a big Jackal-Mole beast. But the woman was not alone, behind her were a teen with an interesting clothing style and a fifty or sixty year old man on Fire Nation clothes.

Blue saw the bounty hunter June, riding her pet Nyla, on the main patio. Both of them pointed their hands at the other. June actually exclaiming. “You?!” The bounty hunter said and then she shook her head as she made a small laugh. “Of course I would stumble upon you sooner or later” He simply shrugged off but he could feel the stares of the others.

“Can you stop flirting and focus on the mission?!” The teen behind June said. Blue made a disgusted expression underneath his face. Not that he didn’t thought that June wasn’t a beautiful woman, but she was just as old as his mom. To Katara that comment made her heart churn. “Of course a man like him would want a woman like her, not a dumb teen like me”

To Blue the girl seemed familiar, but the old man he would recognize that face anywhere. “UNCLE! Blue thought and was glad to see his uncle alive and well but he got distracted when a sunlight hit the top of the teen’s head that he saw a shine on it. He focused his good eye and he realized something.

“Of course… It’s Azula!” Blue couldn’t understand how he had missed it. Of course it was her. Gone were her fine robes and red armor, instead a tribe top cover her chest while long pants cover her bottoms. Her hairstyle had changed as well. No more top knot with a princess crown but a long dragon tail ponytail with her Golden flame crown at the base. Her body Painted with the usual Sun Warrior marks on her face and arms. And what was worse was the fact that she seemed to be carrying two long tsais on her hips. “Since when she uses weapons? She used to tease me when I practiced with my swords”

“Avatar Aang, I am here to aid you learning Firebending” Everyone was completely confused at that statement.

“Am… And you are?” Aang spoke as the teen dismounted and approached Aang, Blue felt unease about it. “Azula always lies” He thought as he tighten the grip on his swords.

“I am Azula, Crown Princess of the Fire Nation, honorary member of the Sun Warriors and I was tasked with a spiritual mission of teaching the Avatar master the four elements” Azula said.

They were too focused on Aang and the fire bender that they failed to notice three mongoose-lizards sneaking on the abbey’s walls. Waiting for the opportunity to strike and claim the princess’ price.

“Aang you can’t just believe her” Sokka shouted.

“Who knows if she is telling the truth” Katara said and Blue nodded along. Azula only smirked.

“I am being truthful but you have to comprehend that what I will do next is for your own good as well” Azula said and that’s when three lashes latched onto Blue’s arms and neck and Nyla was able to send her poisonous tongue to the man’s chest incapacitating him. The Blue Spirit fell flat on his face once the lashes freed him.

“WHAT DID YOU DO?!” Katara asked as she rushed to her crush friend.

“By Fire Lord Ozai’s name I have to bring that murderer onto justice.”

“I’m sorry, but Blue is family, you can’t just take him prisoner” Aang said, he knew he was going to regret it but he needed to protect his family, he wouldn’t let them be captured. “Not even to a cute girl like you”


“Did the Avatar just called me cute?” Azula thought.


“Did he just called Azula cute?” Blue thought as he tried to move his paralized body


“ARE YOU JOKING?! THIS IS NOT TIME FOR FLIRTING AANG!” Sokka yelled at the young monk.


Aang suddenly realized that his comment had actually being a flirtatious comment towards the princess. Katara was trying to move Blue but he was as limp as a noodle.

She could still feel his pulse, but it wasn’t as reassuring that. Especially since the three painted warriors approached them. She uncorked her canteen and drew some water from it.

“STAY BACK!” She said and though they didn’t stand back she felt Sokka reach her and protected Blue from the other side.

“We don’t want trouble with you, it’s only after him we are after” Nochipa said as she drew fire from her hand making a whip. Katara sent a water whip toward the girl but it was intercepted by the only man in the trio who made a fire barrier with his hands to evaporate the water whip. Katara let out a gulp. But when the other girl threw some darts their way it was Bato who appeared out of nowhere and was hit on his back with said darts.

“Oh crap” Bato said as he fell onto his side, unlike Blue, he was stiff as a board.


“He will be fine, in a few hours” The girl, Itzmin, replied. “It’s just an insurance to keep you away from our fight.” Katara and Sokka readied their stances, they weren’t going to go out without a fight.


“I’m sorry princess but if you don’t accept Blue then I can’t let you be on our team.” Aang said, he felt bad, because she really look like a nice person. But he would need all of his friends to get along before letting someone in their circle.

Azula meanwhile frown at that, she had hoped that the Avatar would see reason that the Blue Spirit was a criminal, but if he wanted to oppose, well she was looking for a nice sparring match.

She leaped forward and started fighting hand to hand against the Avatar, he was quick and fast but so does she. She tried to land a few punches but he easily avoided them.

It was when he took his glider and used it as a bo staff that the fight got way more interesting. She took her long tsais and combined them to form her dual staff. The Avatar actually let out an impressed “WHOA!” when he saw her weapon.

“I’ve been training for years fire bending and I’ve been called a prodigy at it, I could be a great teacher Avatar” Azula said, it was her mission encomended by Chief Api that she would see through.


Katara and Sokka had divided in two teams, she was focusing on the two firebenders while he faced against the non-bender with the paralyzing darts. She knew her abilities but she was clearly outmatch on that.

Sokka began battling the other girl, first hand to hand and then he drew his machete as she drew a long stone sword. He couldn’t help but contemplate that it looked ancient but at the same time beautiful in its craftsmanship.

Due to his concentration on the sword he barely missed the edge of it and saw how the black stone on the sword easily cute a wood column that was behind him. He gulped as he saw the clean cut the sword made.

Itzmin began doing some movements that Katara had never seen but when the boy started to emit sparkles from his fingertips she knew she was in trouble. She managed to pull a water barrier in front of her and push it towards him. That’s when the lightning stroke the wave dissipating it.

“Please stand down, we don’t want to hurt you” The girl said and Katara could hear truth in her voice but she couldn’t just stand down and comply, not when they wanted to capture Blue. She hoped that they were true with their words of no harm towards her. But she still felt not so reassured about that.

That’s when Blue appeared out of nowhere, Katara looked around and saw the Mother Superior rush away. She must have done something to help him recover. She expected for him to use his swords and slash away the fighters but when the duo threw an enormous ball of fire she saw something she would’ve never expected.

Blue submerged his two sword wielding hands into the fire but he wasn’t getting burn. He was actually splitting the fire in two, preventing it from burning her or even Bato who was still immobile.

Katara saw how Blue split that fire and realized that the fire benders were distracted by this. She managed to summon perfume from the near caskets and bended at them, encasing them in a full body ice tomb. She let their heads unfroze as to not to drawn them. She would give them the same courtesy of not hurting them as well.

Blue took a glance at Katara and gave her a nod, he saw the mercy on her eyes and understood what she meant by trapping them in there. He would not kill them. He needed to see Azula, perhaps talk to her.


Aang really did not wanted to fight this girl. But she really wanted to capture Blue so he didn’t had other choices. When she combined her tsais into a new weapon she got this, kind of cute, smile on her face. Still she was fierce at their battle. She had actually managed to make some scratches on his robes. Hopefully Katara will mend them.

Her tsais and his glider would clash whenever he tried to airbend her away. It was in those instances that he got a glimpse of the golden in her eyes. The red and white makeup covering her upper face only made them stand up even further. He tried to leap away using the air currents to give him a bigger impulse only for her to propel herself using the most unique of fires, they were purple, which added to her own uniqueness.

“Look into her eyes and you’ll know it, for her is a light that can brighten the darkest cave or the deepest hole, and she has a soul like any other” Aunt Wu’s prediction came to his mind which distracted for a moment. He shook his head and decided to end this fight to make a run for it. He stood tall and made an air punch with Azula making a fire punch herself the contact of both elements made an explosion that sent them towards a wall. Aang groaned in pain as he crashed with the concrete, unfortunately for him Azula had made a cartwheel on the air making her landing on her feet. It was quite impressive to be honest.

“I’m really sorry Avatar, if you would’ve listened to me you would have save yourself this pain but now you’ll have to stay down while I’ll go collect my price. Hope the next time it’s on better times” Azula said as she approached the Avatar.

She turned her head and saw the vigilante looking at her. Her friends encase on ice while Itzmin fighting against the other kid.

“Just when I thought this was getting boring” Azula said to the vigilante, despite the water tribe girl making a fighting stance the vigilante simply moved his hand to tell her no.

“Interesting” She thought “So you want a non-bending duel? Well I’m happy to oblige” Azula said he seemed taller and stronger than her but she liked challenges.

The battle commenced with her tsais clashing once against his swords.

They made a second crash. They were only testing their weapons strength.

Clink, clank, it was the only thing that could be heard in the silent abbey. Even Sokka and Itzmin had stopped their fight to see the battle between their friends.

And then it began. They loudly crashed against the other. Whenever someone made a swing the other would block. When they crash they would leap back, jump forward and crash again.

They were mirrored versions of the other.

Strength and skill.

Steel against steel.

Unluckily for Azula she couldn’t know for sure if he was getting tired, after all she couldn’t see his face properly. And worse he did not even seem to be panting. “I finish this fight but the only way is with firebending, should I? It wouldn’t be too honorable. And where is uncle? He has been missing the action since we got here.” She thought.

They sprang back and Azula began to pant. “I have to handle it to you Blue Spirit, you’re not what I expected. Truly the killer of the Rough Rhinos and the Southern Riders is up to match. But this ends here.” Azula said and as she was about to create a lightning a strong current of air blasted her away. She only managed to see the Avatar’s bison moving his tail down and the Blue Spirit climbing up its back.

“Sorry! We have to go! Catch you later!!” Aang’s voice called at the princess as they soar the skies.

Azula fumed as she saw the Avatar, his friends, the bison and, what was worse, her target fly away. Uncle approached the princess and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Azula smiled at her uncle.

“Don’t worry Princess Azula, the Avatar will see reason, and the Blue Spirit will be your prisoner soon.” Her uncle said and she really felt a little better, though she did not expected to be called beautiful by someone she didn’t know.

Her friends came by to her and Nochipa spoke “Our loyalty lies with you Azula, we will still help you on your quest” She smiled and saw that the other two Sun Warriors teens smiled at her. But then she saw the bounty hunter who said.

“So…” June approached the princess. “I’m still getting paid right?”

Chapter 45: Hakoda of the Water Tribe


Hey everyone! Sorry for missing last week's update, I got a few issues to work with, but everything is fine, hope you like it!

Chapter Text

Uncle was alive! He couldn’t believe it! He was alive! A was accompanying Azula! Blue simply couldn’t believe his luck! He was both glad that Uncle hadn’t been executed after his banishment but at the same time he was worried, what if Azula had potioned his Uncle’s mind? What if the whole “helping the Avatar” was just a ruse to kill him? She was quite honest of trying to capture or killing him when they met. Which presented another problem, would he be willing to fight and possibly kill his baby sister the next time they meet?


Aang felt conflicted, that girl on the abbey was definitely pretty, which was weird because since he woke up from the iceberg he hadn’t thought, or looked, at any other girl that wasn’t Katara, and yet there she was, both offering help and trying to kill his friend. The feelings she made him feel were definitely a chore to understand.


The group, plus Bato, were flying towards Squirrel Island, a small fishing island at the Northwest of the Earth Kingdom, the travel was actually good for them since they wouldn’t be straying too far from their actual route towards the North Pole, they would be able to leave Bato and have a brief reunion with their dad.


They had actually traveled the entire afternoon and stopped early in the night near a river, they decided it was best to leave at the break of dawn to reach their destination sooner.

The anticipation was palpable in the air, Bato told them stories of good times in the South and the entire children were actually captivated by the stories, even Aang who at first was reluctant was quickly engrossed in said stories, behind his face Blue was actually glad to hear those stories.

At dawn the group took their barely scattered belogings and decided to fly away, hope they weren’t that far from the fleet.


Azula looked at the horizon, her ship moved with the waves, the sun was dawning and it seemed like it was going to be a perfect and beautiful day, still there was a turmoil in her heart. She had finally reached her goal, she had finally got close to the Avatar and her target, the Blue Spirit, and yet she wasn’t as close as to be one’s master and one’s capturer.

She wanted, no… she hoped, no… no, she didn’t know what she needed to do. For one the duty towards her masters Chief Api and Piandao and the teachings she had learned from them, and for the other her duty towards her father, the Fire Lord, and the country she is rightfully heir to.

She pressed her forehead on the railing and let out an exhausted sigh, all of this was giving her a migraine. Luckily the smell of something sweet and steamy made her turn up. She saw Itzmin holding a cup of tea.

“Your uncle said that you might needed” “And that you might need someone to talk to” She added mentally.

“Thank you Itzmin” Azula said as she began to carefully drink the hot beverage, she instantly felt relaxed, she would need to ask Uncle how to brew this, they were amazing.

“I’m conflicted Itzmin” Azula said after a moment of silence. “I want to help the Avatar, but I might have underestimated the Blue Spirit, even when I fight him, I felt like he was holding back, it’s weird because every report I’ve read says how much of a killer he truly is”

“I have to say, when we saw the destruction of the blockade should have been an indication of his power” Itzmin said as she looked at her friend’s frown.

“I thought that was the Avatar” Azula said

“I thought so as well, but our fight yesterday proved he is much more of the Phoenix Prince than a simple killer” Itzmin said

“A what?” Azula asked confused. She had heard some stories during her time on the Sun Island but she was sure she hadn’t heard one about a phoenix, heck she even thought that the Phoenixes were extinct way before the dragons’ saw their downfall.

“There’s a legend the Sun Warriors say. The Legend of the Dragon Princess, you already know it, spirits you are the Dragon Princess, the one who will bring balance to the world and cleanse the world of the Fire Nation’s mistakes, but there’s one that is the weirdest of them all, the one recalling the legendary Phoenix Prince, the one who rose from the ashes of death and continues to live in the world of the living.”

“Is that a good thing?” Azula asked

“Don’t know, the legend only says of his power, how it rivals the Princess, and how he is barely unkillable”

“Jeez that doesn’t inspire me that much of a confidence” Azula said

“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t meant it like that!” Itzmin panicked but then Azula let out a hearty laugh.

“Don’t be, actually it helped me to see the things in another perspective, thank you Itzmin” Azula hugged her friend and realized that she was slowly becoming someone as chirpy as Ty Lee, she missed her first true friend, but no one had seen her since she ran away from her home.

“Come on, let’s get some breakfast” Azula said breaking the hug and just like that the friends moved inside the ship ready to start a new day.


“LOOK OVER THERE!” Sokka yelled at the top of his lungs, there, amidst the cliffs of a hidden waterfall laid the five ships that composed the Southern Water Tribe’s army, one for each of the different tribes. It made them even more aware that they had left Bato’s ship on the abbey, hopefully it wouldn’t bring the nuns trouble.

As Appa began his descent the warriors gather around the flying beast. Some of them were weary of the beast’s intention but when Bato spoke up the people lowered their weapons, though Blue noted that some of them continue to hold tightly their handles.

“Bato?” One man spoke up and the scarred man jumped down and hugged him

“Katsin! Nice to see you cousin” Bato said happy to be back amongst his crew. Other men began to pat, hug or smack on the head at Bato for missing for so long.

“Listen, I brought the Avatar with me, and not only that” He said as Sokka and Katara waved around

“CHILDREN!” Katsin said as he recognize Hakoda’s kids.

“Uncle Katsin!” The siblings said as they embrace their sort of uncle.

What broke the embrace was when one of the man said “The Blue Spirit!” The man quickly knelt in front of Blue which confused both Aang and the siblings.

Blue looked around confused. Many other members began to knelt as well, it was then that Blue realized that these men were the same ones he had saved from the Rough Rhinos long ago, they seemed to be holding him in high regards.

Blue simply motion the men to stand up and then held his hand to greet them all, even Aang was receiving high praises from the other men. Sokka might have been talking with his “uncle” but he kept on the lookout if his father appeared.

“He went with other two on a fishing trip, he will be soon” One of the men from their tribe, Kuluk, said.

“Oh” Sokka said a little deflated.

“Come, let’s settle you in” He said.

“I’m sorry Uncle Kuluk” Katara said. “We can’t stay that much”

“Surely you can stay to eat don’t you?” A voice cut in making them turn to see their father approaching with a big basket of fish.

“DAD!” Sokka yelled as he raced towards him, with Katara joining after a brief moment of hesitation, Blue noted that and will have to ask her about that later.

“Sokka! Katara! Thank the spirits! It’s so good to see you again!” Hakoda said as he had put the basket down to hug his children.

“Dad, I’ve miss you so much” Sokka said crying, he was a man, but he knew that it wasn’t bad to cry happy tears, just as long as he didn’t appeared weak in front of Blue, that guy was a rock.

Speaking of Blue and his dad shook hands and Katara and Sokka were confused when Blue made a line on the side of his face and their dad laughed happy, then he hugged their masked friend and whispered something to him to which Blue nodded at. He proceeded to greet Aang though a little more reserved.


It was past midday when the group and the men had sat down to eat. Sokka had been served a taste of real manliness when he realized that the men had chores to do, some of them do the laundry, others cooked or cleaned the dishes, others mended the clothes or the sails of the ships. He might have been a little lazy with the chores he decided to use.

“You should have seen us working together dad! We fought against a volcano!” Sokka said retelling the story of their adventures.

Then Katara would add another crazy story, like the one of licking the frozen frogs, even Aang shared one, mainly the one they had in Omashu and the craziness that ensued riding the different ramps the city had.

It was deep in the night and Hakoda decided that it was too late for them to travel, that it was best for them to camp with them. Blue rested on one of Appa’s legs, the fluffiness was way better than the rocky terrain. Before he closed his eyes he saw both Katara and Sokka near the fire talking with their father, he was happy for them, it was only missing Kya for it to be the picture of a perfect family.


As dawn was breaking Blue woke up, took a quick bath in the waterfall’s hidden cave and began his morning stretches. He then began to help clean as much as he could of their belongings. It wasn’t until the sun had been up for quite some time that he realized that the Southern Water People were not a morning bunch, all of them looked angry at being woken up, something that made him chuckle at that.

Aang was over Appa checking the bison’s reigns when he heard the Chief’s voice coming from behind him.

“Avatar Aang” Hakoda said.

“Yes?” Aang said as he climbed down from Appa

“I’ve heard rumors that there are flying people in the North Air Temple, perhaps you would like to check on that” Aang’s face illuminated, could it be true? Could there be some other monks alive?!

Hakoda left the young boy as he approached his children and hugged them tightly.

“I’m more than proud of you two, but our paths need to diverge” Hakoda said. He could see the tears in his children’s eyes and he couldn’t fight the ones falling down his cheeks. “But this isn’t a goodbye, is an “I’ll see you later”, ok? You don’t have to worry our bond is our guide” Hakoda said as he hugged his children tightly.

Blue saw the scene and remembered the words the man told him yesterday. “Take good care of them, Zuko, they are my greatest treasure”

Chapter 46: The Fire Bending Master


Hey everyone, sorry for the delay, life is a chaos and I couldn't finish this chapter as I wanted, hopefully you will be pleased with this one, to be honest the Zutara moments in this one were amongst the first things I wrote for this fic, are part of what inspired me to write it, hopefull you will like it as I enjoyed writing it.

Chapter Text

The team was camping not far from where they had left Bato and the Water Tribe Warriors, it was almost sunset and Sokka and Aang had gone fishing/fruit gathering. Blue was making the fire and setting the camping while Katara washed some clothes, not that it was a chore she had to do but one that she chose to do, since she wanted to practice her bending, she even took one of his bloodstained shirts and pants, she didn’t had to do that but it was a nice gesture.

When she returned she gave Blue his shirt and pants and Blue simply couldn’t believe it! They were as good as new, even the blood had been washed away. That was amazing! He showed her the place were some stains had been and she just shrugged it off.

“I used to wash my dad’s shirts when he returned from a hunt, I know my way with blood” Katara joked. Blue put his right hand on her left shoulder and nod at her. She felt a blush coming towards her face, she liked that feeling. It was a nice moment, a moment broken by Sokka and Aang’s excited yells that made them split up. Behind his wooden face Blue was blushing deeply.

“Look everyone! There’s a festival not far from here!” Sokka said as he took out a crumpled poster.

Both Katara and Blue were unconvinced that it was the best of the ideas, after all they had to take a detour to reach the Northern Air Temple before reaching the North Tribe. But they could all loose some steam, it was a nice night, they could be the children they’re supposed to be.


They really couldn’t be normal children right?!

