Bliss Balls Recipe (6 ingredients. 5 minutes!) - Texanerin Baking (2024)

These bliss balls are loaded with chocolate, are no-bake and easy to make gluten-free and vegan. They only call for 6 ingredients and take 5 minutes to make!

Ever heard of bliss balls? The term is somewhat new to me but they’re the same thing as energy bites, protein balls, etc.

Up today we have these amazing chocolate bliss balls. And they are so darn addictive.

You probably already have the ingredients in your pantry! You just need cocoa powder, maple syrup, oats, vanilla, coconut and nut or seed butter.

Then you can toss in some add-ins if you’d like. I used dried cranberries but you can use something else or omit them. What I love about the cranberries is that they add little sour bursts to every bite.

Bliss Balls Recipe (6 ingredients. 5 minutes!) - Texanerin Baking (1)

These healthy bliss balls are also naturally vegan. If you don’t need them to be vegan, you can use honey. In these kinds of no-bake recipes, you often need honey to keep the ingredients together. But maple syrup really works just as well.

You’ll also want to make sure your chocolate chips or chunks are vegan. Most semi-sweet chocolate is (at least in Germany!).

And they’re of course gluten-free if you use certified gluten-free oats.

My favorite nut butter and sweetener combination is almond butter + maple syrup. They go especially well with the dried cranberries!

Bliss Balls Recipe (6 ingredients. 5 minutes!) - Texanerin Baking (2)

But it’s a flexible recipe. You can probably use any nut or seed butter you want in this bliss ball recipe. I’m all about precision and I rarely say that about nut butters.

It feels so freeing to say, “Sure! Use what you want.” 😂

Cashew butter is a bit thicker than other types of nut butter but I think it’d still work. You might need to add a little extra vanilla or water.

And if you’ve got some cashew butter left, go check out this caramel fudge candy. They are truly delicious!

Bliss Balls Recipe (6 ingredients. 5 minutes!) - Texanerin Baking (3)

Once it’s back-to-school time, whenever that may be, these healthy chocolate balls are great for the lunchbox! They pack and transport well.

They’re also easy to make nut-free. Just use sunflower seed butter. If you’re wondering what else to make with that, check out these paleo peanut butter bars. It’s one of my favorite recipes!

As are these paleo peanut butter cookies. Both those recipes should have the peanut butter in quotes as sunflower seed butter is used but those recipes are super close to their traditional peanut butter counterparts!

If you’re homeschooling or doing distance learning for the foreseeable future, this bliss ball recipe is an easy recipe for kids to make. Little ones can make them without any help as there’s nothing to melt, cut or bake.

Bliss Balls Recipe (6 ingredients. 5 minutes!) - Texanerin Baking (4)

Questions about this recipe?

  • Can I use a regular peanut butter / other nut butter?

    I think it’s way too firm and not runny enough for this recipe. You need natural nut or seed butter without added fat or sugar. If your runny nut butter has a little sugar but not much, it should still be fine.

  • What can I use in place of the honey or maple syrup?I think any liquid sweetener that you’d normally use in place of honey or maple syrup should work. I’m thinking brown rice syrup or agave.

    Using a granulated sweetener wouldn’t work. You need the liquid to keep these healthy snack balls together.

  • Bliss Balls Recipe (6 ingredients. 5 minutes!) - Texanerin Baking (5)

  • Can I omit the cocoa powder?

    No, because then these balls would be way too sweet. What you’d need is a different recipe.

  • Can I use X type of cocoa powder?

    I’m pretty sure you can use whatever unsweetened cocoa / cacao powder you’d like. I’ve used Dutch-process and natural cocoa powder and didn’t really notice any difference.

  • What type of oats can I use?

    I prefer quick oats to rolled oats. I thought the rolled oat version was too oaty. Like, they were more difficult to chew.

    If that’s all you’ve got, you could pulse them a few times in a food processor or high-speed blender (like a Blendtec or Vitamix) to make quick oats.

    Steel oats, instant oats and oat groats will not work.

  • Bliss Balls Recipe (6 ingredients. 5 minutes!) - Texanerin Baking (6)

  • Can I use something instead of oats to make these paleo?

    I unfortunately haven’t found a good sub for oats in no-bake recipes. I’ve tried using shredded coconut but the result is usually very oily.

    I do have these chocolate peaunt butter protein balls that you could make. Just use almond butter in place of the peanut butter to make them paleo.

  • Do I have to use coconut? Can I just add more oats?

    This recipe calls for 3/4 cup of coconut and that’s too much to omit. You can use other ingredients, though. Oat bran, ground flax, wheat germ (if you can have gluten) or ground nuts work.

    I recommend adding 1/4 cup, mixing everything together, and then adding more as needed until you have the right consistency. You can’t just add 3/4 cup because all of those ingredients absorb liquid differently.