The night had started very fine, the festival had a mask motif so they easily buy masks, a smiley one for Aang, a depressed for Sokka, a sunlight one for her and she chose a white simple mask for Blue, who wore it over his regular mask.

The night then continued to be pretty amazing, they tasted new foods with Sokka getting his tongue “on fire” as he tasted something called fire flakes, which only Blue seemed to be unfazed of, though Katara supposes he is being a “macho” to impress them. He even kept the bag and she saw how, from time to time, he would eat a few. Despite this she didn’t managed to catch a glimpse of his mouth or his chin. It was a little infuriating to be honest with herself

Then they goof around with Blue earning a stuffed turtle-duck in a game of darts that he nonchalantly gave it to her.

It was all good fun until a fire magician chose her for an act. The man was clearly very well versed on the fire bending for show, but it still gave an uneasy feeling inside her stomach. The fire bender showcased some truly unique ways of bending, if she happened to see it from afar she would have thought it was quite beautiful. But being in the center of it with the heat coming too close to her skin it was simply too much.

Sadly Aang had jumped and destroyed the act, in the process exposing his face to the crowd. Blue shook his head in disbelief but jumped into action when several soldiers raced towards them. Blue was more than ready to fight these soldiers but a hooded figure appeared and threw some smoke bombs at the floor which allowed them to escape.


The man spoke too highly of someone named Jeong Jeong, apparently he was a legend for being a high ranking officer who deserted the Fire Nation Army.

It was deep into the night and the team was ready to sleep, that was until Jeong Jeong appeared near Appa. His stoic features denoted the seriousness of his message.

“I wish to speak with the Blue Spirit… Alone” He added when he saw the others’ reaction but Blue quickly eased them out with the movement of his hand, he stood up from his place near the river and walked with the man, his swords well placed on his back.

“When you were here last time we didn’t had enough time to properly talk. I only told you about the vision I had and the proper exercises so you could be cured of your fear of your own element. I have to ask you, have you bended in that time?” He asked the masked man and rather than spoke Blue made a small flame appear in his right hand and then passed his left hand above it, caressing the flame gently, making it dance on his gloved fingertips without catching fire. Jeong Jeong smirked at that.

“I’m glad you took my teaching very well Prince Zuko” Blue’s eyes widened but the Master simply shrug it off. “I was expecting you revealing your true identity last time we spoke but I get why you chose not to. You feel like you have betrayed your country, you have killed men and women who shared the same ground you called home, but it is not. Those people betrayed our country, the Fire Lord betrayed our, they failed you, not you to them.”

Blue looked down and he wanted to cry until he felt the hand of the Master on his shoulder.

“I didn’t deserted the Fire Nation because I hated my country, I deserted because I hated what it made me do, what it turned me into, what it turned thousands of soldiers into. I followed the orders without a second thought, thinking that it was the right thing to do that those people were savages I was freeing, I was dead wrong. I never saw happiness whenever I took their crops, their lands or their loved ones, I only saw fear, hate. It wasn’t until I stopped a soldier from having his way with a mother and her daughter that I understood that the savages were us, not them, they weren’t the ones destroying other people’s way of living, they houses, their lives. We were.” He took a deep breath and continued “This war has been going for far too long, I’ll train the Avatar on my best of capabilities but you will have to listen as well, they will help you improve your own fire. Deal?”

Blue nodded.


Aang was way too bored, when he got up this morning he was excited, he was finally going to learn firebending! Yes Sokka said that it was a stupid element but with Jeong Jeong’s instructions and Blue’s watchful eye he would be fine.

It is why he was bored out of his mind. He had taken walks, sit in a jockey position, breath in front of some candles. And now he was on the jockey position once again with a leaf with a small scorch mark trying to prevent it from catching fire actual fire. If only Jeong Jeong listened to him and realized that HE was the Avatar and HE could bend any element. It was until an actual flame was created that he felt better and more joyful.

He saw that Katara had approached to see him, he felt like show off. The small flame turned into a biger one, not as big, but it was enough to fit in his entire palm, he even juggled with the fire, he could even compete with the showman of the festival.

“AANG STOP!” Katara yelled but Aang was too distracted, he made a circle of fire not noticing that both Katara and Blue, on opposite sides were too close of the fire. It wasn’t until Katara’s pained scream that he let the fire evaporate.

It just hurt, it hurts so bad, the pain was like anything she had ever felt. She could hear Aang’s apologies and Sokka rushing in anger towards him but she didn’t care, she wanted to run, she wanted to be alone.

She put her hands onto the creek and felt relief, but then she saw how the water started to glow. And the pain started to recede. It was soothing. She felt angry at Aang, angry than ever but then she felt a presence near her, thanks to the reflection in the water she saw Blue standing behind her. She could feel his awe at seeing her healing herself.

“Hi Blue” She said between hiccups. She saw her hands and saw that they still had a form of red scarring on them, it was faint but she knew her hands would always be mark from this experience. She just couldn’t believe Aang had hurt her and now she will have a remind her of his mistake. Blue must have felt her uneasiness when she saw something she would have never hoped or expected.

A pair of big hands gently held hers. She looked up and saw the blue mask in front of her. She could feel his hands, they were rough and calloused and for the first time she saw him without his gloves, a part of him was in full display. A display for her eyes only. She saw how his skin was pale, paler than she had ever seen and coarse, the hands of a warrior, but as she turned the hands she saw he had deep burn scars in both of his hands.

“Someone hurt you as well?”

Blue nodded at her. It impressed the little she actually knew about the man in front of her, he had been with them for months now and she had yet to see his face, or hear his voice, though holding his bare hands felt quite intimate, perfect, just like the moment they shared last night. She now knew him, knew part of his story and she couldn’t wait to learn his entire story.

Chapter 47: The Northern Air Temple

Chapter Text

The trust and faith Katara had in Aang had dwindled, after the Firebending incident the young monk apologized and though she actually accepted said apologies there was going to be a long road ahead for him to earn her full trust back.

Not even his promise to never firebend again eased her worries.

“Aang you are the Avatar, you need to master all four elements, if you denied what you can do and need to do then the Fire Nation would have won this war.” Katara said

“But I hurt you” Aang replied

“Yes, but it wasn’t because of the element” She let out and then pinched the bridge of her nose “Aang I’m not saying this to make you feel guilty but the Fire wasn’t the problem, it was your attitude towards it, you wanted to show off like you saw yesterday, but the man from the show was an experience bender, you needed to comprehend the basics before trying to do something more advance, fire, as you have seen is dangerous, every element is dangerous, even air, if you try to show off without the proper control you will end up hurting us even more”

Aang looked dejected which churned Katara’s heart but she needed to be firm, she could still remember Bato’s scars, she kept thinking that it could’ve been her.


It was almost sunset when they had to leave Jeong Jeong’s camp in a rush when Zhao attack them, Aang had dealt with him trying to prove he was worthy of the discipline Jeong Jeong had taught him, using his calmer demeanor he tricked Zhao into burning his own ships, Blue’s blades had remained unstained from the soldier’s blood.

As they flew away they heard Zhao’s angry yell as his two priced trophies escaped once again. Luckily Appa was faster than any of the burnt ships Zhao had at his disposal so their escape was swift and easy, sadly they had to leave Jeong Jeong and his people but the deserter told them that they would reunite soon.

They followed Sokka’s map until they reached the Northern Air Temple, the group was impressed as, even from the distance, they could see figures flying in the air.

“Are those birds?” Katara asked

“NO! They aren’t, those are people!” Sokka yelled excited, they always thought that Aang’s gliding abilities were something else, but seeing other Air Nomads doing it was simply extraordinary.

But then Aang’s cheerful demeanor changed as he said. “Those aren’t Air Nomads”

“What are you talking about they are flying!” Sokka said

“They are gliding, but none of them are doing Airbending” That changed the group’s entire mood, that was until Aang decided to show those fake gliders how to properly Air bend glide.

Blue had to admit that he had never seen anything like it. The way the boy soar through the air was something not even in his wildest dreams he could have ever imagined. It showcased how wrong the entire Fire Nation education got wrong about them.

As Appa, being lead by Katara, landed the group descended and began greeting the people living in the temple, Aang landed as well followed by a boy in a special glider that was especially made for his wheelchair.

“Hey everyone, my name is Theo” The boy, around Sokka’s age, said. “I can’t believe it, I’ve been flying for a few years now, but I have never seen something like that!” He said praising Aang, the boy simply shrug.

“To me gliding is like breathing, its something that comes off naturally”

“I feel the same, I might be bound to this chair for the rest of my life but as long as I have the sky to explore I’m free” Theo said.

With that nice sentiment the boy started to show them the rest of the temple, Aang was somewhat glad that people could call this place their home, but sadly some of them did not respected the monks and nuns’ way of live, he got particularly angry when he saw a big explosion in one of the sacred statues of the monks, he got so angry that he was ready to bend them out of the mountain, Blue got the same idea since he drew his swords ready to slash away those disrespectful f*ckers.

“DAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Theo said quickly as he noticed his new friends’ shocked expressions.

“Well we needed a new space for a bathroom, what’s wrong with it?” His father answered but before the boy could intercede Aang jumped in front of his father and Blue basically appeared out of thin air to point his swords beneath his father’s jaw. Blue was just waiting for Aang’s approval and he would kill this imbecile right on the spot, yes it wouldn’t help he was their newest friend’s father but he hated people who disrespected other people’s culture, he had seen first hand the destruction the Fire Nation did on the Southern Air Temple and he doubted this people did the proper burials to the fallen nomads.

“W-wait, p-please, l-let me explain” The man began sweating profusely, he mustn’t being expecting to be threaten with swords that day. “i-it’s to make this place more adequate to our way of living!” He said but that did little to appease Aang or to draw the swords out of his neck

“THIS TEMPLE WAS FINE! YOU’RE DESECRATING THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF HISTORY TO MAKE A BATHROOM!?!?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Katara knew that tone of voice, it was just like in the Southern air temple, Aang was going to destroy everything on his wrath.

“Aang, please, breathe” Katara said as she put her hand on his shoulder. She also looked into Blue’s eyeholes on his mask and gently made a shaking motion with her head. She could feel his hesitation but then dropped his swords. Letting the strange man let out a deep and relieved sigh.

“Dad, this is Aang, the Avatar, he used to come here a hundred years ago, you are destroying places that are sacred for him and his culture” Theo interjected as his new friend was embraced by Katara.

The man then realized how and why of the boy’s reaction came from. He gave a side glance at the masked man who had hold him at sword point and gently approached the boy.

“Look, Aang, Avatar, I’m really sorry for destroying your people’s temple. To be honest I never expected for someone of the Air Nomads to actually be alive, but I apologize for destroying this patio and other rooms, perhaps if we work together we could get into an agreement, I could work around this temple without destroying sacred places and we could all be happy don’t you think?”

“No” Aang replied

The man looked shocked

“You don’t get it. This place was a safe heaven, it was beautiful, you simply got here, claimed it, and destroyed what made it beautiful from the start, you don’t deserve to live here” Aang stated which took the father and son, as well as the people behind them, to be in shock.

“Aang you are not implying” Theo began

“Sorry Theo, but your father and people really destroyed something sacred, I can’t simply ignore it” Aang said before he took in the air and flew away, hoping to find someplace to meditate, some place that was actually intact.


Azula trained with her friends, she had received a messager hawk of Zhao’s latest failure into capturing the Avatar, which it was nice because if Aang was captured then she would fail her mission, that thought did not bode well with her, something in her stomach turned at the thought of Zhao capturing Aang, specially if that happened then that sideburns wearing jerk would get glory and also would take away her victory over the criminal the Blue Spirit. He was to be defeated by her steel, no one else’s.


It took Katara several hours to calm Aang from the distressed state he was in. And he finally joined the group in a garden that was apparently undisturbed by Theo’s father’s machinations and literal machines.

As they ate Theo’s father approached them.

“Look Avatar, I know I’m the least possible person you want to talk to right now, but you have to understand, we have no place to go, two years ago the Fire Nation attacked our village, they burned everything and everyone, only the people you have seen today survived, we lost loved ones, including my wife, Theo’s mother, and he got bound to a wheelchair, I’m not saying that we should be exonerated for the destruction of this temple, but we were just trying to make it our home, I already talked with my people, if you want us to go we will leave by first light, I promise” He said and Aang contemplated the fire, not long ago he had destroyed something as well, perhaps he could give them another change.

“I will refrain from making a judgment, we will see tomorrow, alright?” Aang said as he went towards Appa, this day had been very taxing for him, perhaps a nice night of sleep will appease his troubled heart and mind.

Chapter 48: War for the temple


Hey everyone I'm not entirely convinced on this chapter but still I really hope you like it, next week we will be reaching the North Pole! And we will be meeting Sokka's SO, PRINCESS YUE!!!

Chapter Text

“I know of something that might cheer you on” Theo said as he finally found the young monk, it was perhaps that her looked lost but he couldn’t help to actually visit the place he had found not too long ago.

“I found this fountain deep in the heart of the temple, to be honest I haven’t been able to actually explore to its fullest this place, but I actually like it. When I found it I told my dad and he promised to leave it just as it is. I know you might think that we are monsters for destroying such a sacred place, but it wasn’t our intention, I know you said that you would be making a decision today but hopefully you can see that we can change and leave this place as it is without damaging your culture.” Theo said as he pushed his wheelchair up the ramp leaving the young monk with his thoughts


The monk found Theo later as the boy teach Katara of all people how to glide, Blue watched from the platform with a rope tided to his waist and a grappling hook on his belt.

“Katara, you are gliding!” Aang said excited.

“Yeah it is, but I don’t know how to land”

“Just follow the air currents and keep your mouth shut!” Aang advice her

“WHAT?!” She yelled and at that moment a bug entered her mouth making her swallow it she began to cough to the amusem*nt of the two boys, even a certain smirk could be seen beneath a wood mask.

Aang could really see that these people really enjoyed gliding, perhaps they weren’t too lost and they could really learn from the almost extinct monks’ teachings.

As Katara “landed”, she nearly crashed if it weren’t for Blue’s amazing reflexes who stopped the Water Tribe teen from injuring herself, Theo said.

“I can show you a place which hasn’t been touched” Theo suggested

“Besides the fountain?”

“Yes, I know is untouched since you need airbending to enter” Theo said.


Aang just couldn’t believe it. At first he had been so excited to see a chamber that only Airbending Masters could open, he couldn’t wait to see the many treasures that awaited in there, the multiple scrolls and stories the monks left for the next generations to learn from, the gliders that ancient monks had left there.

And there were scrolls but not the ones he was hoping for, there were machines but none of them were gliders, and most definitely he knew that te Airbender monks did not used the current Fire Nation flag. He fell onto his knees and began to cry, he had already made up his mind, if they didn’t respected his culture then why would he? With an anger he couldn’t believe it was possible to feel he began using the air against the flags and the scrolls.

He didn’t care if this was someone else’s belongings or work, the Fire Nation had already taken too much from him. he was glad that he wasn’t alone, given his teary eyes he couldn’t properly see that well but he saw Blue breaking or bending swords, spears or chains. Katara looked shocked as they did their destruction, even Theo threw some oil lamps to the flag of the nation that took his mother and his ability to walk away.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Came the voice of Theo’s dad from the entrance.

“No, what are YOU doing?! Creating weapons for the Fire Nation?!” Aang pointed at the man with a disgusted look he had never given anyone else, not even Jiang Yao who was a fellow child airbender who more often than not steal his fruit cakes during meals.

The man looked surprised even more so when Theo looked so disappointed in him, to fail his son was as low as he could possibly get.

“You don’t get it! I have to make them! If I don’t they will attack this place!!”

“I don’t care about your lies!” Aang said as the fire began to spread behind him torching everything, every blueprint, every model, even what looked like to be an air balloon all gone, gone with the element it was supposed to represent.

“B-but War Minister Qin is coming, if I don’t deliver what I promise he will come and end us once and for all”

“Then we will deal with them” Aang said, the Fire Nation would not be stepping into this temple ever again. Blue had never seen the kid so angry before but he knew where he was coming from, he would kill anyone who threaten this little family he found.


This was perhaps the stupidest plan they had ever came up with, and they had fought a volcano. Sokka would be with the Mechanist in a barely repaired hot air balloon attacking from the air, once it was inflated properly, Aang and Theo would lead first an aerial assault to the tanks while Katara and Blue would be on the ground. The snow covered terrain would give Katara plenty of water to draw from and Blue’s sharp swords would be ready to slay any enemy.

The attack started when the Mechanist, Theo’s dad, they never asked him his name, had refused to continue to help the Fire Nation, despite Qin’s statement that he needed the last blue prints to the “project”. Qin said that he would give the order to destroy this temple and everyone inside of it.

The man had left and returned by high noon. By then the “resistance of the Northern Temple” had readied for the battle.

The tanks made its appearance early in the battle, the Minister must’ve thought that their size would be enough to guaranty a successful battle, he was dead wrong, they might have machines, but Blue was a machine on his own right, he slice a bunch of chains making the tanks to slip and crash against the other ones. The soldiers began to retreat as the many stories of the raw power the Blue Spirit possessed was too frightening to imagine or to face him in a one on one combat.

Still the soldiers persevered and they started making their advances towards the heavily outnumbered folks living in the temple. It was then that Katara, as she freeze some of the soldiers while Blue diverted the fire coming towards her, she saw an air balloon with the Fire Nation insignia. Many soldiers stopped their attacks believing to be some sort of reinforcements, not quite.

As soon enough Sokka and the Mechanist attacked with some stink bombs that made them retreat, some of them ran away as they threw up their stomach content onto the snow. But as soon as they ran out of ammo, and fearing they would return once the air cleared up, they decided to crash the balloon against an open gas leak in the middle of the mountain side, that would either cause an avalanche or a rockslide, that would make the soldiers, or Minister Qin, to finally retreat. The soldiers did ran away when the rocks and ice began to make their descent.

“Return you cowards!” Qin yelled at his soldiers, he heard a swoosh coming from behind him and as he turned around he saw just in time to see Aang coming towards him, descending from a high altitude, and as fast as he could with his glider jerked over his back just so he could smash into Qin’s head. But before he could do so, he stopped into an inch of the man’s face. Qin’s expression was one of pure fear.

“You will leave this place and its inhabitants alone, or else I won’t be stopping next time” Aang said with an anger unlike him but the man nodded as fast as he could, as he do so he saw the remains of the air balloon that was used in battle, perhaps the Fire Lord would be interested in that new technology.

“Is it over?” The mechanist asked

“Yes” Aang said, his voice cold and lacking of the joy he always had.

“What do we do now?” The man asked

“I don’t know” Aang said as he moved towards Appa climbing onto the bison’s head. The mechanist was confused but Sokka added.

“I think he gave you permission to stay, but don’t make any more changes to the temple”

“I won't I promise”

Chapter 49: The Princess of the Northern Tribe


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Despite Aang uneasiness of leaving the temple they flew away early in the morning. They had come there to find possible monks or nuns but they only found regular people changing the temple at their liking, he felt angry but there were more pressing matters to attend to, like learning proper waterbending, Katara is great, but she doesn’t know that much to be consider a master, still he likes training the basic exercises with her, he feels funny when he sees her in his under wraps, or whenever he thinks of the Firebender princess, it is a weird but acceptable feeling.

As they got closer to the North Pole the air became colder, even he, as an Airbender, had trouble maintaining his body heat. Something that Blue seemed to have no problem with, he was still with his black clothes and nothing else.

“How does he do that?” Aang wondered as he saw the man talking with Katara, but then his attention was grabbed by something else, something big. Up ahead he could see the many glaciers that conformed the North Pole.

It would’ve been a beautiful sight if it weren’t for the many icebergs that started to attack them. Katara tried to bend the ice away but they were coming to fast for them while Blue smashed every icicle sent in their way. He managed to protect Appa from those attacks.

Sadly the attacks were too overwhelming and before long they had been forced to land on the cold water as ice immediately formed around the bison. Aang stood up as five canoes with male water tribe warriors boarded and pointed icicles or spears onto their faces. Blue was ready to kill all of them if they dared to make any of them bleed. But he hold that thought when a man, around forty with a graying brown hair, stopped the attack.

“So the Avatar has finally come to learn Waterbending” The man said as he continue. “My name is Yukkon, men, stand down” He said and the men obeyed. “If you wanted to come to the Northern Water Tribe you should have sent a messenger parrot-dove, it would’ve save this embarrassing attack” The man said and Aang chuckled because his plan was simply to arrive on the main square and find a master, he didn’t thought on asking for permission, a hundred years ago the monks used to travel far and wide without sending a message beforehand.

“Sorry, my name is Aang, this are my friends, Katara and Sokka from the Southern Water Tribe” He introduce them and the man perked his brow as he heard they were from the south, the girl seemed somewhat pretty, too Southern like but he could perhaps pair her with his son, Yakone, he needed to give him grandchildren soon, he was almost eighteen and unmarried.

“And this is the Blue Spirit, we call him Blue for short” Aang said not realizing the man’s machinations.

“Yes, the Vigilante, do not worry, the Northern Water Tribe doesn’t allow communications with the Earth Kingdom, and most definitely not with the Fire Nation. So my men and I will guide you to the Northern Water Tribe” Yukkon said as the canoes started to move through the icy desert.

Blue had to admit he was impressed, he had read about the Northern and Southern water tribes and the differences were uncanny, he couldn’t stop but feel guilty knowing that it was his own “family” the one who exterminated all of the Sourthern Waterbenders, all of them except one, he smirk, he laughed hoping Azulon was rotting in his ashes because he missed one of them, and she is a force to be reckoned with.

The view was a complete awe, the entrance had to be open with waterbending, six masters lowered thick layers of ice to allow safe passage to the canal inside the city that extended miles inside the glacier. Katara was so impressed looking at the way the Northerners lived that she took Blue’s left hand and began pointing him different activities the townsfolk were doing. Many of them stare at the flying bison navigating their waters.

Meanwhile Sokka was enjoying a different kind of view, back in home the only women around were the elderly or young mothers who had looked at him as a snotty child, so no chance to find a girlfriend there, then there was Suki, they shared a small kiss but nothing else and that had been months ago, but here there were plenty of girls his age that look so cute. Perhaps if he was lucky he would end up falling in love with one, not that Katara should know of his feelings, she would make fun of him. But then he saw her. All the girls he had seen so far had dark brown or like brown hair, but this girl’s hair was as white as the snow she was standing in. He suddenly felt like writing her poetry to her beauty.

But too soon he lost sight of her as she walked inside an ice building at the same time Appa turned to follow the water. Sokka cursed under his breath but after a guide they arrived at what seemed to be the palace.

They walked the stairs up and saw five men, a woman and a girl with white hair sitting in front of them. It was the chief of the Tribe, his wife, his daughter and his council. Sokka’s eyes illuminated as he saw the princess of the North, it was the same girl he had seen earlier. What was best was that she smirked at him. And he knew this was what he was waiting for, this was love.


Well this is it for this week, hope you liked it, it was short but next chapter will be a bang, after all it is named: Katara, Master Waterbender

Chapter 50: Katara, Master Water Bender


Warning: Pakku's presence

Chapter Text

“We are honored to greet you Avatar, a hundred years we have waited for your return, and now you have finally come to us. I am Chief Arnook. To what do I this honor” The Chief spoke, he was a man around Hakoda’s age, though his face and built was more lean, he truly was not an active warrior, not as Katara and Sokka’s dad.

“Well actually my friend and I wanted to learn waterbending” Aang said and as he was about to continue he was interrupted by the chief.

“That should be no problem, Master Pakku will gladly be your teacher and that of your friend” The chief said as an older man gave a dignified nod at them. Katara meanwhile was so ecstatic to finally have a proper teacher, if he was as good as they claimed to be, and judging by the respectful stares they cast his way it meant he knew what he was doing.

Before she could question the master a feast was made which caught them by surprise. Sokka was more than happy to make a quick use of the multiple meats the Northern Tribe had to offer, they had stews, smoked meat, moose-lion ribs, which were the biggest ribs he had ever seen, turtle-tuna mean and even eel, those were the tastiest meals he had ever eaten, it reminded him in a small portion to the Southern feast. Even Blue seemed to enjoy the meals, though he was careful not to lift his mask too much as to avoid showing his face.

He understood, if he was a firebender then perhaps his facial features were too Fire Nation-like for the Northeners comfort. So it was fine they didn’t want any trouble with one of the least affected cities in the world by the Hundred Yeal Old War.

As he ate he noticed the Princess, whose name was Yue, to send a casual look into his way. so he refrained to embarrass himself, not that it helped that he choke on a piece of bone that Blue had to pat him hard on the back to dislodge the bone out of his throat.

“Thanks” Sokka said as the color returned to his face much to the princess delight, she was making a small chuckle as she covered her mouth with her hand. At least she found him amusing

The rest of the feast went smoothly, Aang was questioned by the Chief of how he was going to end the war, something the boy responded as well as he could. Katara was talking with a boy a slightly older than her, apparently he was the son of the captain who received them, he was nice, though some of his comments rubbed her the wrong way, a little bit on the sexist side but they had been a nice host so she wasn’t going to insult him on her first day being here.

And just like that the feast ended. And they were shown the wing they were going to be staying in. Despite of the entire room being made of ice there were multiple sheets, blankets and animal fur to cover them. Aang immediately choose what seemed to be a nice cotton blanket. Katara and Sokka choose some animal fur and Blue simply wrapped himself with a blanket. He decided to test his luck taking off his face. Giving that he was the one who woke at dawn he had plenty of time to cover his hideous face.


By the next morning Aang and Katara rushed outside to join the waterbending lessons with Blue following behind them, perhaps he could learn a thing or two of a different way of bending.

“Good morning Master Pakku” Aang said as he bowed to the man who was practicing some katas.

“Good morning Avatar Aang, ready to learn the proper art of Waterbending?”

“Yes, I also brought my friend Katara, she is here to learn as well”

“Good morning Mas-“

“That is impossible” He interrupted Katara who looked perplexed, even Blue seemed confused.

“Why is that?” Katara asked in annoyance.

“Women are not supposed to learn waterbending” The Master said

“That’s ridiculous!” Katara felt so offended. “What about the female waterbenders?!” She could hear Blue grabbing his swords.

“They learn proper women work, they go to the healing huts, with the other women, here is to fight, women don’t fight”

“That’s ridiculous! Katara is a decent fighter!” Aang said annoyed, he saw how Blue had already taken his swords out.

“That may be because of the savagery of the Southern Water Tribe, I can see you don’t learn proper manners down there, even your friend is ready to pounce on me and kill me because his girlfriend didn’t got what he wanted, well bring it on boy” Pakku said but before Blue ended with the life of the sexist old man Katara stopped him.

“No Blue, he is not worth it” She said slightly defeated.

“Yeah if Katara can’t learn waterbending neither will I” Aang said and Katara turned to see him.

“No Aang, it is important for you to learn a new element, I’ll be fine” She said deflated, trying not to focus on the old man’s smirk.

Blue took Katara away and as soon as they were out of sight of that imbecile he grabbed her and hugged her. The tears were staining his shirt, her sobs could be heard but he wasn’t going to let that old man get the last laugh, there were plenty of ways to get rid of his body. Chain him up and toss it to the bottom of the ocean. Poison, nah that was too merciful, he needed to suffer for insulting Katara.

As they reached the healing hut Katara’s tears had somewhat receded, she inhaled deeply and thank him. Then she proceeded to enter the hut. He was going to wait for her right there and there. It was the best for the entire folks town, they would know what the rage of the Blue Spirit truly was if they dared to make Katara cry like that once again.


Sokka was in high spirits, he had managed to meet with the princess and actually talk with her. He felt like floating it was the best feeling in the world! They had walked and talked right into the night. He even forgot he was hungry by being with her! It was simply amazing, then they shared a small kiss. But she retreated.

“I’m sorry, I just can’t!” She said as she showed him a necklace on her neck, he felt the world shatter around him as she ran away.


Today the day had been awful for the group, Aang wasn’t happy with the way the classes were, he was missing Katara by his side, Katara’s class on the other hand were fine, Master Yugoda was a pacient woman, and despite being the only teen amongst literal children, she felt that she learned something, she even made her blush when she thought that Blue and her were a couple due to the betrothal necklace on her neck. Then she learned the story about his own Gran Gran being from the Northern Tribe, not the Southern.

“Kanna was brave” Yugoda said with a smile.

And Blue had spent all day thinking of different ways to hurt the old man. Even when Sokka had complain about his situation with Yue, Blue offered to kill the betrothed to make room for his friend.

Then Aang and Katara decided to practice in the middle of the night. Which was something he knew it was a bad idea so he followed them. Just as the pair were practicing a back and forth movement the water turned crazy and the trio saw Master Pakku bending the water away.

“You have disobeyed my orders and my traditions, you’re expelled from ever training with me. And you, young -” He was cut from whatever insult he was going to throw at Katara by the cold steel of Blue’s blades.

“Would you kill me? You’re more savage than I thought at first” He said and Blue pressed further but Katara stopped him.

“No Blue, I will speak with the council tomorrow, Aang cannot be the Avatar if he doesn’t know one of the four elements”

Reluctant Blue took his sword out of the old man’s neck but he would make him pay. Painfully.


Katara talked to the council the next morning, she exposed her case of why it was necessary to learn more waterbending not just to heal but Pakku did nothing to hear her. He only scoff and said that it was tradition. Reaching a boiling point Katara yelled.

“That’s it! I challenge you to a combat! Come face me if you’re man enough” Katara said with a fire in her eyes that could melt the ice caps. She wasn’t going to let some misogynistic old man looked down at her. He wasn’t who to think less of her, he hasn’t even seen what she was capable of. She might not be a warrior like him, but she wasn’t useless.

She went outside and Blue took her parka off, he even show her some movements while Aang was saying she shouldn’t fight for him to which she responded that she was doing this for her and all the girls who didn’t got a choice but to “follow tradition”

As the old man moved down he simply walked by, ignoring her and throwing a comment of her returning to the kitchen. Katara grabbed some water and sent a tendril into the back of his head smacking it.

“You really want to fight? Very well” He said as he sent ice disks into her direction, the ones that weren’t diverted were smashed by Blue’s steel. Katara responded with

Seeing that their fighting was too outmatch she changed tactics, he might be a good Master Waterbender, but she had been training with the Blue Spirit, so she made two large sword like icicles and began to make a close range combat, the old man might have been faster on the long range, but in close quarters he was slow, sloppy, and Katara had him right where she wanted. So using a movement Blue taught her, she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and tossed him over her head as she dipped beneath him making him land harshly onto his back. With a thud she quickly grabbed and icicle and pressed it onto his neck.


Pakku’s pride was too much but he knew he had been beaten, and even seeing the necklace on that girl’s neck made him realize that this must have been a form of poetic justice, being defeated by the one girl who left him. Perhaps it was time to make amends with his past, perhaps he could include other girls onto his classes.

Chapter 51: Battle for the North part 1: The black snow


Hello everyone! I wrote this instead of sleeping so if you find any grammar mistake sorry about that, let me know it in the comments and I'll make the proper corrections, enjoy!

Chapter Text

Blue loved watching Katara bend the water, either in training with Pakku or healing with Yugoda he simply loved watching her in her element. It was simply mesmerizing. He had never seen someone so in tuned with her element, so akin that it was like if she was born in the water. Not even Azula with her prodigious abilities could match Katara, Master Water Bender. She wasn’t a slouch either because right after her fighting and healing classes she would walk with him, find a secluded and open place and spar in a non-bending combat, though he easily over powered her she was learning and she learned quickly, never leaving a side open nor making the same mistake twice.

It was due to this circ*mstances that people began to think they were a couple. According to what Yugoda told her, the necklace she wore is meant to be a betrothal one, and since he was the only man around her group and around her age the other guys thought that they were engaged, which it served his purpose, he couldn’t stand the thought of one of those creepy and jerk guys near her. Especially he didn’t like the comments Hahn made her way, or the looks that guy Yakone made towards her. They tended to step back if they saw her with him.

It was during one of the sparring sessions that they somehow fall to the snowy terrain, Katara would’ve fallen first if it wasn’t for Blue’s quick reflexes who managed to switch them mid fall with her falling on his chest. If he wasn’t wearing his face she would’ve notice the big blush creeping on his cheeks.

She was blushing herself as well, he couldn’t see it but he knew her right hand was touching the left side of his face, the part were the black cloth covered his features. She seemed to wanting to say something when a voice was heard.

“HEY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN AANG?” Sokka yelled breaking the magic of the moment.

“NO!” Katara yelled back at him as she quickly stood up.

“Man! I can’t find him and I want to take Yue flying with Appa” Sokka said

“I thought you were just going to be friends” She side eyed him.

“Yeah! Friends can go flying on a sky bison alone” He reiterated the last word. Katara wanted to protest knowing that that affair would only bring heartbreak, but before she could said anything Blue’s hand touched her right shoulder. She turned to see him and the man in the mask made some signs with his free hand that Sokka, somehow, understood.

“Thanks Blue, you’re a pal!” Sokka said as he sprinted away leaving them alone, Katara wouldn’t mind going to where they left behind but knew it wasn’t the same. And just like that they left their sparring area.


Sokka was so happy, once he found Aang, who was doing some silly tricks for some kids, it didn’t take long for him to convince the monk to let him borrow Appa. Yue’s dad on the other hand was a little difficult to convince, but after assuring him that she would be home before sunset and that he had no hidden agenda the man relented, somehow Sokka thought that the man was fonder to him than to the imbecile of Hahn, whom Yue was going to marry. He couldn’t believe they chose that guy for her.

Still he wouldn’t let anything to ruin his “friendly date” he had prepared some jerky he bought in the market, a warm sea prune stew, he would need Blue to warm it up but he didn’t want to bother his friend again, not after he found him in a compromising position with his sister, he should be mad but after seeing bland Haru and psychotic Jet, Blue was miles better than those guys combined.

But enough of thinking of his friend, he was here to show his “friend” the view from above. Yue was simply excited, she had never seen the clouds so close to her, and to Sokka he had never seen someone as beautiful as her, the way the sky and the sun framed her face and made her white hair shine made her look almost ethereal. Like a spirit made of flesh.

Funnily enough that’s what she was. She confessed him of the time she was born, how she barely made it out alive and how her parents communed with the Spirits to grant her life, dipping her in the sacred oasis so the Moon Spirit could give her life, turning her brown hair into white.

He didn’t know why but he just couldn’t handle himself, he began to lean in and halfway through her lips connected with his, it was better than the first time they kissed, but at the same time it could be felt the sadness in her, to know she would belong to someone else in a not so distant future, he could feel her tears falling through her cheeks and he did the best he could to clean them with his gloves. He loved this girl and he was sure she loved him back, he would find a way for them to be together.

As they separated to take some air Sokka’s face grew in fear.

“What’s wrong?” She asked as he began to notice the multiple soot covered snowflakes falling from the sky.

“The Fire Nation is here” He said as he quickly made Appa steer in the direction of the town, they needed to be warned about it.


Hahn was so proud of himself, to disguise himself as the enemy and lead a couple of his friends through the enemy main ship was a plan of pure genius. He just couldn’t understand how this ash makers could move with this heavy armor. It had been a day since that guy called Sokka had warned them about the Fire Nation so he immediately devised this plan, the Fire Nation wouldn’t suspect a thing. As he managed to reach the main tower he heard two men talking, one of them was Admiral Zhaw.

“It is a shame the princess couldn’t being present for the siege” Zhao commented.

“Yes, it is but is an honorable duty to take care of an ill master” Iroh said, he simply hoped for Azula to reach Piandao’s chalet in one piece. Before the two of them continue their talk a noise alerted them of the presence of someone else.

“Admiral Zhaw you are my prisoner!” Hahn said as he took his helmet off. Zhao looked at him in confusion at the man with the really old armor. The man suddenly launched himself towards him and Zhao only had to twist, grab his arm and toss him over the railing, after a few seconds the sound of a splat and a dented metal was heard. Zhao turned to one of his officers and said.

“Toss the body to the ocean and clean that mess, I don’t like blood staining my deck”

“Yes sir!” The man said as others joined to imprison the other fake looking guards, only an idiot would’ve thought this kind of plan would’ve worked, they should have used at least current armors, not these relics.

Zhao cleared his throat as he yell at the top of his lungs.

“FIRE!” Zhao said as three of his catapults started to launch their assault. The siege of the North had just started.

Chapter 52: Battle for the North part 2: The Spirits


Hey everyone, almost finish with the first season of the series, only two more left to start book Earth, which will be posted here as well hehe.

Chapter Text

This was bad, this was very very bad. After they had sound the horn, and every civilian began to pack their belongings for a swift escape the team Avatar, name should be changed according to Sokka, readied themselves to protect the city when a barrage of fiery stones breached the walls of the city.

Arnook, Chief of the North, looked in horror. “They failed” He muttered as realization dawned on him that he had sent a small squadron of eager young men to their graves. It was a foolish plan but he couldn’t believe he had agreed to that.

“We’re going to try to slow down those catapults!” Aang said as he and Katara jumped on Appa’s back. As the bison was flying away Blue jumped as well, he had a plan of his own.

“Blue what are you doing here?” Aang asked him, he liked him but there was no way a non bender could help them in the sky.

Blue immediately started to move his hands to make a crescent moon shape with his hands, then he made a dipping gesture with his index and middle fingers only to raise them up again. Katara was hit with the realization.

“You want to repeat the movement from the Crescent Moon Island?” To that Blue nod his head.

“Are you insane?! There’s too many ships, it’s way too dangerous!!” Katara said in an angry tone.

He simply shrugged off and leaped from Appa towards the icy waters. “BLUE!” She yelled as she quickly summoned the ocean water to catch him before the impact and the speed would crash him against the water. She used the momentum of Blue inside the water tunnel she made to propel him over the deck of one of the ships, he began to fight, slash, injury, kill and cut many of the chains from the catapults. Once his deed was done he jumped aboard and Katara catches him again sending him against the next ship, repeating the process disabling the main weapons of the ships.

It was one of those moments, like in the seventh or eighth disabled ship, that Katara told Aang to lower Appa and the next time Blue did his movement she propelled him into Appa’s saddle with them.

The man looked wet and bruised with several scorch marks and cuts in his bloodied body, if it weren’t for the quantity of the blood she would be able to see his pale skin. She immediately went to work as Aang flew towards the main city. He simply shrugged it off with a statement of his hands that said “None of this is mine”

“There’s too many!” Aang said as the Chief, Pakku, Sokka and Yue approached them, Sokka worried by the state of his friend but seeing his sister mending his injuries he knew Blue was going to be fine.

“We won’t survive another night if this continues” Arnook said to the others, worry and fear were creeping on his heart. The possibility to ask for mercy was becoming more and more secure, anything so the lives of his family and his people would be spared.

“What about the spirits?” Yue asked

“What?” Aang asked

“The Moon and the Ocean Spirits, the North is said to be one of the most spiritual places in the planet, and the Spirit Oasis was where I was healed, perhaps if the Avatar can commune with them they could give us some aid” She said

“It could work” Aang said

“Yeah! They could send a giant wave” Sokka joked

“Or a giant angry Spirit” Aang added, it was best to keep things light, specially with the terrified expression of Chief Arnook.

“How much time do you need?” The Chief asked. His expression as serious as it could.

“As long as you can give me” Aang said.

“Very well, Yue take them to the Oasis, Sokka protect my daughter. Pakku gather as many waterbenders as you can and seal the wall, they won’t advance further.” The Chief spoke with a commanding voice.

“Blue will you?” Katara asked but the vigilante had vanished from his laying spot, screams of death could be heard in the distance. She exhaled as she knew he had gone to fight. She should go with him, fight and possibly die by his side, but Aang would need protection.


With all the stress of the battle out there they had no time to appreciate the beauty of the Oasis, its ambiance made it feel different, in a good and soothing way. The fishes, a pair of Koi fish, a black one with a white spot in its head and a white one with a black spot in its head circled around a small pond in the Oasis, Aang felt like if they wanted to tell him something, like if they were hypnotizing him. He shook his head and assumed a lotus position. He closed his eyes to begin his meditation but Katara and Yue’s talk over how he would reach the spirits broke his concentration. He didn’t want to sound rude or anything but he really needed to speak to the spirits.

“How will we know it worked?” Yue muttered to Sokka and Katara. It was then that the arrows on Aang’s body flashed for a moment.

“I think it just did” Sokka responded.


Aang was confused, he had been in the Spirit world before, but it wasn’t really the Spirit World, it was his spirit walking on the Earth, but know, he could see the vastness of this other world. It was rather impressive. It looked like a sort of swamp.

“Hello Aang, long time no see” Roku appeared in front of the boy.

“ROKU!” Aang said as he embraced his past life.

“Is so nice to see you as well Aang, I see that your training has made you stronger.” The old man said with a smile.