    I have tried adding 3/4 cup of oats in place of the coconut but it was too oaty and didn’t have as nice of a texture. It was just too oaty.

    One idea could be blending the oats to make oat flour and adding a little of that. I’d start off with maybe 3 tablespoons and go up from there. But I haven’t tried it!

    Bliss Balls Recipe (6 ingredients. 5 minutes!) - Texanerin Baking (7)

    If you’re worried about the taste of coconut, don’t be. Unless you really hate it. These bliss balls are nice and chocolaty – not coconutty.

    I like coconut because it adds a little more sweetness. So if you use any of the above-listed subs, these bliss balls won’t be as sweet as intended.

    It’s not exactly a bad thing. I do have quite a sweet tooth!

  • What can I use instead of dried cranberries?

    You can use any dried fruit or chopped nuts that you think would go well with chocolate. Raisins, chopped almonds or cashews sound especially delicious to me but whatever you like works.

  • Do I have to use add-ins?


If you try these bliss balls, I’d love to hear how they come out!

Bliss Balls Recipe (6 ingredients. 5 minutes!) - Texanerin Baking (8)


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Bliss Balls Recipe (6 ingredients. 5 minutes!) - Texanerin Baking (9)

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  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Ready in:
  • Yield: about twenty 1" balls


  • 1/2 cup (128 grams) natural nut or seed1 butter (the kind with no added sugar or fat)
  • 1/3 cup (107 grams) maple syrup (or honey for non-vegan)
  • 1-2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup (29 grams) cocoa powder
  • 1 cup (92 grams) quick oats (make sure to use certified GF oats for a GF version)
  • 3/4 cup (64 grams) unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt (assuming you used salted nut butter - if you used unsalted, you'll need about 1/4 teaspoon salt)
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries or another add-in, optional
  • 1/4 cup mini chocolate chips (make sure to use vegan chocolate for a vegan version), optional


  1. In a large bowl, mix together the nut / seed butter, sweetener, and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Add the cocoa powder, oats, coconut and salt and stir until combined. Stir in the add-ins.
  2. My mixture was ready to roll into balls right away. If yours isn't, put into the fridge for a while. If the mixture is too dry, add up to another 1 teaspoon vanilla.
  3. Roll into 1" balls.
  4. Can be kept at room temperature for a week. Can also be frozen for a few months.


  1. Sunflower seed butter works great for a nut-free version.


Recipe by Texanerin Baking|

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Bliss Balls Recipe (6 ingredients. 5 minutes!) - Texanerin Baking (10)

Bliss Balls Recipe (6 ingredients. 5 minutes!) - Texanerin Baking (11)

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Bliss Balls Recipe (6 ingredients. 5 minutes!) - Texanerin Baking (2024)


Are bliss balls actually healthy? ›

They don't contain processed sugar.

Bliss balls are a healthy snack alternative because their sweetness typically comes from dates or dried fruits. That means they come without processed sugar.

What are bliss balls made of? ›

These healthy bliss balls are filled with nourishing ingredients like oats, dates, and fruit. Customize with any nut or seed butter and dried berries of your choice. The perfect make ahead snack!

How many calories are in bliss balls? ›

Other sizes: 1 serving - 318kcal, 100 g - 353kcal, more...

Are protein bites good for you? ›

By snacking on protein bites instead of sugary sweets, they are the perfect healthy alternative whenever you get hungry throughout the day. Provides An Energy Boost: The protein, healthy fats, and fiber in the nut butter energy balls pack the perfect punch when you need an energy boost to start your day off right.

Is Tom and Luke healthy? ›

Better yet, everything was crafted with fresh, real ingredients and even tasted delicious. Tom and Luke™ now sit amongst the most loved health food brands in Australasia and beyond. That's because it's not easy to find the perfect balance of mouth-watering flavour and optimal nourishment.

What are the benefits of bliss balls? ›

Bliss balls are an energy booster that don't rely on processed sugars to give you a buzz. They are high in healthy fats and fibre – it depends on the recipe, but if you have nuts and fruits, you have good fats and fibre. Simple.

Are bliss balls high in calories? ›

Great for on the go snacking, and also a great snack to take to work to have for when that sweet tooth kicks in. Unfortunately, many bliss ball recipes are often loaded with dates and copious forms of nuts, making them extremely caloric dense!

How healthy are energy balls? ›

No bake energy balls are a perfect healthy snack, treat, and breakfast on the go. They are balanced with healthy fats, fiber, and protein. Energy balls for runners, kids, grandma, and anyone between!

Are smooshed protein balls healthy? ›

They have very little sodium in them with only 9mg per 100g. This is a great option as we want to keep sodium below 120mg per 100g. These balls will also give your little ones a good amount of dietary fibre with 5.9g per serve (packet). This will help to keep little tummies happy and regular!

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Name: Neely Ledner

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