“Thank you Roku, I’m trying my best”

“Yes, and now Earth should be your next element to control, I have to tell you that is going to be difficult but I’m sure you will manage” Aang smiled at the man, then his expression changed.

“I’d really like to talk but I have to find”

“The Ocean and Moon spirits, yes I know, I have to tell you that they are not here” Roku said and Aang looked deflated.

“They have been away for generations, no one knows where they are, but perhaps an old spirit might know” Roku said

“Can you take me to him, her, it?” Aang asked

“I’ll have a friend take you to it” Roku said and in front of him appeared the giant Panda Spirit of the Forest, Hei Bai.

“Hei Bai!” Aang hugged the soft spirit.

“He will take you to Koh, now you need to be careful Aang” Roku warned. “Koh is not the nicest of spirits, it could be considered a dark spirit, for it is known as the Face Stealer. Don’t ask other questions you don’t have to do, nor let it surprise you in any form or shape” The old Avatar said to the boy.

Aang steeled his resolve and traveled on the panda at full speed. There was no time to waste.

It took what felt minutes, but it had been many miles away, when they reached a broken down tree that led to a cavern. “Koh is there?” Aang asked and the panda nodded.

“Alright. But first” He smiled as he grabbed some mud that was close by and smear it on his face. “He can’t take what is not on sight, so this is what Blue feels using his mask” He chuckled at his joke.

As he moved towards the cavern he saw a monkey on a branch as he smiled at it he was scared when the monkey turned around and it lacked a face. “Alright, Roku was right, I have to be careful”


Meanwhile in the North Pole battle…

Blue had killed way too many soldiers, more than any waterbender or warrior had done, he was getting tired but somehow he felt that something was wrong. The soldiers weren’t moving further into the city, if this was a siege or an invasion they would’ve already pushed forward into the city.

He killed two soldiers that were trying to pin a waterbender into the ground and he left for the Spirit Oasis. He wouldn’t let anything happen to his friends.

Katara, Sokka and Yue watched over Aang, his body was so tense and unmoving that it was a little worrisome but they trusted their friend reach his goal and help them end this battle. They heard a blasting of one of the Oasis ice walls being blasted away. They turned and heard a voice.

“Who would’ve thought, the Avatar and the Ocean and Moon Spirit gather in a same location, lucky me.” Zhao said with an evil grin as he saw his prey in front of him. Katara gulped, she knew she could take some soldiers, but five? And an archer? That was way too much for her or her brother.


Southern Water Tribe

Kya was preparing the stew for her and her mother when a big tug was felt on her heart, she felt like if her chest was being pressed too harshly and the wind was knocked out of her chest. She turned around to see her Kana looking at her.

"I felt this pain" She told the elderly woman

"The tug of death" She responded

"I'm afraid one of my children will die tonight"

Chapter 53: Battle for the North part 3: The Blue Spirit final stand


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“This sucks” Azula thought as she repeated a series of katas with her firebending. She just couldn’t believe her luck, just when Admiral Zhao was going to attempt to breach the Northern Water Tribe’s walls she had received a messenger hawk telling her of the declining health of her master Piandao.

She had at first being conflicted because for one she wanted to serve her country in that battle, but perhaps the Avatar would be against her taking part on that conflict, so when the decision was too difficult she chose to aid her teacher. Itzmin, Neli and Nochipa decided to join as well with Uncle deciding to aid Admiral Zhao.

It had been a two days journey when she finally reached the chateau only to find out that the Master had already being cured of his illness. Something about the messenger being late, but it made her feel like there was foul play. Perhaps her Uncle couldn’t see her in battle, nah that was ridiculous, or perhaps, perhaps he was afraid of losing her as he lost Lu Ten and Zuko. Yeah that was more like him, one time she thought of him like a lazy, tea loving failure, but now she couldn’t see him in any other way than a proud and powerful warrior, someone worthy of following.

Besides, if she was here with her healthy master, well she could improve her skills for the next time she fights the Blue Spirit.


It was already sunset, in a few seconds the entire Northern Water Tribe would feel a surge on their powers thanks to the Full Moon and they would easily outmatch the Fire Navy. It was only a matter of time for Zhao to take away their bending, forever, once his mission was accomplish no one, not even the Avatar, could stop them from ruling everything. They will showcase the true power of the Fire Nation.

It was by pure chance that those savages had infiltrated his ship, they tried to fight but in the end they were captured and tortured into confessing every single one of the entrances of the city, as his soldiers were attacking by the front he and a small group of soldiers loyal to him would following through this treacherous waters.

It was now just as he expected, the Avatar meditating and the Water savages protecting him. Oh how he loved when the universe conspired in his favor.

But just then the freaking Blue Spirit showed up. The man immediately drew his swords to protect his friends. “So predictable” Zhao thought. He saw how the man was about to attack when an arrow pierced the man’s left leg. Zhao smiled cruelly as he saw the man stumbled onto the floor.

“When you came to my fortress in Pohuai you liberated the Avatar, I was impressed by that display of power on a nonbender, but you also exposed a weakness, a weakness that allowed me to incapacitate you, you proved how you are blind from your left, pity, if you hadn’t saved the Avatar that night perhaps you could’ve saved the Moon spirit” He said as he began to walk forward. He wasn’t stupid, he was going to approach but not to the man, nor the Avatar, but to the fishes swimming on a perpetual circle.

As soon as he took the white koi fish into a bag the entire battle changed. The white with a small hint of blue hue was no more. Instead a blood red moon covered the night sky. Zhao’s smile was even bigger than ever. It was just too damn perfect.

“ZHAO!” Iroh’s voice came from behind him, his soldiers made a small path for the General to walk through, he had never seen him so angry, so bloodthirsty.

“If you hurt that fish I will end you right where you stand” Iroh said in an angry voice

“Please, this is the biggest victory the Fire Nation will ever have, no matter the enemy they will cower in front of our sheer power, the nation that killed the moon!” He said in a maniacal glee.

“No one will survive if you destroy the delicate balance in the world. The Fire Nation needs the moon as well” Iroh said pleading almost

“Pleading? It doesn’t suit you General” Zhao said as he turned to see the struggling fish on the bag. He aimed a fire punch and sent it towards the bag. But before it could hit the fish a knife was sent to the bag sending the fish plummeting towards the ground where it sadly hit a rock. Zhao glared and saw that the Blue Spirit was somewhat standing up, the arrow still lodged in his leg, partially bandaged. It didn’t matter as the red moon was slowly fading away.

The entire population of the Northern Water Tribe and the Fire Nation soldiers were witness of this event. The waterbenders thought that that was a bad omen. The firebenders thought they had won the battle, the sane ones on both nations knew that whatever the Admiral Zhao had done was against every nature law.

Blue immediately dashed forwards as Yue fall onto Sokka’s arms and a glowing Aang had returned from the Spirit world only to jump into the pond where the Ocean Spirit awaited him. Iroh went to check onto the fish that was gaping for water, he gently took it in his hands and placed it on the pond, he knew the possibility to save the Moon was slipping away by the second. Zhao and his men began to retreat as they saw how the Blue Spirit killed the archer with a knife on the forehead. As the masked vigilante was limping his way towards them one of the soldiers took his sword to fight the man, as the vigilante clashed swords with the man two of the other soldiers took their spears and rushed towards him.

“BLUE!!!” Katara yelled but it was too late, as from his left side the two soldiers had reached their destiny.

The Blue Spirit let out a painful scream as two spears lodged into his stomach. He could feel the blood coming and spurring through his injuries and even from his mouth, the bitter and steel taste of the blood staining his teeth and mouth. Still, despite the immense pain he was feeling, he pushed back. The spears penetrated his back and still he kept moving forward. For the soldiers they were not seeing a masked man but they were seeing a full bloodied demon spirit moving towards them, too shocked to do something they stood there and when they were at his range he slashed their necks with the fangs of his mask killing them instantly as he then stabbed the other soldier, the one with the sword his last knife.

He stood there bleeding in front of the three men he had killed. He looked over his right shoulder to see Katara looking at him.

“Blue” She muttered as tears fell on her cheeks, she could see he wasn’t going to make it. Something inside of him churned, he knew he didn’t have too much time, his injuries were mortal, he could simply fall on her arms and pass away peacefully, oh how he wished he could kiss those lips before he died. But he had a mission and he had less time to face Zhao and kill him.

“Zuko” He spoke, despite it being barely audible she did hear it. Before she could even respond she saw how he took his swords and broke the spears. Zhao would not live to see another night.

He rushed as tears moved through his cheeks as Katara yelled his name.


Zhao couldn’t believe it. How could this be? The man, the vigilante, was still standing and killing his remaining men, but what was most unnerving of them all was the torches on the bridge, as soon as the vigilante passed between them they flared alive with an intensity that he had never seen. It made him feel like a true evil spirit, evil incarnated.

“Step back!” Zhao ordered as he sent a bright flame towards him, only for the man to cut it with his swords. Time and time again Zhao repeated his attacks only for them to meet the same fate. It was then that he felt the worse pain he had ever feel, he looked down and saw the two swords embed onto his ribs. The man, the demon, started to lift him up making his pain increase. He tried to hit him only for the mask to withstand. Before he could die the demon said

“Goodbye Zhao” That voice, a voice he recognized, from so long ago, a stupid voice that once had claimed for forgiveness in an Agni Kai against the Fire Lord.

“Y-you… P-prince Z-Zuko” Zhao said. He used his blood to paint Zuko’s left side of the mask with red, matching the scar he should have. “D-disgrace” and with that he died by Zuko’s swords.

The broken and bloodied teen let the corpse fall onto the frozen bridge without fanfare nor honor, he then finally took notice of his injuries. He laughed and simply looked at where the Kaiju sized Spirit was wreaking havoc, destroying everything that had a Fire Nation logo in it. He smiled and said in the faintest of voices. “Aang, everyone is safe now”

He fell into his knees, his swords clattering on the ice bridge as they fell from his hands, he hated to fail, he hated being a failure, but overall he hated to break Katara’s heart, he really wanted to be with her. A single tear escaped his good eye and with that the disgraced prince, the vigilante, the killer, the Blue Spirit gave his final breath in service of a higher purpose.


FINALLY FINISHED!!! Hoped you liked this chapter, if you notice any grammar mistakes don't be shy to point them out, I wrote this instead of sleeping hehe

Chapter 54: The living spirits


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Katara looked over at the tunnel where Bl-Zuko had ran off to, she was about to follow him when Sokka’s voice came to her ears.

“KATARA!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!! YUE!!!” It didn’t made any coherence but she rushed to where her brother was, she ignored the kneeling firebender on the pond as she raced towards the place where her brother was.

“I don’t know what happened, one moment she was fine, the other she fainted.”

“When did she fainted?”

“When the white fish hit the ground” Sokka said. Then realization came to him. “She said she was, she had been blessed by the Moon spirit, in this same pond.” Sokka said. He began to carry Yue’s unconscious body towards the pond.

They didn’t acknowledged the man holding the fish in his hands. Sokka placed Yue near the water, he then jumped the pond, it was a deeper than what he thought with the water level reaching over his waist.

“Please Yue, don’t leave me!” Sokka pleaded to the unconscious teen who by the minute became more and more cold. Katara began to bend the water from the pond to no avail, they were so focused on it they failed to realize the old man was watching them with fascination.

“She was touched by the spirits and you can heal” The voice of the old man took them from their stupor.

“Yes I can” Katara said, she could easily bend the water and turn it into a weapon but the way the man looked, none threatening, and he was holding the white fish in his hands, as if it was the most precious thing in the world. “What can I do?” She asked looking at the fish, perhaps if she healed the fish she could save Yue as well

“Bring your friend as well, she has to help” Iroh said referring to Yue. Sokka looked at the man but he now knew that not every firebender were bad people, perhaps he could entrust this old man, this time.

“Put her hands over the fish” Iroh instructed and Sokka did as he was told. “Now put your hands over her and began heal” He told Katara who replaced Sokka’s hands. The water began to glow, it wasn’t as easy she could feel it was taking too much of her chi, the fact that the Moon had been flickering made her bending erratic. Still, slowly but surely the glow began to increase. And to their astonishment Yue’s hair started to turn brown, the process stoped at the middle of her hair leaving the left side entire white as snow and the right side as brown as her caramel skin.

“YUE!” Sokka yelled as he saw the princess stir in the water at the same time as the fish and the Moon started to shine so brightly. Katara was relieved to see her friend make some movement but she now had no time to waste, she needed to make sure Zuko was alright.


There was so much blood, she had never seen that much, it was both astonishing as shocking the quantity that emanated from his body. The corpses of the soldiers that had interrupted in the oasis were present, if she didn’t knew better she would think that these men were killed by an army, instead this was made by one man alone. Said man now laid on a pool of blood, most probably his blood since it looked like he killed everyone else in other parts of the bridge and hallway.

“Please don’t be dead” She said to the unmoving body as she knelt beside him, she touched his neck and checked his pulse as Yugoda had taught her, it was way too faint, he was almost at the end of his line yet he was holding in very good

“PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!!” She screamed frantically, hoping that his soul could hear her and let her heal him. With the shiniest full moon she had ever seen she began to move the water into his injuries. Hopefully it wasn’t too late.

The water glowed as brightly as it could but it was of no use, the injureis were too extensive for the water to make its “magic” as Sokka would say. She was muting every scream, every canon blast to focus on her task, on her bo-friend who was currently dying in her arms.

She was going to save him, she had to save him, she wished she could. But she wasn’t that strong.

Or was she?

She always felt the full Moon brought something in her, a pulse that made her feel almost invincible, if she could any other night she could do it tonight where it mattered the most.

To this day she doesn’t know where she got this idea, but as she saw the pool of blood surrounding Zuko’s body she got an idea, Yugoda once said that water was present in everyhuman, that their blood could, in theory, be controlled. Perhaps she could put that theory to test and save Zuko with his own blood.

She didn’t know if it was genius or stupid or plain insane of an idea, but the results were unprecedented.

The blood was reacting.

She was surprised she even managed to make a part of the puddle to move but here it was, a red orb being lifted from the ice terrain. It gave her hope.

She used the orb as with any water orb, she moved it on her hand so it could glow, instead of bright teal it was more on the scarlet glow, but she wasn’t going to complain about the color, not when his life was in danger.

She pushed the orb into the largest of wounds, she had to admit it was disgusting but she steeled her resolve and continue working. But the end she saw how that injury had been solved. It that was manageable the other one was going to be as easy. So she started working one more time. She could feel her body beginning to strain itself but she was going to work it through, she could do it. Beads of sweat rolled on her forehead, she breathing was becoming too harshly but she had to make it through, Zuko counted on her.

She was about to pass out when a large shadow obscured the moon, at first she thought that a soldier had arrived to end her, but it never came, instead the gigantic Water Spirit Aang creature was watching her, it looked impressed but it didn’t do anything, instead, after a moment of assessment, it extended one of its hands and wrapped Zuko’s body with it. His body was submerged completely in the water based hand as it started to glow. Katara’s body thanked the spirit as her exhaustion was finally taking a toll on her.

She only saw how the spirit lowered the body of Zuko and, for what the holes in his clothes denoted, he was fully healed. She smiled at him, unsure if he was awake or not, but she just had to make sure he was alive. So she pressed her ear onto his heart and could hear the strong heart and his warm presence, not caring about the snow or the cold she drifted into a deep slumber while pressing herself on the warm chest.


Fire Nation…

The Fire Lord had receive an urgent messenger hawk detailing the siege of the North, the destruction of the navy, the reported death of Zhao, no body was recovered, not that those savaged spare it, they probably ate the remains, those savages. Still the Fire Lord was looking at the proposals of his generals and ministers. He had been hearing their proposals when he finally decided to speak.

“The flickering of the Sun was an entire surprise, it was clear that Zhao’s maniac plan to get rid of the Moon spirit backfired and now the spirits are angrier, I’m sure they won’t be happy when we tear down the walls of Ba Sing Se, after almost a hundred years of war I will achieve what my lazy and stupid brother couldn’t do, what Sozin nor Azulon could achieve, I will be claiming the impenetrable city for myself, Nothing will stand in my way. Minister Xin is your machine ready?”

“Yes my Lord, the drill is ready to be shipped to the west side of the wall, your victory will be guaranteed in a couple of weeks”

“Fantastic, when the city is mine nobody will dare to oppose my army, not even the Avatar”


Hey everyone, hopefully you liked this week's chapter! I have to tell you that I wrote this instead of sleeping but I hope you liked it, I know everyone was concerned about Zuko's fate, but don't worry it was necessary heeh

Chapter 55: The Prince's speech


Sorry in advance for this short chapter, I'm going on an adventure and wanted to leave the end of the first season with you before boarding the plane. Hope you like it! Read you later!

Chapter Text

Cold, he could only feel cold, it was a strange sensation given that at the same time he felt a welcoming warmth pining his body in place. He didn’t know how, nor why, but he knew he had died, he had been pierced by spears, shot by arrows, and yet he could feel he was still breathing, with difficulty but breathing still.

He was seeing the sky, the dark clouds were receding letting the bluest of skies shine about them, them, he could finally see who was giving him warmth.


She was nestled on his chest holding him for dear life practically.

He wanted this moment to last forever, but, as she made a small snore, his heart skipped a bit. He was sure he had died because it was the most perfect picture ever, a picture moment that was shattered by the sounds that marked the appearance of Sokka, Yue and Aang. In a panic he almost jumped to stand up only for him to touch if his face was in place. It was. He gently moved Katara who stirred herself awake with a shy expression, it was obvious that Katara didn’t wanted to wake up but she still, grumbling, woke up.

“What’s with all the noise?” She asked, she felt truly exhausted after saving Zuko, which reminded her. “ZUKO! ARE YOU OK? DID IT WORK??!” She was practically yelling by now. As she checked the holes in his clothes to see if there was any injury.

He nodded and said “Yes” It was faint but it was still heard.

“I still can’t believe it worked” She said.

“What worked?” Sokka asked.

“Well I’m not sure but somehow I managed to bend B-Zuko’s blood back and heal him with it.” She said trying to explain what had happened, only for Sokka to make a disgusted face, luckily Yue smacked him on the arm.

“What your sister did was something amazing, you shouldn’t judge her for that” Yue said but she realized that it had been an uncomfortable subject to talk about, especially for Aang who was looking at everything around them, it was then that Katara realizd of the destruction of the Northern tribe, many scorch marks while other had chunks of ice missing. But what was more unsettling was the multiple soldier’s helmets and spears scattered on the ground, disregarded by pure fright, Aang had done it, well he and the Ocean Spirit, had done the impossible of making the Fire Nation to step back.

“There you are!” A voice came from behind them and the group saw the sixty year old man approach their direction. Sokka was distrustful but he didn’t draw his boomerang, after all thanks to that man he still had a girlfriend, oh and the Moon had been restored.

“I need to talk with him” The pudgy old man said pointing at the strong man in the blue mask.

Katara turned to look at him but he replied “It’s fine” As he walked forward looking for a private place to talk. “Your swords” She said but he dismissed her concerns, he wouldn’t need them.

As soon as they entered an abandoned house, clearly the people had run away opting to try their luck with the cold weather rather than face the Fire Nation as soon as the door was closed Zuko felt two arms hug him tightly.

“Thank Agni you’re alive!” Iroh said immediately “I’ve prayed day and night to every spirit and even communed with them hoping to find you but it never came through, and here you are, taller than I ever imagined and beefier than I expected, is so nice to see you Prince Zuko” Iroh said with a happiness in his voice.

“Yeah, alive” He said with an indifference that wasn’t shown just a minute ago as he talked to the water bender.

“Zuko what’s wrong?” Iroh asked as he step back

“Do you really want me to answer that?” The Blue mask spoke but it didn’t denoted anything in it, no happiness of having found his uncle nor nothing else, it was as ice as the ice in this structures.

“Yes please” Iroh said frightened at the same time as hopeful the answer he was looking would give him peace.

“Where were you when I needed you?” His question struck a chord on Iroh’s heart

“W-what do you mean?”

“On that day, why didn’t you interceded on the Agni Kai? Once you saw Ozai steping on the platform you knew that something was amiss, yet you did nothing. You left me in the fangs of the wolf-bat like a pig-sheep. Then when I was being transported into the ship that would take me to the Boiling Rock, once again you did nothing, you left me to my own devices, me, a thirteen year old boy at the time, being beaten and tortured while his left eye was rendered useless for all his life. Then, by sheer luck I manage to survive a shipwreck, I kill to survive, then I kill because it was justice, I struggled by myself all those years but then when I saw you next I realize that you replaced me with Azula, whom you couldn’t even stand, and she was the prodigy she was supposed to be, with weapons and a fire like I’ve never seen, so thank you dear uncle for not being there. I’m doing better now if you are wondering. I found a true family and I would give my life for them, I’m not going to do that for any of you since I was already killed by you.”

“That’s not how it happened” Iroh said but he only got a negative response

“I honestly don’t care anymore. Leave through the same tunnel that you came in, they won’t be long on looking for Fire benders hiding in the city” Zuko turned around and went for the door, he stopped and turned to glare at the old man over his left shoulder. “Tell your brother, that I will personally stab him through his cold heart” Zuko left his uncle in there, he didn’t care anymore, he had lost his family and he now had a new one, one that he would kill or be killed to protect it.

Chapter 56: The last day on the Northern Water Tribe


To be honest this was going to be a single chapter with the events of the Avatar State chapter being played out but I decided to focus on on the character growth and setting up new stories that will take center stage during the Season 2 arc, hope you like it!

Chapter Text

Katara was more than ready to leave the Northern Water Tribe, it had been a week since the Fire Nation’s attack and the teen girl haven’t stopped treating the injured warriors. It had taken two days for her and the other healers to heal the warriors just enough so they wouldn’t die by their injuries and another five to make sure every single one of them had well deserved recoveries.

“Katara, what you told me is a bending like I’ve never heard of” Yugoda said to the young woman in front of her. “I’ve read all the scrolls I could find about healing and none of them ever included something like healing through blood, my dear, you made a breakthrough that no one had ever thought of, you are the first ever Blood bender” Yugoda said and in a sense Katara felt proud, she wasn’t even thinking when she did it, she only made it because Zuko was in trouble and water wasn’t enough to heal him.

“Thank you Master Yugoda, I don’t know what possessed me to do it, I just felt, inside of me, a strength that I’ve never felt before, I knew I could save Zuko with that strength” She said to the master healer who smiled proudly to her.

“One does crazy things for love my dear” She said making the younger girl blush deeply.

“Do you think I will be able to do it again?” She asked

“I would hope so, it could revolutionize the Water Bending Healing, but remember, some people might want to twist this gift, be careful who do you choose to share it with” She said

“Thank you for your insight Master Yugoda” Katara said bowing to her healing master

“You’re welcome, Master Katara” The old woman said as she bowed to her once pupil.


Aang, as he had been doing this past week, was meditating, he couldn’t believe himself, he had gone against everything the monks had told him and taught him by taking a life, worse, he had killed dozens of Fire Nation soldiers, he might say that it was due to the Ocean Spirit taking over him but he knew that he was still accountable for said deaths. That he had a major part to do in their demises.

“Still pondering over those you killed?” Zuko’s raspy voice brought him out of his partial meditation, it was weird to hear him talk to him, he had seen him so close to Katara and only talking, directly to her, he felt a slight jealous because he liked her, he should man up and tell her how he feels about her.

Aang wanted to scream at the man hiding behind the wood mask, yell at him, berate him, tell him that he was wrong and that he didn’t killed anyone, but he couldn’t do it, it would be a lie, a lie he will tell himself for the rest of his life.

“You need to understand this” He said as he sat next to him, the coldness of the mask giving away nothing of his intentions, like the face he made when he went to see Koh in the Spirit World. “Those people weren’t innocent, I’m not saying they were entirely evil, but they came here with one goal, one purpose, to kill and destroy and pillage the Northern Water Tribe, you are not Jet if that’s what you’re worried about, you feel guilty, something that he would’ve never felt if he would still alive” He said, to be honest with himself Aang wasn’t expecting to hear his voice, and here he was, the most silent of individuals advising him on life and guilt.

“But… the monks taught me that every life is sacred, even the finest spider-fly caught in its web”

“I have something to tell you, remember when we met? In the Southern Air Temple?” Aang nods at this “Well, I had been digging graves for bone and skull I could find, when I came with this skeleton, one that didn’t had a scorch mark on his clothes nor in his wood collar, no, this one was surrounded by what I count were at least ten Fire Nation soldiers”

He let that information skin into Aang’s mind, then the boy’s eyes grew in size “He killed them?”

“Yes, I think that monk wasn’t going to let the crimes committed against his nation go unpunished, and in a similar way you did the same, you weren’t going to let those men get their way, so you acted, it’s not evil to fight and kill for what’s right, I learned that lesson the hard way” He said as he stood up leaving Aang alone with his thoughts.


Chief Arnook was a man of many talents, one of them was his ability to keep himself level headed during times of crisis, and these past few days had been very difficult for him to keep his façade, it had been more than 90 years since the Fire Nation last attack on Northern land. He had lost count of the lives that had been lost, the homes that had been destroyed and the sacred places that had been desecrated with their blasphemy.

He had been on his office by himself when a knock took his attention out of the most recent report of casualties.

“Come in” He said. And from his door appeared his daughter, followed by his guard, the boy from their sister tribe, Sokka.

“What can I do for you two?” He said as he returned the whale bone quill he was using back to the ink bottle.

“Well dad, sorry, chief Arnook, I wanted to ask you if you’d allow me to go with Sokka, AND Avatar Aang on their journey throughout the world” Yue said which confused the man, could he be letting his only daughter leave the tribe and go explore the world? Should he let her spread the wings? It wasn’t that long ago since she was his little girl. It pained to see her leave, but it would pain him even more to see her not fulfilling to her potential. The spirits had once giving him a vision of a brave woman, one that would help save the world, that’s why he was so against of arranging her marriage with that guy Hahn, he might be a “nice” kid, but he wasn’t worthy of his daughter, and he had been pressured by “tradition” of the other members of his council.

“Are you sure that’s what you want?” He asked his daughter, in the sixteen years he had raised her he knew that once she had set her mind into it she wasn’t going to stop until she gets it.

“Yes chief, I want to see the world, I want to explore it and I want to help the Avatar end this century of war” She stated to which he nodded.

“Very well, you will be able to accompany the Avatar and his friends when the men take them to the Earth Kingdom, be sure to protect her of everything” He said that to Sokka who gulped.

“Yes sir, I will protect Yue with my life” Sokka said in a high pitch voice

“Good, or else not even the Spirit World will be a safe haven for you” Arnook said to the boy much to the annoyance of his daughter.


It was a day after and the group, plus Yue, were being escorted on various boats towards the Earth Kingdom border. Master Pakku and several of his waterbending pupils were going to aid the Southern Water Tribe to rebuild, it was nearing the end of their journey when Pakku approached Aang and Katara.

“My esteemed Avatar, you have shown me courage and wisdom beyond your years, for that I give you these waterbending scrolls, but know this, no scroll can replace a proper master” He said looking at Katara. He bowed to the young Avatar and went towards Katara.

“Katara, in all my years I’ve never taught someone as stubborn, irritating and powerful as you are. Your talents are barely showing but given what I’ve heard and seen about you I will no doubt that you have a bright future ahead of you… Master Katara” He said as he bowed to his pupil. “I also give you this, is Spirit Oasis water, it contains special properties that I hope will help you in the direst of situations”

“Thank you Master Pakku” She said and then Sokka simply opened his arms. “Take care Sokka” Pakku simply said much to his annoyance and Yue’s gleeful laugh. But then the old master went to the member no one had seen his face, Zuko.

“Blue Spirit, Zuko, I give you this.” He said as he presented and intricate yet delicate seal-turtle dagger. “This was gifted from my grandmother to my grandmother on the day of their wedding. Then it was passed from my mother to my father and he gave it to me. I have no higher honor than to give you this family relic for the young man who risked his life to protect the spirits. Thank you” Pakku said as he gave the dagger.

“Thank you Master Pakku” He replied as he bowed to the man.

“Now best of lucks on your travels, hopefully General Fong will aid you in your journey towards Omashu, give him my regards to King Bumi when you see him” Pakku smiled at that.

“We will” Aang said as he leaped onto Appa’s head, the others were more than ready, for the next element awaited

Chapter 57: The cave


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The minute they set foot on the Earth Kingdom’s fortress Zuko’s entire skin began to crawl, he really had a bad feeling about this. A feeling that turned true as they were greeted only for some soldiers to immediately point their spears at him. if they wanted a battle he would oh so gladly give it to them.

“Hey easy everyone!” Aang said as he quickly leaped back to stand in the middle of him and the spears. "What’s the big idea?” Aang asked to which the General, a man in his forties with a moustache, named Fong looked curiously.

“Avatar Aang, you dare to speak in favor of this criminal?” Fong asked

“Yes, he is my friend and he is no criminal I assure you sir”

“That cannot be, he is a notorious killer, he even tried to kill Long Feng, the King’s counselor, he is therefore to be imprisoned and sent to Ba Sing Se to be trialed for his atrocities.” Fong said as he signaled his men.

“I assure you that he is an ally, you and your men have nothing to fear of Z-Blue, I give you my word as Avatar”

“No, no, I don’t think so, that monster has killed many Earth Kingdom soldiers, he should be in chains”

“I’m sure this is all a misunderstanding, Blue has never killed anyone who didn’t deserve it” Aang said clearly not helping the case he was trying to do, specially when the spears closed in to his friend.

“Enough!” Aang said as he sent a blast of air that made the men step back a little. “We are leaving” Aang said an the team immediately jumped into Appa’s saddle.

“Don’t you want to learn about the Avatar state?” Fong said with a grin on his face, it caught Aang by surprise but then the boy said.

“Not from someone who doesn’t believe in my word” Aang said as he sent yet another powerful air blast that sent everyone back a few steps as the team quickly flown away.

As they were reaching an nice altitude, as much as Appa could muster given his tired state, Zuko decided to go and talk with Aang, after all he felt guilty his reputation had cost them a warm bed and shelter.

“Aang, I’m sorry I was the cause of you and the others not staying at the fortress” Zuko said as he approached the boy who steered Appa’s reins

“Don’t be, I’ve blamed myself plenty of times of many things, but I won’t blame myself for standing for a friend” Aang said with a big and bright smile. As they talked Katara was looking with a pleasant smile at the duo, she could see how they get along just fine, it made it difficult when she had to break one of them hearts. If she remembered correctly the fortune Aunt Wu had foreseen told her that she would marry a powerful bender, and who is more powerful than the Avatar right? It didn’t matter the fact that Zuko made her heart and stomach flutter like never before. Could she listen to her heart or her fate?

Meanwhile Sokka was so cuddle up with Yue, the poor girl for the first time in her life was wearing “lighter” clothes but they were still too thick that made her sweat profusely.

“Don’t worry Yue, we will go shopping in the next town” Sokka said with a grin, he really liked shopping, especially since the Water Tribe gave them so many golden coins that he couldn’t count.

“This wasn’t the warm welcoming I was hoping for” Yue said which made Sokka chuckle.

“You get used to it, believe me”


Sokka really couldn’t comprehend the shenanigans that followed them, one minute they were buying in a local town buying new clothes for his girlfriend, including a bikini in blue that she really put it on good use once they visited a local lake, and the other they were being trapped in a mythical cave where it was supposed to be that no one could escape unless they “listened to love” if what their annoying companions, some nomads they met earlier that day were to believed. Just their luck that the only passage way free of the Fire Nation involved a dark and dangerous tunnel.

At least things couldn’t get worse.


Azula felt like she could destroy a mountain with her bare hands. After Uncle returned from the North, with a somber look, haunted even, but he stated he was fine so she did not pushed the truth out of his lips, he would tell her when he felt the timing was right. Anyways the training with Master Piandao was even tougher than before, he never gave her mercy, not even a time to rest whenever they were practicing or learning new combat moves, she was surprised that despite thinking she had mastered the course with her tsais it was a refreshing take that the man still had many tricks under his sleeve.

Her fire bending training wasn’t lacking either. Her friends showed her many combinations and thanks to their encouragement and way of meditation she managed to make a lightning, it wasn’t perfect but they never pointed that out, simply giving her reassuring smiles and support.

It was when they were leaving to continue their journey to find the Avatar that the master Piandao gave her something. It was a big crate, curiously she opened the case and her eyes went as wide as she could muster.

Right there in the middle of the crate there was an armor, but not any regular armor like the ones a common soldier would use, no this one was special. This one, was her mother’s armor.


The universe truly hated them, not only was there a cave in but they were separated. Zuko with his sister, Aang with his girlfriend and Appa, and him, the brave leader of the team, he ended up with Momo and the crazy nomads, the universe truly hated him, especially since the only firebender in the group had been lost and now he had to protect the torches from this idiots who thought that lighting them up at the same time equaled more time.


Aang and Yue were simply lost, they had been tossed and ended up in one of the tunnels, he would’ve liked to be trapped with Katara, especially since this was supposed to be the Cave of Two Lovers, and there was no one he loved more than her, but at least Yue was a good company, she kept complaining about the horrible Earth Kingdom and he couldn’t blame her, she left her home for the first time and she has been chased, shot at, entered a scuffle, chase away and trapped in a cave that contains a maze, life was strange for them.


In another side of a different tunnel Katara and Zuko walked aimlessly, the torch they had wouldn’t last for too long and their options would be limited. He could firebend but it would probably frighten her. So he would leave it as last resort.

Sadly the silence of the cave led to some tension filled silence, so she decided to ask him first, the first thing she wanted to ask since she met him.

“Why do you wear a mask?”

It came so suddenly and out of nowhere that it took him by surprise. He was befuddled for a moment before answering

“At first… it was to cover my face, you see, I’m a monster underneath, disfigured beyond recognition, the mask, it helped me cover my bandages as I was recovering, but then I simply chose to continue wearing it, it became my true face” Zuko said as he walked, that impressed her but at the same time worried her, he had stated he was 16 years old, and if the stories were true the Blue Spirit had appeared three years ago, so it meant he was 13 when he was disfigured, she couldn’t wait to know whoever hurt him and end him or her.

“I’m sorry to hear that” She said as she put her hand on his shoulder, he looked at her over his right shoulder and despite she couldn’t see it he was smiling at her

“Thank you Katara”

They continue walking silently when she asked him the next question.

“Have you been tormented by the people you killed?”

“Sometimes, but then I remember people like Izumi and her family, your mother, or the townsfolk I couldn’t save from the dam that I realize that I have to continue fighting and ending the miserable people who hurt the innocent” He said with a determination.

“The people of the dam?” She asked and then it dawned on her, they never explained to him after he joined back “They are fine Zuko, yes Jet might have destroyed their homes, but Sokka’s warning prevented a massacre.

As if a heavy weight had been taken out of his shoulders he left a big and hearty laugh, probably the first time in years he had laughed so hard.

They kept walking but the torch was in its last moments. He should really tell her he was a firebender, it would make things easier, or it could compromise their entire relationship friendship.

“Katara” He said as he turned around to see her. Her blue eyes were still shining brightly even in the darkness of the cave. At that moment her knew he could trust her. So he gave her the torch on her left hand. He began to untie the knot on his face, on his mask, and carefully he began to move it. The fire was already dimming that his features were barely visible. She tried to squint her eyes but she couldn’t see very well. So she moved her right hand and in the almost complete darkness she touched his left side of his face, it was a strange sensation, it felt rough, but it didn’t felt like Bato’s scars, it only felt like dried skin, it was weird but intimate, she was touching his face, and she could feel he was embracing the feeling of her hands in his skin. Both of them were with their eyes close that they didn’t realize that there was a stone lighting up.

She was the first to notice the green hue shine coming a few paces from where they were standing.

“Zuko I think we can escape!” She said but as she turned around she saw that his mask was back on his face.

“Let’s go Katara” He said as he gently took her hand, they were saved


So just a question, would you mind if, at some point, write smut for our main couple?

Chapter 58: Setting free


So I don't know if you play it, but I bought the Zuko skin on Fortnite, to be honest it was a well spent money hehe, currently I'm trying to earn the cabbage cart emote which is glorious hehe

Chapter Text

After at least two hours waiting outside the Cave of Two Lovers, and being resting on a nearby tree, Katara and Zuko saw Aang and Yue, and most importantly a very impatient Appa, who took out flying as soon as he got out of the cave, approaching them.

“Hey guys!” Aang said as he rushed to Katara while Yue smiled at seeing her friends being alright.

“Aang! Yue! I’m glad you’re ok!” Katara said as she rushed to hug her friends. “Where is Sokka?” She asked after the hug,

“We got separated from him as well, he is with Momo though and the Nomads, I’m sure they’re fine”


Inside the cave…

Sokka had honestly lost count of how many times he had smacked his head at the idiocy of these people, their stupidity reached new levels with each passing minute, or hour?, he just couldn’t remember how long had he been trapped in this place, or if they were truly doomed.

Would they die of thirst? Or would their rations would dwindle and they would have to resort into cannibalism? Would they try to kill Momo for food? He looked at the lemur over his shoulder, grabbed it gently with his hands and put it in front of his face.

“We might have to eat this people to survive Momo, I won’t let them hurt you” Sokka said to the lemur who looked at him confused. But then the walls started to shake. Sokka quickly grabbed Momo and placed him on his chest protecting him from the debris. Then a wall opened and a giant badger-mole appeared.

The nomads and Sokka were impressed of the beasts sudden appearance, Sokka tried to escape crawling which made him stumble onto one of the Nomads string instruments making a sound, earning the badger-mole’s attention. This prompt the Water Tribe boy to start playing the instrument scared senselessly, not that his talents weren’t impressive, but luckily the Nomads joined in and a new idea was brewing in his mind.


Aang was quite happy practicing Waterbending, it wasn’t just the simply push and pull of the water being passed from his hands onto Katara’s, but seeing her in her white wrappings sent shivers down his spine and gave him a funny feeling on his stomach and down there, he wanted to focus only on the movement watching the shore when he noticed Yue swimming close by in the bikini she had recently purchase, his cheeks blushed deeper when finally an explosion of rocks, dust and debris took them for surprise, except for Zuko who had his swords quickly on a defense position, only for them to see Sokka and Momo perched up on a giant badger-mole as the Nomads danced behind them playing their instruments and singing about a secret tunnel. Katara quickly left Aang in the water and went to see her brother who was climbing down the badger-mole.

“I’m so glad you’re alright!!” Katara told him, she had only agreed to practice with Aang to keep her mind off the cave, not even the dinner preparations could do it that’s why Zuko was doing it alone. Speaking of which, since it was by now nightfall they decided to sit down next to the fire where a big piece of meat was roasting while a casserole was cooking a vegetable soup, Sokka’s mouth was practically sending a river of drool down his chest. The Nomads decided to continue their journey, stating that the Night and the Moon would guide their journey, despite the not so enthusiastic opinions from the group advising against it.

When it was time to have dinner Zuko served everyone and Sokka immediately attacked the meat, only pausing to complain about being stuck in the cave with the Nomads.

“So when I was living my worst nightmare you were here simply splashing water and sunbathing?” He asked annoyed as he chew on some piece of meat. Katara only rolled her eyes while Yue chuckled and whispered something into his ear which made his eyes grow quite comically.

As the meal was being finished up the young Avatar approached the masked man who had done the cooking.

“Hey Zuko, can we talk, um, in private?” Aang said as they camped, the masked man nodded and followed the younger boy to a small, yet considerate, distance away from the others.

He could see the boy was nervous as his eyes kept moving from the sky to the ground to his feet to the trees. He gulped some air, like a fish out of his element and spoke.

“My penis got hard” He blurted and immediately covered his mouth. If he wasn’t wearing a mask the boy would have seen his internal laughter, this wasn’t what he expected to hear when the young Avatar had ask for some privacy. Still, being the responsible teen he was, and the eldest in their group, he decided to hear the boy’s predicament.

“I mean, when Katara and I were waterbending earlier well, it just happened” Aang said and Zuko was confused but then realized the nervousness of the boy. “She came to me, and well, she showed me the movement, and then I felt her breath on my ear, and then Yue passed swimming and well, I don’t know what to do, is this a bad thing? Are they going to judge me? Am I sick?” Aang asked looking terrified, so Zuko simply stated the face

“What you’re experiencing is, well, arousal” He said not really knowing where to take the next advice.

“What is that?” Aang asked, he wanted to tell him to ask his parents, but the boy was a boy out of his time, everyone he ever knew was dead, and well, he was twelve, so, he had no other choice.

“Arousal is the feeling that something excites you, is pretty common to feel it when we are close of someone who appeals to us” For this he had renounce his silent vow? “In this case Katara and Yue”

“But I’m not attracted to Yue, she is nice but I don’t like her that way”

“It doesn’t matter, your body reacted of how they looked” A mental image of Katara in her wrappings came to him but he shrugged it off, he needed to focus on his friend in need first. “You’re a young growing man, that means you’re going to notice other girls, or boys, I won’t judge, so is normal you have an erection”

“That explains the dream I had the other night, I dreamt of that girl from the Fire Nation and when I woke up, well it was hard” Aang said blushing.

“So that explains why he walked so hunched over that day, poor kid must have been confused and embarrassed” He thought remembering that day not so long ago, mustering the courage of not feeling angry at Aang dreaming of his sister.

“Well when that happens there’s only one thing you need to do”

Katara wasn’t sure what those two were talking about but felt a little relieve when Zuko patted Aang on the back as the boy went to behind a tree as the mask man came to their campfire.

“Is everything alright?” She asked him

“Yeah, he only wanted some advices on some fighting technique” Zuko said as he picked up a branch and fanned the fire to light it up.

“Are you sure? It seemed like it was a secret”

“Yeah, not a big deal, just some hand movements to finish off a tough opponent” He said as on the inside of his mask he was smirking at his own pun.


“I still don’t know why did you wanted to bring me to Omashu” Azula asked, yes she had heard the fortress city had been sieged by the Fire Nation after and anticlimactic battle that ended with the king giving up without a fight, so coming here wasn’t in her schedule nor was in any way on the Avatar’s path, he should be in another fortress not coming to this Fire infested town.

“Just wait, the city may hold more surprises than you think” Iroh said as the metal gates started to open revealing the current governor of the city, a noble man named Ukano, his wife Michi, a baby and most important, a girl she hadn’t seen in almost three years, Mai, one of her two only friends she had in the Fire Nation. Forgetting all protocol the warrior princess went and hugged Mai, much to the shock of all of her family but the amusem*nt of the princess’ friends and uncle.

“It’s so nice to see you Mai” Azula said, she couldn’t help but feeling happy of seeing her gloomy stare.

“It’s nice to see you as well Azula” The noble girl stated, oh how Azula hoped they could spar together, she had improved so much more in this past few years.

Chapter 59: Return to Omashu


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was early in the morning, and despite his inner wishes, Sokka woke up early to see Zuko practicing his morning katas, which, when not using his swords, looked way too much like Firebending poses, so he decided to join him, perhaps he could learn a move or two from the vigilante.

“Hey Zuko” Sokka yelled in a hushed voice. “Hey Zuko!” He said a little louder when the other one practically ignored him. The masked man stopped his training and waved him in greeting.

“Are you practicing your firebending?” Sokka asked him, he could picture his eyes grew wide when he came as quickly as he could to shush him up.

“Don’t say that, no one knows”

“Really? I thought you used it to light your way on the cave” Sokka said in confusion.

“I wanted, I really did, but then your sister wanted to see my face as the torch was fading and well” He started to massage his neck.

“Well what?! DID YOU KISS MY SISTER?!” Sokka nearly shouted.

“NO! Not that I didn’t want to, just, she touch my face, I, I removed my mask in front of her” He said

“AND? Why are you still using it?”

“She didn’t see my ugly scarred face, she felt with her hand but it was dark so she didn’t saw my ugly face with her eyes, I’m not sure if I’m ready for her rejection when she sees me as this ugly monster.”

Sokka looked at him, sometimes he only saw the big muscular man in front of him and forgot he was a boy his age, a boy who had suffered the harshest of conditions and tragedies.

“There’s a phrase… if she truly loves you then she won’t care about you appearance, the scars do not affect us if we have a beautiful soul” Sokka said as he looked at Zuko, he knew he had heard that phrase before, he just needed to remind his friend that Katara could see people for what they were on the inside.

“That’s a way of seeing it” Zuko said.

“She is a special girl, and you are as well, I wouldn’t mind calling you my brother in a distant future” Sokka said, he was about to walk away when he heard Zuko’s voice.


“What?” He asked

“Now that you’re up, help me cook the breakfast” He said and Sokka realized his mistake, he was the first, after Zuko to wake up.

“Aw man”


Mai had to admit it was nice having Azula visiting her city, it had been way too dull and boring for her taste, but Azula being here, well it was quite something. Though she expected to be boss around that wasn’t the case, the young woman that arrived at New Ozai was different, not in a bad way just different, and it was so good.

This Azula was stronger, more aware of other people emotions and funnier, like actual making a joke that wasn’t a demeaning comment towards other people’s clothes or feelings, heck even the people that were with her, some sort of ancient warriors, were called by her her friends in not a sarcastic way, but a truthful way.

She was even sporting weapons, the Azula of her childhood mocked Zuko whenever he practiced with his swords.

“Zuko” She remembered that warm smile boy who, despite being forced to play with them, always tried to make them have a good time and to relax, a boy who died many years ago and with him her chances of true love. Or perhaps she needed another perspective, after all Azula shared some similarities with Zuko, perhaps…?


They still couldn’t believe it, after having a healthy lunch the group of five teens, one bison and one lemur walked the rest of the mountain to reach Omashu, only for them to see industrial chimneys darkening the skies, metal being placed in the rock walls and a Fire Nation flag in the main entrance.

The city had fallen.

They sneaked inside trying to look for Bumi, Aang needed to know his only remaining friend was alive and well. So Aang wanted to disguise himself as Bonzu Pippinpaddleopsicopolis once again but Zuko told him it wouldn’t work for a second time, that there was a hidden passage on the East wall that function as a water canal, it was either that or the sewers, they opted the canal. From there they tried to find Bumi but the main palace seemed to have been overtaken by a Fire Nation family, they decided to try another day when they saw Fire Nation guards approaching them, if it wasn’t because the ground shook and swallowed them they would’ve been arrested and delivered to the Fire Lord.

The ground took them to an underground base of Omashu citizens who were working with Earth Kingdom soldiers to save the city, many of them frown upon seeing Zuko, the Blue Spirit, but they had more pressing matters at hands than to apprehend a vigilante.

They explained the situation and

“I just cannot believe Bumi would simply give up his city without fighting” Aang said

“Believe it kid, we were as shocked as you” The leader of the resistance said to the young Avatar.


Meanwhile, in a metal cage suspended in the air…

King Bumi had his eyes closed, whoever saw him at the distance would think he was in a trance, or dead, but his mind worked a thousand by the second…

“Ñam ñam ñam ñam ñamñamñam ñam ñam ñam ñam ñamñamñamñam”


“Is there anything we can do to help?” Yue asked

“We are trying to make a hit on the nobleman’s family living in the palace, that would teach them not to invade Earth Kingdom territory” The leader said

Zuko, the Blue Spirit, having heard the term family and hit, went overdrive and went with his blades quickly towards the leader’s neck, he wasn’t going to be accomplice of innocents dying.

“There has to be another way” Aang said trying to calm the situation.

Katara began to swirl the water in her tea cup, then it occurred to her.

“What about a giant Kaiju?” She said to everyone’s surprise.


Sorry if this was a short chapter, to be honest I do not like the Return to Omashu episode, though I think it serves as a fantastic way of showing Azula and company as villains but other than that the episode is not of my favorites, so I split the episode in the planning and the battle muahahahahahaha hope you had like it and see you next week

Chapter 60: The walled city


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Why did she thought this was a good idea? That’s what Katara was thinking as she saw the preparations that were being made in the catacombs beneath the city.

It was a fairly simple plan. All the Earthbenders, which were approximately fifty soldiers and twenty civilians, would make a tower that would rise from the ground, the non-benders citizens would spread the panic on the streets claiming it was a form of a vengeful Earth Spirit that had come to punish everyone inside the city for forgetting the precepts of the Earth Nation, once the people were near the gates the tower would transform into a humanoid figure controlled by the Earth benders from within, like a giant hand puppet, the guards would be too scared to actually stop them for trying to escape the city.

At first the plan was doing great, the townsfolk were crying and running out screaming about a made up deity that had come from the deepest of the underworld to claim the city the Fire Nation had usurped and tainted with their heinous acts and twisted ways.

What she, nor anyone else had taken account for, was that in their panic, the governor had decided to use catapults to the rock giant.

In less than two minutes the formation began to crumble under the assault of the flaming rocks and those Earthbenders inside of it had to be pushed out of it or else risking their lives and be buried in rock and debris. Luckily none of them were hurt beyond a few scratches, though they had to flee to the tunnels before the Fire Nation soldiers tried to capture them.

The citizens meanwhile had managed to escape from the walled city by sheer dumb luck.

Plus two more that nobody expected.


In the outskirts of the mountain.

“So you’re the governor’s wife?” Aang asked the woman carrying the toddler.

“Yes, my name is Michi and this is my youngest, Tom Tom, we were on our midday stroll when the chaos ensued, we would’ve stayed in the city but the masses were too much and it would have been lethal going against it, so I ran with them.”

“We should hold her ransom” The leader of the resistance said.

“NO!” Katara said quickly stepping in front of the mother and the child.

“What do you mean no?” The leader said easily towering over the teen.

“I said no, I don’t care if she is Fire Nation or that she is the governor’s wife, she is a woman that took the necessary precautions to ensure her survival and that of her child, I won’t treat her like anything else than another refugee here with us.” Katara stated glaring up at the man.

“You’re an insufferable little bitch, we should have never listen to you” The leader said and Katara could see Zuko starting to draw his swords, but she motion him with her finger to not do it, she could fight her own battles, though she was glad she had his trust when he returned to his original position. She likewise remained still, she was the barrier that protected Michi and her baby.

“Bah! Do whatever you want, I have to take this people to safety” He said retreating.

Katara let out a sigh she didn’t know she was holding but then she felt a pair of arms holding her from the back.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you” Michi was saying.

“Do not thank me yet, we still need to return you to your home” She felt a little uneasy to say that given that they were invaders, but she couldn’t hold accountant for the sins of her nation to a mother and a child that were probably brought against their wills or sayings.

“How do you plan to do that?” Yue asked

“I don’t know”

“Why don’t we send a letter, telling her husband to meet us in a middle ground” Sokka stated

“And that he brings Bumi too!” Aang said, his worry about his friend didn’t left him.

“It could work, but in the meantime let’s eat” Zuko said presenting plates with meat, vegetables and rice for everyone, including Lady Michi and Tom Tom. He recognized her, Mai’s mother, and a weird feeling settled in his stomach, a feeling that told him that perhaps Azula wouldn’t be too far away.


Azula was eating with Mai, Nochipa, Neli, Itzmin, Uncle and Mai’s father the governor, it was weird because they had been waiting for Lady Michi to appear alongside her toddler but she never arrived, it was rude to eat without the lady of the house but many were already hungry after their sparring lessons, Iroh and Governor Ukano settled on waiting for her to arrive, but instead a messenger arrived.

“Sorry Governor, but a wild flying thing gave us this.” The young man bowed as he gave the scroll.

The governor quickly unroll it and began to read the text.

“We have your wife and son, we do not want to harm them, we just need to ensure the safety of our friend King Bumi, we will meet with you by noon tomorrow on the construction of the Ozai statue.

Sign the Avatar Aang”

“Looks like the Avatar has kidnapped your mother” The governor said to Mai who looked as shocked as her impartial features could give her.

“We will get her, don’t worry” Azula said gently holding her friend’s hand. This sent shivers down to the other girl’s body, not that that princess should know of that.


At noon the Avatar and his team arrived at the meeting point, the previous day had been quite interesting with Tom Tom being so excited to play with Momo that had practically frightened to death to the poor lemur. Michi meanwhile had been quite cooperative, she told them how she didn’t actually wanted to come to the city, especially since she found it awful to just imposing their government over an existing one, and she didn’t wanted for Mai or Tom Tom to get attack in an opposing city.

As they were arriving they saw Princess Azula, her friends and Uncle and a girl no one had seen before, but after Michi yelled the word “Daughter” they got their answer.

“Well well well, we meet again Avatar Aang” Azula said with a smirk, a smirk that could be taken as of confidence or flirtatious nature, one could never be too sure with her.

“Hello Azula, I mean Princess” Aang responded, he now felt even weirder after the dream he had about her and the subsequent thing that happened in his body.

“Here you go” Sokka said wanting to cut this meeting short presenting the other girl’s mother and her child, after all they were after all six against four with Yue staying with Appa in case they needed a quick getaway.

As Michi left their group, and she thanked them for their hospitality she joined her daughter in a small hug as she walked towards her husband who was waiting behind with two of his personal guards.

“Now where is Bumi?” Aang asked

“He is here” Azula said and in command the metal coffin appeared and the crazy old king said.

“Hello Aang!”

“Bumi! Are you alright?”

“Oh I’m fine, this is as a meditation chamber, quite relaxing, you should try one too” He said as he began to laugh.

“Now release him” Aang said.

“Have you thought of my proposal?” Azula asked

“Do you not want to capture Z-Blue?” Aang asked

“I’m afraid that can’t happen, I need to bring Blue into justice and I have to teach you Fire Bending, I’m sure that after your time in the North Pole you learnt Water bending? Am I right? Well it won’t be long until you learn Earthbending and then what? You need fire to be a full Avatar, and I’m the only one who can teach you, and who is willing to do so.” Azula made a solid case, but Aang was thorn.

“I-I can’t, Blue is my friend, and I won’t give him up to a place where he will be tortured and imprisoned.

“Very well” She said. “I didn’t want to do this, but I will have to fight you to capture him” She said as she rushed forward to fight the Avatar. Mai and Neli began to work together to fight against Sokka but Blue gave his friend some backup while Katara started to bend battle against Nochipa and Itzmin, she wasn’t the inexperienced girl from before, she was now a master and she was going to prove it.

She began to make some water barriers while the other two fire benders launch a volley assault of great balls of fire, Katara’s icicles barely made a defense line. She saw Zuko beginning to fight alongside Sokka but at the same time trying to distract them, it was after all him they were after.

Mai showcased her knife throwing abilities by aiming at Sokka’s clothes but that blasted vigilante was way too fast, his two swords intercepting every single of her knives. He even used one to throw it back at her pinning her arm into one of the beams in the scaffold.

Meanwhile Azula and Aang were battling each other, water and air combined against purple fire. To anyone watching it was clear they were way too matched, but to Zuko, he had to admit, they looked like they were dancing. Aang was seriously avoiding conflict while Azula was trying to show off her prowess.

The pair was distracted from their fighting-flirting by the Blue Spirit sudden appearance. Zuko made a notion with his swords that told Aang to save Bumi, he then looked at the princess and made a taunting motion with his hand.

“I see you finally want to resume what we left on that abbey. Very well, I really like that kid but I want a fight” She said then her face turned crimson when she realized what word she had used. Not wanting to mock his sister he motioned her once again and she took her tsais in her hands, she rushed and the clashing began.

It was clear that she was aiming for the kill, metaphorically since she knew her father wanted the vigilante arrested, trialed and punished for his crimes against the nation, it was only a matter of time that he will be tired and been imprisoned. She just had to extend the fight until Neli came with her darts and put him to sleep, she wished she had backup, but her uncle was uncharacteristically not fighting, and her friends were busy against the Avatar’s friends.

Still she was glad she had returned to train under Master Piandao, she was way stronger than before, and she couldn’t be happier for that, her abilities were equal to the Avatar and as skilled as the vigilante. She just need a chance. But when her tsai and his sword were locked in a stance she saw the vigilante deep into his mask’s holes, those dark circles staring at her, emotionless. But then a voice came from the mask. And said something that took her by surprise.

“Who are you fighting for, La-La?” The masked man said. His rough voice was something weird, alien, but at the same time it was familiar, and why did he called her that? Only two people called her that and both of them were dead, or did they?

“Wha-?” She asked but before she could ask further the Blue Spirit ignited a pellet and threw it onto the floor that produced a smoke that cover their bodies. As the smoke subside the vigilante was nowhere to be found. Him and his friends had taken the bison and flown away, for some reason leaving the encased King.

She only knew that this was far from over and now she had a mystery to solve in that vigilante, since he appeared to be more than he let it shown.


Hope you like it, it is not time for Azula to know Blue's alter ego, but she got another clue.
Next chapter: The swamp

Chapter 61: Chasing a dream

Chapter Text

Aang couldn’t shake Bumi’s words. “Neutral Jing is the key to Earth Bending. It involves listening and waiting for the right moment to strike. Your teacher would be a master of Neutral Jing, you need to find someone who waits, and listens, before striking.” Now he felt completely lost, ever since he found out his friend was alive he couldn’t picture anyone else being his Earthbending teacher, now who could be the person. Unknown to him the spirits would help him guide him into the right direction.


This was entire madness. One moment they were in the air, the next one they had been taken down by a tornado that came out of nowhere. If she was been honest with herself it was a bit too much for her, she had never been attacked, knocked down nor get dirty with weird water from a swamp that smelled awful.

As the team decided to camp the night away, after been separated from Appa and Momo, she woke up in a completely different place with none of her friends nearby.

Yue began to walk aimlessly yelling for all the names of her friends, hoping one of them would find her or she finds them. The treetops were too thick that she didn’t know if it was day or night but she simply wished she had torches to better illuminate her path, it was then that a bright flash appeared in front of her.

And just like that a giant white koi fish appeared in front of her. Yue immediately knelt in front of the apparition.

“My dear Yue” The koi fish spoke with a gentle and caring voice. “For sixteen years you have been blessed by my spirit, you allowed me in a way to experience family love and mortality, I took advantage of this spiritual forest to contact with you, and thank you, thank you for saving my life and the balance of the world, but to also warn you, in a few months I will aid you into fighthing this war, I will block the sun for a few minutes, you need to hurry and force Aang to face the Fire Lord or else it will be too late to save the world”

“But Aang is a pacifist” Yue said

“But he can change, he is slowly opening his mind to it, you need to help him understand that for the world to be in balance certain sacrifices must be made” And with that the Koi disappeared leaving the teen completely befuddled.


Katara, after waking up and not finding any of her friends decided to walk and yell their names, she finally reached a clearing where a figure awaited near a small pond.

“MOM?!” She yelled


Azula was fuming, not because the Avatar rejected her proposition once again, he would be seeing the light soon enough, but because that son of a bitch Blue Spirit had bested her in combat once again. Right now her friends, uncle and she were on an all-terrain train. Currently she was in her own compartment, reading and reading all of the information she had about that man, especially since how in the heck did he knew her childhood nickname, only Lu and Zu-Zu used them.

There was a soft knock on her door, Azula acknowledge the person, perhaps it was Uncle with one of his special blends, but instead it was Mai, her gloomy friend had decided to accompany them after the battle in New Ozai.

“Hello Mai, what can I do for you?” She asked, he mentally laugh since she would have never ask that question to anyone years ago. There was something in her friend’s eyes, she could tell it was bothering her.

Mai approached Azula, she felt stupid for what she was going to do but simply watching her train and spar with her sent something quite pleasant into her stomach. She couldn’t name it, but she felt this before taking sneak glances at Zuko’s training back in the palace. Well she was definitely crazy.

She sit next to her friend, took her hands in hers and looked her into her eyes.

“Please, just” She said before launching herself forward, pressing her lips onto Azula’s. She closed her eyes as she did so, and the pair remained there for a few seconds, Mai started to move her lips feeling her tenderness and soft breath.

And just like that they parted ways.

“Did I do wrong?” Mai asked immediately regretting her actions towards her friend.

“I’m sorry Mai” She gently spoke. “I really did liked the kiss, it’s actually my first kiss ever” She blushed “But I don’t see you as something else than a friend, I hope you understand and respect my decision”

Mai looked dejected, of course this was a crazy action to do, and what was worse for her it was that her only other kiss was with Zuko, a few weeks before he perished in that storm, perhaps she tried to find a replacement of him.

“I-I understand, I hope you don’t think less of me for this” She said but before she could stand up Azula wrapped her in a hug.

“I would never think less of you Mai, you are my friend” This time it was Azula who kissed the other girl’s lips. “But this stays between us alright?” She joked making Mai chuckle.

“Alright, sounds good” Mai said, perhaps she was crazy, but her friend supported her and did not shunned her away, she was going to be alright.


Zuko was lost, and he hated it, it reminded him too much of the way he felt after the shipwreck, not counting with anyone and being hurt by everyone, if only he could firebend but he thought that he had been separated because of Sokka’s stupid actions with his machete, now everyone but him were lost and he had to find them.

“Hello Zuko” He instantly felt a chill running down his spine because as he turned he saw the face of the Fire Lord, his “father”, Ozai.

Chapter 62: Illusions


Small reference to sexual abuse, proceed with caution

Chapter Text

“You can’t be here!” Zuko yelled as he pointed his sword towards Ozai, this had to be nightmare, an illusion of sorts.

“Yet here I am, or did you think that since you are dead for everyone else I would stop searching for the prisoner that escaped? You are a failure in everything you try to accomplish Zuko, you’re nothing, less than nothing, you are a misfit, an outcast, thorn on my side from the moment you were even born”

“SHUT UP!!!!” He said as he took his mask off and began to blast the illusion with his fire breath, not content with it he began to throw a series of fire balls to where the Fire Lord was standing.

After several tense moments he stopped to catch some air. Realizing that the fire could spread he began to inhale it and snuff it out leaving only a scorch mark on the ground and some trees. He began panting, this place was awful. He bent down to pick his mask off and saw his face, it seemed flawless.

“Just another illusion” He said as he put his real face once again.


“Mom?!” Katara said as she began to sprint into the woman’s side only for the woman to turn at the last second, her mother was with an anguished expression on her face.

“Katara, why did you let them take me?”

“I-I-I-was a child” She replied and she saw how shadowy hands began to rip her mother’s parka and clothes, in a minute her mother was completely naked as the hands began to grope her in different places of her exposed body.

“NO!!!” She yelled but she was unable to move.

“You let them do this to me” Her mother said as she was in pain as the many hands had their way with her.

“Katara you need to embrace your wild side” A new voice, a horrible voice she didn’t wanted to hear, she closed her eyes but then felt the voice in her ears “You know you want it” Jet’s voice whispered in her ear making her suddenly open her eyes and seeing her mother no longer in pain but in pleasure.

“You let… them do… this to… me” She said between breaths that were slowly turning into moans.

“No, no, no, no, this is isn’t right, this isn’t real” She knelt and hugged her knees. “Is not real, is not real, is not real”

“KATARA!!!” She felt a pair of strong hands shake her from her shoulders, snapping up she saw Zuko standing in front of her. She immediately hugged him tightly.

“It was awful” She said between sobs.

“I know, but I’ve got you, and I won’t let them separate us again” He said reassuring the girl, they would find the others later but right now Katara needed that reassurance and in a way he needed it as well, his encounter with Ozai still troubled him and shook him to the core, he needed to be strong for her, he should be stronger to be what she needed.


Aang was confused, he had stopped looking for his friends when a girl in a very nice and elegant pale green dress appeared out of nowhere, her laugh was unique and he hoped he could find his friends if she dared to help him. But this girl seemed to move so fast, from one moment to the other she appeared in the grass only for her to appear in a tree branch way a top of the swamp.

It was then that two figures appeared one was Azula, in a very elegant and beautiful red dress, it was more like scarlet and her hair was loose and without the Sun Warrior painting she looked very regal and pretty, more pretty than in the dreams he has about her. The other figure, a man he had never seen, broad shoulders intense golden eyes and long hair, his posture seem gigantic for the twelve year old but the man instead made a small smile to the young Avatar, something inside of him told him that this man was someone he could trust and that the swamp was trying to tell him something.


“I’m not a failure!” Sokka thought as he made his way through the swamp, with his machete being lost during the commotion he had to move through different branches and crawl into the swampy waters, he still remembered that weird illusion of his dad telling him he was a failure for loosing his sister, he hadn’t lost her on purpose nor was he betraying the Tribe, he was going to find her and prove that fake dad that it was wrong and he was a good big brother.


He really missed his early adventures, when he became the Blue Spirit he fought criminals, thieves, war lords, sex traffickers, murderers, now it was the third time he had faced a f*cking kaiju, well the first one was Aang with the Ocean Spirit, he didn’t actually faced him but he did saw him, and he was sure he had been touched by him otherwise he would be dead, not taking away from Katara’s impressive abilities. The other time it was the Earth Kaiju, which was more of a Golem than a literal Kaiju since it was full of earthbenders moving it from the inside just enough to scare the living daylights of the Fire Nation soldiers, and now this! A swamp creature made of vines that was attacking them at full force.

It wasn’t that long since the five humans reunite, Sokka immediately hugging Yue and Katara tightly promising that he wasn’t going to let them out of his sight while Zuko went over to Aang and placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder, Aang had to compare the tallness of Zuko and his broad shoulders to the guy he saw on his vision, but he didn’t commented on any of it, he had yet to understand what any of that meant and who was the girl and the guy.

It was at this moment of peacefulness that the swamp creature kaiju attacked them. Only Katara freezing abilities could actually hurt the creature, Zuko was sure she was taking out her anger on the poor creature, he guessed that whatever she saw it was just too damn awful.

But during a series of icicles they all saw a man inside the vines, so they all started to attack in continuous efforts and the vine creature finally was beaten, from the vines arose a man in a leaf loincloth.

“Wuu! Man that was tiring, hello everyone I’m Huu” The disheveled man said.

“You’re not wearing pants?!” Sokka said, of course it was the first thing to notice, not caring the man attacked them but that the man was only in a loincloth

“Pants are an illusion” Huu responded.

“Can you help us?” Aang asked “We are missing our bison and lemur, have you seen them?”

“No, but I can take you some place you can find them”


It was truly magnificent, the Banyan-Grove tree was simply so vast and its branches extends so far, farther than what the eye could see. Thanks to Aang’s Avatar habilities he found Appa and Momo, before they were eaten by other swamp folk. Huu helped to ease the tensions between the groups and the swamp folk, which turned out to be water benders as well, were glad to see a Southern water bender, deciding to call Katara their cousin.

The group were treated to a small feast courtesy of the Swamp folk, the meal was some vegetables and giant insects, which didn’t looked that good but were edible enough, not that Zuko cared, he had eaten worse during his travels so he just tilted his mask and took a spoonful of the stew they were serving.

Katara meanwhile decided to inquiry more about the swamp benders, as they called themselves.

“I can’t believe you managed to move the plants around you like that” She said to Huu who was sitting next to Tho, one of the men who tried to eat Appa.

“It’s not that difficult, you just need to find something that contains a lot of water inside and the rest is up to you and your concentration.” Huu said

“Yeah, it’s the same way with us humans, we are full of liquid” Tho added. That intrigued Katara the most.

“Yeah but blood must be difficult right? To control a human”

“Yes, but we don’t say we control humans, that would be awful cousin, we use blood to our injuries”

“Wait so you also uses blood to heal?” Katara asked intrigued, she thought it had been a miracle a few weeks ago.

“Oh yes! All the time cousin, since we don’t have access to medicines and healers we found a way to work with blood when the necessity arises” Tho said informing the girl, she was really impressed, she was more than that, the people in the Swamp were more in tune with healing than the best healers at the north, she guessed that it was out of necessity as he said while the Northern hadn’t got into the war until recently.

“Could you teach me?” Katara asked

“Of course cousin, we always teach the kids, the swamp is a dangerous place full of poison or venomous animals, we need to act quickly, our main healer Yun can give you advice before you and your friends leave tomorrow”

“Thank you very much, cousin, that would really be of big help” Katara said smiling, she might have judge them at first for their lack of clothes but the swamp folk were probably the wisest of the most, and they had girls in their ranks, no one was excluded of the knowledge, not even an outsider like her.

Chapter 63: Gaoling

Chapter Text

It was so freaking nice to leave the swamp, the folks there were so nice but the location wasn’t ideal for them, it was too humid, the mosquito-ticks were just too many for them that Sokka looked like he had pig-chicken pox. Still Katara couldn’t remember fondly at that morning’s lesson with Healer Yun, an 80 year old man, who according to him, he was one of the first people to settle in the swamp, and since it was war and the medical village were too far he began to experiment with his waterbending.

“Katara, you see, the water is not only and extension of ourselves, is part of our very lives, it flows through us, we all have chi inside but we all have water as well, and that water is blood, I realized long ago how to manipulate that water for medical purposes” He then proceeded to cut his finger with a knife, the thin drip of blood beginning to form in said finger, the man then focused his gaze on the injured finger and with his other hand began to do a series of movements, movements which the blood mimicked, responding to the hand’s commands. In a few seconds later the wound was no more.

“What I did was to focus on both the area where the injury is and the blood coming from it, thinking of it as a mean of healing, passing my chi from my heart towards it, you told me how you felt your power increase during the full moon, well it is the point in which we are all at our fullest power, but I would advise you to start small if you want to successfully become a bloodbender healer, as I shown you even the smallest of cuts can be treated by bloodbending, and by what I was told by the other members of the tribe you are an impressive water bender, I have my faith in you.” And doing so he once again cut his finger and extended it towards her. Katara was in shock but began to take deep and calming breaths, inhaling and exhaling and then, instead of doing her usual and grabbing some water, she focused on the blood, she looked at it with every intention of healing the wound, of saving this man’s finger, she could see it, smell it, feel it, her vision was to heal and that’s what she managed, the blood responded to her and it began to glow, not clear blue but clear red, it was fascinating and beautiful at the same time, a few moments later the wound was close, only a thin white line was still present.

“You truly are amazing Katara” Healer Yun said.

“But it wasn’t perfect, it left a mark” Katara said but her worries were cut by the hearty chuckle from the man

“This will be a scar I will carry with honor, the scar of my brilliant student, Katara of the Southern Water Tribe, Master Healer”

Katara was taken from her memory by Sokka’s rambling about how he was hungry and how the mosquito-tick bites stung and were so itchy. She simply rolled her eyes, according to the Swamfolk her stupid brother needed a balm that would deal with it but he didn’t want to use it because it made him smell like a girl. It was because Zuko was getting classes from Aang on how steer Appa that he had yet to smack his brother’s head for that stupid comment.

“Hang on everyone! We are almost at Gaoling” Aang yelled as he instructed Zuko on how to move Appa down landing on a clear near the woods surrounding the city.


After settling a camp they decided to go to the markets of the city, Zuko had given each five gold coins for anything they wanted to buy for themselves while he went grocery shopping, he even to her, Katara, to buy herself something pretty, she deserved it, and she couldn’t help but blush at the way he said it.

Zuko walked with a hood over his mask, he knew how much gold they were offering for his capture and he’d prefer to go alone if he could to avoid any nastiness between the soldiers and his friends, but if a capture was indeed in his future he had left them a nice amount of gold in Appa’s saddle. He was currently picking many fruits and vegetables, and several mangoes, he had noticed Katara liked them, he would need to find some dried meat in case they reach somewhere desert or with no huntable or fishable animals, he wished he could save them from the troubles he faced when he was on his first years of the Blue Spirit, he he, he couldn’t help but chuckle that it had been years since he place the mask on his face and he still felt he couldn’t show them his real face, the hideous and deformed face that wasn’t worthy of being seen. He shook those feelings away and continue his shopping.

He saw Sokka and Yue in a far stall looking at bags but what earned his attention was the weapons section, where a big and burly man approached him.

“Seeing anything that interest you man? By the look on your swords at your back I’d say you know your stuff” The man said, he was the vendor.

“You have an impressive display of weapons, lances, kunais, swords, hammers” Zuko said in a low voice, it was best the man did not see his mask

“Thanks, my family and I have been the blacksmiths and bladesmiths for decades, everything is sharp, durable and deadly” As the man said that Zuko still looked at the weapons on the table, mostly knives and kunais. He saw a beautiful crafted dagger that had what was known as rain drop pattern.

“How much for that one?” He asked

“That one? Two golden coins, or ten silvers”

“And that one?” He asked for a kunai with a chain attached to its pummel.

“This one is one of a kind, my best work, it could really help reach those that can’t be reached” He said with a smirk. “Four golden coins or twenty silvers”

“I take both” Zuko said as he tilted his head it was then that the vendor looked impressed but said nothing.

As he gave Zuko his purchase the man whispered. “Careful man, there’s plenty of soldiers over here and some Dai Li agents, they came for the Earth Rumble VI, they said it is for security protocols but they are looking for something or someone, be careful man, I know what you do for the people that’s why I won’t tell” The man said and Zuko nodded at him as he left as swiftly as possible for the camp.


“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” Aang asked him

“No, I would draw too much attention, I’d prefer if stay here watching over Appa and Momo” Zuko said, they had been too excited about the Earth Rumble VI but with what the vendor said he preferred not to risk their cover and let them have a nice evening watching Earthbenders beat each other senseless.

“Alright! Come on everybody let’s go find this guy an Earth bender master” Sokka said, he was mildly annoyed at Zuko because when they landed he insisted to Sokka that he needed to put the balm to stop the itchy feeling but the “man” of the group did not liked smelling all “girly”, but he did buy himself a pretty bag with the money Zuko gave them, the irony with him.

“I’ll stay” Katara said

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I prefer to stay here than a loud arena with macho people” She said

“Fine, as you wish” Sokka said as he walked hand in hand with Yue and Aang followed them not too far.

“You didn’t have to to this” Zuko said

“I do enjoy doing activities, but to be honest I wanted a peaceful and quiet afternoon, and I definitely wouldn’t mind spending it with you” She said with a smile.

“Great, do you think we should make dinner for them?”

“Nah, knowing my brother he won’t stay hungry for long and he will buy snacks on the arena”

“Alright, so just a dinner for two” He said and Katara’s stomach fluttered at that thought.

“I have also something for you” Zuko said.


“Yeah, I saw this dagger on the market, and, well I trained you somewhat on how to use it, so I wanted to give you a weapon for yourself” He said as he gave her the weapon.

“Oh wow, this is truly beautiful!” Katara said, the pattern it was so intricate and detailed that it was impressive and artful looking. “You know… In some nations giving a person a weapon is a sign of courtship” She teased and noticed how his entire demeanor changed.

“Am… I… Am… Uh” It was amusing seeing the killer vigilante being an awkward teen like her, so she decided to cut him some slack.

“Easy Zuko, though I said it for a little tease, I will have to tell you that if you really want to court me I wouldn’t oppose to it” She said looking at him. “I’d really like it”

He wanted to talk, to embrace her, to rip this wood mask and finally kiss her, but he turned to the side and said “I do wish to court you Katara, but I’m not good for you, I’m a killer, a nationless monster, you are better without me” And before she could ask him to elaborate he stood up and focused on the fire slowly cooking their meal. She couldn’t help to feel a mix of emotions, sadness for his rejection, annoyance at his shyness, but overall a righteous fury to kill whoever was the son of a bitch that hurt him so much that made him feel useless and unworthy of love, she didn’t give a damn of what Aunt Wu told her, she could feel how she and Zuko were meant to be, she just had to have some more patience.


“Now the Boulder will face against our current champion, the one and only, the BLIND BANDIT!!!” And as it was being announced the next fighter approached the ring. A small figure of a girl with a black bun hair with a tiara and a bang covering her eyes.

“She is not really blind, is she?” Yue asked

“No, I think she is blind” Aang stated

Chapter 64: Blind sided


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sokka looked in horror as The Boulder, the biggest and most badass of the Earthbenders on the entire Earth Rumble VI, was beaten in two movements by the little blind girl, his entire belief was rocked and crumbled as the Boulder was tossed out of the arena.

“Incredible” Yue said

“He lost?” He was speechless, the man had proven to be the very best, and now he laid on a stretcher holding his groin after the little blind girl had forced him to do a split.

Xin Fu, the event’s announcer, appeared once again on the middle of the ring. “Your winner, and still the Champion, THE BLIND BANDIT!!!” He said.

“How did she do that?” Yue asked while her boyfriend still lamented the loss of his idol.

“She waited, and listened” Aang said to the princess.

They turned their sights to the man once again

“Now, to make things interesting, I’m offering this sack of gold pieces to anyone who can beat the BLIND BANDIT!” He said

Utter and complete silence followed.

“What?! No one dares to face her?” He asked incredulously.

“I will!” Aang said walking up the stairs behind the man. His green robes, the uniform of that dumb earth bending academy.

Mutterings and coins were exchanged between the attendants of the events. Xin Fu simple shrugged and propelled himself to his box.

“GO AANG!! AVENGE THE BOULDER!!!” Sokka yelled at Aang

“Do people want to see two little girls fighting out here?” The Blind Bandit asked mocking the boy in front of her.

“I don’t really want to fight you, I want to talk to you” Aang explained much to the booing of the other attendants of the show.

“Boo!! No talking!” Sokka yelled which earned him a light smack on his shoulder by Yue.

“Don’t boo at him, he needs to talk to her, it was a nice strategy, besides don’t they look cute? So small” Yue said in a cute voice.

The girl quickly smirked and sent a rock towards Aang’s direction, the Air Nomad floated out of the way, the girl looked confused until his tiptoes touched the ground. She immediately turned around and said.

“Somebody is light on his feet” She said angry. “What’s your fighting name? Fancy dancer?” She added much to his amusem*nt. He was then thrust into the air by another rock pillar, he then floated away from her.

“Please I want to talk” He said.

“There you are!” She yelled and picked up a big rock and tossed it towards Aang. Having enough he sent a blast of air that returned the rock but blasted the girl out of the ring to the cheering of the crowd, and the shock of Xin Fu.

Seeing this Aang quickly went towards the girl. “Please, listen, I need an Earth Bending teacher and I think it’s supposed to be you!” He yelled as the girl moved towards a rock tunnel.

“Whoever you are just leave me alone” She said with a disappointment in her voice.

They did received the prize, well Sokka did, as he brandished the sack of gold as if it were the most precious thing in the world, much to the annoyance of his girlfriend and the embarrassment of the down to earth monk.


“I’m telling you Katara you should’ve seen the way Aang avenged The Boulder’s loss. He was moving all over the place like a tornado” Sokka retold, in his way, what happened at the show.

“I’m sure Aang is more humble than that Sokka” Katara said with an annoyance as she was serving the portions of food, she looked over towards the forest where Zuko had disappeared into a few hours ago after their conversation.

Sokka continued to talk Katara’s ear off about the amazing bending he saw while Aang, when he was let to finally speak, talked about the horrible “Earth Bending Schoold” he attended and how he didn’t even learned anything, he wasn’t able to move a pebble and the teacher, a middle age phony named Master Yu, was so out of touch with the Earth bending style that he offered Aang a pass of level if he paid for the whole class in advance, without him ever learning something.

As Yue was talking with Katara about her day shopping they all saw Zuko’s returning figure from the woods.

“Hey buddy, you missed all the action! Where were you?” Sokka asked

“I went to take a walk, and then I went to take a bath on a waterfall nearby.” He said as he sat next to Aang, Katara could feel he was avoiding her gaze, it infurated her because she could feel him trying to get closer to her yet refraining at the same time.


The following morning Aang was decided to find the Blind Bandit, he was sure she was his future Earthbending teacher, there was no one but her. The group split with Sokka, Katara and Aang going to Master Yu’s school, it was a bad and fake as Aang as described. While Zuko and Yue went to the market, the blacksmith from before told them that no one had seen that girl before, and that she only appeared to the rumble matches and disappeared without a trace, like a ghost or a spirit.

“My friend told me he saw a flying boar with the girl, do you know anyone who has flying boars?” Yue asked

“Well, that someone has one of those? No” The blacksmith said which made the two teens slump their shoulders. “But the Bei Fong family’s crest is a flying boar, you could ask them, though they don’t have daughters, they are just merchants”

“It’s a start, thank you sir” Zuko said as he bowed to the man and left. The man might not have noticed but Yue was so into etiquette that noticed the way Zuko’s palms joined when he bowed, a fist and an open palm, a bow that simulated a living fire, a bow that was traditional of the Fire Nation.

She decided to not comment anything, he had been nothing but loyal to them so there was no reason to distrust him, not now, nor ever.

The teens raced through the market to where the Bei Fong state was only to clash with the others.

“What are you doing here?” Yue asked.

“What are you doing here?” Sokka said as well

“We followed the trail, apparently the only ones connected to the flying boar are the Bei Fongs” Zuko said

“Yeah we were told the same by some punks” Katara said with an annoyance in her voice while Sokka was smirking at the way his sister simply threaten to freeze the boys if they didn’t comply, and freeze them she did.

“Alright, then who knocks on the door?” Sokka asked and Aang stepped up. Meanwhile, and without anyone noticing, Zuko simply vanished from their sight.

“State your business” The guard said

“I’m Aang, and I’m the Avatar and I really want to talk with Lord Bei Fong” The guard simply shut the door in front of Aang’s face.

“Let me talk ok Aang” Yue said as she stepped forward. She knocked once again and the guard opened the door once again, his irritation was palpable but Yue’s determination was stronger.

“I’m Princess Yue of the Northern Water Tribe and I speak on behalf of my father, Chief Arnook, to establish a trade between the Gaoling State and Northern Water Tribe” The way she spoke, firm but gentle and regal made Sokka’s heart to skip a bit, she was everything he ever wanted and so much more.

The guard took a moment and then he talked to another guard behind him, the man nodded and then spoke once again. “We could grant you a visit with our Lord, what about your friends?” He asked

“This are my betrothed, my maiden and our tour guy, the poor boy thinks he is the Avatar” She said.

“Very well, you may come in”

“Betrothed?” Sokka asked shocked

“Maiden?” Katara asked slightly offended

“Tour guy?” Aang asked confused.

“It’s all because of the charade, I am a princess, they are not allowed to roam the world alone, especially with two boys she is not related to, by the way have someone seen Zuko? He just disappeared”

“He does that, he might be atop of a fence, or in a spooky dark corner” Sokka said

“I was still convinced a few weeks ago that he was truly a spirit” Aang said

“He is a mystery then” Yue said “But an interesting mystery, I should talk with Sokka about it, he seems to be a close friend with the guy”


“Princess Yue, welcome to my home” Lord Bei Fong said as he greeted the Princess of the North. Yue bowed, as it was custom for someone visiting a Lord or Lady.

For the next hour Sokka and Aang were bored out of their minds, Yue really knew of trading and what the Northern Water Tribe could benefit from, it was impressive really. Katara watched in rapt interest the way the girl talked with the man, he was a trader and she was a born politician, they easily made concessions that truly benefitted themselves. Then a servant came and drew their attention.

“Lord Bei Fong, the dinner is served, the chef took the liberty to prepare portions for your guests as well”

“Excellent, Princess Yue, follow me to the dining room please”

As they entered they saw Lord Bei Fong’s wife and daughter sitting already in their chairs, Aang’s eyes grew large but before he could said anything Katara subtly elbowed him on his ribs.

“Princess Yue, this are my wife Poppy and my daughter Toph, excuse her if she doesn’t properly greet you, she is blind but we love her still”

They all took their seats and before the food was served Master Yu arrived.

“Oh young Avatar is such a nice surprise seeing you here” The Master said which confused the Bei Fongs and their daughter visibly stiffened at that.

“The Avatar is here?” Poppy asked confused.

“Yes, this young bald man over here is the Avatar” Master Yu said

“Really?” Lord Bei Fong asked

“Oh yeah, he is the Avatar, he came yesterday for a test class, I was disappointed he didn’t showed up for today’s lessons” Master Yu said.

“I’m sorry Master Yu, it’s just that I have difficulties with Earth Bending, perhaps I need another teacher” He said throwing a look at the girl in front of him who sent a rock towards his foot, he ignored the pain just as she continued to glance at the nothingness.

“Impressive, I never knew the Avatar would be here in my own house” Lord Bei Fong said.

And after that the dinner went into Aang showcasing his prowess as an air and water bender with not so subtle remarks of Toph’s apparent potential, which went as good as it could be with the blind girl who was attacking the Avatar underneath the table.


The group was invited to stay in a special wing of the state, it was dark when Toph knocked on their window and asked for Aang to accompany her through a stroll in the garden. And once Katara went to have a bath Yue approached Sokka.

“Hey Sokka, I have something important to tell you” She said seriously.

“What is it?” He asked concerned.

“Well, I’m not sure how to say it so I’ll just say it. Zuko is Fire Nation” She stated to which Sokka was immediate to shush her.

“How did you find out?”

“Wait. You already knew that Zuko was Fire Nation?” Yue asked Sokka

“Yeah, I saw him Fireb-“ He covered his mouth with his hands.

“He can?!” She asked.

“No” Sokka said shaking his head.

“He does” She says

“Alright yeah, he is a bender, but no one knows, besides me obviously” Sokka stated.

“Why isn’t he the one teaching Aang to Fire bend? Instead of you know, that crazy Princess girl”

“Look I don’t know exactly, but there’s a reason he wears a mask, something bad happened to him, something related to fire, he” The boy was interrupted when Zuko appeared in the window and yelled

“GUYS!!! Aang was kidnapped!!!"


So here it is for this week's chapter, hope you like it, I'll explain why Zuko was abscent and why he let Aang and Toph being kidnapped hehe

Chapter 65: The kidnapping of the Avatar and the Blind Bandit


Hey everyone! Sorry about the delay, I had the craziest of weeks that sadly took most of my time and prevented me from properly write this chapter, hope you like it! See you next Monday.

Chapter Text

He wasn’t stupid.

Of course he had noticed that his vision on his left eye had returned, he had to be a complete idiot not to notice his wider visual ranger. It was two days after the siege on the North, he and the others had finally docked after their brief stay at the Earth Kingdom fortress that he was able to take a proper bath in a nearby river. He could see pretty well with the left eye but due to the darkness he couldn’t inspect his face.

It wasn’t until he walked out of the swamp that he could “see” his face, but what he saw was something far more hideous than any scar, on his reflection he could only see his face, his smug hateful face, he had been scarred but after the swamp the “perfect” evil face of Ozai was on his reflection, it was a constant nightmare, having to live with the face of the man who banished you, branded you and humiliated you, the man who turned him into this hideous monster incapable and unworthy of love.

As he finished his bath, and putting his face back on he walked to the camp where Appa laid sleeping, the gentle giant was easy to please, after feeding him a good portion of the meal, the masked man began to comb his hair, getting rid of any dirt or branches latched into his fur, apparently that was relaxing enough that the bison fell asleep on the spot.

He decided to return to the Bei Fong state and see if his friends were alright, that’s when he noticed a crater on the ground and a discarded note on the loose ground.


To say the Bei Fongs were shocked that their little blind daughter had been kidnapped was to sell it short, with just a look at the masked man they called their guards and accused him of being the kidnapper calling all of their guards and ordering Master Yu to try to lock Zuko in a rock cage, luckily both Katara and Yue managed to convince the worried parents they were wrong and that the Blue Spirit was on their side.

“I’m sorry” Said the girl’s mother. “I’m just worried for my little girl, she must be too scared”


Earth Rumble IV

“WHEN I GET DOWN OF HERE I WILL WIPE THAT STUPID GRIN OF YOUR FACE” Toph yelled from the inside of her suspended metal cage.

“I’m not grinning” Xin Fu said

“Boss” The Boulder said as he pointed at the figures approaching the ring. Katara, Sokka, Yue, Mr. and Mrs. Bei Fong and Master Yu

“Did you brought my gold?” Xin Fu demanded cutting straight into business.

“Yes, please release our daughter” Lord Bei Fong said as he gave a sack of gold to Master Yu who earthbend it towards the announcer.

“That was easy” Said the man as he picked the gold and started to move the sack hearing the coins moving up and down. “Release her” He said and the metal casket was lowered and they let Toph go, her parents quickly started to smother her checking for any injuries or other type of evidence that she was treated in any shape of form not worthy of a Lady like her.

“I’m FINE! Can we please go?!” She said and her parents and teacher walked down the ring away from them.

“Release Aang as well” Katara said as she saw that his metal casket wasn’t being lowered.

“Why would I do that? I’m sensing the Fire Nation would pay dearly for the Avatar, he is worth ten times the price of the spoiled princess” Xin Fu stated.

“I thought you would say that” Sokka said grinning as he let out a whistle, confusing the man, it was right there that a shadow appeared out of nowhere and easily cut the chain holding the Avatar’s cage.

Xin Fu looked surprised of watching the Blue Spirit carry the metal casket with one arm. The man smirked as he saw how the vigilante was completely surrounded once his wrestlers made their appearance out of the ground.

He could easily kill all of these benders, except that he still had Aang locked inside this casket, and if he used fire bending his cover would be blown, he couldn’t reach his belt to get one of his smoke bombs without dropping the sword, they would love to say they were the men who beat the Blue Spirit, he won’t give them the satisfaction. But then, as if coming from the deepest part of the abyss, a big pillar threw one of the wrestlers, one dressed comically out of date of the uniforms Fire Nation soldiers were, towards the rock made terraces.

“I don’t know who you are, but take twinkle toes out of here, this guys are mine!” She commanded, Zuko didn’t know who this loud girl was but if she could take the benders then he would obey, though he would help her if she needed help. First he needed to take Aang to a safer location then he would come to her aid.

He immediately broke the lock with his swords and Aang jumped into action. The young monk’s stance was a full battle ready one but Sokka stopped him.

“Wait Aang!” Sokka says as his hand laid on his friend’s shoulder. “Toph got this”

And as if right on cue two more wrestlers were sent flying towards them.

It was a complete marvel watching the small blind girl beating the adult wrestlers with ease, her entire body was an unstoppable machine moving from side to side and barely even breaking a sweat as she beat man after man in a quick and easy succession, there was without a doubt that she was the greatest Earth bender in the world.

Xin Fu tried to prove the opposite, and before he even manage to do a movement, or whatever he was trying to do by placing his hand on the ring, he was sent flying by a well-aimed and timed rock wall to the chest, how the man was still alive after that was a complete mystery.

Toph stood proudly as she so casually spit into the ring without a second thought. A big grin just crept onto her face.


Bei Fong state…

“WHAT?!” Aang yelled.

“You can’t do that!” Sokka said indignantly

“She is my daughter and she will remain here until I say so”

“Toph is a great Earthbender!” Katara stated

“She is supposed to help Aang end this war!” Yue continued.

“If this experience has taught me anything is that my daughter is a fragile child and that she was forced into fighting, I won’t discuss this further, Avatar, Princess, you enter here as guests now I’m ordering you to leave or else you will be seen as trespassers. Toph you now will be under constant vigilance to avoid any further problem, those are my orders”

“It’s okay guys, it was good knowing you” Toph said, a hint of sadness was heard on her voice


Back at the camp the team quietly packed their things.

“This isn’t fair!” Aang yelled

“I know but what can we do? We can’t just kidnap her” Katara said.

“I could” Zuko offered only to shut up when Katara arched her eyebrow at him.

“It was only a suggestion” He mumbled

“HEY WAIT UP!!!” Toph’s voice made their heads to turn to the hill where the small blind girl was racing towards them

“My parents changed their mind” She stated as Aang’s face illuminated.

“That’s great! Welcome to the team Toph” Aang said to the girl

“Yeah, I also brought something for you” She said

“Really?” He asked jumping down from Appa to be in front of her,

“Yeah, this” And she summoned a rock pillar that threw the unsuspecting airbender towards the top of the tree. She smiled gleefully at that.

“By the way you owe me my champion’s belt” She said to the group.

“But this is mine” Sokka complained only to be hit on the arm by Yue.

“Geez fine, here you go” He said and tossed it towards the blind girl with the extended arm. Only that instead of catching it she was almost hit in the head by the heavy belt, if it weren’t for the gloved hand of the masked man that catch it before it made its impact. Sokka couldn’t see but Zuko was glaring at him from the inside of the mask.

“I’ll help you climb Appa” He offered and despite her desire to blow him off she accepted.

“Fine” And she let herself be guided by this tall muscular guy that appeared out of nowhere.

“Let’s go” Aang said as he climbed off the tree and dusted the several branches he had on his body, his gleeful attitude wasn’t going to be damper, he had finally got an earthbending teacher, he only needed a firebender to complete his training.


“The Avatar, that hideous vigilante and the princess of the North have kidnapped my daughter, I want her back in this state as soon as possible, alive and unharmed, the rest of them are expandable” Lord Bei Fong said to Master Yu and Xin Fu who nodded as they began to count the pieces of gold in front of them.

Chapter 66: H(a)unted


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

After flying over the swamp and leaving Gaoling away the group foun a nice clear terrain near a river. Toph was one of the first ones to climb down.

“Wow! You really know how to pick places, the grass in here is the softest I’ve ever felt!” Toph said as she moved her toes in the soft terrain.

“Actually Toph, that’s no grass, Appa’s shedding” Katara commented as the girl moved her toes on the soft fur.

“Oh gross” Yue commented, given her Northern heritage she had never seen an actual shedding of an animal fur.

“It’s not gross” Aang commented “Is just part of spring, rebirth, flowers blooming, and Appa gets a new coat.” He said as the flying bison was chewing some fur off his leg.

“Ah the beauty of spring” Katara said as the bison sneezed sending fur everywhere.

“Terrific” Zuko commented as he was carrying some of the heavier stuff out of the bison’s back.

The rest of the unpacking went uneventful, with Aang, Sokka, and surprisingly, Toph, joking around with Appa’s fur pretending to have crazy hair, ludicrous beards or, in the case of Toph, very furry armpits. The kids all laughed and the rest of the afternoon was spent doing chores.

Katara, noticing Toph sitting around chewing some branch, decided to talk with the newest member of their group.

“So Toph, usually when we are setting up camp we try to divide the work” She said to the girl

“Hey, don’t worry about me, I’m good to go” The blind girl responded.

“Actually, what I’m trying to say, some of us might fetch some water, while someone might set up the fire pit, or set up a tent” The flying lemur arrived at that moment and gave the waterbender some nuts. “Even Momo does his fair share”

“Katara, I’m fine, I can carry my own weight, I don’t need a fire, I already collected enough food, and look” She said as she bended two pieces of rock to form a triangular shape “I made my own tent” Katara was annoyed by this but before she could argue, and Toph to snap at her, a dark shadow loomed over Katara and whispered.

“I’ll handle this” Zuko whispered.

“Toph, I need your help, come on” He said firmly which took a back the stubborn girl, yet she could not feel the same annoyance Katara’s voice was giving her so she decided to follow the raspy and deep voice.


As she followed the silent member of the group she was complaining about Katara.

“Just who does she think she is? My mom?! Well excuse me but I left a smothering mother in Gaoling thank you very much! Besides I carry my own weight, I don’t need someone else telling me that I should do or what I must do in this group, I am my own person and I shouldn’t” She was silenced by the man with her as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Shhhh” He said and she did, it was easy to follow his commands since his heartbeat was so calm most of the time, his heart rate did spike when Katara was near, she had noticed that, and she had been barely more than two days with them.

“What are we?” She asked but then she felt the different vibrations in the ground. They were medium size, whatever they were it was clear what Zuko was about to do, he was there to hunt.

“Tell me the smallest of the group” He said, she planted firmly her feet and pointed into its direction.

“Tell me the biggest of the group” He said, she repeated the action.

“Tell me which one runs the faster” And as she was feeling the vibrations he jumped out of the bush they were hiding behind and the creatures started to flee away into the woods.

“Why did you do that for?” She asked, she thought they were there to hunt.

“Which one was the one who ran the faster?” He asked. She then started to ponder what she felt through the vibrations.

“Well, it was definitely the biggest one, but… it slowed down to pick the smallest one” She said remembering what she felt through the ground.

“And what does that tell you?” He asked

“That they protect each other” The little girl said.

“Exactly, I know what is like to be alone and “carrying my own weight” but you don’t have to make this tough girl façade, not with us, we already know how powerful you are, what Katara wanted to express back there is the same thing I show you, if everyone does his or hers parts we can solve anything, the armadillo-hogs I scared knew how to react in the face of a predator, same with us, whenever a trouble arises we have to be ready to act as a team and protect each other” Zuko said, he felt like if it was a thing Iroh would say.

The little girl remained silent for a moment, contemplating what had been said to her “You’re right, I was a brat, I’m sorry, but don’t tell Katara that! Or else I will beat you” She threaten.

“I’m sure you would” He said half chuckling. They decided to return to camp and that’s when Toph started to ask her questions.

“So why does it feel like you have something on your face? is weird that your head is different shape than the others” Toph asked the most silent of the members of the group.

“I’m wearing a mask” He responded.

“Is there a reason?”

“I was exiled and branded, I needed to hide my hideous face” He said, she could feel that despite his attempt to appear strong his voice did broke a little.

“Did you had any family?” Toph asked

“I-I did”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not so much”

“Do you think they still live?”

“I-I think so”


“I-I-I had a sister” Noticing his shifting attitude she decided to change the subject

“So tell me, what’s the deal with Sugar Queen?” Toph asked and his hear beat grew more intensely

“A—um… I-I don’t know what you are talking about” He said and she grin, she would’ve continued but she could hear the others’ laughter and decided to cut their conversation.

Immediately as they arrived at their camp Sokka asked.

“Did you brought any meat?”

“Sorry, no luck this time” Zuko replied, he gently nudge Toph forward as she asked.

“Is there anything for me to do?”


Azula and her elite force, as Itzmin decided to call their group, were currently searching for the Avatar in a metal train, a mechanical marvel

“It’s weird being in this metal train” Itzmin told Azula

“Yeah, but I prefer this over the ship, honestly the sea doesn’t sit well with me” Neli responded.

Nochipa was playing Pai Sho with Iroh while Mai sharpened her knives and kunais.

“I hope we reach wherever we are going soon, this is so boring” Mai commented to which some of them kind of had to agree with, they were chasing the Avatar, no, they were following the Avatar to convince him to let Azula help him but at the same time hunting down the Avatar’s friend and companion the Blue Spirit, to deliver him to the Fire Lord, it was just so confusing.


The campsite was finally silent, their tents were made or, in the case of Zuko and Aang, were sleeping in Appa’s legs. It was deep into the night when Toph’s rock tent opened.

“Hey everyone, do you feel that?” She spoke loudly for them to start to stir.

“What?” Aang asked

“There’s something big, coming our way” She said.

“Can it wait five minutes?” Sokka asked as he turned to the side.

“I don’t think so” Yue pointed out as a dark steam was coming towards their direction.

“Pack it up, now!” Zuko yelled and everyone scrambled to put everything in Appa’s saddle.

It took them way more less time to pack everything and fly away from their campsite.

“That was way too close to comfort” Katara said.

“Whatever or whoever it was is already far away, we should cover a nice distance nonetheless” Aang said and as the boy moved the reins of the bison Zuko noticed the faint trails of fur that were falling down.


They found a nice rocky hill and they simply took their sleeping bags to continue sleeping.

“Who do you think was behind that thing?” Yue asked

“Could’ve been Azula, we haven’t seen her since the swamp” Katara asked

“Who is Azula?” Toph asked and she noticed the spike in Aang’s, and surprisingly Zuko, heart beat

“No one, just this girl who wants to teach me firebending while trying to capture Zuko” Aang explained.

“A pretty girl” Katara teased making the boy blush at that. They would’ve laughed if it weren’t because Momo started to jump up and down on Sokka who had wrapped himself on the sleeping bag as they had landed.

“It followed us!!” Aang yelled.

“Well we won’t give it the satisfaction.” Zuko said as he grabbed Sokka on his sleeping bag and tossed him into Appa’s saddle.


As they fly Toph carefully went towards Aang.

“So that girl Azula, is she your girlfriend?” She teased Aang.

“WHAT?! NO! WHY DO YOU THINK THAT?!” Aang overreacted.

“No reason just that your heart was going crazy when they mentioned her” Toph said and Aang started to stammer a “coherent” response. This people was truly easy to mess with.


They finally landed in another mountain but this time weren’t even given a time to rest as the same black steam approach their position. As it approached they saw that it was a mechanical and metallic vehicle.

“Enough is enough, we should talk with whoever is chasing us, perhaps is friendly” Aang said

“Always with the positive attitude Aang” Sokka said in a downer tone.

“Perhaps he just want to see if it’s Azula” Yue teased making the boy to blush, Toph could feel his heartbeat increasing.

“It sounds and feels heavy” Toph said with a ready to fight pose and her feet planted firmly into the ground. Everyone readied themselves as well, it was best to be prepared in case of the worst, Sokka with his boomerang and machete, Yue with a dagger Sokka had gifted her, after their apparent betrothal was officially stated in front of Lord Bei Fong, Aang was ready to blast anyone away with a powerful air blast, Katara uncorked her water pouch and Zuko took his swords out.

They then saw the door to the mechanical vehicle opened at the release of some steam. Though it was difficult to see the steam let out a single silhouette. Zuko’s eyes grew wide and shocked.

“Toph! Rock wall! NOW!” Zuko said which took by surprise at the small girl who could feel the dread in his voice, still she obeyed the order and immediately raised a rock wall, only for the construction to be blasted out, sending the entire group to land on their backs by the sudden explosion. Her shock was just as palpable as the others.

“What was that?!” Sokka said

“A combustion bender” Zuko said and everyone turned around to see him.

In front of them walking menancigly, the silent assassin and bounty hunter, a man Zuko had barely fled from two years ago, a man who was currently sporting a metal arm and leg and whose face denoted entire hatred towards his target.


Dun dun dun!!!! What? Did you expected Azula?

The man in the wood mask - ShinyMetalAssKnight (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.